This is the End.

"My name is Andrew call me Drew." Takes out earphones. " So what's the plan?" Cocks head and hears something. Pulls out gun cocks it and aims it at some bushes. "Well the day I get jumped by a rabbit is when the world ends oh wait ha ha ha it is."Puts gun back in the holster.
((Ohhh!! Sorry, must have read it wrong. Thanks!))

Emmett turned to see the boy with the stern face, starring at his car. "Oh um, my family. Got it for my sixteenth birthday." He said, smiling at his car. "My family has the money for it... so, why not?" He shrugged. He turned to the boy with the gun, realizing his name was Andrew. "Well, I guess we head on in the building. See what's going on. Maybe even find Rosa." He offered, holding a hand out to the building.

"Oh and, I didn't catch your name." He said, looking at the boy admiring his car.
Listening to the conversation about the car and Emmett's comment about his family having the money for it, Ashlee thought of her family for a second, and how they had bought her a car similar to his except blue, not red, for Ashlee's brother's sixteenth birthday as well. Then she let the thought go.

Ashlee misinterpreted Emmett's statement and thought it was directed at her and introduced herself again, louder this time. "Ashlee... Oh wait, you're talking to him," she added as a quiet afterthought. Wow, I'm stupid... Nice first impression Ashlee.
Smiles. "Well lets find this 'Rosa' and get the h*** out of here I get paranoid easily." Looks around and frowns."I hate cameras." Looks over at Emmet "Lets hurry up."
Emmett looked over at Ashlee, and grinned. "It's OK. Should have been more clear." He shrugged, trying to make her feel less uncomfortable. And then he turned to the other boy, forgetting his name. "Calm down. I don't think anyone knows about US. You know, saving the world and all." He replied, rolling his eyes.

He turned to the building, and looking it up and down. "Let's go." He said, walking towards it.
Touching the cars hood amazed somebody could afford this. He patted it and followed the group avoiding the question of what his name was. He didn't want to give his name to people he didn't trust. He didn't trust a person that talked about a million dollars like it was as common as air. He pulled out his small dagger and followed the group not sure he wanted to save the world.
Points gun at a camera and pulls the trigger. "Hate being watched" smiles and then puts the gun away.

Walks in the building.
((radio when you wrote us in capitals I thought you meant united states lol))

Ashlee gave a small grin at Emmett before following him into the building. She heard a small crash of glass behind her as Andrew shot the camera directly in the lens. Slightly in awe about his marksmanship and slightly disturbed by his readiness to shoot something, Ash watches him walk into the building behind her and continues observing him until she realized she must look awkward. Ashlee turned back to Emmett and quietly asked, "Any idea where inside the building we're supposed to meet?"

((Sorry for the double post; wanted to keep things moving. I'm probably just too impatient ;n; hope it isn't too god mode-y))

Ashlee looked around the relatively large room and noticed a smaller hallway that opened up in front of her and to her left. There were two doors that could be seen from where Ash was standing that lined the hallway. One said, "Chief Executive Officer" and the other "Chief Operations Officer". Ashlee pointed to them and asked, to no one in particular, "What's Rosa's title? Like, does she own this whole building or something?"
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Once Tom saw how big the inside of the building was he gasped. "How much money do people have," he thought amazed. He went over to the golden statue of Beethoven. He then went over to each and every expensive thing in the room gasping.
Emmett smiled back at Ash, and turned to look at the shy-scraper. He heard a gun shoot, and figured it was Andrew's gun. He didn't look back, thinking that he wanted the attention for his skills. He gazed at the tall and gray doors that let inside the building. And then he heard a question come from Ash, a question that never came upon him. "I guess there might be a lobby. We could ask." He shrugged, not worrying much about it.

He entered the building with three strangers by him. He looked around, and nodded. He turned to 'No-Name' and looked at him. Wow, he really is interested in money. Emmett thought, and turned back to Ash.

"I'm not sure." He said, stumped. "Hello? Anyone here?" Emmett called, wondering if there was someone to help them.

And then he heard the clicking of high heels walking down a hallway. "Hello." Said a familiar voice. Emmett turned his head to see someone he didn't recognize. "My name is Rosa. Andrew, Ash, Tom, and Emmett, please follow me. I am Rosa Runner." Said the women. How does she know our names? Emmett thought to himself, taken aback. He looked around at everyone, and saw their faces. "So your name's Tom, eh?" He said to 'No-Name.'
Hearing his name twice Tom turned around. "How do you know my name." He then pulled out his bow. "How do you know my name?" He then looked to the group all in the eye. "Are you really trying to save the world." He didn't trust any of them. Maybe the girl he forgot's name, but nobody else.
Emmett realized that Tom was freaking out. And he wasn't sure what to do. He was nervous that Tom would blow a fuse and beat them all up. Except maybe Andrew, who had the gun. And maybe not Emmett, himself, who would probably beat him up first. Emmett thought this to himself, and then turned to Rosa. "Yeah, how do you know our names?" He asked, demanding an answer. And an answer he got.

Rosa smiled at them and nodded, understanding them. "The STW company and I have been watching you guys for quiet a while. We know most everything about you. We know that Tom had ran away from home, never really having parents. We know that Emmett was just a rich party boy, who lied to his parents about saving the world. And that he was never token seriously. We know that Ash's whole family was killed by a hired assassin. And we know that Andrew was going to the Army, and has a bad temper." She said gesturing to his gun.
Ashlee was nervous, as they all were, and already on edge before Rosa told everyone about her family. Ash's face instantly turned red after Rosa said this and she glared at the ground. The thought crossed her mind that everyone else might be as disturbed by the fact that this lady knew all about them. Everyone seemed to be at the end of their respective ropes. As an attempt to calm the flames around the group, Ashlee tried asking a less personal question to Rosa, one that hopefully wouldn't end in inflamed tempers. "What does STW stand for?"
Tom heard the lady say his past and he passed out right then and there. Falling on the floor he was amazed this lady knew so much about them. So much that his brain couldn't take it and he passed out, knocking over a golden statue of Beethoven and it landing in his head. It bleed out and ensured he was not waking up anytime soon. "What does SWT stand for?" Encoded the room landing on the unconous body if Tom.
((LOL, Hunnyhelp, you mixed up the STW. You put SWT. But it's OK. Just thought it was funny.))

Emmett face was surprised, and a little bit filled with terror. He gulped, as he heard Rosa talk about his past and the others as well. And then, looking around, he saw Tom's face go white and his body go limp, falling to the ground. "Oh my-" He yelled, and saw the blood pouring out of the motionless body. Emmett dropped to his knees, trying to stop the bleeding. "Help! Someone help!" He yelled, terror and alert written across his own face. He looked down at Tom, his face pale and almost see-through. He was loosing a lot of blood.

"STW stands for Saving the World. I'm am to co-owner of it." Rosa smiled. She turned around, calling to them saying, "Now if you would please follow me-" She began, but heard a smash and then a cry. She spun around to see Tom on the floor, blood surrounding his head, and saw Emmett face of terror, as well as the others. "Benjamin, come help!" She called out to the hallway, and then ran to the group.
(Well at least the women isn't heartless. I'm going to wait until a lot of people post before he wakes up in a hospital room. Oh and if you have to cut is shirt off he has a lot of wounds from his beatings from his father.)
((lol you'd think I would catch on that STW stood for saving the world since that's what this whole RP is about... but no, I didn't xD ))

Ashlee stopped herself from shrieking at the sight of Tom's face going paler and paler, and his blood running redder and redder. She knelt with Emmett and Rosa and completely forgot about her question and Rosa's answer. "Sh-should I call 911?" Ash said as she dialed the numbers on her phone. "Hello? Um, this is Ashlee Tarlesaight, I'm here at the STW building and there's a guy, well I mean, I know him. Well I didn't, we just met—" The emergency operator cut her off.

"What is the emergency?"

"W-well, he fell, and his head's bleeding, a lot. He's probably like sixteen or seventeen. His name's Tom," Ash added helplessly.

"Okay. We'll be there shortly. STW building, correct?"

(No he will be taken back!!!!!!!! It will be even worse when they see his beat marks. He will problemly jump out of the hospital window.)
((Haha Hunnyhelp. And also OK, thanks to know. You can put more input as post go by. :) ))

((Wow LXsongbird. That's all I can say. LOL))

Emmett heard Ash's call in the background. It was only faint. Everything went slow motion, Emmett's eyes was heavy, and he struggled to keep them open. "Yeah... call nine one one." Emmett said slowly. Am I in shock? What's happening? He thought to himself, knowing that it would be logic to get shock from this. He turned to Rosa, who seemed to be doing someone he had no idea off. She was placing his hands on his chest. ((Which still had clothes on.))

Rosa softly placed her bare hands on them, closing her eyes. "I'm giving him his gift." She said, as if reading Emmett's mind. "You all have gifts. Talents." She began, looking up at Ash and Andrew. She continued. "But, there all small and haven't reached their full potential. And Tom here..." She paused, and thought for a moment. "Well, he's about to reach his." She said, and became silent again. About a minute or two wen by, and Rosa lifted her hands and opened her eyes. "There." She said, and then the ambulance was right by the door, and the rescue people coming. "OK, time to go." She said, getting up and smiling to the rest to them. "I'll explain on the way there." She said.
"holy s*** tom" pulls out a syringe and injects it into his system"in case your wondering where and why I have this my sister needed it til they took her"
Emmett turned to Andrew. "Dude, you sure you know what you're doing with that?" He asked, and opened the door for the paramedics to come in and help. He told them where Tom was and let them do what they needed to do. He turned back to Andrew.
"When my sis was sick I had to get medicine somehow so yea and its just a type of painkillers" Looks at tom "It looks bad. Where the h*** are the paramedics!" 
"You people are lucky I still had some meds on me." glares at the paramedics "Because he would have gone in a coma." 
'And how are we supposed to know they aren't spy's the whole system is screwed" looked at the medics "D***." 
Grips at gun."Someone tell me good bad or bloody."eyes look insane. pulls out gun and puts it to his side. "because if you are I don't think that would be good."

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