This is the End.

(((*Is sad* S'allight, we could probably do a scenario like Nero was thinking about but run it off as a training exercise if ya'll want to))

Alteriel nodded approving his statement, "Excellent." He said and looked around the inside of the building. The place was MASSIVE. He quickly analyzed all of the exits and possible weapons and threats before moving forward with everyone else. 
He chuckled at Shelby's statement, "Just give the order ma'am." He said with a small laugh, "We should probably get to know each other's strengths and abilities both on and off the battlefield." He said closing his eyes to think, "If we are going to be working together we need to be able to mesh and cooperate. Not go lone gun and not be afraid. But in order to rely on each other, we need to know each other."
Winnie snapped her eyes open at Shelby's outburst. She waved her arm. "ME me! I can punch good!" she joked, giggling. Then she looked around at the place. Her eyes locked on a weapon training corner.
- Shelby

Shelby smiled at Winnie's comment and sat down beside her. 'That's easy, Al, I don't have any strenghts...' 
She looked at Nero. 'I wouldn't say that...your just insane, but not really an ass,'
- Shelby

She frowned. 'A shot at what exactly?' she asked warningly. 'No funny business, cause I have two people beat you up in a sec.' she said refering to Alteriel and Winnie.
Winnie slowly got up and headed to the weapons corner. She picked a cool looking sword and her arms went down at the weight. She attempted to hit a dummy with it, but landed on her butt with the sword stuck in the dummy. She scratched her head, looking shocked.
- Shelby

'Uh..what?' she stammered as Andrew seemed to ..blush? she crossed her arms and leaned back in the couch. 'whatever, you're weird, let's just start the training, kay?'

She watched Winnie as she landed with a thud on the floor and laughed.
Alteriel sighed and looked over to Andrew, "Calm down Andrew, there is no point in so much hostility." He rubbed his temples, "We need to work together not rip each other apart." He stated then turned to Shelby, "There are a lot of people who have strengths but don't even realize it yet." He said smiling a little, "We may just need to discover yours." He said and turned to the corner where winnie's attention had been drawn, "Come on." He said and started walking towards Winnie, "You want a hand?" He asked putting his hand out, "I'll even help you use it properly." He said with a grin.
- Shelby

'This feels just like gymclass...without the hot gym teacher,' she sighed to herself. Meanwhile watching the others.
Winnie blushed and stared at the sword. "Sure. Although that one looks a little too big." she admitted. She quickly shot Shelby a look. "I swear if you say 'that's what she said' i might have to kill you." she threatened playfully.
- Shelby

Shelby quickly changed her mind. 'I wasn't going to say such thing!' she defended and sat back on the couch again.

In times like these she really needed her mobile Phone, but she couldn't contact anyone, seeing she had ran off.
((...riiigghhhttt...because every kid in their late teens can use swords, grenades, handguns and submachine guns...gotcha...I'm sorry but that is a little bit extreme dude...))

Alteriel looked over to shelby, "Come on now, this could be good for all of us." He said smiling, "Come over here for a moment." He said pulling the holster lock back on his .38 and pulling it loose with his free hand and pulling Winnie up with the other. He reached out to a Scimitar that was hung on the rack and picked it up by the handle. He pun it over in his hand and offered it to her, "This one is a bit lighter and easier to handle he said with a wink." He clicked the safety on and emptied the live rounds into his hand. He flipped the revolver closed and re-holstered it then re-located the other active rounds into his last speed loader. He then withdraw the weapon and waved Shelby over from the couch.
Walks outside hoping no one followed. walks to a ally and opens a secret door and takes out a guitar.
Winnie quickly forgets the weapons as Alteriel practices, and skips back to Shelby. "You look bored." she pointed out.
- Shelby

She shook her head. 'I'm no good here...I just can't match up physically. I really wonder on what argument Rosa based the members of the group. We're all so diferent, I can't imagine us forming a task force or something..'
sits in a corner and plays a song called castle of glass."you better not judge me" looks over at Shelby and Winnie.

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