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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Sky chuckled, "of course not, old man. It's not your magic type." Her stomach growled and she frowned, "you think I can get some food here? I haven't have anything, well apart from hot choc." She was hungry and something smell nice in the hall.

((They're not up yet? I'm going to sleep in an hour or so...maybe))

@gillwaybetter @Verhiron

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Michael pointed towards the dinner hall. "I'm pretty sure they got food there. Not sure if they let mages from another guilds eat here though". Sergei sat at a counter where a bunch of mages where getting drunk. He asked for a bottle of whiskey. This was being tiresome for nothing. It looked like their master wasn't even there. He didn't even thought he saw any of the guild aces wandering around the place. Maybe they just don't like to stay here that much.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Bills352 @OverlyIntricateLove @Infinities Lover @igneel
Sky sighed, "I guess I better wait till after." She sit down next to Sergei, eyeing the drunk mages cautionly. She couldn't believe that a guild, with drunk mages, like these people, would win the Game. "Where's the Master?" Sky asked, "he's probably not here, since he haven't come out to greet us yet..."


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After a while of feeling awful about bullying a hotheaded kid and eating some vanilla ice cream to make him feel a bit more invigorated, he decided to go back to his guild. He's been gone for almost a whole day, just hanging around the Raven Tail Guild. He walked casually back to his guild. He got pulled over twice by fans who still remembered him from Sorcerer, He doesn't mind being pulled over by a few fans, but when he gets swarmed is when he gets worried and flees. Ajax got into the guild and yelled to just to everyone in the guild with a large wave, "Heya fellas! I'm back, any good jobs!?" He was disappointed when he was informed that there were no other A-class Fairy Tail Wizards in the guild and not any A-class job that he'd be interested in. HE shrugged and sat down at a table in the middle of the hall next to a wizard that he knew who's magic specialized in hexes. Ajax sat across the table from him and then took out his library book on the alchemical properties of ice and frost. He was about three fourths finished with the 400 page study. He asked the bartender for some ice, and the bartender replied by throwing a baby sized hunk of ice on his table. Ajax nibbled at it slowly while he read the book.

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

@gilwaybetternow @RebelliousTeddyBear @Verhiron

Arturo leaped back before being tripped or pinned. "Sorry...but I'm not going to let you end this that easily." He watched her carefully he was prepared for anything she could pull...even the cat.

Lara re-equiped her guns again and started shooting at him. The bullets were made of air magic, so if it hit him it would hurt him.

Arturo was getting bored of this run and gun game he used his gravity magic to keep repelling her bullets away slowly making her way towards her. "Is this all you got? Come now...did you really beat dark guilds with such a cowardly tactic? Regardless if it worked." Arturo asked.

" just checking on how your use your gravity magic..." she dighed and put awa her guns. " and I usually just brust in through the front door and start attacking them..."

"So, you attack first. That's a shocker. I would have never guessed." Arturo said holding out his hand and lessening the gravity around her then increases the gravity around her to start causing pain.

" yeah....."her body suddenly felt light and thr gravity around her then suddenly increased. She fell to her knees ' shit..' she coated her hand in fire magic and a magic circle appearedbon the ground. She punched and fire magic errupted from right below arturo.

Arturo looked down he saw ground below him getting red. "Crap!" he used his gravity magic to blow himself back forcefully taking some damage from his own magic. But, it was better than being burned. "A dirty trickster I see."

Lara chuckled a little. She used her wind magic and got behind him and tried to punch him with her fist coated in lightening magic.

Arturo used his gravity magic again a repulse her to the point out of melee range and finally fell on one knee holding his head a bit. "You know this has gone on long enough...I yield for right now anyway."He sat down rubbing his head. "Good um...bullets?"


Location: Echidna Hideout


Echidna laid in a bath in her personal bathroom. She truly love and enjoyed the calming warmth of her daily bath. She lifted he leg up as shimmering blood dripped off and down her heel. She smiled "I thank the human who drew my bath, It is lovely." She said with a evil laugh. She cupped some of the blood in her hands and took a drank of the warm blood. "Mmm. Better than my oldest wines"

She then heard a knock on the door. "Mother Echidna! This is your reminder for second assault." A grunt told her.

"Thank you darling, I'll be there in a few minutes." She replied as she slowly raised out of the tub of warm crimson blood. She felt her skin and licked some of the rich blood of her arm. "So good for the skin. Why doesn't every one use it. *Giggle*" She said softly and she stepped out of the tube and grabbed a towel. She wiped the blood of her body and redress her self in a violet and red dress. "Now time for another light show."

Echidna walked out of her personal room and down the long hallways and was greeted by all she passed. When she arrive at the control room she sat at the high skull throne at the center. "Now Charge the Lacrima cannon." She ordered calmly.

The Onion shaped hideout that floated high in the sky was undetectable by magic and was unnoticeable by telescope and human eyes as it was laird between two spaces it self. Now that the Lacrima canon at the bottom of the Onion was charging Lacrima the veil was lifted and it was now noticeable. It had slowly located it self over a chosen guild. It had charge about 12.5% of magic energy.

"Now let Momma see the show!" She shouted will glee. "Fire! Annihilate those foolish humans! Destroy Sabertooth!" Echidna had a sick smile on her face. She loved light show and that why she choose to make her Lacrima weapon shine so bright.

The Cannon shot a single massive bullet of purple magic energy. It was almost as twice as strong as the blast the sent Raven Tail guild to oblivion. When the blast stream down and ran into the Sabortooth guild. It very present shartted glassed and when exploded when touch the ground. It exploded in a vibrant purple explosion. Like the Raven Tail assult it shook the ground and the blast scream far and wide with the sound of screaming souls.

"Amazing! What a lovely show! I hope Fiore enjoy my gift!" Echidna said with her hand on her breath as she took in the show.

This was the power of Echidna and her Guild and this was only a small fraction of there power, 1/8 of it. They needed to be stopped before they level Fiore like a old warehouse.
Kaito watched everyone having fun, he decided to sit down at a table and look at his cards. Suddenly there was a loud explosion coming from outside and the ground began to shake. "What... the..." Kaito stood up leaving his cards on the table he ran out of the fairy tail guild hall and looked up to sky he saw the giant fortress and he took a step back.. "oh, god" he whispered he saw wood and glass falling from the sky and when he ran towards the giant fortress' location he saw that the Sabertooth's guild hall was no more. a shard of glass fell from the sky and grazed his hand. He just stood there wide eyed...

@RebelliousTeddyBear @gilwaybetternow
Jake turns from where he stood after the air god slayer had left, he turn just in time to watch the beam of beam pure purple magic, slam straight into sabertooth. And with a small gasp it was done another guild leveled. He turns back to where dusty was "We're going to fairy tail now!!! tell everyone to meet us there." He than froze a path over some trees to where Lara and Arturo were and with a scream he stopped in front of them "Meet me in fiary tail!" and with that he shot off again an ice path leading him back towards the town, his feet grazing the ice like skates

@Evergreen98 @Refaulted @Orion
Lara digs her feet into the ground so she isnt repelled back much. She take a deep breath and goes to arturo to help him up. She then takes out a dagger when she feels someone coming coming towards. And puts it away when she saw that it was jake. She nodded we she said meet at fairytale. She looked at arturo " can you walk??"

@Orion @Tj Pomroy
Jake slams his hands into the ground two ice horse appearing "Here take these" He jumps in high using his water jets to shoot him high a bird appearing under hin carrying him further

@Evergreen98 @Orion
Solomon walked back into the guild after a long time away on a quest. It felt good to be finally home and back to his fellow mages. He walked past people in the guild hall, and smiled as they called him out by his nickname. Honestly, he thought it was inaccurate but he didnt mind it. He walked up to the bar and ordered some tea and a bowl of soup. Solomon wanted something to eat but he doubted anything too solid would be good for him, after so much travel. He smiled and nodded at the people at the bar, before returning his attention to the guild mages scattered around the hall as he awaited his food.

@gilwaybetternow @RebelliousTeddyBear
Lara help arturo get on the horse and she got on her horse. Luka jumped and landed on her shoulders. Lara took her bag back and slung over her shoulders. She waited foe the hprses to start moving.

@Orion @Tj Pomroy
Jakes bird drops him off at fairy tail as he runs inside panting a little lookin around all the mages turning to the bewildered jake) "Sabertooth is gone!!" He pants it out as he looks at a few Sabertooth members. The two ice horses jet off carrying them forward quickly jumping off trees heading towards fairy tail

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Lara got of the horse with arturo and her eyes widen at what she heard ' sabertooth is gone?!?!?!' " so the information I had was right...." kero muttered. " seemed like it..."

@gilwaybetternow @RebelliousTeddyBear

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