This is the End.

Winnie had finally gotten to the building the woman Rosa said, but then was instructed by some policeman to go to the hospital. She finally made it to the room the nurses told her to go to, and lightly knocked on the door. "H-Hello." she greeted everyone, not meeting any eyes. 
"My name's Winnie......I guess you all are save the world people too.....huh?" whispers, blushing fiercely.
Tom looked at the group as he slowly creeped his way to the window. He then smashed it. Quickly jumping out he landed on a car and looked up. He then smiled to them as they looked out the window. "Hospitals aren't my thing," he said walking away. If he was going to save the world he was going to do it solo. He walked out of the city limits and he saw a strange man in a lab coat. "Who are you," he said pulling out his bow. But he was to late. He got a fist in his face and fell down. "You think that can stop me with that," he said jumping up before a blast of light rendered him uncoinus.

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Winnie looked out the window in shock, before looking around at everyone else. Seeing they weren't going to act, she jumped after the guy hurting her ankle. She quickly followed him, trying not to get left behind. She hid when she saw the man in a lab coat, but when he knocked out Tom she walked out in the open. "Hey! W-What are you doing!" she yelled in shock.
"Y-You can't just knock him out! You hurt him!" yells, backing up in fear. 
Winnie finally just turns and runs back to the hospital, and goes back to the room collapsing in a chair.
((Errrr what? lol))

Alteriel shook his head when he saw Tom leap from the window. He wasn't going to go after him, he usually wouldn't anyway. But something compelled him to. Probably the fact that another one of their own had gone after him. He un-hooked his climbing hook and hooked it to the outside of the window being a little more careful than Winnie. He then lept from the window and rolled onto the ground on his front shoulder and landed behind the car. He hooked his climbing hook back to the outside of his backpack and followed Winnie a little slower than she was going. He saw her hiding behind the rock and stuck to the rocks moving forward as well. He was just about to move again when he saw her jump up and yell. He tapped her leg from behind the rock she was standing at hoping the guy hadn't noticed him either, "Don't look down here just listen to me." He said as quietly as possible, "We can't help him now just you and me against a guy who can knock people out that quickly, we got no chance." He said again keeping his voice down, "Head back to the hospital and let the others know what is going on, i'll track him and leave a trail. Trust me." He said then tapped her leg again hoping she wouldn't give him away.
((Hence the use of the climbing hook, lol i assumed it was reeeaaaalllly high but i had to do something in reaction to her post lol))
(( Oh how this confuses everyone. LOL, we care too much about each other, even though we're strangers. ))


A man grinned, in the darkness, his teeth being the only white thing there. "Perfect." He said in a husky voice. "It's all going to plan. Now if Rosa could gather the team to talk to them... train them, give them powers, and send them away. Perfect." He said, cracking his knuckles.


Emmett turned to the window, seeing it close. He saw Tom's grin and then see him disappear. He saw.. Winnie? He wasn't sure what her name was, but he saw a very stupid girl follow him. The place was 40 stories up, and she would kill herself. But then again, Tom could be killed too. And then he saw Alteriel be a bit more smart, climbing down with a hook. "I'm not going." He said getting up and looking at the rest. "I'm not taking my own life for a stupid mistake Tom made. If he wants to leave, he can leave. I'm going to find Rosa and get some answers. Anyone can join me. I welcome you. But, I'm going to do was I asked to do when I got a phone call one day." He said sternly, hands in fists. He walked past everyone, seeing everyone's faces.

Andrew, eyebrows down and gun held tightly. Ash, the sweet and nice girl he met just hours ago. Now she seemed like a good friend. Shelby, a girl he just barely met, and didn't seem much into the 'Saving the world' gig.

And then there was Winne? Who he never got to really meet, and she had just jumped out of the window. Alteriel, who was a man who respected Emmett, and seemed pretty smart, and he had just climbed out of the window. And Tom, who Emmett seemed to care for half an hour ago, and now he didn't seem to care about.

This was his team, and it was already falling apart. Great.
Winnie runs back into the hospital room and collapses in a chair panting from exhaustion, again not meeting anyone's eyes.
Winnie looked down, blushing fiercely. She shrugged, before whispering, "Someone took the boy who jumped from the window." she bit her lip before getting up. "And yes, I will join you."
Alteriel snuck away as well as to not draw the attention of the man in the lab coat. He couldn't do much to help the dumb guy anyway. It was his fault that he ended up this way in the first place. He made his way back to the hospital quickly and arrived just as Emmet was about to leave, "Well that went well..." He said chuckling, "Alright then, i'm right behind you." He said once again allowing him to have the lead. He wasn't much of a leader anyway, nobody enjoyed his company. He took pride in his abilites but he also realized his weaknesses and leading people was definitely NOT one of his strong points. Alteriel nodded to him reassuringly letting him know that he would be there. For whatever reason, he felt compelled and driven to follow this guy, "You got it." He said, "Let's get some answers."
Winnie brushed her hair out of her face without realizing it, and looked towards the window. She got lost in her thoughts, finding herself hoping they were okay. She hated to see anyone hurt, even if she just met them. She then looked at Emmett, wishing she knew what he was thinking. She was surprised she wasn't stuttering, she usually stutters around guys. But he......calmed her. Slightly anyways, she thought biting her lip and looking down, cursing her bright red cheeks. 
She suddenly looked up at Alteriel's return. She grinned, glad to know he was okay. "T-Thank's for the help back there." She whispered, smiling softly at him. "It was stupid of me to follow that boy." she added, looking down. "But I'm ready to go if you two are." she finally whispered.
Alteriel nodded, "Yes it was." He said sounded like a total asshat. He of course didn't realize it because of his limited interactions, "I am ready when you give the word." He said turning from Winnie to Emmet.
Ashlee realized that some of them were leaving and stood abruptly to catch up with them. "Geez, everyone keeps leaving and going places... I'll tell the nurse that... Okay never mind, we can't exactly tell them..." Ash sighed and cursed herself for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. She stayed silent and looked at everyone in the group that was leaving the hospital building. Alteriel, who seemed cool and pretty smart. Winnie, who looked shy but determined, as Ash had gleaned from her going to see what Tom was up to. And Emmett... As much as Ashlee hated to admit it, he had a determination and confidence about him that made people want to follow him, made her want to follow him wherever he lead. She saw a nurse passing by and told her they were leaving, and that Tom had already been picked up by his parents. Ash didn't care if the nurse believed her or not, and it looked like she didn't. But she let it go and pointed them toward the exit.
Winnie continues to look down, gulping and holding back tears from the boys total rudeness. She didn't say anything though, she was totally used to her feelings being hurt. She just waited silently for Emmett's reply, not realizing a tear got loose and trailed down her cheek.
Alteriel looked over at Ashlee and did a quick once over. He realized that she could be a threat but from the way she looked at Emmet he wasn't going to worry too much about it. As long as she was on the same team as him, he would trust her. Alteriel then cocked his head to Winnie she seemed hurt by something and as much as he hated interacting with people he could not get the possibility out of his head that it might have been him who caused her pain. She was very quiet but he admired that in a person and he wasn't going to let her harbor her feelings alone as he once did. He looked to her as softly as he could with his still rigid eyes and asked, "You okay?" clearly not realizing what he had done.
Winnie slowly glanced up in surprise. Not once had anyone ever asked her the question that Alteriel had. She nodded and tried smiling. "I'm fine. Just ready to go figure this all out." she whispered back, shifting her feet and wincing slightly from her hurt ankle. She quickly turned her wince to a yawn, trying not to show her pain.
Alteriel nodded at her determination, "You should let me take a look at that if it is bothering you." He said smiling gently but quickly letting it slide away. He knelt down and shook his bag off of his shoulder. He pulled out the first aid kit and pulled out a wrapping of gauze from within it, "This might hurt a little." he said grasping just above the swollen ankle and wrapping the gauze tightly to help keep it stable. He stood up and looked around for a moment before spotting a nurse who was pushing a cart. He looked closely as the cart passed by and noticed an air cast on the under-table of the cart. Moving quickly he faked a fall and pushed the cart over, "Oh sorry!" He said swiftly kicking the air cast away as he stood up, "Let me get these for you." He said helping the nurse pick up all of the things she had and pulling the cart right-side up, "I'll be okay." He said with a smile and let the nurse be on her way, "This oughta do the trick." He said slipping the air-cast around the gauze wrapping and Velcroed it together, "There we are." He said as he packed his things back into his bag and put it back on his back. After placing his bag back he offered her his hand, "Let me help you." He said as more of an order than a request.
Winnie, speechless at his efforts, stared at his hand for a few moments. She looked away before pushing herself up on her own, this time holding back her wince. "Thanks." she muttered. She stared at the ground, not used to so much attention and silently waiting for the attention to turn on someone else. She turned and silently grabbed her bag before joining everyone back in the hall, while hugging her bag to her chest as if she'd die without it. Which, in a way, she would.
(a;dskfjadkls;fj i didnt realize this was going to be so long, sorry x_x summary at the end.))

Watching in surprise as Alteriel seemed to trip and fall, Ashlee noticed that he had faked it to get an air cast for Winnie's ankle. Wow, he is smart. Good to have someone like that on the team; he would have been a threat if he weren't with us. With grudging respect, Ash watched the nurse walk away. Then she had an idea. If they were going to be saving the world, it might be nice to have some painkillers. Then again, maybe Alteriel already had some in his backpack. She wouldn't have put it past him. But just to be safe, Ashlee made up her mind. She whispered, "Be right back," in Emmett's ear and motioned to Alteriel and Winnie for them to keep walking. Then Ashlee turned around and walked quickly back to the nurse whose cart Alteriel had just upset.

"Hey, sorry about that back there, I kind of bumped into him." Ashlee said as they walked along.

"Oh, no big deal," the nurse swiftly replied.

"So what are these for?" Ash asked, pointing to the cart and the first aid items on it. None of them looked too serious, no kidneys or anything. As she asked this, Ash knocked on a door that was slightly in front of the nurse. She masked the sound by pretending to trip a little and catching her footing rather loudly.

"It's only a shipment we just got. I'm not in a hurry. Do you need something?" The nurse stopped her cart right in front of the door Ashlee had knocked on and turned to look at her.

Yes! Perfect.

Ash stopped with her, leaning on the cart. "Actually, yes — Watch out!" Just as she had predicted, the door opened and knocked the cart over sideways. In the confusion, Ashlee grabbed a few bottles, sure that one of them was painkillers and not sure about the other few. After apologizing profusely and not giving the nurse time to ask her what Ash had pretended to need, she ran back to Emmett and Alteriel and Winnie, pulling the painkillers and other bottles out of her pocket. There were four: two painkillers, one for allergies, and one for an upset stomach.

"Alteriel, wanna put these in your backpack? they might come in handy," Ash said with a smile.

((Ashlee tells Emmett and Alteriel and Winnie to keep walking and that she'll be back in a minute, then grabs some painkillers and other bottles from a nurse without her knowing, then offers then to Alteriel.))
Winnie watched the girl leave then come back again curiously. She didn't ask her what she did, but figured it had to be something that helped the group. She reached into her bag and smiled at the items she felt, knowing she would be okay and safe no matter what. Then she realized something was missing. She suddenly stopped and dropped to her knees, searching her bag thoroughly before deciding she dropped it when she followed the boy out the window. She bit her lip to the point of drawing blood, and stared at her shaking hands. I'll be fine without it, she decided standing and zipping up her bag without a word to the others of her meltdown. 
Winnie pulled out her water bottle, trying to stop her hands from shaking and took a swig, staring straight ahead. She got wrapped up in her thoughts almost immediately. If she doesn't find it, and soon, bad things would happen. She gulped, and took another drink trying to redirect her thoughts and even out her breathing. She'll be fine, nothing will happen.

"Be right back." she muttered to the others before slipping into the ladies bathroom. She hurried to the first stall and shut the door behind her, not bothering locking it. She crouched, putting her head between her knees and took big, even gulps of air to calm herself down. She soon collapsed and released all of it. Her pain, sadness, depression, anxiety, and nervousness. She broke down in ragged sobs, resting on her knees with her forehead pressed to the floor.

"You alive now. No one and nothing can hurt you. you are strong." she said to herself, before standing, her crying stopped. She went to the sink and washed her face, ignoring the swollen red eyes and red nose.Then she slowly went back out to join the others.
Alteriel continued walking as Ash asked with no intention of interrupting any plans she had. Though he did watch through one of the many reflections on the windows. He chuckled slightly as he watched her work, "Classic..." He mumbled under his breath, "Hard to believe she fell for that twice..." He said grinning and looking at the ground. He slowed down as she approached, "Sure thing." He said swiftly swinging his bag around to the front of him and slipping the bottles into the front pocket seemingly carelessly but he knew exactly where the ended up because there were some holders inside of the bag that were meant for large markers but he put the two painkillers next to his others and the other two bottles fell to the bottom of the pocket. His were stronger than the others but it was good to have pills of varying strength regardless. He nodded and said, "Excellent work." In a toned voice that he had no realized he had used. Alteriel watched winnie search through her bag frantically and eyed her questionably, "Something wrong?" he asked as she stood back up with seemingly nothing wrong with her. But before he got an answer she took off to the Ladies room, "You alright?" He asked as she walked back to the group clearly distraught about something.
Winnie met his eyes with her own, dark and haunted ones. "I'm fine." she said her voice hollow. She could already feel the effects of going without, shadows in the side of her vision that disappeared when she looked directly at them, hearing sounds that aren't really there, just light almost like echos. Just then she whirled around at the figure she saw in her side vision, but it quickly melted away as she tried to focus on it. Soon. Soon they wouldn't melt away, but stay there. The shadows have finally found her, and this time she didn't have her medication to hide them.

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