This is the End.

Ashlee listened raptly to Rosa's explanation of Shelby's powers, then thought to herself, I should make more of an effort to become friends with her, in case she ever hears something I don't want her to... Just kidding, Shelby, if you're listening... You're a very nice person! Ash sighed. This was going to be complicated. She looked at Emmett again and then back at her feet, made up her mind and squeezed his hand lightly without looking at him. Ash hoped he didn't notice how red her face was.
- Shelby

Shelby smiled as she walked away from Rosa. Thinking about who would be her first victim. But it had to be someone with a weak mind. Wait, was it wrong of her to use her powers against her teammates? No, she told herself. She needed to practice, right?
(wait that makes me think. shouldn't you guys decide wheter Shelby can read your characters mind or not? :S since she can only do it with weak minds?)
((LOL I'm here. and sure she can. Tom about to reveal something big...!!))

((Hey, I'm gonna give Andrew his powers so we can get this ova with.)))

((@Jazzylegs, you can pick who has the weak minds. But Rosa and the STW group don't so you can't read their minds, but you can control and send them thoughts. So yeah.))

Emmett felt Ash's warm hand cup his. He bit his lip, and squeezed her hand back. He didn't want to make eye-contact, knowing he probably looked like a goof ball right then. But, something in his body, his mind, made him turn to her. Shelby? Are you making me do this!? He thought, and turned to Ash. He gave a crooked smile, and shrugged. "I, uh-" He said, but stopped talking, knowing he was making it awkward...

Rosa walked towards Andrew, and quietly placed her small hands on his head, as Andrew too sat down. "OK, let's do this." She said, and closed her eyes. Minutes passed, and then within a second, Rosa's eyes and hands were open and off of Andrew's head. "Hm. Useful." She said under her breathe. "Andrew, you have a gift somewhat like Emmett's. You are another extreme survivor. Except, you limps can re-grow. You're an Extreme Healer." She said, and continued. "If someone were to shoot you right now, you wouldn't bleed, instead, the hole put into your body with re-grow, becoming whole. I could cut of your arm right now, and there would be another one in it's place." She smiled, and then turned to the hallway.

"We have another surprise for you guys." Rosa called, and then spoke. "Tom! Please come!" She yelled, and she felt everyone freeze.

((@Hunnyhelp, take it away!!))
- Shelby

She tensed and looked at the others. Really, the crazy was back? She crossed her arms to clear her statement. Something was obviously up.

(okay, so what I understand is that she can read Tom's mind, but will fail doing so?)
Two smoke cannons went off on opposite ends and lights went off and on. It was like a gameshow. Tom then stepped out in a black bed suit. "Hello I see you have all got your powers," he said smiling like a goon. "I hope you enjoy saving the world." He then reached next to him and grabbed a bottle of water from a servants plate. Drinking it he picked out a dagger and smiled to Winnie. He then dropped it and went over to Rosa. "My upgrade?"
((Wait what? Jazzylegs you are confusing. I said that you can't read the STWgroup -including Rosa- bu then you can read anyone else's mind, choosing yourself who has the weak minds. I mean, if you think Tom's mind is weak, then you can read his. But if you don't then you can't. Or were you talking about something else?))

((LOL, Hunnyhelp. Yeah, it's your turn!))

Emmett turned to Ash, then looked at the rest. "What the? Tom's alive?!" He asked, feeling betrayed already...

He squeezed Ash's hands, letting her know not to freak out. And then he saw a figure. A BIG figure. It wasn't Tom. Hopefully, because if so, Tom needed to exercise.

And then there was another figure, and skinnier figure. That was Tom.

They came out of the black, and there WAS Tom. And someone else. Rosa pointed to both of them. "I know you all know who Tom is.. and this is," She began, pointing at the bigger man. "This is my Boss. Dr. Coll. But he likes to be called 'Big Dog.' He is incharge of this whole STW group." She said, and then let Tom make his entrance.

Rosa nodded, smiling. And now, her smile didn't seem happy anymore... it seemed... evil....

Rosa placed her hands on his head, and closed her eyes. But this time, it only took a moment. "You have the gift of 'Black Smoke.' In other words, you can poof anyway you want, leaving black smoke where you were. Almost like time travel." She said, and added. "So now, you have super speed, super jumping abilities, and the gift of black smoke. You need more calories than the average man." She added, one of Tom's Cons to so many powers. She turned to the group, grinning from ear to ear.
After hearing this Tom smiled. He then turned around and grabbed a coke and drank it down quickly. He then ran to the other side of the room leaving a puff of black smoke where he was. He then grinned. "I wonder how you will fight me now." He then grabbed a sword and smiled. "I wonder how you are going to think of us when you find out we are evil," he then smiled like a goof and laughed. "Oops," he said jumping to the celine and disappearing only to appear on the other side of the room grabbing another coke and chugging it.
Rosa smiled. "Shh Tom. You gave away the secret." She sarcastically said.

'Big Dog' just stood there, smiling with his arms crossed.

"What?!" Emmett yelled. "Why?!" He kept yelling. "Oh I'm gonna!" He began running towards him. He was ready to beat the crap out of Tom. He thought he was his friend, his team member. "Oh and by the way, we've got power too!" He yelled, and if he had the power of smoke (which he didn't) there would be smoke coming out of his ears. He charged Tom. Getting ready to punch his fast.
Right before he was punched in the face Tom appeared on the other side of the room. "You need to be a little bit faster than that." He then grabbed another coke and chugged it. He then jumped up and landed next to a stereo he flipped it on to the song, "Can't touch this." (I hope that is the real song name.) He then grabbed a roman longsword and cut a dummies head off.
((Oh, it is...))

Emmett growled. "Try me." He said, seeing the sword. "I'm an extreme survivor, I can take it." He said, knowing he didn't have super speed, but instead, grabbed a sword. "I may not be able to use my gift you fight you, and I can use things around me." He grinned, grabbing another gun and putting it the bag of his pants, just in case he need backup...
Seeing the sword Tom smiled. "You know it's not so bad being on our side." He then ran the speed of sound and ended up next to 21 year old (Sorry I forgot name). "You are like me it wouldn't be so bad. I mean the world has wronged us all. We could recreate it in our image. We could destory all of the bad, think about it." He then jumped and landed right next to Emmett. He then yanked touched the sword and black smoked to the other side of the room the sword still in his hand he then dropped it and smiled. "You sure about that?"
((You mean Alteriel?))

Emmett growled, and grabbed the gun, gripping it tightly. "I'd rther DIE than join you.!" He yelled. "You make me sick." He said, disgusted. And then, he shot, but not towards Tom, towards the boss. The boss dropped to the floor, and Rosa screamed. "Now, I want you and your freaks to leave, and stop this, or I shoot Rosa." He said, pointing the gun at her. He was still, and wasn't joking.

Rosa was surprised. "No." She said, under her breathe. "I have my own secret." She said, and she starred hard at Emmett. And then, Emmett fell to the ground. Screaming. He dropped the gun, pain bursting in him. "Ah!!" He yelled, in extreme pain.He kept screaming, looking like was having a spams. "Stop!!!!" He yelled, everything hurting. "Help me!" He yelled, looking at Tom, and the team. 
((GTG in like 15 minutes))
Seeing this he looked at Rosa. He didn't want this. But he wanted his mother more. He looked at Emmett and tried not to show his pity. "That can be arranged," he said coldly. He then walked to the boss. He grabbed the boss and disappeared in a black smoke. He then appeared back before the smoke could even clear. "I took him to his lab he should be fine soon," he said to Rosa. "Please stop now," he said softly so nobody could hear her.
With everything happening so quickly, it took Ash a few seconds to realize what was actually happening. Tom was bad. Attacking them. And he-- or Rosa-- had just hurt Emmett. Pretty bad, too. "Ohmigod Emmett!!" Ash suppressed a scream as she ran to him, kneeled on the ground next to him and felt his forehead while looking for visible wounds. When Tom told Rosa to stop Ashlee turned to her with anger boiling up inside her. Did Ash imagine that crack of lightening outside? That subtle shift of the earth beneath her? Her voice deadly calm, Ash said, "You heard To—Stop it. Why are you doing this?" For a second she'd forgotten Tom was on the other side now. Or always had been.
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((PS do u guys mind if I make a smallish earthquake? Cause I know radio and hunny have been talking so I wont if u have something else in mind or don't want me to c:))
Tom fell as the room shook. He was shocked that she actually did this as he was blinded by all the spewing coke. It sprayed all over him. He was just about to drink one. He became very exhausted and fell even farther to the ground. He tried to get up, but he couldn't. He was in the same pain as Emmett was. He needed his calories. He cried about, but he was to tired to talk. "I need calories," he said almost passing out.
Winnie watched everything in shock. ”I trusted you Rosa! I actually thought you were nice- I actually was starting to like you!” She screamed, extremely angry. She then turned to Tom. ”And you! To think i actually had a crush...” she stopped, blushing furiously. She turned back to Rosa, and seemed to become a different person. She slipped in Rosa, taking over her body and mind. She felt her anger, her madness. ”You will stop hurting them.” She whispered, using her powers to force her to stop.

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