This is the End.

Alteriel shook his head, "Your clearly not." He stated in his usual tone and began walking forward again. He turned to Ash as if to tell her to watch and be ready, "If there is a problem then you need to fix it." He said bluntly, "If you fear something then you need to face it. Because whatever your going through needs to be resolved BEFORE we set off. It could jeopardize all of us and the mission." He said then stopped walking and turned around to face her, "You aren't alone in your struggles anymore." He said calmly, "None of us are and if we are going to be working together then we need a little bit more trust and a lot more compassion for one another because when one of us suffers, we all suffer, that of course being the downfall and upside of being in a group." He said speaking more than he had spoken the entire time they had been together, "We struggle together and we get stronger together. We don't have a choice anymore." He said bluntly and began to walk again, "And when you decide you want MY help, you just have to say the word."
Winnie didn't move, and slowly shook her head and closed her eyes. "Wait...please. I'll tell you. An old friend called me a Medium. Only thing is I guess I attract all the....dark spirits. The doctors called me Schizophrenic, and doped me up on Abilify and such. Well, it worked and made them go away. But now, I think i dropped my bottle somewhere and I haven't taken any in about 24hours. Which is bad. Very bad. I can just barely see them now, and barely hear them. I see the Lost, the spirits who gave up on trying to pass on, and their looks became as horrible and ugly as their souls. I just......can't take them very well." she slowly opens her eyes and shakes her head again. "I just need my meds, and I'll be fine." she whispers, meeting first Ash's eyes then Alteriel's.
Alteriel nodded, "Now thats better." He said before moving to a the nearest nurses station, "Could i get a glass of water please?" He asked. The nurse looked up from her desk and nodded, "Yeah, let ME get it for you." She said sarcastically. As she stood up he observed her desk quickly finding the code blue switches. He remembered from earlier that room 115 was the closest to reasonable deduction would say, "314..." He accidentally said out loud just before hitting the switch. All of the nurses and doctors nearby rushed out of the station and headed for the room furthest down the hall, "Alright i've got about 40-60 seconds..." He said jumping behind the counter and quickly rummaging through the pill bottles on the shelves. He grabbed four of them that were marked Abilify and a few others within the same section and quickly shoved them into his bag and hopped back over the counter and walking away casually as though nothing happened, "5...4...3...2...1..." He counted as he almost forced the others to walk with him, "0..." he said at last and the nurses reached back to the station looking around trying to figure out what happened, "Here." He said slipping one of the bottles into Winnie's pocket while they were walking making at almost impossible for the docs and nurses to know what happened.
((I have to go, struggling to stay awake. It's like three in the morning here. Night and bai, see ya tomorrow!!))<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/bye.jpg.444c7ff131b329a331cbbbcecfd86c23.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4389" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/bye.jpg.444c7ff131b329a331cbbbcecfd86c23.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Almost immediately Winnie grabbed her water bottle and took two of the little white pills. She sighed and tilted her head back as she walked, smiling as all the shadows slowly grew out of focus before disappearing completely. "Thank you." she whispered, looking at Alteriel. "You don't know how much this means to me." she added.



  • bye.jpg
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- Shelby

Shelby was glad they finnaly decided to leave the hospital. She couldn't care less about Tom, he'd proven himself to be a nutjob. Maybe she was a bit quick to Judge. Not everything is what it seems, was definitely not her motto.

But guys that just randomly jumped out of windows where not the peoplle she choose to hang out with. Imagine the funerals. She followed Emmet through the Hospital. He seemed even more determined now, she admired that.
Winnie walked next to Alteriel, behind Emmett lost in thought again. They all seemed nice, but then again that was what her old friend Vic always said. She was too quick to judge everyone as nice and goodhearted. And she was worried about that poor boy Tom. She bit her lip, as she always does when lost deep in thought, and didn't notice how it started to bleed again, the blood slowly running along her lips then down her chin some marking her pale skin.
((Holy cow, I've grown a white beard from reading all like three pages! Few, finally got that over with!))

Emmett kept a straight face, almost ignoring what the rest of them were doing. He was lost in his thoughts. He was planning, worrying, and even quietly panicking. But, he was good a hiding all of that. And then, out of the blue, Ash had whispered in his ear, making the hair in the back of his neck stand up. Ash's voice was quiet, and soft. The way the words rolled off her tongue, like melting chocolate. Gosh, it could make a guy go crazy. Emmett shook his head, coming back into reality. "Uh.. uh, sure." He mumbled, as she walked away.

He turned to the rest of them, and nodded, as if saying 'Yo.'

And then, everything sort of went fast. Again. Ash came back with medicine she got from who knows where, Alteriel was getting 'close' with Winne, fixing her up and all, caring for her. Winne just exploded into the Women's Room for some reason. And then she came out talking about her talking to dark spirits or some mambo jumbo. And now Shelby just woke up and is following them. Lovely.

"Hey, guys. Everyone OK? Let's go a report. Like we can do this every once and a while to see if everyone's OK. I'm OK." He said, and turned to the group, to see if anyone was about to die.

And after this report, he planned of finding Rosa. ((Who is right by the doors of the Hospital, waiting to talk with them about 'Saving the World,' and stuff))


"Subject 219, bring the boy." Said the husky voice. Eyes lingered onto the screen, showing a man in a lab-coat. And a boy, who had just gotten beat up from Subject 219, and who was all part of the great plan. Him and the others. Oh were they all stupid. Blind. No idea of what's happening. Not a single one. And they were all falling right into the trap...
- Shelby

She spotted Rosa by the entrance. Finnaly, they're were getting some clarification. 'Look!' Shelby pointed almost bashin Ashlee's and Emmet's head in. 'It's Rosa.'
Winnie glanced up from her thoughts and smiled at the woman, actually happy for once. She skipped up to the front by Emmett and looked at Rosa. "What's going on? Where did that boy Tom go? Is he okay?" she rushed out, talking normally for once. Before giving Rosa a chance to reply she gave her a quick hug and jumped back a little ways blushing. "Sorry, it's just good to see you." she muttered, going back to shy mode.
Emmett turned to to Shelby, and followed her gaze. "Oh hey." He said, sounding pretty stupid, because if was in 'LaLa Land.' He nodded to Shelby and grinned. "Thanks for telling." He added, and shot Rosa a nasty look. "Rosa. We need answers. Tom's crazy, and we need to well... get some answers." Emmett stumbled over the last few words of his 'confident' sentence. He kept glaring at her, and if she betrayed him and the team.

Rosa response to Emmett's glare and Winne's many questions was just a smile. The one she did when she first met everyone. In person that is. She and her boss had been watching these kids since they were infants. There parents agreeing to let them one day 'Save the World.' Their parents knew everything, and let it all happen. "Come with me, and you'll all get answers." She finally said. She turned around, and began walking.

Her high heels clicked against the sidewalk, mocking Emmett as the went.Emmett turned to the rest of the team. "Well, there's are answers being offered to us. Let's go." He said, gesturing for them to go and follow. He would walk behind them all, and keep a look out just in case something happened.
Winnie skipped behind Rosa, in a happy mood now that the group found her. She couldn't help letting out a giggle, then twirled to make her dress poof out. She hummed lightly under her breath, realizing she probably seemed like some high little girl, and began walking normally while staring at the floor. Who are you kidding? You are some crazy little girl. You don't belong to be here with this group! her thoughts drifted around and she sighed a deep, heart felt sigh. She stopped humming and became her sad, melt into the shadows self.
Rosa glanced behind her shoulder, and saw Winnie twirl and giggle. And then she saw her calm down, and then stare at the ground. She smiled, knowing Winnie would do that. She knows everything about all of them. How they act and how they are. But deep down, she felt sorry for what would happen to them in the future. These kids will never be the same...

((I'm not going to have them arrive to their boss yet until more people are online because I don't want to reveal lots of things about what their doing, and then have to repeat myself seven times over again. I rather do it a couple times over again. :) ))
Ashlee gave Emmett a small grin and replied, "Yes, I'm okay." As an afterthought, she added, "Hey, it's Rosa. We're gonna get answers. Was what she said true?" What?! Why did I say that? "A-about you being, like, a party kid. 'Cause you don't really seem like... someone like that. I mean, you seem more... I don't know. Never mind." Ash had to turn away from him. 
((Ok Radio, I have to leave soon also ;n; be back later today))
Emmett smiled at her, liking how she confused herself sometimes. It was cute. "Well, there's no parties around. Am I right?" He said, realizing that for a while he didn't seem like a party kid. He seemed like an... adult. Ew. But it was OK to be serious at times. But not an adult. Again ew. "I guess everything happened so fast, I had to do something." He said, looking at the ground, and then turning his head to look at Ash. He did a side-ways grin, looking quiet goofy without himself noticing.

((OK! See yeah then. I'll be here. Alone. In the dark...))
((Haha I'm here too, don't feel bad))

Winnie noticed everyone talking to each other and suddenly felt more alone then ever. they probably wouldn't even notice if she was suddenly kidnapped by a raging lunatic dressed as a clown. She sighed and hugged her arms around herself, wishing she were back home at the abandoned grocery store building. The thought sent tears to her eyes, as her eyesight blurred and she sniffled. I wanna go home, she thought pitifully to herself.
- Shelby

Shelby looked indrifent to the girl beside her. What was her name winnie, willie, wizard? She flipped her hair and commented; 'You look weird,'

'Why do you look weird?' She asked not able to hide her annoyance.
((LOL, thanks. I might have to get off, so then you'll be in the dark. :P ))

Emmett smiled at her, and then looked past Alteriel, and saw Winnie, hugging herself. He felt bad for her, truly he did, but he wasn't sure what to do. He wasn't sure if he should give her space, or try and calm her down. And she even seemed to be quietly crying. Oh no. I'm not good with this type of stuff... uhh... think, think. What can you do Emmett? Was what ran through his head.

Emmett then nodded to himself, and whispered into Ash's ear the way she did to him. "Be right back. I'm need to do something." He said, in his husky voice. He walked over to Winnie, ignoring Shelby's annoyed comment, and tried not to make a scene. "Hey, you OK?" Was what he was about to say. But it seemed like it was a boring way to say, 'Hey, I care for you and am scared to death. Tell me what's happening.' But, at the same time, he didn't want to freak out. "Um, I see you're wearing a dress." Was what he came up with. And in Emmett's mind, he slapped his forehead. Real smooth. He thought. "Well, I mean. What I meant to say was that. Uh..." He stumbled over his words. "I guess everyone's feeling homesick. I know I am." He said, making it seem that she was crying because she was homesick, not sure if that was the reason. But overall, it was a better thing to say then, 'I see you're wearing a dress.' Now that was lame.
Winnie looked at the struggling boy and almost giggled. "I guess I just.......I'm just not used to....." she sighed in anger, not able to put her feelings in words. "I'm used to fading in the shadows, but i never thought it would finally hurt that I did. I kinda......want to be noticed. but at the same time, I just want to go back home at the store and cuddle up in my sleeping bag." she said softly, wiping her eyes.
- Shelby

She listened to Emmet rambeling and nodded. Somehow the whole part about being homesick hit her. Not that she was gonan let that show. 'It is a nice dress...' she offered, akwardly and shortly patting Winnie on the shoulder.
Winnie smiled at Shelby. "Thanks. Only one I have, so it's a little run down." she looked down at it and sighed. "An old friend gave it to me." she added with a smile.

Her eyes got wide. Oh no the sympathy threat, what now? ' Well, that's..kind, you do have other clothes, right?' Shelby was a bit shocked the confession of the other girl.
Winnie looked away. "Of course i have other clothes." she lied in a mutter, shifting her bag to the other shoulder and not meeting anyone's eyes in shame. God, they were probably thinking she was some pathetic street rat who had rabies or something. Why'd you have to let that slip out?! she thought harshly to herself, staying silent.

She sighed in relief. She really didn't want to share. But if the girl had said no she really didn't have another choise. Thank god. The girl was being weird again. Shelby decided not to say anything, as she had the feeling Emmet wasn't so fond of her comments.
((GTG, just have lunch and have to go now. See you later!))

Emmett just sort of stood in the background, listening to the two girls make small talk. Hm, there both completely different. One strange and confused. She was quiet and hid, or that's what she said. Not knowing what to do in this mission. The another was straight and got to the point. Knowing what to do at most times. But, there not butting heads, at least, not much. Emmett thought, having a conversation in his head. "Hey, when we get there, to wherever Rosa is taking us, we can figure everything out. It'll be OK." He said, acting like he KNEW it would be already. He was just trying to calm them down, without looking like a kindergarten teacher. Emmett sighed to himself, wondering if he could calm himself down, because now HE didn't know if it would be already. He had a bad feeling. But he didn't know what would be a threat.

Rosa without a doubt wasn't. I mean, she saved Tom's live and was helping them too. Maybe it was one of the team members. Emmett glanced around at everyone. Maybe it was... Tom...

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