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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Gerrant looked at her using light magic to reduce the pain in her tail. "Is that right...well I hope that goes well then." he said to turn looking away from a moment and then back at her. "I'll need your help soon enough." he said going back into silence.


Arturo took his hand. "Sure sounds like fun. Well if we survive but it won't be easy." he responded to him. How would they survive? Other people should be perfectly fine but him... he might not be so strong against this threat.

@Tj Pomroy
Dusty doesn't look at Jake. "I've been busy. Besides, I assumed you were too pissed at me to talk to me anyways." He talks with indifference, keeping his gaze on Michael. "And anyways, why would I be jealous? I don't want a relationship with anyone." He stepped away from Jake a bit. Honestly, he was still pretty angry with Jake on how he acted.
Geis stood up and dramatically turned. "Send out the golems! Let the weak tremble before our name! Let the strong fall and crumble!" Immediately there was rumbling as the the golems were hastily put into portals and sen crashind down upon Fiore. The golems didn't move for a bit before roaring and going into a rampage.
Lara blinked when she saw what looked like stones fall from the sky or more accurately echidna " damn them!" She ran to the sight where on one of the golems fell. She looked at it " it looks like..." before she could finish it started to move and attack her " and now it looks dangerous..." she dodged an attack from it.


Kero looked at him " thank you....and what do need help with??"

Rashid smiles and nods patting Arturo's head reassuringly "We'll be okay, i promise i wont let anything happen to you"


Jake growls and steps back in front of him "You're seriously still pissed at me, really how is it my fault i freaked out when you said you hated me, i thought i liked you at the time." Jake closes his eyes for a second breathing hard to calm himself. Opens his eyes again starring into dustys eyes.

Dusty looked at him lazily. "You didn't give my thoughts any care, so I didn't give yours any. That's called equality. Learn it." He was being harsh, which he knew. He stepped to the side, away from Jake. He was being persistent, and it was annoying him.
Gerrant sensed what was happening outside and looked at Kero. "There's no time Echidna has played another card...golems.. you must act swiftly warn everyone and get back to your master." He said to her.

Arturo felt relief when he said that. "Okay I'll try my best to protect you too then." Arturo responded though his power wasn't much it surely could help at one point


@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles warm and lays his hand on dustys shoulder and he spits right on his chest the spit splitting up sending tiny bubbles of boiling water into everyone of dustys cuts. Than the water freezes into little spikes to every time he moved it would cut worse and worse. "Bite me, Equality"


Rashid smiles warmly at arturo, "im sure you'll be a huge help" He pats it head again.

Michael blushed at the question from Yami, somehow surprised by it. More than a friend? Ah... Erm... Well... He didn't know what to say. Maybe. "Ah... Erm... Well... Let's just say I like you and that I care for you a lot". That was a lot for a man who didn't liked to talk about his feelings. "Just be safe. I'll be there with you". He smiled, hoping that she would get without him having to say it out loud. A loud noise interrupted the conversation. Michael could feel a strong dark energy coming from everywhere. He stopped smiling and started to look around. "Did you felt that?".

Sergei stopped watching the orb when Skiá asked him about what it was. "It's a memory orb. I make one sometimes to take a better look at the past. This is one of the kids that I gave shelter to when I started my job as guild master. He was older by the time he died here". Sergei stopped talking when he felt lots of little quakes on the earth, caused by something falling upon it. He instantly thought about Echidna. "Well, it looks like since we're not bringing the attack to them, they're bringing it to us".

A mage with golden hair and eyes like gem's appeared in the kingdom of Fiore "My old home,it looks like i'm back" he grinned. He took flight into the air watching what looked like rocks falling from the sky. He cocked an eyebrow in confusion until he had an epiphany :Golem's!" he exclaimed as they began to attack the city "I wonder if they need help" he thought to himself watching from the sky
Arturo was unsure of himself could he really be that much help? Sure he was strong. But, a god-slayer and Dragon slayer were of other calibers right? "Yeah..." he didn't sound to confident in himself but regardless it had to be done.

@Tj Pomroy
Yami saw.. golems. "Master! Michael!" She yelled and pushed Michael out of the way and herself from a Golem. She scrambled away and. Pushed Michael against the wall, "DAMN!" She yelled. Yami smiled at what he said and nodded. "Not one for words." She stated but patted his chest,

Sora, the Windrunner

"Ok nice to meet you eagle" greeted the blond towards the cloaked woman. Aforementioned "Eagle" gave a weak wave, but cringed a little on the inside. 'Eagle? Really? You had to use the name from that man?'

Perhaps it was all for the best. The one codenamed 'Sky' had an infamous reputation as a dark guild killer, after all. Eagle gloomily wondered when was the last time someone ever called her by her real name. It had been a long time, but she wasn't going to let that bother her. 'Better to keep it secret' she reasoned, although dubiously.

Her eyes idly followed Ryos, who seemed intent on reaching her. 'Not too shabby,' she evaluated, his skills remarkably more advanced than the typical wizard. When the other teen loosened her strap and gave her a lift, Eagle, still embarrassed, gave a light mumble of appreciation, "Thanks."

She would have said more, had the words not been hitched in her throat. Unexpectedly, Eagle found herself face-to-face with Ryos, in quite the close proximity in fact. They couldn't have been an inch part, closer if she didn't freeze when she did. Emerald eyes met purple, one pair surprised and the other calm. Unwillingly, a light blush rose to the green-haired wizard's cheeks. She may have been a strong fighter, but contact with members of the other gender could still catch her off-guard.

"Well there you go. I assume you can do the rest yourself," Ryos declared, apparently seeing that his job was done. Eagle didn't break eye contact with him for a second until the other man climbed down, but involuntarily looked away from the other's departing body. She stared at the wood for a few seconds, trying to rack her brain for answers on what just happened to her. 'This is why I don't talk to boys...' she lamented in confusion. It didn't help that she was just reading a dirty-- I mean, totally appropriate, PG-13-- book.

'Although, he is kinda cute.'

Suddenly, a series of booms came crashing down upon the roof, followed by mini-earthquakes all around. Eagle looked up, and to her alarm, there appeared to be something cutting through the wooden roof. Furthermore, it looked like a rain of flaming metal objects seemed to be falling from the sky, if what she saw outside the window was correct. Eagle bluntly voiced the thought on everyone else's mind, "What the hell is going on?"

  • "Orange" = Sora

    "Orange Italics" = Sora's Thoughts

    "Blue" = Skia

    "Purple" = Ryos

Rashid grabs arturo and picks him up hearing screaming he jumps back behind the bar a huge round shield of light surronding the two of them.

Kero transformed to her leopard form " how did they not notice that!!" Kero then used her speed magic and ran out the guild to where lara is. She went at such speed and it felt like a huge gust of wind went through the build.



Lara took out a katana and cut the arm of the golem she cover her feet in fire magic and kick the golem in the stomach, hard enough to breaknit into pieces. She then ran of to destroy rest.
Arturo didn't even have time to react to Rashid's sudden movement. Though, he felt the presence he was unsure of what was causing it. It was only a matter of time before something bad happened it could feel it. "You okay, Rashid?" he asked

@Tj Pomroy

Gerrant got up from his seat. "Let the games begin!" he said out loud grabbing his sword. He began slowly walking towards the exit of the building to find that girl once more

Dusty watched the ice form on his chest, and shrugged. "I just went through Hell and back, Jake. This is nothing." He felt tremors under his feet. He sniffed the air, but couldn't smell any sort of magic. He pushed Jake out of the way, looking up at the sky. He saw a bunch of odd looking objects falling from the sky. "Golems...?" He ran over to Michael, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Listen, Sparky. I can't fight right now. Well..." He slammed his heel into the gut of the golem, making it stagger backwards. "I could, but I won't be useful. I don't smell magic on these guys, so they aren't too much of a threat." He turned and punched the golem as hard as he could. It fell over, seemingly dazed. He bit his tongue from the contact, but he had to do something. "Help me think of something to do, Michael!" He jumped on top of the golem, slamming his fists into it's head.
Rashid nods and stand up letting Arturo go "Sorry" He spins his hands into a small circle "Light god slayer magic, Portal of thy ancients" he whispers as his hand disappears in the hole and draws back his broad sword. "Arturo get a sword and follow me" He says waiting for him


Jake smiles and snaps as dusty's tongue freezes solid and he starts walking towards the door, "The more you move the more those blade will hurt you. you mightn't feel it now but believe me once you're healed, you'll feel it" he smirks walking outside.

Arturo held out his hand and summoned forth a sword. He was wondering what he had planned to do Rashid was strong he could tell that much. "What's the plan then?" Arturo was ready to follow him.

@Tj Pomroy
Sergei stood up as fast as he could and wrapped his hand in purple nullification magic. He dodged an attack from one of the golems, who punched the table breaking it to pieces. He aimed a punch and the golem's eye and stroke down with all of his strenght. The golem was broken to and reduced to little rocks. "This goddamn pieces of scum are wanting to break down my guild again? Oh, they are gonna get it!". Sergei remembered that he should warn everyone about the weak point of the golems. "Look, I haven't seen this things in like, a hundred years, but last time I checked they hate when you poke their eyes". Upon hearing Dusty call for help, he wrapped his hand in magic again and punched the golem that Dusty was standing upon in the eye, breaking it apart.

After he heard the words of his master, Michael started to cover his body with static. He gently pushed Yami away from him. "Sorry, but you don't wanna get hurt around me". Michael started to fly around, quickly dodging the attacks from the golem and trying to hit them in the eyes. He flew towards Dusty, but Sergei did an "okay" sign with his hand. Michael returned towards Yami and tried to punch a golem behind her in the eye, missing it for a bit. His hand was still weak and his bones were hurting. The golem lowered his hand fast against Michael, but he rolled in the ground dodging the attack. "Look behind you, Yami!"

"Well we don't have to walk then" she was trying to stay calm but the idea of them just made her so angry. She covered her still clenched fists with shadows and actually used her senses.

'Wait it doesn't feel like mages' she brushed that off and prepared for battle, a lot calmer thinking it's probably not the Echinda. She stayed calm and tried to stay alert.
Rashid smiles fiercely, "watch my back, and slice them to pieces aim for other the chest or head, im thinking they will be their weakest point, dont try your magic it draws you to much it isn't worth it. and don't go to far from me, got it?" He leads him to the door, waiting for arturos response.

Lara shot a laser at a golem that was about killed a lady protecting her child. " run!!!" The lady pickedbher up and ran. Two more appear and lara jumped out of the way and cut the arm of the golem of. The second one tried to hit her but cut it's leg of before it could touch her. She took out her guns and aimed bit at the middle of their and destroyed them with one power shot.
Dusty turned, trying to muster enough magic to make his fists into stone again. He finally managed to get enough for half his forearms, so he smashed it into a golem in front of him. He smashed his fist into its skull, watching it break to pieces. He smile din victory, then felt the connection of a fist to his jaw. He flew a few feet, landing on a table. He groaned, then stood up and ran at a few golems. Quickly taking care of them, he looked at the stones on the floor. He needed strength, and the easiest way to do that would be to eat the rocks from the golems. He picked one up, sniffing it. It smelled like regular stone, but he was suspicious. "Sergei!" He ran over. "This stuff safe to eat?" He threw a left hook at a golem behind him, crushing its head.

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