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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Gerrant took the poison from the queen. "No, big reason." He said to her looking at the sack. Gerrant then took out one of the poison sacs and ate it right in front of her. "It's weak..."

Kaito doesn't move his hand to shake Rashid's "I'm Kaito, i am one of two aces for the guild Sabertooth" he said calmly he tried hard to look at his face but he was unable to. "i am known as the magician" he grinned as he put his cards into his pocket. "and I'm guessing you saw my lightening bolt fly across the sky" he said.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid smiles acting as if he hadnt just been rejected for a handshake,"Oh ive head of you. that makes sense now. Ya i saw the bolt and i wondered who here possessed that kind of power." He smiles at him and looks back towards the sky he thinks of Echidna up there watching him

"From what ive heard, thats not your full power, Id love to get to experience it." He smiles again trying to be friendly
Kaito raised an eye brow the smiled 'this guy, is he really challenging me? he thought to himself. Kaito grinned "is that a challenge? he asked taking a step closer to Rashid "i don't think you will be strong enough to fight me" he yawned. Kaito looked at the sky "that lightening bolt was only one tenth of my power" he said....

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid laughs loudly and wholeheartedly "Yes friends, that's a challenge. Besides no one alive has seen my full and true power" He smiles deviously as he steps closer So the obvious height difference is seen. "I love a shrimp with power..." He smirks and you can see the light of his hood get stronger "Magic, weapons, or hand to hand"

Kaito laughed "first time ive been challenged in a long time" he said. He thought for a minute "how about we go all out? he asked "or are you too scared? he said cockily "we can use anything we want to use, however i don't want to destroy any building so we need to go somewhere no-one else can get hurt" he said seriously...

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid smiles with a nod of agreement "I agree no one is to get hurt, and my old guild master wouldnt like hearing you called me scared." He smirks cockily "Well have a best 2 out of 3. a round of magic, than weapons, and finally hand to hand. is that good. Sir magician" He askeds just as cocky as Kaito was talking

Kaito frowned slightly at his cockiness 'old guild master? he thought. Kaito then shook his head "I'd prefer to see your full power so i say first one to give up, knocked out or even killed? he asked grinning 'the fact that Kaito doesn't use weapons much or he doesn't use his fists either his magic is the only thing that gives hi his strength....

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid thinks a little and nods, "of course harry" He says smiling looking like hes about to burst from holding back a laughter. "im surprised youve never heard of the gate keeper, the guy who killed his whole guild?" He asks simply as if it was some common day thing. He begins to walk past kaito heading tp the forest.

Kaito widened his eyes and then smiled 'killed his whole guild huh? he thought to himself. He then turned to follow him into the forest and thought about what he was going to do 'i haven't fought in a while' he thought. "so what magic you use? he asked while following... wondering what magic this guy that killed his whole guild used.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid growls fiercely and runs extremely quickly into the forest spinning and punching around elegantly and beautiful because of the light tha ha been attached to his fingers sending beams and blasts randomly

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Kaito smiled "light huh? he said "lightening vs light, this is going to be good" he said "so where do you wan to do this? he shouted to Rashid so he could hear him.

Kaito cracked his neck and looked at hi deck of cards while walking. 'my cards' he smiled happily.

@Tj Pomroy
RAshid smiles as he turns back toward kaito watching him walk up "Itll be hella fun" He growls clearly excited from the upcoming battle, 'boy its been a while'He thinks as he smirks and laughs some more. "Hurry up man"

Ryos smiled as his guild mates passionately cheered their guild's name. After the cheering had finished, Ryos' expression changed to a more serious one.

"Alright, as the leader of the Lamia Scale Dark Guild Response Team, I'm taking Blue just like the master asked of me. However, she is all I'm taking. I will attempt to join with the strongest mages of other guilds to take down this new enemy. What I want from the rest of you is to keep this guild safe. Be cautious, for they can wipe this entire guild out from afar. Be prepared to evacuate, and be prepared to help restore and rebuild. I promise we will come back, and that we will come back with good news," Ryos said. He turned his attention to Carrie, and nodded at her, signaling it was time to get going. Since Fairy Tail and Raven Tail were gone, he would first have to go either Sabertooth or Blue Pegasus, and he decided he'd try Sabertooth first. "We're going to Sabertooth."

It was time. Now began the most difficult job that Ryos had ever took part in. Yet, instead of feeling nervous or weary, Ryos felt anticipation. His blood was boiling. He always loved a challenge, but he was about to get way more than that, and he couldn't wait.

"Bring it on Echidna"

Kaito ignores him and carries on at his normal pace "how far away are we? he asked just before yawning, 'im getting bored, we need to start this thing soon' he thought to himself.. he put away his cards and looked at Rashid in front of him.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid impatiently taps his foot "Far enough, woudl you hurry up" He was getting bored as well. He wanted the fight to start and he wanted to know what kaito was made of

Sky stared at him, "you just ate the poison..." She only thought that people that are Poison Dragon slayers and Poison God slayers can only eat the poison. "It's dangerous! Why would you eat it?" She asked.

"I've always eating these." Gerrant said to her. "It's not as dangerous as you think. Rather...not for me anyway." Gerrant said he consumed three more looking at her. "Something the matter?"

Kaito slowly made his way towards the spot he took off his hat and and put it onto a tree branch he kept his cape on. He smiled "so you ready? he asked grinning. 'this is going to be very fun' he said to himself he knew that the guy that he was about to face was really strong but Kaito needed a warm up fight for when they find out who is the strongest in Sabertooth...

@Tj Pomroy
Sky shakes her head, "nope nothing." She turned to a Dusty, who had been following them, "having fun crushing spiders over there Dusty?" She noticed he had already crushed one of them. I guess I didn't kill it properly...

@Orion @Refaulted
Rashid growls loudly as he crouches a little getting a fighting position, light gathering near his hands. "come get me." He waits and hopes he goes all out right away

Gerrant sat down against the cave. "Hmm..." he soon finished the entire bag except the queens venom. "This is weak...not nearly as strong as I hoped." He wasn't entirely satisfied.

Kaito took a step forward a cracked his neck and then he smiled and clicked his fingers "lightening strike" he said as a bolt of lightening burst out of the sky towards Rashid. "hows that? he asked as the lightening bolt was about to his Rashid.

@Tj Pomroy

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