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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Gerrant was getting bored of watching this fight. "Sky...you do so much better than these two clowns." he said to her quietly. Starting to yawn it was literally putting him to sleep.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Refaulted
Lara sighed as she felt magic energy all around the forest. She just ignored that and went back to brushing kero. She started to quietly sing a song her mom use to her.
Lara sighed as she felt magic energy all around the forest. She just ignored that and went back to brushing kero. She started to quietly sing a song her mom use to her.
Kaito flew into trees breaking several of them until he hit a side of a rock, he collapsed onto the floor "that ... did not feel good" he groaned on the floor, still in the forest. Kaito was unable to move for a long time due to fatigue and hunger.
Ashton felt the connection of his fist and it felt good! He grabbed Dusty's hand as it was still on his stomach and leaned close to his ear,"My level of intoxication makes my entire body numbs so try harder than a single punch, okay?". His scarf rolled up a bit as it was coated with black lightning. The other side of his scarf wrapped around both his hand and Dusty's hand so that neither of them could move. The scarf that was coated with dark lightning repeated bashed his face with intense force. Then someone pushed into Ashton causing him to shift a bit,"...The hell?". Ashton didn't want to be bothered by it so he vibrated his hands and body,"Lightning God Slayer Technique: Roar of Zeus!". A thunderbolt crashed into Ashton causing a thick force of lightning to be released this time breaking most of the trees and causing a dent to be formed on the ground below them.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Orion
"I dunno," she looked at Gerrant, "why don't you make it more fun?" She grinned then goes back to watching the fight. Dusty is Earth Dragon Slayer and Aston was Lightning a God Slayer, who is also drunk, she wondered how this would end.
Ryos looked down at his left leg as the water that was once his guild mate wrapped around it. Obviously he felt uncomfortable, since his left leg was now wet, not to mention Carrie was the water that was on his leg. He knew she liked being carried, so he allowed her to stay on his leg, however uncomfortable it made him.

"You know eventually you're gonna have to get used to being on land, how do you expect to help me battle Echidna," Ryos sighed.

"Hey," the water gurgled. "Tell me something. I want to know about your dragon teacher."

Ryos thought about his dragon mother, Ventalia. "Well, as you know my dragon, Ventalia, is a poison dragon. From when I was just a baby she took care of me. She took me as her own, and she taught me how to be strong. It's one thing to be a powerful wizard, but she taught me strength, real strength. You can have the strongest magic in the world and it would make no difference, because what makes you strong isn't your magic. It isn't your muscles, or speed. Two things make you strong Blue," Ryos stopped, pointing his right index finger to his head, and pounding his chest with his left hand, "Your mind and your heart. Strength is to always count yourself in, to never stress, to remain calm in the face of adversity. Keeping your mind clear and making good choice. Strength is to never give up, to fight until you have nothing left. To get up regardless. She taught me that. For this reason I fight everyday to find her again, to show her I'm strong, that I had the heart to never give up, to show her I had the mind to survive without her. I'll find her Blue, and you'll find your dragon. That's a promise," Ryos said emphatically, looking forward and smiling.

Gerrant looked at sky."I guess." he said walking towards the battle. Gerrant didn't know if this was the extent of their power but he might be joining in now.

Dusty screamed, feeling the lightening continuously bash him. He gritted his teeth. He placed his hand on the scarf that engulfed his hand. He screamed again as lightening coursed through his body. He kept a firm grip on it, and he slowly started to go numb. At first there was sound all around him, of lightening crashing down. But it was slowly getting quieter. He felt anger starting to course through him. His blood was boiling. He growled. "Won't...lose...Boulder...would...kill me..." He ripped the scarf off of his arm, jumping back. He stared down at his arm, now completely black from the lightening. He rubbed his face, stinging from the pain. He stared at Ashton, his face a complete mask of fury. "I'm not gonna lose to some drunk guy with a talking cat! I don't need alcohol to win!" Dusty ripped up rocks from the ground, swallowing them whole. He felt power course through him. He stared murderously at Ashton. "I will not lose today! No mater what!" He slammed his fist into the ground. "Secret Dragon Slayer Magic: Hide of the Earth Dragon!" Dusty felt rock from around gravitate towards him, surrounding him and molding into a thick armor. When it was finished, the mold that surrounded him looked like a mix between dragon and human. The only visible part of him was his eyes.
Gerrant stepped a few feet away from dusty. "That's an interesting skill you have there." he said standing there. Although, he probably wouldn't go all out. He found no way he could take this fight serious enough.

Ashton smiled," You...*hiccup* Hypocrite! You make it sound like your fine not using anything until you add in reinforced hard rock armor! Well....Let me tell you just how I feel about your armor". He spin around and took out another bottle of wine and started drinking it all and then threw it on the floor. Ashton turned around and bent down before smacking his butt to taunt Dusty,"Hahaha!". Ashtons yellow and black tinted aura faded away as it was replaced with black lightning that started to come out of his eyes. He put his hands together as if he was holding a sword,"Black Lightning of the Forgotten One: Keen Eye Sword!". A large sword erupted from his hand and it was exactly 11 foot long and was radiating with black lightning. Ashton couldnt stop laughing at this fight, but still had a good cause on why,"You rude little twat! No one messes with my family and thinks they can beat Raven Tail's S-Rank God Slayer with ease! Black Lightning of the Forgotten One: Zantengetsu!". His legs were coated in black lightning as he charged towards Dusty and slashed before making contact with him. A black line was formed in mid air after that strike that open up and began releasing black blades from the inside and aimed towards Dusty at intense speed.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Orion
Dusty watched the swords fly towards him. One struck him, smashing into him but not making him move in the slightest. As each sword hit him, he smiled wider. No scratch was left on him as each sword crashed against him, harmlessly disappearing as they were destroyed against his armor. He had used one of the six Secret Dragon Slayer Magics that Boulder had taught him. It was risky to use it, since he couldn't move with enough speed in the Hide. But it was the ultimate defense. He remembered Boulder's story of how this magic came to exist...

In a time where dragons were first being become into existence, people would rise up against us. They would use their magic to attack us, but was nothing compared to our power. Then, one day, a new magic was brought before us. The power to defeat a God. We were too confidence. Before we could retaliate, they had destroyed many dragons. The dragon's of the Earth rose up, using forbidden powers and taking the Earth, using it to strengthen themselves. He created the Great Hide, made of the toughest rocks of the earth. No magic to this day has penetrated it, and none shall ever do so.

When Dusty met Boulder again, he would have to thank him. He yelled at Ashton. "
If you believe my armor is some sort of meek defense, easily smashed by simple magic like yours. This is magic that has taken me a long time to master. You saying or thinking you can defeat it is an insult to my family, you drunk pile of ****!" He laughed, letting the blades descend upon his armor.
Gerrant watched the blades pelt Dusty he took up his own blade. "Dragon Flap!" Gerrant waved his hand at Dusty and Ashton two consecutive wide ranged explosions of light magic would come from beneath them to blast them up the second stronger than the last.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @MemoriesofXemnas
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Ashton paused and dropped his sword as it shattered into piece as he turned to him,"Your master....must have been really idiotic then. You as an Earth Dragon Slayer should know...*hiccup* That when it comes to the contents of hard rock such as bedrock...When it meets water...especially natural water, guess how weak it can be?". He turned around to see that Gerrant has finally entered the game,"...Now you decided to join". He jumped back to try and avoid the wide range explosion repeatedly only to come out with a piece of his shirt burnt off,"...Thanks a lot..However, this no longer concerns you...". He turned back to Dusty a smiled,"You are the first to get me this intoxicated to actually uset this technique". He jumped up from tree to tree as Aurora jumped on his back allowing him to freely set the forest on fire with his lightning,"You see...this may take a while, but I would like to show you the fireworks display. This is Sir Vandervier, the first Lightning God Slayer's Signature technique!". He landed back on the ground as the smoke for the forest fire raised up into the sky causing thick black clouds to form in the sky,"Now for a little magic touch!". He licked his finger as it started to spark lightning as he repeated shot the clouds allowing the lightning to freely surge all around the thick clouds. This caused it to rain down hard on all of them and got rid of the fire that was burning the trees."My favorite part of a rainy day...A Thunderstorm Approaches!", He raised his hands to the sky as his scarf wrapped around his arms for causing the lightning to come together and change to the color blue. It crashed down onto Ashton and it looks as if he is holding onto it,"Indestructible, Impenetrable, Untouchable! It is all the same! All until they finally see that there is a force strong enough to destroy their hard defense! Well let me tell you something, you twat! You are about to witness the strength of Buddha! Forged Lightning God Slayer Forgotten Revenge: Buddha's Left Hand to the World!". The lightning in his hand became a shining spear as he threw it into the sky causing the clouds to disperse. The spear became a large Buddha Statue as it fell into the ground with his left hand smashing right above Dusty. The force of the impact was intense enough to flight Ashton far back into the burning force and crash through multiple trees. It did do him damage, but he was protecting Aurora in his arms the entire time.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Refaulted

Lara and kero felt the explosions. The two sighed " I am starting to wonder if looking for a guild to join was big ....mistake...." "dont say that lara...." " maybe I am just tired or this dark guild has put me over the edge ..." " it's probably the second one..." " yeah....I just wish... I dont know...." she sighed " gah!! I am being too damn whinny!!"
Gerrant started walking towards Ashton. "A giant Buddha statue now that is something you don't see everyday." he stopped walking towards Ashton. "That magic was pretty pale." he commented.

Dusty watched the giant statue of Buddha descend down on him. He waited for it to hit him. This was the test of pure power. He smiled. He would not lose. He made his promise. He watched as the statues hand came down on his Hide. The force made his teeth clench. He felt veins bulge as he strained to keep his armor. He heard a crack. He laughed. Even dragons feared the gods. But he wasn't scared. He was happy. The armor started cracking at the feet. He felt it beginning to shatter. As it rose to his waist, he smiled. "The strength of Buddha?! Amazing! All should fear a god, but it's their right to show that fear or not!" As the last of the armor broke, the sand that had been inside his armor broke free and slammed against the Buddha's hand. He looked up at the statue. He sucked in air. He brought forth Sky's earlier attack. He mixed that with his own breath. "Heavenly Roar: Earth Dragon's Scream!" He unleashed his Roar on the statue. It was the most amount of magical power Dusty had to use in a long time. His Roar hit the statue, pushing it back. Pain exploded in his chest, but he kept up the attack, pushing the statue farther away from him.
Sora, the Windrunner

The nightlife of Hargeon was as vivid as it was expansive. Being a popular harbor, it was one of the largest cities in Fiore and housed some of the more influential merchant families. More importantly, it was one of Fiore's most prominent information hubs. Whether it be about trade status, foreign politics, internal disputes, or in this case, illegal activities, Hargeon was one of the few places to hear it all in just one spot. As tourists and natives wandered the streets, the bright lights of civilization never failed to keep their guard against the darkness...at least in the visible areas this was the case.

Nevertheless, patrolling guards never noticed a single cloaked figure merge into the huge crowds, where its presence blended in with those all so alike. Like so many others, this figure browsed through the various streetstands and shops present within the port, examining goods from the local seafood to exotic jewelry dangling within foreign merchant's hands. With a dusty and patched up brown cloak, most clearly recognized this figure as one of the many travelers within town and sought to exploi-- I mean, profit from-- his or her needs. Not that this figure spared more than a cursory glance at their goods; however interested he or she may be, there was only one thing that caught this person's eye tonight. It was a little bookstore, hidden in the small alcove between two lavish and enormous restaurants. This traveler entered and quickly sought what he or she was after: a small, orange book decorated with an illustration of a scantily-glad woman in a suggestive pose titled Icha Icha Paradise.

Suppressing a small (and suspiciously perverted) giggle, the figure stepped up to the counter with book in hand. A young woman, a seemingly average brown-haired girl with glasses named Hikari, took a look at the traveler in front of her counter. It was hard to tell much really; surprisingly enough, this figure had managed to entirely conceal their face under dark shadows save for one sage green lock of hair that curiously poked through the small hood. Hikari's eyes traveled downwards to the cute, skull-shaped pin holding the two ends of the cloak together and smiled.

"I never thought you were one of those types, Sky," Hikari mischievously giggled, turning her body and leaning in sideways to the figure, her right hand coming up beside her mouth as if the girl was telling a conspiratorial secret. The traveler could have sworn that Hikari's eyes became cat-like, her eyes narrowing into slits with a literal sparkle in her eyes.

"It's for a friend, really," the aforementioned 'Sky' replied nervously, but Hikari wasn't fooled. If anything, the pink cheeks lighting up under that hood seemed to illuminate her shop more than her own lamps did.

"Sure, uh-huh. I believe ya. Totally."

"Shut up, Hikari," answered the mildly embarrassed 'Sky', who cautiously slid exact change along the table, cautiously looking all around to check for eavesdroppers. If an outsider was looking in, the way that 'Sky' rapidly checked left and right would've made the scene look like a suspicious drug deal if nothing else.

Hikari giggled again, collecting the coins and sliding half of them into her cash register. One who looked carefully would've realized that the book only cost half the amount exchanged. With a practiced and casual motion, Hikari discretely deposited the another hand into her side pouch.

"So?" grumbled an impatient 'Sky', who was still annoyed at the ease in which Hikari dished out public embarrassment.

Quirking an eyebrow, Hikari then pouted at the cloaked traveler. "Mou~ you're no fun!" she said, slowly leaning in. Her face turned serious for the first time that encounter, putting real intent to the concealment of the conversation to eavesdroppers this time.

"I've heard bad things," Hikari stated, a grimace crossing her features. "Rumor is, there's a new dark guild out there calling themselves 'Echidna.' They totaled Fairy Tail and Raven Tail yesterday with some sort of new weapon. Tons of casualties."

Sky's light embarrassment morphed stone-cold in an instant. "Where can I find them?"

Hikari sighed and shook her head. "You really shouldn't seek them out," she said, looking down at the wood counter. "They're really dangerous, like nothing you've faced before. Please, just leave this one alo-"

A palm in the air interrupted her. To Hikari's surprise when she looked up, the young girl found the gaze of the most beautiful, emerald eyes she had ever seen. And they were gazing her with a strength of will, a determination that seemed to lift her off the ground and pledge to protect her with all its might. She lightly gasped.

"Where. Are. They?" Sky once more asked, this time the traveler's voice sounding much more demanding.

Unable to stand the pressure, Hikari looked away in shame.
"I don't know much about the specifics...but there's a join-mission meeting at the Sabertooth Guild Hall. If anything, that's where all the real information is going to be."

"Thanks, Hikari," Sky said to the shopkeeper, the hint of a smile seeming to creep under Sky's shadowed face. Gracefully, the figure left the bookstore, only stopping when Hikari called out to her one last time.

"Stay safe, okay," the worried girl said, her eyes pleading. "You don't always have to fight them all alone you know. Ask anyone from the guild and we'll definitely help out."

Sky showed no motion of being startled, but the subtle opening of the traveler's mouth revealed Sky's real feelings. Hikari can almost swear that for a brief moment, she saw a sad look in the departing Sky's eyes before the other turned towards the door.

"You already know what I'm going to say," Sky replied after a moment of stunned silence. Then the cloaked figure left to disappear into the night once more.

Hikari looked through the window by her counter, gazing into the shining night. It was a beautiful sky, wasn't it? She saw a star blazing through the air, stretching all the way across her vision to reach someplace towards the same direction Sky had walked in.
'Sky...' Hikari thought, her mind reaching towards her newly departed visitor. Then the girl sighed and went back to work.

Hikari figured that if she couldn't reach Sky, then maybe a reaching star probably could.
Ashton emerged from the forest with a dark face,"Being sober at this point is a bad idea for me...At this point, drinking wine won't work...So then...Sir Vanderveir, Should I use my next attack?". His body erupted with black and yellow electricity as it seemed to fuse together to make it a dark green color with a black tint. He sat down on the ground and meditated as the energy of the Buddha statue came back to him causing his aura to get larger,"Unfortunately for you...I will not be breaking my Taboo on vermin such as you...Earth Dragon Slayer...Your punishment for insulting My family will be brought to you even if it means I have to destroy everything in the process!". He got up and removed his scarf and coat and placed it on a branch,"This is the best way to remove my anger for how our guild lost to Fairy Tail! Im gonna break that armor of yours and then I am gonna break you". Vains on his body started to get thicker as the ground below him started to rumble and lightning started to spark from the crack below. He started to mark his forehead with a cross as the blood feel down his forehead,"By the Power of Buddha, the one and only, I give you his divine punishment! Forged Lightning God Slayer Reveal Technique: Divine Judgement of Siddhartha Buddha!". A magic circle formed below him with a face of buddha as a black and golden buddha statue made entirely of lightning came out of it. It held a large staff as it pointed at Dusty and then sat down in meditation to focus its power into its hand. The lightning became one large spear as it gave a mighty throw directly at Dusty's body armor and once it came into contact, it released a large pillar or lightning that shot straight into the sky. Ashton started getting weaker and needed to devour some sort of lightning type material before he passes out,"..Don't think just because I am weak doesnt mean that my hand to hand combat has not changed!". He got into his stance and smiled as the sparks of lightning around hims started getting thin.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Refaulted
Gerrant began to clap and spoke to Ashton. "You're attacks may be very weak. But, they are flashy I'll give you that much." he dragged his sword into the ground as he was watching the impending battle against Ashton and dusty

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Refaulted @MemoriesofXemnas
Dusty scowls. He surprisingly had enough magic power left to fight. Maybe it was using Sky's magic as well as his own. He shook his head, putting up his fists. "You're strong, but listen here. I trained for years under the most strict and strongest dragon. I haven't lost one fight yet. So just get defeated already!" He ran at Ashton. "Secret Dragon Slayer Magic Art: Hammer of the Earth Dragon!" Dusty slammed his fists into the ground, sending a pillar flying at Ashton, then having all the sand in the surrounding area from before spin and swirl around him, creating a barrier. "Sand Shield!"
Ashton put his arms in an X formation as his scarf, even after being removed still had enough electric charge to move with the weak static from Ashton. It got up and stretched as high and as wide as possible to shield Ashton and to catch each of the pillars only to redirect them back,"You really think pillars can stop Poly Duranimum Fibroid that easily? This scarf belonged to the First Lightning God Slayer Sir Vandervier and I intend to maintain his legacy!". The scarf quickly wrapped around his body as it started rub itself all around Ashton's body to conduct eleectricity,"Time for Round Two!". He opened his mouth as the conducted electricity from his scarf entered into his mouth allowing him to devour it. The electricity was just enough for him to handle a second round! "I am getting bored of your defenses. It is high time I end this fight!". He formed an arrow from lightning as three rings surrounded his hands,"Forbbiden Lightning God Slayer Magic: Apollo's Silver Arrow". He fired on arrow as it stick to his rock armor even threw his sand shield. Ashton chuckled as he fired more that only stick to his armor and did nothing more. "Hehe you might think of this attack as a bluff or a dud...but I assure you. You won't be moving anymore!", The arrows started to scrawl on his armor in a lightning type of manner until it can find an opening to get inside. "Better act fast...If you don't get out of the armor quick then the arrows will find the opening on your eyes and electrocute you from the inside and if you try and close up that part then your not going to be able to breath. hahaAHAHAHAAA! ".

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Refaulted

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