This is the End.

Alteriel opened his eyes for a second. He saw Shelby and heard Emmet's voice. He knew how would think he had betrayed them, but he had to do it. If he had stood with them, they'd all be as good as dead. His eyes fluttered shut again and his head fell limp as though he were dead but then he heard something, something that seemed so far away, so out of reach, but still so close. His mind raced his heart lept into action and his body started to shake as though he were seizing. Open your eyes. He heard Shelby say. His eyes opened and there he lay staring into Shelby's eyes. He rolled to his side then nimbly shifted his weight onto his back left side shoulder and pushed with his elbow onto his hands. He let his body weight fall backwards and he rolled his feet under his body to support him. All of this seems almost mechanical, as though no thought at all was involved. He saw Shelby and smiled then turned to see Emmet who was infuriated and had every right to be, "You don't..." He panted, "Understand..." He puffed out. He plunged his hand into his pocket pulled what looked like an ordinary stick of gum out and began chewing on it, "If..." He said taking a few gulps of air, "I had not done what i did, we might all be dead." He finished finally getting his breath back, "They probably already know where we are so you should stow your anger, you and i can sort things out later but we ALL need to get to a safe place, now." He said in his usually douchbaggy commanding voice.
- Shelby

-Pfff, you're welcome- she thought to herself as Alteriel slowly got up. However she was glad her work had...worked. She moved to stand up but the pain in her ankle stopped her. She groaned. Till now she hadn't noticed it hurting like it did. That was just great, if she wasn't a physical burden before she sure as hell was now.
Jumping up Tom prepared to use his training to use. "Why are you here John." He had never called his father dad. Never did and never would. He flinched as his father cracked his belt but stayed strong. "Why did you burn down the house."

John looked at his son with a sly smile. "Why would I need a extra house. I already killed your mother and got her insurance. Why would I need this useless house. I'm planning to build a giant house. Wait no, you build it. Now roll up your sleeves and get to work you b*tch. He then held his belt high and made sure he hit Tom with all he could with it.

Tom saw the belt coming and teleported away behind his fathers back. "I wouldn't bet on that father." He then brought his sword down and hit his father on the head. "I still got the scars." He then brought his sword down on his father's downed body. He cut off his head and teleported, right in front of the group. He pulled out a coke and drank it. He then raised his sword ready to carry out his orders.
- Shelby

She stared at Tom in fright. 'H-how did you found us?' she asked. She was scared now, and it showed. She had absolutely no idea what this guy was about to do.
Ash watched Alteriel struggle up and felt bad that he was being misjudged. At that moment Tom appeared, holding a bloody sword and Ashlee could guess what he was here for. She tried to become angry at him, at what Rosa had done to Emmett, but found only fear and uncertainty inside herself. And the air got colder and mist swirled around the group. What mood does this reflect, Ashlee thought, confusion? Dread?
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Emmett glared at Shelby. "Oh really? Hm. Let's think back shall we! He's almost killed us! He accepted the invitation to help Rosa and that stupid Tom!" He yelled. "And I had trusted him! And he back-stabbed us. All of us!" He said, wishing he could blow something up. He didn't care right now. He'd rather DIE than listen to Shelby and Alteriel. "Oh and shall I remind you, I was tortured back there because of him and Tom and freaking Rosa! So don't think Alteriel's all innocent!" He said, and walked out of the house.

He didn't want to look at anyone. Not anymore. Not ever. And just when things couldn't get any better, Tom showed up. He could feel it. It was raining outside, and Emmett was shivering. But not for long, his body heated up, and glowing red coming from inside him. He was toasty, and surprisingly dry. He crossed his arms, and stood there.
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Winnie sawEmmett a little ways away from where she lay, but she was to tired to move and ask him if he was okay. She flipped to her back and stared at the sky, wondering how she fit in all of this. They don't need me, she thought. I'm useless, stupid and tired. Very very tired, her mind added as she closed her eyes and sighed. She wondered what would happen if she went to sleep right now. They don't care about what iI do or what happens to me, she thought with a flinch as her breathing grew harder and more laboured, her heart rate sped up and she turned to her side grasping her chest in pain. Just from using her powers too much, she told herself, clenching her eyes shut even tighter, waiting out the pain.
((Woke up at 6:20!!!))

Emmett was glowing. Yes, glowing. But it was for his survival. He was in the rain, outside and completely mad. At most everyone... and now he was too angry to look at anyone. So, here he was. In the rain, dry and warm. He crossed his arms, his hair in his eyes. He mumbled quietly, re-thinking everything over.

Emmett sighed. He needed to calm down somehow. But he didn't know how. He was in the woods. 'Awesome.' He glanced around, and sighed. He walked to a tree. He'd never been good at climbing, but he wanted to look down at everything. He grabbed a branch, and struggled. "Crap." He whispered, and dropped down. "Maybe if I..." He began, grabbing the tree. It was sticky. Ew. Emmett took his hand off, and looked to see if there was sap. There wasn't. He placed his hand once more, and grinned. It was sticky still. But Emmett could climb. And so he did, just like a monkey. And kind of like spiderman. He grinned, and he climbed and climbed. And finally, he was at the top of the tree. He hung there, glancing down at everyone and everything. "Wow." He said, smiling.

He looked, and he wanted to get a better view, so he stepped, but misplaced his foot. He slipped. "Whoa!" He yelled, and let go. He was falling to his death. He was at least 5 stories up of the ground. He watched as the ground became closer and closer, coming to greet Emmett to his death. And surprisingly, Emmett didn't scream. He just let himself fall.

And then, the weirdest thing happened. His body started turning darker, and becoming hard. What the? What's wrong with me?! He thought. And then, he hit the floor. His last words were: "What's wrong with me." Nice ending. Super. Emmett closed his eyes, but didn't feel anything. In fact, Emmett felt fine. He stood up, and looked around, confused. He glance down at him, and he wasn't gray and hard anymore. Is this what Rosa meant by... He thought, realizing it was his power that did this. His power saved his live. "Whoa." He said, amazed.

And then he started to glow, because it was raining. He was dry and toasty again. Sweet. Emmett walked over to the house that belonged to Alteriel. He looked through the window, seeing everyone there and talking, figuring things out. Emmett saw his own reflection through the window. He saw a boy, glowing bright orange. He saw a troubled boy, with an interesting past he never talked about. He saw a leader, and also a weak boy. He saw... a lost boy. Emmett sighed, he was good at hiding things from people. He was good at seeming confident, when he was freaking out. But as he looked through the window, he saw he wasn't much needed. He saw they could take care of themselves. They were all tired, but when Emmett was in there, everyone was screaming. And when he wasn't everyone was tired and calm. Talking and not yelling. Emmett turned around, frowning. He wondered if he should just give up. Become a slave for the STW group, and just be there. And he began to walk into the darkness.... confused and lost.

((Basically what happened is that Emmett was saved by his power. His power saved his life. (This happened on the first three paragraph) And now, he thought he was useless, blah blah blah... and is trying to figure where he belonged. Who he is. Junk like that. (last paragraph is on that)
:P ))
Ashlee quietly stepped outside and sighed. Everyone was riled up and Tom was going to kill someone and she wasn't helping to calm any of them. So she exited out the cabin and sat in the wet grass, ignoring everything but at the rain, staring at it as it fell on the ground. Her hair became soaked, as did her clothes. But it didn't matter; being in nature always helped her cool off, this time figuratively and literally. Ashlee stood, raindrops spilling off her arms, and began to walk off aimlessly into the forest.
Emmett turned, hearing a noise. "Ash?" He said, walking towards her and glowing. (read post above yours LXsongbird if you want to know more about the glowing) "Ash!" He yelled, seeing it was her. "Are you OK?" He said, reaching her. She was just about the only person he cared for. And the only one he probably trusted.

Hearing her name, Ashlee turned and saw Emmett, completely dry in the rain and looking pretty warm, too. His powers? Ash wiped a strand of wet hair from her face and said, "Y-yeah, I'm fine." She looked down, suddenly very happy that he'd found her. The rain got a little lighter and softer.

((ok bye c:))
Emmett didn't know what came over him. He was so confused and angry. Scared and lost. All emotions filled him, seeing Ash. And so, he walked up to her, smiled and held her head in his palm. He leaned in, and whispered, "Thanks for being her." And then closed his eyes and landed his lips on hers. He began to kiss her softly. Sweetly and kindly. And then, as it grew, he got harder, with more emotion and love. Emmett wasn't sure what came over him, but he needed her than. He needed this now.
Alteriel heard Emmet's words and they cut him deeper than any blade ever could have. He understood his anger and he knew he might be painted evil for that but he had already prepared himself for thet. What he wasn't prepared for was Shelby, her kind words and indulging spirit. She had defended him so that he didn't have to, no one had ever done that for him. He looked over to her and smiled sweetly. An expression unlike anyone had seen, even himself, for a very long time, "Thank you." He said. The expression quickly shifted from happiness to hatred as he saw Tom appear before the group again. "You need to make up your mind!" He said angrily shifting from himself into Tom once again. For a second time he reached into his pocket and pulled some 'ordinary' gum from his pocket and jammed it into his mouth. He disappeared in a flash of Black Smoke and appeared next to Tom. He slammed his fist as hard as he could into the side of the younger boy's jaw, "Either go with them or stay with us! He screamed as his fist flew, "I could care less but whatever you do, DO IT!" He said letting all of his anger, all of his hatred and pain from the past and from his accusations from Emmet fly as his fist headed straight for Tom's jaw.
Emmett didn't care if Ash would push him away an slapped him. In fact, he was kissing her in the way that he should have been slapped. But he didn't care. He held her jaw in his hand gently, and her arm wrapped around her waist. He tilted his head down, so it was easier. He kissed her softly now, with care and still some emotion. He spoke between the 'make out' scene. "I... care... for... you... You... mean so... much" He whispered, hearing all the yelling from inside. But he didn't care about the others, just him and Ash. Everything seem to revolve around them, everything in Emmett's mind was her. Just her and only her. Was he in love? Thinking that, his stopped kissing her for a moment. He looked at her, embarrassed. "I'm sorry." He said quickly, and pulled away. "I don't know what came over me.." He began, ready from the smack. His eyes flickered towards the window which everyone else was in. He saw Alteriel finally bursting and yelling. He smirked for just a moment, and turned to Ash.
- Shelby

Her eyes widened. She was shocked. Unknowningly she had gasped a litlle, that's how shocked. Alteriel had thanked her after all. Now, she felt bad for thinking these bad things about him. And that little fact shocked her even more. She had been around these peoplle for only a while, and already she started to change?

In fear she watched the scene in front of her. She couldn't do any thing. Someone had to step in or it would be just a repeat of last time.
((Where's LXsongbird?! Well, I guess I'll move on...))

Emmett looked over, and saw everything. "Hey, we should go check that out." He said, grabbing Ash's hand. "Follow me." He said, and moved to the window. His body became soft like jell-o. He pushed his hand through the window, it going completely through. "Ha." He chuckled, and moved his whole body through the window. He made it. "There." He said, and smiled.
((A;DSKLFJADFKLS sorry T_T posting now)) 
((still have to go back and read to find out what's happening inside the cabin. Sorry I wasn't online for that x__x; ;) )

Needless to say, Ash was surprised when Emmett kissed her. Surprised even more when she liked it. Surprised even more when she started to kiss him back and realized the truth in his words; she needed him too, she cared more than she should for someone she just met. As the kiss formed on their lips, the rain in about a three-foot radius around them stopped. But when he pulled away and apologized, the rain started again with Ashlee blushing fiercely and saying, "N-n-no, it's okay..."

When he took her hand, Ash complied and followed him to the window, where she stood as he slid through. She made a fake frown at him, then gave a small grin and slid the window open, hopping through to the cabin. The fight between Alteriel and Tom immediately took the happiness from her face. For now, it seemed like Alteriel had the upper hand. Maybe now Emmett would see that he's on the good side... Or is he? Of course, he is. He transported us here with almost all his strength and is fighting Tom for us right now.
Alteriel was in a rage, he had forgotten who he was. He thought that his past was left in the crack-den that he called home. He thought he was over his emotions and that things could be sorted through actions and a system of checks and balances. He even forgot that emotions existed for a long time. The world seemed to stop in those final moments of thought. His mind seemed to be invaded by rage and hatred and nothing in this world could have stopped him. Or so he thought. A small corner of his mind, a tiny voice in his brain like a breeze. The breeze moved over a matter of seconds into a shockwave that shook his mind. He hear Shelby gasp in fear he knew he has done something terrible, something he would never be able to forgive himself for. But in that moment just before his fist hit Tom, he stopped. His mind and body seemed to freeze up and he noticed for the first time, that Tom seemed more confused and scared, than evil and intimidating, "You are not worth it." He said his fist barely touching his cheek, "I am in control of myself and you are not worth losing that control for." He said shoving his fist from Tom's cheek with enough force for him to understand that he would not stop next time. He saw Emmet move through his cabin and nodded to him, "Don't step there." He said pointing to an ordinary spot of flooring next to him, "In fact you probably should watch your step everywhere in here." He said with a chuckle his face having turned from rage to his usual calm. He noticed Shelby open the window and lept over to the other side of the cabin he grabbed what appeared to be air and yanked it down, "Be careful." He said to Ashlee and looked to the ceiling where a heavy wright was held by a nearly invisible rope just over the window in case of intrusion, "We need to plan for what happens next." He said as he tied the rope to a secure point in the window to reset the trap. He moved towards the fireplace and spat his chewing gum out into a nearby trash can then turning to Tom he spoke calmly again, "We do not fear you, or your enslavers." He said calmly, "You are permitted to live only because we deem it so and ONLY to tell your masters that we will not be pushed to the side while they attempt to end the world. You can stay, or you can go. I don't care anymore." He said and sat down with his back against the dresser next to his bed.

((Alteriel goes bonker's regains control just before going apeshit on Tom. Decides to let him live and tells him to figure out what he is planning to do with himself. blah blah blah, read it if ya want :P ))
Winnie, finally regaining conciousnes, slowly sat up from being soaked to the bone in her spot on the ground. She rubbed her head in pain, and turned toward the source of the yelling. Alteriel was screaming at...Tom! She smiled, jumped up and headed for the cabin. ”Tom...your back again.” she said her voice soft as she was out of breath. She pushed back some wet tendrils of her hair and didn't notice herself shivering from the cold, or her bottom lip trembling as her teeth's chattering filled the silence after Alteriel's speech.
Emmett had almost forgotten his fight with Alteriel. It was in the past, and in the back of his head. He grinned. "Nice to see you're OK." He said to Alteriel. He noticed his warning off caution, but shrugged it off. "I'm an extreme survivor." He stated. "I can deal." He shrugged, and held Ash's hand in his. He turned to Tom, not loosing his cool anymore. "We're going to leave. Either you join us or not, I don't care. But with you here, Rosa shouldn't be far behind." He nodded, and turned to Alteriel. "Let's leave. It's not safe here anymore." He started. "I know the perfect place..." He added, grinning the lopsided grin he always had.

He cracked his knuckles and breathed. He turned to everyone, and nodded. He walked to Alteriel, knowing because of his power of Identity Stealing he could take them there. "My place. It's very safe." He whispered, wanting to go there. He knew his house was safe because his parents were wealthy and had many security and 'friends.'
Winnie watched Emmett for a minute, before turning back to Tom. She didn't know why, but he reminded her of somebody. She shook the thought off before speaking. ”You should come with us, you don't have to stay on the other side.” She said softly with a smile. She then turned and skipped up to Alteriel and Emmett. ”Where to now? Only a matter of time before the others get here.” she asked, looking between the two.
"My place. It safe and big. My parents won't care. We can crash there for a bit." He grinned. "Oh and there's a awesome pool." He added, longing for a swim. He wanted to try out his powers. Having gills for a bit would be awesome. He looked down at Winnie, being tallier than her. He knew she liked Tom. He could totally tell. He turned to Tom. "If he wants to come with us, he needs to prove that he's not evil." He said, standing straight.

He had a flashback of Ash and him outside, and blushed.
Winnie blushed at Emmett's statement. ”He can do that, right Tom?” she said smiling, turning to look at him, before turning back to Emmett. ”I've never learned how to swim.” she said in a thoughtfull voice. ”Are you sure it's safe?” she asked, changing the subject.
"Positive." He stated, and glanced over at Tom. ((WHERE'S HUNNYHELP!?!?!)) He smiled at Winnie and offered her this. "I could help you. Maybe I can show you how." He grinned, and offered swim tests as a friend. Not as a super gorgeous life guard. Haha.

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