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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Gerrant looked at her for a while. "You're the first person I've really met since coming here at least by name." he stated to her. 'I wonder what she will pull now. This air magic is slightly interesting.'

"Oh you're not in any guild, are you?" Sky asked. She didn't know whether to attack him or not, so she didn't move, but she slightly drop the oxygen level around them.

"No, I'm in not guilds or any condition to fight a real battle." Gerrant said looking at her. He began swinging his sword around in a very rapid fast circular motion.

She looked at him, curious, "why not?" Why can't he fight a real battle? He's a dragon slayer, he should be able to, or is there some conditions that affected him and he can't use too much energy? Sky saw him swinging his sword and her eyes widen, is he going to attack?

"Truth is out of my 100% strength. I've only been going 1% this battle. But, I can only seem to battle with 10% maximum." Gerrant said to her."My power is severely limited." he caught his sword stopping it. "But, I guess this fight is over."

She was shocked to hear that he only used one percent of his power. Sky landed on the ground softly as he said the fight was over. Maybe the power is too much for human body? A powerful dragon must've taught him the magic. "Why ? Why only 10% maximum?" She was too curious. A dragon slayer who can only use 10 percent of his power...

"Truth be told I don't know. My power has been severely cut from me ever since I put on the necklace Iona left me." Gerrant said to her. "I wonder if it also acts as some sort of seal." Gerrant watched her carefully and scratched his head. "Want to help me accomplish something?" he asked.

She looked at the necklace then back at Gerrant, "sure, I'd love to, what do you need help with?" She didn't have anything better to do anyway, not yet. The old man can find her when he needs her, for now she'll help people as much as she can.

Gerrant said to her. "There's a cave to the east. I'm going to go kill the spiders and Queen to collect poison sacs. Do you want to come?" he asked her. Whether or not she came was irrelevant but it needed to be done.

"Yes!" She replied straight away once she know that she gets to kill something, "just lead the way." Sky was back to her normal happy mood now, killing the spiders would be fun. Wait, spiders?! She thought. Sky isn't a fan of spiders, but she had already agreed to go with him, so there's no turning back now. She smiled at Gerrant, waiting for him to lead the way.

Gerrant lead them to the cave, after a few minutes they arrived. There were already spiders as big as children crawling around. "This should be an easy task for someone like you. But, remember." He gave her a sack."Gotta gut them and remove the poison sacs."

"How about I kill and you but them?" She offered, "I'm not good with that kind of stuff." Sky look at the spiders, they were bigger than she expected, but that wasn't a problem, she would kill them, big or small, it doesn't matter.

"Wait till you see the queen at least five times bigger than these ones." Gerrant said looking at her."But, yeah you kill I'll get the sacs." he said grabbing the sac from her.

"That will be more fun, hopefully," she grinned, lifting her hand up and the big rocks nearby float up in the air, "Aerial Shot." She shot the rocks toward the spiders, killing about half of them. They're pretty easy to kill, she thought, I wonder what the Queen would be like...

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Gerrant watched as she killed them. He began collecting the sacs. 'The queen isn't much harder than these.' he thought. Though, her poison was great.

Sky continue killing the spiders as she walk ahead of Gerrant. There were lots of them, but she finally found her real target. The Queen was a lot bigger and probably have more poison in her. Sky quickly killed the queen, since it wasn't much of a fight, well partly because she took the Queen by surprise. After she finished, Sky look at Gerrant and smiled, "all done!" She showed him the Queen, "why do you need these poison anyway?" She asked.

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Kaito stood up and stretched "ok, this time only 1% power" he said. He began to re-arrange his cards around him. Kaito began to charge his lightening again after a few minutes of charging the ball of lightening started to grow until it eventually stopped at the power level of 1%.

Kaito took a step forward "lightening drag slayer, One million volt cannon" he shouted as he fired an electric bolt across the sky brightening it up, the lightening bolt could be seen for miles... And it's power was immense and only at 1%.....

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Startled, Carrie quickly turned around to see who had spoken. Her surprise immediately gave way to exhilaration, upon realizing who it was; it was Ryos Delmora, the guild's Poison Dragon Slayer. A smile slowly began to spread across her face. He was back! Out of all the members in the guild, Ryos was the one she had become closest to. Being a fellow Dragon-Slayer, he understood how it felt, spending years growing close to and learning the ways of our teacher's nature; then suddenly having it all ripped away.

She shook her head slightly, wanting to get out of the daydream and give Ryos her full attention.
"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not going to sit back while a bunch of dark mages try to take over our home, and I sure as hell won't let Lamia Scale's fate be the same as that of Fairy Tail and Raven Tail. It's time to strike back."

Huh?? Lamia Scale..the same fate as Fairy Tail and Raven Tail?...are they going to attack here too?! Following the end of his call to arms, the guild master walked out of her room, giving Ryos a hearty round of applause. "Wonderful Ryos," she said, voice booming. "I do agree that we have been letting this go on for faaaar too long. This time, we should definitely take the fight to them." The Guild Master's eyes twinkled as her mouth opened, revealing a set of 32 pearly-white teeth. Uh-oh...this always means trouble, especially for Ryos, thought Carrie. "RYOS! As our guild's top wizard, aside from myself of course, I declare you head of Lamia Scale's Dark Guild Response Team. I give you full authority to do whatever you need, to bring all this rampaging to a halt. I would go myself but...I have soooo MUCH paperwork to do!" Then, there was another twinkle in her eye, as her gaze shifted to Carrie.

Uh oh.

"Oh and please, take the little blue one along with you. I have a feeling she'll be very useful." Carrie coughed aloud and kicked the floor, as she knew exactly what the master meant. These past few months, Carrie hadn't seen much of Ryos. There was something she was doing, consuming all of her time and energy, leaving none to interact with other guild-mates: and that was training with the Guild-Master day-in and day-out. "Go on Blue, show our little Dragon-Slayer what you can do." Cupping two hands to the mouth, Carrie took a deep breath and roared, "Sea Dragon's... "You break it, you buy it," the guild master interrupted. Oh shoot! Gotta change it! Gotta change it! "...Breath!

In an instant, the Guild Hall was filled from top to bottom with a thick mist. Sucking it all back up into her lungs, the dragon slayer cleared the room a few seconds later, much to the amazement of her fellow Lamia Scales. While clapping again, the Guild Master gave a nod of support. "Good! So everything seems to be in order then. Water Dragon-Slayer, why don't you lead us out in cheer?"

The cheer was what Carrie loved most about her Guild. Being with fellow members, all united under one goal: the success of Lamia Scale. It always put her in a delightful mood. It started:







@BLUR @Lexielai

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Michael left as soon as everybody started to trust in Rashid. That was something he would never do, even if the guy actually turned up to be nice. There's just something about him... Maybe it was time to talk with the remaining guilds to organize the offensive. The league was probably not enough to attack the fortress. They had strong mages, but they needed stronger ones. From the level of the master. Lost magic mages. What Sergei could do with Arc of Time was amazing, it was like he had a reset button to the whole world. He said he had used it once, and showed the burn scars on his body to prove it. Michael wondered what would happen to him if he used the magic to come back a year. He might die. Michael walked inside Sabertooth. Sergei was there, over the counter, apparently crying. Michael felt a pain in his chest, not sure if it was his wounds asking for more painkillers or if it was due to the vision of his powerful master looking so terribly bad. It wasn't that surprising, since Sergei considered some of the mages of his guild to be his sons and daughters. Michael decided it was best not to talk with him right now. He climbed to his room, to replace his bandages. It was weird for him to look at the guild empty now. The silence was screaming to everyone who would enter there. He would talk to Sergei so that they would go to Lamia Scale later. Just... Not right now.
Dusty had been following Sky and Gerrant, wondering who this mystery man was. Ever since Rashid, he had been suspicious about anyone who wasn't from a guild and randomly showed up. He seemed to be a Dragon Slayer like him, so that was interesting. He kept following them through the cave, keeping an eye out for spiders. Faintly, they had a scent of poison magic on them, which was odd. But he had met animals before that due to their various ways of survival had managed to use magic as camouflage or ways of defense. He watched as Sky killed the spiders, and Gerrant gutted them. He yawned, noticing a spider speedily crawling towards him. He growled, turning his fist into rock and smashing it with his fist. Poison sprayed out of it, and Dusty had to jump back to prevent it from getting on him. He saw that it didn't eat away at the stone of his hand, so he changed his other one and his legs, for easy crushing abilities.
Kaito watch his lightening bolt fly across the sky brightening it, he sat down smiling to himself " This is power" he grinned happily. after only using a 1% power million volt lightening cannon. after a few seconds of admiring his lightening bolt, Kaito opened his eyes widely "what if someone saw? he said to himself "oh god" he quickly started to collect his cards back up....
Rashid had left Arturo and Lara company after seeing the large blast of lightning, he ran through town asking various people who sent him on a little wild goose hunt all through small alleys and down a long street that was completely empty except Kaito, who was quite hastily trying to pick something up of the ground, "So you made the lighting" He states simply as he walks up behind the panicked and joy-struck man.

Kaito piked up his last card the he heard a voice behind him. He turned around and raised an eyebrow "who are you? he asked confused. He started to put his cards in order. "I've never seen you before" he said picking up his top hat and putting it onto his head and then sat down on the floor waiting for the man to answer his question.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid smiles and offers his hand as he walks up to him "Depends who you ask most will call me the mountain man, the people around here call me untrustworthy. Those that know of my past will call me the GateKeeper. But i am a simple man. I am Rashid." He smiles warmly the light around his face bright angian not letting kaito see his face. But he walked with a small limp and seemed very weighed down and tired. "and who are you friend?"


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