This is the End.

shoots them while running to cover.grabs a syringe out of backpack and injects it into himself."that hurt like hell"
( I thought we were still in the hospital.....and Nero just ENOUGH for a moment please. Trying to figure things out.)
(Okay.....lets just continue. We'll say Nero killed all the bad guys, and the rest of us are in a empty room waiting for the action to die down. For now, lets do small rp so we can wait for the others to get on, preferably Radio.)
((I have come to save the day!!! DADADADA!!! OK, I've been reading for flippin' two hours! Anyway... it seems like we got confusion from when Nero came back. THANKS FOR RETURNING NERO!

But what was happening was that Rosa was taking the group to the STW Builing to explain things and train for the 'Save the World' thing. Now, don't mind Tom right now. He'll come into play later. Hunnyhelp and I working it out.

And then, right now, what I got was that there was some kind of fight Nero made up and all you guys joined in. And some of you were shot...

I suggest we all rewind to walking to the STW Building. Then it'll be less confusing.))
((OK cool, yeah I just think you got confused Nero cause you've been gone a while. So yeah, we can rp again! And yes Renne, you may be still friends!))

Emmett turned his head, seeing a big and muscular hand on his shoulder. And it was Alteriel. "Thanks." He said, after listening to Alteriel's comment. It's nice to have a guy have your back. Especially Alteriel. Emmett thought, and smiled and small smile. He liked the team, even though they WERE all so different. "Hey, Rosa? When will we be there?" Emmett asked, and turned to Andrew, seeing he had his gun out. Perfect.

Rosa replied, "Oh just a couple more blocks. Maybe ten more minutes." She smiled the same smile as always.

"OK." Emmett said, and walked to Ash, and smiled at her."Hey." He grinned, trying too make conversation.
Winnie stuck by Shelby, and continued the convo. "Eh, who needs a boyfriend anywhos. They're nothing but trouble." she said giggling.
Emmett saw Andrew group the gun like a rock. "Wow dude. Congrats. That's awesome." He said, smiling at him. And then he heard Winnie's comment about boys. "What about boys?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her. Boy did he want to hear this.
Winnie turned, and being with Shelby made her bold. "Boys are selfish, rude, inconsiderate jackbutts who think only of their selves and wouldn't know how to treat a girl if she slapped 'em in the face." she said, smiling sweetly.
- Shelby

Shelby scowled at Emmet. 'Eavesdropping, mister?' she questioned. Even though she had opened up to Winnie didn't mean Emmet could you just barge into their conversation. 

She than laughed at Winnie's comment. how would Emmet respond to that? 'Jackbutts..?' she asked Winnie at the choise of words.
Looks over at Winnie" Don't say that their are many fish in the sea." smiles then starts cracking up" oh god what the hell is wrong with me."
Winnie blushed at Shelby's comment. "Gotta keep it clean, I've never cussed before." she replied, then turned to Andrew. "Indeed, what is wrong with you." she teased, grinning. She rather liked having friends.

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