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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Dusty growled. "Bastard..." He threw the golem's arm to the side of him. He wiped sweat from his forehead, then jumped out of the range of the golem. His wounds had opened up again, and were now bleeding, but he had only one goal now.
"Yeah-" she said she got another one. But a golem caught her off guard, it had a long spear jabbing her through the stomach. Now.. How did this happen?! Blood spilled and the golem threw her aside, ready to strike at Michael

Lara looked at dusty and cursedbunder her breath. She shot a light laser at gies's golem which was aimed at the stomach.

The golem's lacrimas flashed and a magic circle appeared to absorb the laser. The lacrima in it's chest dimly lit up. "Uh-uh-uh.'' He said as the golem brought the blade up and quickly brought it down.
Lara blocked the sword with her katana. She took out another sword with a free hand and tried to stab the chest of the golem.

When Michael saw the blood coming out of Yami stomach, rage rained down upon his mind. His eyes started to glow in a yellow light and his whole body was covered in eletricity. He stole the spear from the golem and stuck it at its neck. He then throwed several eletric punches at the monster. Despite not feeling the magic, the monster was being severely knocked back by the hits. The rock monster slipped and fell to the ground. Michael started to punch its face, and the bones inside his hands were starting to shatter due to the several hitting of the rock-head. He was out of his mind, without thinking about stopping to care about the pain. Sergei pointed his orbs to the eye of the golem that Michael was hitting, making him turn back into rocks. "Calm down and go watch Yami, I got this". Michael obeyed and his master and tried to calm down. The eletricity went off his body, leaving a trace of static behind. He ran towards Yami. She was bleeding on the ground. Michael analyzed the wound, looking for a way to stop the bleeding. "Sorry, this will hurt a little bit". He started to press her wound and yelled: "HEALER! WE NEED A HEALER HERE!".

Lara jumps back and her sword disappears "... lara... lara everlast...." she answered she readied her katana again. She coats her feet in wind magic and gets behind the golem and makes an upward slash on it's back.

Kaito yawned and sat down on a chair in the guild hall, none f the golems seemed to be bothered abut him so he decided to play with his cards or even better watch people fight and take notes on their fighting abilities and magic powers. He shrugged at the thought of being killed or injured 'if they can't beat some simple Togolese, how do they expect to face the real big enemy? he asked himself as he took a drink from a full cup to his left on a table.
Yami groaned. "I... Am... Stupid... Letting my guard.. Down like that.." She said and winced at his loud voice. "A-are you alright?" She asked
The lacrima on it's chest glowed even brighter. "Very well then, Kara, I shall remeber your name as I craft your tombstone." He said as the golem whirled around and stomped, causing the ground to rumble and disorient her. The golem lifted it's blade and brought it down quickly.
As Lara is fighting the golem, Dusty devours any rocks he can find. He swallows, then faces the silver golem. He prepared himself to run at the golem. He looks around, and assumes that most of the mages split out to fight the golems around the city. He notices a flash of white in the guild hall, and runs in there to see who it is. He would get back to help Lara, but he couldn't do it alone. He sees Kaito sitting at a table playing with his cards. He walks up briskly and grabs a handful of his shirt, dragging him along outside. He sees the golem attack Lara, so he momentarily lets go of Kaito and slams his body against the golem, knocking it off balance.
Lara lost her footing a brought her sword infront of her to block the attack, but instead luka got her out of the way again " this is not good..." she got up and looked at luka " keep the golem busy" she said as she dashed towards the geis with her sword. Luka jumped on the golems head and swiped at it with her metal claws. When she is in her leopard form she wears an armor. With metal claws .

Michael smiled while a few tears came down his face. "You're not stupid. We all make mistakes. Of course I'm alright, you should be worrying about yourself. Actually, no, don't worry, you'll be alright in no time". He turned around again and yelled another time. "A GODDAMN HEALER!". Nobody was answering everybody was too busy fighting. Screw all of them. He turned back to her. "Sorry for the shouts, you're going to be okay, don't worry". More tears streamed on his face after more blood started to flow from Yami's wound. Come on you idiot, think, think! He started to remember something he saw at an old book about Lightning Magic. He aimed his hand towards the wound on Yami's stomach, charging an attack. "Sorry, you're gonna have to trust me here". Please work, please work. His hand started to glow with an unusual yellow colour covering the eletricity. "Life Storm!". A constant yellow lightning streamed towards Yami stomach, healing her wound. After a few minutes, she was healed. Michael felt exhausted by the effort and laid in the ground next to her, watching as everybody else was killing the golems.

The golem roared in pain as it felt stratching. "That's not nice." Geis said as he kicked the leopard away and the golem caught it with its hand. "Crush." He commanded as the golem started to tighten it's grip. Multiple cracks were heard and the golem let go. "Don't worry, I only had it break the bones."
Dusty watched Kero fall to the ground, limp. He turned to the golem, and put his hands together. "Guess I gotta use magic, huh." He interlocked his fingers. "Secret Dragon Slayer Art: Temper of the Earth Dragon!" He felt all emotions leave him. White rage was all that remained. He roared, and ran at the golem, arms pumping. His main target was the damned golem, and he was going to destroy that thing.


Sky heard Michael shouted and ran towards him. Yami was bleeding, and Michael have tears running down his face. Sky isn't a healer but she got an object that can heal wounds slowly. She sat down next to Yami and took her bracelet off of her wrist and puts it on Yami, "I'm sorry, I'm not a healer, but this should slow the bleeding and heals the wound up a little." Sky looked at both of them, "Sorry..."

Luka cried in pain " luka!!!" When luka was dropped she changed back to her cat form. Lara went picked her up " luka! Luka!!" Luka looked at her "... I am fine...." lara cursed under her breath and coated her feet in wind magic and far away from the area and put her on the rooftop. " stay here" "bu-" before ahe could finish lara went back to the area and saw dusty use magic " wait!!! That thing absorbs magic!!!"


The lacrima in its chest flashed and unleashed a torrent of wind magic and knocked back this 'Dusty'. "Dusty eh, same could be said about your skills." The golem smashed it's arm against Dusty and knocked him into a building.
Watching as Sergei was destroying most of the golems, Michael sat on the ground. He smiled when Sky placed her bracelet on the wrist of Yami. "That's okay. I've did something to heal her, but this will help too". He heard the shout of Dusty outside, calling out for a Secret Dragon Slayer spell. Things must be tough for him. He turned towards Sky. "We're okay now. Go help Dusty, I think he might be in trouble, but we're doing fine here now, master Sergei is protecting us from most of the attacks. Go help him, I think he really needs you. Be careful". He hugged Sky. "Remember to aim at their eyes. Try to throw Dusty as high as you can, so he can fall upon them like a metor. And make that dumbass who's riding the golem breathless".

Yami smiled at Sky. "Well.. Watch master.." She said. More concerned about master than herself. That's the Yami everyone knows. "Is sky alright? What about Dusty?"
Dusty started to pound on the golem. His fists made small dents in the golems skin, which meant he was making progress. He flew back at the attack of the golem, but immediately got back up. "With my Temper Magic Art, magic energy can be converted into physical energy!" He ran at the golem again. Most of his attacks based around his physical strength, so this was an advantage to him. He grabbed the golem and with momentous effort lifted the golem up. He was sweating now, so he dropped the golem on its side. He panted from the effort, and jumped back next to Lara as she jumped at the golem. He needed more strength. But how? "Lara! Careful!"
Sky hugged Michael back and nodded, "okay, you can count on me." She ran to where Dusty was fighting against the golem. "Hey Dusty!" She shouted, trying to get his attention, "ready to fly!? I'm gonna throw you!" She wasn't sure if he was okay with this.

@gilwaybetternow @Refaulted
Dusty turned to Sky, thankful she was there. He probably looked insane, covered in blood and torn bandages. "Just do it, Sky!" He turned back to the silver golem. He knew what to do now. If he got enough altitude, then he could use another one of his Combat Arts.


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