This is the End.

haha nice)

Winnie threw another dagger at a different dummy, this time with her eyes closed. When she opened them she facepalmed. Hit the dummy in the no no zone again.
Alteriel laughed and walked over to her after she picked up the next one, "That'll definitely hurt but it won't stop them for good." He said and grabbed the outside of her hand, "Try this." He said and slid the blade up her hand so that the tip of the dagger was in between her forefinger, middle finger, and thumb. He then placed his other hand on her hip and directed her at a statue, "Now when you follow through..." He said with his face almost touching the side of hers, "Release just before the area where you want the dagger to land." he almost whispered and then took a step back to let her work. What in the world was he doing here? What could possibly cause him to care about these people. He pondered these questions while he awaited her next throw.
Winnie nodded and look determined. She did as he said,and the dagger hit the dummy straight in the head. She fist pumped, and gave Alteriel a huge hug jumping and squealing. ”I did it i did it!”
((Holy cow. Sorry guys but I'm here. I feel soo loved! Man, I'm good. :P Sorry for the wait, my siblings were on. Yeah, we only have on computer so I have to wait. And then we went to the library. Sorry but not coming when HunnyHelp summoned me. I need to clear my mind more... LOL))

Emmett watched as everyone worked, trying their best to get along and know each other. "I'm not sure why Rosa would do that." He began but then was interrupted by the oh so familiar clicking of the heels that belonged to Rosa. "Hey! There you are!" Emmett yelled, and waved her over. "We're ready for the explaining and training." He crossed his arms, and raised an eyebrow.

Rosa smiled, and nodded. "Sorry, I had to take care of some business. But I'm all eyes and ears. Shoot me." She said, meaning as in questions.

"OK first of all, was did you do with Tom?" Emmett asked, wondering if anyone else wanted to know.

"Oh well, I have healing powers. Oh an speaking off, you guys all need to get yours." She said, smiling at them.

"Our what?" Emmett said, keeping his eyebrow raised.
Winnie hurried over to Rosa and grinned at her. ”We get...powers?” she asked sweetly, grabbing Rosa's hand and jumping up and down.
Rosa smiled. "Yes. You all have talents. And I will bring them to the maximum." She smiled down at Winnie. "You want to be first?" She asked, seeing how excited Winnie was.
Winnie brightened even more. ”Sure! That would be wonderful.” she announced. She was in a very good mood today, no longer worried about everything.
Rosa nodded, but then frowned. "Just know their are PROS and CONS to each power I give. And I'm not sure what power you will get. It has to do with yourself. Talents, history, or personality." She added, and then got her hands out. "Ready?" She asked.
Winnie was suddenly nervous, but looked determined. She had a sparkle in her eye, and no CONS of anything would deter her. She nodded, firmly planting her feet. ”Ready.” she grunted.
"OK." Was the last word Rosa said. And then she closed her eyes, placing her hands on Winnie's head. About five minutes past, and then Rosa opened her eyes quickly, but slowly let her hands off. "Oh my, you have an interesting power." She said, biting her lip.
Alteriel scoffed. He had seen her powers first hand and he understood the difference that they could make in their mission but he was still skeptical on what her real motives were. She also mentioned that there could be cons and that was what invoked his paranoia more than anything else. There were so many possibilities for failure and so many issue with the situation in his mind. But yet there he stood waiting for them to make their decisions. He eyed Rosa carefully watching her every move he saw every twitch every point and he could almost tell what she was going to do before she did it but still something set him off. He looked from Rosa to Emmet and nodded to him, for some reason he trusted this guy and he nodded again slightly to let him know that he would follow his lead.
Emmett looked around, and his eyes met Alteriel's who was nodding to him. Emmett nodded back, this being 'guy language.' He turned to Rosa and asked, "What do you mean?" He almost yelled, hoping she didn't give Winnie the power of killing anyone she touched. That would be horrible.

Rosa turned to Emmett frowning. "Well, Winnie's power is.." She began turning to Winnie an saw her scared face. "Your power is... blood-bending." She said, and then explained. "Blood-bending is when you can control ones body, making then do things against their will, and all you do is use your mind. You need to concentrate to do this." She paused. "And then, the scary part is... well, when you do this. You feel how the person you are controlling feels. What their thinking. Their fear of you. Their caring for you. Or maybe even their hatred for you." She stopped, letting Winnie absorb all of the information.
Winnie's eyes widened. ”What...?” she stated, shocked. She met Emmett's eyes to show how afraid she was, before clenching them shut. She suddenly didn't feel as bold as she used to.
((@Dedecus, you there?))

Emmett saw her eyes, and felt bad for her. "It's OK, it's a pretty cool power though." Emmett said walking towards her. He rarely ever done this, but he actually hugged her. "Hey, at least it not as bad as getting the power of... um, making balloon animals?" He said, trying to figure out his sentence. He turned to Rosa, and nodded. "I'm ready." He said, and let Winnie cool down. 
((GTG, sorry!))
((Yep, i've been here the whole time lol))

Alteriel noticed her fear and walked up behind her, "It's alright." He said putting his hand on her shoulder, "This is your ability, it doesn't dictate who you are." He said nodding in an assertive/caring sort of way, "You control this ability, it does not control you and it most certainly doesn't make you any less of who you are now." He said confidently, "Don't concern yourself with what it might turn you into, concern yourself with what good you can do with it, and maybe one day you will be able to help someone avoid the situations you were in." He said moving his hand from her shoulder and stepping back hoping that what he had said would help her cope.

((Oh alright lol))
Winnie took a deep breath, and looked around. ”Do I have to use it?” she cried. She didn't want it, this power. It was horrible and cruel.
Alteriel shook his head, "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do." He said with a slight smile, "But at some point you might be forced to use it, if for no other reason than to help those you care about." He said. By now he was intrigued as to what his power might be, regardless of what it was he may not even need it. Turning to Emmet he started to speak, "You know..." He said pausing for thought, "I would be willing to go next. If for no other reason than to make sure it is safe for the rest of us." He said. He felt bad for not being quick enough to stop Winnie but he was glad that she was not harmed by the process.
- Shelby

Shelby was a bit frightened by the power Winnie had. She could control other people. Once again, she was glad Winnie was on their side. She wondered what her power would be and hoped it would make her physically usefull to the group.

(sorry, I didn't get any alerts...strange..)
((omg i love avatar :DDD (bloodbending...)))

Ashlee was shocked at Winnie's power, and kind of felt sorry for her. She noticed that Emmett volunteered to get his powers next and then Alteriel did as well. Ash said, "I'll go whenever... I don't really care." In fact, she did care, and really hoped she didn't get a power that was scary, even though Rosa said each power has pros and cons.
((LOL @LXsongbird, yeah I thought of it from there! :P ))

((Be here for a bit.))

Emmett was about to get his powers, but Alteriel volunteered. "Oh." He said, and grinned at Alteriel. "You can go." He said, moving aside. "I'll take last. Unless someone else does." He said, looking at Andrew, Shelby, and Ash. He turned to Alteriel, and nodded, realizing that Alteriel and him did the nodding thing a lot.

Rosa turned to Alteiriel. "OK, are you ready?" She asked, realizing that Alteriel was several inches taller than her, even when she was wearing high-heels. "But you'd have to sit..." She said, hoping he was tall, and that she wasn't super short. Rosa looked at Alteriel, remembering all the things she'd seen him do, from watching from cameras.

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