This is the End.

- Shelby

Shelby arrived at the STW building a bit later than planned. She had some trouble sneakily leaving the farm. Of course she had to say goodbye to all the animals too, knowing she might never return. Steward and James would have found the letter by now. If she had told them she was leaving, no matter what the reason, they would have convinced her to stay. After Keith had gone they couldn't bare losing another family member.

When she arrived she saw an ambulance standing infront. A paramedic pushed her back when she tried to get a closer look. 'sorry, ma'am you'll have to wait outside.' Shelby wondered what was going on. They weren't already attacked, were they?
((Jazzylegs, nice intro. Good explanation and stuff. Thanks!))

Emmett turned to Andrew and looked at him in the eyes. "Calm down." He said, getting up and moving away from the paramedics and Tom. "You're freaking out. Saying so much and all." He said, trying to calm Andrew down. Emmett caught a glimpse of Andrew's gun and he gulped. "And be careful with that. We don't want anyone getting hurt." He added.

Rosa was nervous, Hoping she gave Tom what he needed to save the world. And more importantly, survive. Rosa eyes flicked up, being quick that way, and she saw a figure through the window. The figure was Shelby. "Oh!" Rosa said, smiling. She walked towards the door and opened it with a hard grip. "She can come in men!" She yelled, gesturing for Shelby to come in. "It's OK." She repeated, making sure the paramedics knew. She smiled as she saw Shelby clearly now.

((OH yeah, and great jop with keeping this exciting and such guys!))
- Shelby

Shelby's face clearly lit up when she heard she could come in. That must be Rosa, she thought. She passed the paramedics and stuck out her tongue at them before entering the building. Obviously, they weren't pleased with that. 'What happend?' she gasped, Facing the scene that played out in front of her.
Ash noticed the girl arrive and answered her question. "Well, Tom fell. Like, over. And he started bleeding. I called the paramedics so we might be going to the hospital before saving the world? We weren't attacked by anyone, don't worry." Ashlee then introduced herself, "Oh, and by the way, my name's Ashlee. That's Emmett, Andrew, and Rosa. I don't think I'm forgetting anyone... You're part of the save the world thing, right? I mean, why else would you be here..." Ashlee tended to talk quickly and rush things together when she was nervous.
- Shelby

Shelby nodded Enthousiastically. 'I'm Shelby'' Yes, i'm here to help! kick some butt and stuff. Not you guys butts, of course.' she assured. She looked down at Tom. 'That doesn't look to good,' She giggled a bit nervously.
Emmett glanced over at the newbie coming in. The girl had fire red hair, giving her an edgy look. She had an open, sweet looking face, with a few freckles on her nose and bright green eyes, along with fair skin. "Hello." He said, when Ash introduced the group. He heard the girl's name. Shelby. Welcome to the group Shelby. He thought to himself, smiling. He glanced at Tom, who was now being carried away from the paramedics. "I'm going with him." He said, looking at the Rosa, not caring if she approved or not. He turned to the rest of the group. "You guys can follow me if you want to see if Tom will live or not." And then, Emmett began to follow the paramedics.
Alteriel woke up in a sweat again. His dream of watching his family and friends being tortured and slowly dying by their own hand was almost unbearable. He sat up quickly in his bed in his small 3-room home in the middle of nowhere. He stepped out of bed carefully aware of the traps he had placed around them as usual. The trip wire to his left was easily seen but the pressure plate to the right of his feet would have been the kicker. He stretched and checked his gear. Grinning he grabbed his brother's knife and slipped it onto his belt re-reading the insignia as he did every morning, "There is no courage without fear..." He said to himself remembering his brother's last words in the final letter he recieved, "I'll make you proud..." He said slipping the knife back into its sheath on his side. On his left hip he wore a .38 caliber revolver, loaded, with three speed loaders directly next to it. Then he grabbed his bug-out bag as he always did when he left his home. It had basic survival gear within it; matches, flint & steel, some kindling, a first-aid kit and about a weeks worth of rations. Hanging off of the side is his trusty ice-climbing hook. He opened his front door and breathed in the beautiful woodland air. He opened up the crumpled piece of paper that he had received earlier and read it. All it seemed to be was jumbled numbers and letter but he knew better. Smiling he read the coordinates and started off towards them. As he approached the coordinates within the city he began feeling cramped again. Judging every exit every person and every threat within his scope. He saw the ambulance and eyed it warily. He saw Emmet leading a group of people seemingly normal but upon closer inspection he noticed that they were like him. He approached the guy who was leading the group and pondered for a moment, "I'm Alteriel. I was told to come here." He said maintaining a seemingly normal stance but one which he could easily be dropped defensively if need be, "Whats going on?" He asked.

(sorry if it seems lengthy, just thought i'd give him a proper introduction)
((Whoa! What?! You can't do this to us Hunnyhelp! Must think fast! *Thinking* Oh, got it!))

((Also, it's fine Dedecus, usually first post are long. I mean mine are. Usually. And now, two men are armed. Whoo hoo. LOL))

Emmett had a group of people he just met, strangers. But for some reason, he felt a need to watch for them. As if they were family. Some family he didn't like... but still. That's why he needed to go with Tom. He thought to himself, wondering if it was his own fault. But he was interrupted by a stranger's voice. Like an actual stranger. He turned his head, and saw a man standing by him, his mouth moving. Emmett wasn't paying any attention to what the guy was saying. Instead, Emmett was going through the motions. "Huh?" He said, finally opening his mouth. And then, everything went fast.

The paramedics had loaded Tom onto the ambulance, and hooked Tom up to some cables. "He only has three minutes. We can't make it into the hospital in time! We're going to have too do an emergency quickly!" One of the paramedics yelled. Another grabbed a shot, and pressed it into Tom's skin. "It's not working!" The paramedic yelled, and pushed in another shot. "Crap!" The paramedic cursed under his breathe, silently freaking out.

And then, from behind all the noise, there was a lady's voice. "I may be able to help." She said, clearing the crowd and approaching the paramedics. It was Rosa. "Step aside men." She said sternly, getting into the ambulance.

"You can't-" One of the paramedics began, but Rosa had already closed her eyes and placed his delicate hands on Tom.
Alteriel watched as Rosa parted the paramedics and Emmet, obviously not hearing him, would be of no use to him. As he observed the area, remaining calm in the chaos, he noticed that the paramedics were treating someone like him. He shook his head knowing that they had followed the by-the-book handling of the situation. He passed by Emmet as well and stepped up into the ambulance. He knelt down by tom and beside Rosa, "I'll help if i can." He said making a clear statement so that no one could mis-use his words. He placed his hands on the sides of Toms head and help pressure so that the bleeding would stop, "Give him 20ccs of methyl cellulose." He said to the paramedics hoping they knew at least something about medicine. He began wrapping gauze around the injury as to help slow the bleeding the methyl cellulose should slow the bleeding enough for the paramedics to be able to work. He may need to do the stitching himself. Letting out a sigh as he stood up for a moment he grabbed some stitching string and a stitching hook. He led the hook through the wound stitching it thoroughly. He looked to the other paramedic and spoke, "Get his blood tested and check the cooler for blood of the same type. Then start an IV so that he doesn't die." He said completely ignoring the fact that Rosa was next to him. He stepped back and washed the blood from his hands in the medic's sink, "He should be stable now." He said stepping out of the ambulance.((That oughta do it))
((Dedecus, Just a secret here, but Rosa has um, healing powers... and she was um... working her magic on Tom. Just to let you know. :) ))

Rosa ignored Alteriel, knowing that was his voice. After about thirty seconds, Rosa lifted her hands from Tom. "There." She said huffing and puffing. "He'll wake up soon." She said, and stood up. "Good day gentlemen. You can be on your way now." She said, stepped out of the ambulance and walked away.

Emmett's eyebrow went up. "What the." He began, but nodded again. "Wow, that women can do amazing things." He chuckled and walked towards Tom. In the background, he heard Shelby's comment, and rolled his eyes. "Tom?" He said, wondering if he was awake or not.
((Ah, well then it looks like i'm a jack ass >.> xD ))

Alteriel looked at Rosa clearly she was not your average person. He hopped down out of the Ambulance a little disappointed that his work was pointless but at the same time astounded that she was capable of doing his work and more by barely touching him. He sighed and stepped behind Emmet letting him take the lead, "So what exactly are we all here for?" He asked clearly not used to interacting with other people. It wasn't so much that he was trying to be an ass, just that he wasn't sure how to act around people without sounding like a commanding jerk.
- Shelby

Shelby skipped towards Tom, Pushing Alteriel and Tom out of the way. 'That was amazing, Rosa totally saved your ass!' she shrieked. She fixed her eyes on the paramedics. 'You could learn from that,'
Tom having woken up in a hospital room. (Let's say they took me there for extra measures.) He looked up and saw Emmett over him. "Tom." Tom knew has was asking if he was awake even he knew that. "Yes," Tom replied finding it odd that there was no pain. He then sat up and looked at the tv. Pointing at it he asked," What is that?"

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((OK then!))

((And it's OK Dedecus it's Ok to know the truth sometimes. :P ))

Emmett followed Tom's gaze. He saw it was a TV. "Uh. It's a TV?" He said, confused why Tom would ask that. "You must be still dazed from everything." Emmett said under his breath, wondering where the crap Rosa was. Emmett looked up at what seemed to be a nurse or doctor, and asked "Is he going to be OK?"

((For some reason, whenever I type 'paramedic' I see a man in a white costume with black boots, weird...))

GTG guys. See you later!
((Ashldlgskgs missed so much xP))

Ash followed Emmett and Tom into the ambulance and looked warily at the paramedics. When they got to the hospital she went into Tom's room as well and awkwardly looked at the TV as Tom woke up.

((I think I got everything right...)
- Shelby

So, they went to the hospital. Shelby really hadn't any saying.

She was eavesdropping behind the door as Tom made the comment about the TV. 'Great,' she muttered barging in.

'He can't even remember what a television is, how is this going to help us?' she wanted to say it; let's just leave him here and go, but she kept her mouth shut at that. 'And while mister is resting we still haven't figured anything out,' she said gesturing towards Tom.
"What's a TV," Tom asked having no idea what it does. He then reached over the grabbed the remote. "And what is this." He then pressed a button turning the TV on. It was some report on a freak storm. Pushing himself back he looked at it with scared eyes lulling out his bow. "WHAT IS THAT!?!?!?!"

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Ash finally spoke up. "Don't worry, it's okay, it won't do anything. It's a television; just moving pictures." She walked over to the TV and hit the power button. It blacked out and she walked back to her plastic chair. The nurse responded to Emmett's question, saying, "Yes, he'll be fine. Just a little bit of rest is all he needs."
- Shelby

She looked at the other as Tom started to freak. 'Am I right, or am I right?'

(Goodbye &'s late where i'm at..)
Alteriel hopped onto the back of the ambulance as it began to drive away. When it arrived at the hospital he observed the environment again. He hated hospitals, they always were the one place where everything bad gets worse. He cautiously proceed to Tom's room and walked into the doorway as silently as possible. He smirked a little as the group spoke to one another then spoke up, "Well we should probably try to figure out what exactly is going on...Or at leas figure out why we were all put here in the first place..." He said pondering his own remark, "Maybe that woman...what was her name?" He asked speaking about rosa then shook his head not really wanting a response anyway. Names made things too personal for his liking, "Maybe she would know something." He said keeping his hands folded in front of him while standing next to the door. ((Yeah imma go too, not be back in an hour or two.))
((Back for a moment. :P ))

Emmett looked at Tom's condition. "Hm." He said, thoughtfully. He turned to Shelby, seeing her sour face. "What's wrong freckles?" He asked, raisin an eyebrow. He turned to the sudden figure coming through the door. "Hey." He said, greeting what-er-face. He heard everyone talking, all at once.

"Wait." He said, thinking hard. "Maybe.. maybe this is our first trail." He said looking up at everyone. "Maybe when Rosa did that weird thing to Tom, she also made his loose his memory of most things. And maybe this is our first test, or training, to save the world. I think the STW Group wants to see how we do in times of extreme. Because, well, saving the world is a time of extreme. And it's WAY bigger than this." He said, gesturing to Tom.

"It's just an idea." He shrugged.

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