This is the End.

Winnie sighed softly, knowing she probably seemed weird. She looked at Shelby and smiled. "Thanks for your concern though. And thanks for the compliment..." she said softly. " Sorry if I seem rude." she said to both Emmett and Shelby. She wasn't used to interacting with so many people at once, and it was hard not to snub anyone.
- Shelby

Shelby giggled. 'Rude? you're not rude. Trust me, I know rude.' she glanced at Emmet and smiled. The group was Lucky to have someone like him. She barely knew him of course, but he seemed collected. They needed someone to keep the peace. Things had already been kinda hectic. If she where on her own she would have fled by now.
Winnie smiled, starting to like this Shelby girl. Sure she was outspoken and blunt, but that's what the group needs. Someone who is able to give facts without the soft marshmallow coating. Then there's Emmett. Strong and confident, the party boy. The same type of boy who would steal her purse and try to flush it down the toilet like a kid did in the Orphanage. She mused to herself. But if this group stayed as it was, they wouldn't last long. They were all untrained and clueless. She looked back in forth between them. She could do this, she could be strong. She just needed to shed her shyness. She suddenly turned to Shelby. "How old are you?" she asked in a normal tone, randomly.
Alteriel stood at the back of the group observing their actions and their movements. They were all so different from each other he wasn't quite sure how they were going to work as a team if none of them had the same personalities. He shrugged his thoughts away and shifted his eyes to Emmet and nodded letting him know that he was once again ready to fall in step.
- Shelby

Shelby smiled, she loved it when someone showed interest in her. 'I'm seventeen, i'll be turning eighteen soon though. And you?'
Winnie smiled back. "I'm sixteen. You seem older than seventeen though." she replied honestly. She was glad her and Shelby were actually getting along now. "Have any siblings?" she asked, wanting to know more about her.
- Shelby

She rose her eyebrow angrily.'Yes, yes, I do' she said curtly.

'Older, what is that suppose to mean?!'
Winnie blinked in shock at the sudden turn. "I-I just meant you seem more wiser. A role model like figure....." she said in a small voice, trailing off as she stared at the ground in shame. She felt horrible for making the girl mad. "I'll just.....leave you alone." she whispered, trailing to the back of the group and blending in with the shadows, closing in on herself again.
- Shelby

Wiser, a role-model? that wasn't so bad. She first though the girl was calling her out for grandma or something.

Shelby rolled her eyes. 'Wait...I-uh, I could have said that differently.' She stammered not being used to apologizing. I forgot you're a bit...sensitive.' She admitted.' The girls I usually hang out with are...very different. They're witches. You're nice, i guess,' she had never felt this ahamed. But she had to take on for the group and be kind for once.
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Winnie looked up and smiled a little. "I guess I do need to learn to be tougher. I should be tougher after all I've been through....It's just hard." she said, slowly joining Shelby again. Her eyes suddenly brightened as she remembered something. "Vic, my old friend, always said I needed to learn to get angry and defend myself. He spent hours teaching me fighting moves one on one and all. I even knocked him on his back once, and Vic is huge!" she said, laughing at the memory. "But then he chased me down and dumped me in the fountain at the park we were in." she added, giggling.
- Shelby

She was glad Winnie was happy, and more important that she hadn't point out the weak state Shelby felt in.

She listened. So Winnie was a fighter. Honestly, It wasn't showing. But Shelby didn't see any reason why the other girl would be lying. It was a blessing she was on her side, seeing as Shelby was physically quite useless. 'You know, if you told that story to everyone you just met...they wouldn't even dare to make jokes.'
Winnie grinned. "You think so? Maybe if I showed them my awesome muscles it'd help too." she giggled. "But I only ever actually fought against someone in a serious fight once. It was horrible." she stopped smiling, but was still in a happy state. She was surprised, she wasn't stuttering, whispering, or even feeling uncomfortable one bit. "I guess you could say I won, but later in the night the boys i fought hurt Vic. After that I refused to fight back to them ever again" she added, so Shelby wouldn't get confused. The memories came rushing back. The boys picking on her and pushing her around, then her beating them all to the ground. But then that night they held Vic down to his bed and took turns hitting him. The next morning he was covered in bruises, and it didn't take long for Winnie to realize why.
- Shelby

She just nodded. She couldn't empathize whith anything Winnie just told her. The bullying nor the friend in the danger thing. 'So uh...we where talking about siblings before.' she said. 'Do you have any?'
Winnie smiled. "Not that I know of. I was raised in an Orphanage, they found me on the doorstep. The usual rainy night movie scene." she laughed, before adding "You said you do. How many, what are they like?"
Alteriel stepped up next to Emmet and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "You got this." He said confidently and nodded to him as if to let him know that he could handle it. He himself was not much of a leader unless it was needed of him but even then he always sounded like an ass. Shaking off his thoughts again he moved his hand from his shoulder after gripping it lightly to let him no that he had his back no matter what. Alteriel knew the stresses of leadership because he had undergone them once, he could see him cracking slightly even though nobody else could, probably because of his observant nature. He stepped back again to watch. Alteriel looked over to Winnie and Shelby and listened to their conversation for a while he closed his eyes to envision the story. The violence shot through his mind reminding him of his own past and his own hardships. His eyes tightened slightly in pain as his memories flooded back but he retained himself, needles, spoons, straws, blood, and money all flew through his brain as he remembered the torture he and his family he endured. Remarkably he retained his face except for a slight strain on his eyes and mouth, he wouldn't burden anyone with his problems, no matter how deep they were. He will retain his strength and he will be strong, no matter what happens to everyone else, he would survive. He opened his eyes shutting out the memories and continued to walk forward.
- Shelby

Shelby felt a bit down. she had tried light talk. But It was just Jumping from the frying pan into the fire with this girl. Everything just seemed so...sad with her. 'Yes, Keith, he's great.' she said, feeling uncomfortable talking about him. He'd been gone for a year and 4 months. She wasn't even sure if he was still alive, and if he was, if he ever thought about her. But she had to find him, one of the main reasons she was here. 'He's a bit of a dork, though.' she laughed.
Winnie looked away from Shelby for a moment, Alteriel catching her eye. "Hold on for a minute, we can continue this in a second." she said before coming up behind him. " okay?" she asked quietly.
He nodded silently and held his breath for a moment as if to gain his composure, "I am fine." He said again sounding like a complete jack ass, "We just need to keep moving, figure out our next course of action, and get it done." He said knowing that moving forward and having a goal were the only things keeping him going at this point. His family was either dead or doomed to die in a drug-related crime ring, so he honestly didn't have much to live for anymore anyway, but he seemed to have found a reason to keep going whether that was the mission or the group, however, was yet to be seen, "I think we will all feel better once we are accomplishing something."
Winnie sighed, knowing he was lying. She smiled wryly. "A little birdy once said, what affects one person in the group, effects the whole group." she said, before turning and joining Shelby again. She knew she was being bold, and she rather.......liked it. "Sorry, had to do something. Back on subject, from what I hear aren't all brothers morons?" she asked her, giggling as if nothing had happened.

Shelby had heard what Winnie told Alteriel and smirked. She got him good. If she hadn't she herself would have told him to suck it up. 'Not, all of them,' Said Shelby in reply to Winnie's quistion. 'Just most. They're guys you know.'
Winnie laughed. "Honestly, all guys are weird and moronic." she said, thinking of Vic. "Guys are like a different species." she added smiling. Time to change the subject, she thought. "What type of music do you listen to?" she asked Shelby, not only to keep the convo light but to stay away from guy talk with another girl.
- Shelby

Music, alright? however she liked talking about guys, well...complaining about them and their flaws.

'Everything that doesn't scream EMO, really' she replied.
Winnie laughed. "I listen to everything. Vic always complained about it. But then again, Vic was into hard rock while I could sit there listening to country 24/7." she said, then realized she got back to boys convo. She finally shrugged. "Boys can be annoying sometimes, but you got to love them. For more than one reason." she grinned, not believing what she herself was hinting at. 
(( GARPHANDARPH *flails in anger* Brb, I have to go for a lil. i'll be back on soon though.))
- Shelby

Shelby grinned and grabbed Winnie's arm. She couldn't believe it. 'Winnie, you...perf,' 'Of course not...that's why we tolerate them.' she smiled.' you have a boyfriend?' 
(bye *waves*)
Throws a bottle in the air and shoots it. "Not according to plan I guess?" slides gun in its holester

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