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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Sky sighed, "I might have to agree with you." She was exhausted from using magic, but she knew that she can still fight physically, even though she knew that she isn't good at hand-to-hand combat. She's a Air God Slayer and there's no way in this universe that she's going to loose. After Dusty said those words, Sky start running towards him, using every little energy that she have left to make her legs move, and put her hands into fists.

Dusty watches her approach him. He didn't even put his hands up. He smiled. "Sky, neither of us want to lose. But you can barely stand." He shakes his head. He looked at her. He had the black wind stirring inside of him, waiting for him to unleash his Roar. But if he did it now, he would kill Sky. He waited to see what she would do before making the final move.
Sky throw he fist towards Dusty's face, but something inside her told her to stop, and she did. Her fist was just centimeters from his face. She stood there for a minute, with her fist in front of his face, then her legs gone weak and she fell on her knee, puffing and waited for his next move.

Dusty looks down at her. He towered over her, and he felt powerful. But...wrong. He knelt down in front of her. He waits a couple moments, listening to the silence after the storm. It was nice. He finally breathes out the breath he was holding. "Why did you stop?"
(( sorry brb dinner ))

Sky shook her head and said quietly, "I dunno." She looked up at him and smiled, "what's your next move?"
Sergei finished his lunch. He had it later than he usually did that day because he was busy during all the rest of the day, handling the responsabilities from the guild. He heard mages at the bar talking about the destruction of Raven's Tail and that made him nervous. Dark guilds were eating each other as it was judgement day. Something had to be done, but he didn't heard much about it from the masters of the other guilds. He always thought that the other masters were a bunch of irresponsible drunk heads, so it was unlikely that they would actually make a move before their own guilds were damaged. Sergei stood up, leaving the recently built dining hall. He had another matters to deal with right now. Like the wounded guy. Michael had just joined the guild, and it already looked like he got into a fight that almost killed him. Sergei would be surprised, if that wasn't actually typical of the newest members. He walked towards the room where the lightning mage was resting, but the young mage wasn't there anymore. He got his stuff and left. Goddamn, he took the coin as well. The guy was probably delivering the coin to Fairy Tail now, since he couldn't do it yesterday. But Sergei thought it was still good to lecture him. Michael sure was gonna give him more trouble in the future.

Sergei left the guild serious, worrying some of the members. They never liked when he was serious. Walking through the streets, he heard from some boys that there a pretty cool fight happening in the forest, and that the Air God Slayer was there. Great, nicely done, Sky. He hadn't heard of Kaito as well. He walked towards the forest until he started to sense the air magic and the smell of dust and sand, filling his nosestrils. On the opening of the forest, there it was. Two fellows seating in ice chairs, Michael standing next to them, watching the fight full of bandages. Sky was fighting with some guy that used Earth magic. Nearby, an odd man watched everything floating on top of a cloud. Sergei approached Michael and touched his shoulder. Michael turned around and was shocked by the image of his master, speechless. "Master... I'm... I'm...", Sergei raised a finger in front of Michael, implying that he should shut up. The master turned towards Kaito. He gave a look of disappointment at him, but remained in silence. After the fight was finished, Sergei approached Sky, standing close to her and the Earth mage, without saying a word, standing still and serious, waiting for her to reply.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Verhiron @Tj Pomroy
Sky was thinking of kicking Dusty, now that he let out that breath but she didn't. She stood up as noticed Master standing next to her. She look down at the ground. "I'm sorry master, he's not my enemy," she told him. That's why she couldn't finish him off, he wasn't her enemy, to be pacific, he's not the dark guilds. She was ashamed that she lost to a dragon slayer. "What do you want me to do?" She asked, thinking that she'll probably receive some kind of punishment.


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Sergei remained serious, with a expression of indifference on his face. "Oh, please, don't stop fighting. I mean, it's not like there's actually something to do at the guild. The city is being massively attacked by the dark guilds in the last days, but who cares, right? It's not like there's no time for us to fight near the forest, wasting energy and stuff, with a creepy guy watching us while we do it", he said, pointing towards Rashid. He looked back at Michael. "Don't tell me that you still have the coin, come on". Michael opened his mouth to talk when Sergei interrupted him by saying: "Shut up". He turned back to Sky. "If you feel like wasting your God Slayer magic here, it's fine. When you're feeling like it, follow me to Fairy's Tail guild hall. I'll deliver the damn coin myself, and then I'll turn this dark guilds matter into an official thing". He walked away, towards the Fairy Tail guild hall. Michael followed him.

@Refaulted @Tj Pomroy
Sky smiled at Kaito and took his hand, "yup all good now." She then turn to Dusty and wave good bye, "sorry I gotta go." Sky followed Sergei and Michael towards the Fairy Tail's guild hall. Her energy was coming back to her and then realized that Sergei said 'creepy guy' so she look up to see, that there is someone watching them. She shakes her head and walk next to Michael.


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As they got closer to the Fairy Tail guild hall, Sergei turned around, looking at the young mages following him. "What was all that fighting about? Mummy, you start", he said, pointing at Michael with a smile on his face. "I fought yesterday agains two of the guys from the dark guilds. It actually wasn't quite needed for me to use as much power as I did, but you know, I'm still learning how to control it, so it's normal that I got a little carried away, hurting myself in the process". Sergei scowled at him. "Did you caught the guys?", he asked. Michael moved his head from side to side, a little bit disappointed at himself. "Terrific". He turned towards Kaito. "I was needing you at the guild earlier. There's stuff we have to settle about this whole dark guilds matter". He then proceeded to look at Sky. "Now you, Skywalker, why the fight in the woods?"

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Verhiron
Mummy? She thought and burst out laughing then when she heard him say the nickname she frowned, "it was nothing really, just a friendly fight, nothing to worry about." She smiled, "anyway, what's with the coin?"

@gilwaybetternow @Verhiron

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"It's an old debt that Sabertooth has with Fairy Tail. About a hundred years ago, the masters of Fairy Tail and Sabertooth were like, serious enemies of each other. Once in a while though, they would stop all the fighting to make a truce, a day every year when they just fought for fun, while making all of the mages from their guilds fight against each other as well. At the end of it, they would give an old dusty coin to the winner, as a sign of both respect and mockery at the same time. This is what brought back the tradition of the Magic Games, for at the time, they had ceased to exist, but because of this rivalry, it was once again something special. Now, I always give a coin to the winner of the games, as a sign of respect, but the coins we use today also have some magical properties. The one that Michael carries now, it's the coin of the thunder. Maybe that's why he just keeps it for himself, unconsciously". Michael was surprised. He didn't thought for a minute that the coin was actually something special, and that it could be guiding himself not to give it. Sergei smiled. It was nice to remember that much.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Verhiron
Kaito yawned "the magic gaes are boring, that is why i refused to take part" he said stretching his arms. he shuffled his deck of cards in his hands "magic is all i need, i don't need to waste my ability for fun" he finished.

'this coin thing is stupid' Kaito thought to himself, 'who ever wins the magic games already has fame and probably riches so who needs a crappy coin? he asked himself.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @gilwaybetternow
"I didn't know you can remember that much, old man," Sky grinned cheekily, "I'm surprised!" She chuckled as all four of them continue walking towards Fairy Tail.

@gilwaybetternow @Verhiron

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Sergei laughed. "Hey, I'm not that old. People told me this story when I was still a child, followed by a little legend that said: To whomever possess the power of the seven, possess the power to slash the darkness. I was really curious about it as a kid, always dreaming about getting the 'seven' coins, until the day I found out there was only four of them, and only three are in my possession today, including this one we're about to give". Sergei got a little sadder. He just wished that Sabertooth would win the Magic Games so that they would recover their respect, but now once again they were defeated. It was being hard to deal with the fame of losers all around the city, but he was still very proud of his mages.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Verhiron
"Yes you are! I bet Kaito and Michael would agree with me," she turned towards Kaito and Michael, "right?" The legend caught her attention. If there was only four coins then why would there be a legend like that? She thought, maybe the other three disappear or something. "You know, just maybe we'll win the next Magic Games, there's still plenty of time!" Sky said, trying to cheer him up.

@gilwaybetternow @Verhiron

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Jake walks over to dusty smiling a little "good job dusty" he looks up to where the guild master had pointed out Rashid. Why was he watching, what is he doing, is he going to attacked? Jake looks around at the new carnage from the rocks and the winds.


Rashid turns and floats off after the guild master had pointed out he returned to his cave to train harder in hand to hand combat.

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Kaito yawned and shook his head "i don't agree with you" he said blandly. "and good luck on winning the next magic games on your own" he said looking down on her. Kaito looked through his deck of cards getting ready to put them in order again for the fourth time today, no matter what he did or saw it was boring... he sighed "very well next magic games i will participate" he said.
"Yeah old man, you're probably going to get the fourth coin soon. Maybe by dinner you'll get all seven. Dinner for you by the way will be coming the next ten minutes of this afternoon", Michael said, laughing. Sergei replied with a sarcastic laugh. "Heh heh heh, funny as hell today, aren't you?". He then head the reply from Kaito. He smiled and nodded at him. Only one of his aces had participated this year, it was good that in the next that would be more showing up. He stopped in front of the Fairy Tail guild hall. "Here we are". They walked inside. Plenty of mages were wandering around there, still celebrating their victory. It looked like not many of them had heard about Raven's Tail destruction. Sergei crossed his arms, expecting to see Fairy Tail guild's master around.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Bills352 @OverlyIntricateLove @Infinities Lover @igneel

(I tagged everyone from Fairy Tail because we just got at the guild hall and I didn't heard about any of the chars [except Ajax] after the bar fight, so I'm just assuming you all went home, and of course, if you did went home, it's time to talk business)
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Sky look around the hall. They were all celebrating their victory, well some of them anyway. She felt bad for missing the Magic Game, but her mission kept her away from it. She don't really participate in these kind of thing that often, it's like a once in a while thing for her. Sky smiled, "there will definitely be more joining."

@gilwaybetternow @Verhiron

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Kaito shrugged "i don't like it" he complained. he looked around the hall and saw everyone 'the women aren't that beautiful either' he frowned sadly, they also didn't look that strong or well built to win the magic games "how did this lot win the magic games? Kaito laughed. this was the first time he showed any emotion to anything for a while.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @gilwaybetternow
Hearing Kaito, Sergei laughed as well. "Everybody has been asking this same question during pretty much the past five hundred years". Michael looked around. It was a nice place, but the mages actually didn't seemed to be so strong. And then he wondered about the coin that was still resting in his pocket. In the last few days he had managed to make rain and spread electricity across a large area. Was it due to the coin? It was good to ask Sergei about it. "Hey old man, does these coins things give people more power, something like that?". Sergei frowned at Michael. "I

said that it has magical properties, but I don't actually know what they do. They never did anything to me, that's for sure".

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Bills352 @OverlyIntricateLove @Infinities Lover @igneel

(come on Fairy Tail people, wake up to this RP. Now it's time you guys really get in the story
xD )


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