This is the End.

(Oh god I wasn't getting the alerts. I'll post now)

Rubbing his jaw Tom signed. "It is to late." He then looked at the group. "Only the StW building can bring my mother back." He then signed again. "And I doubt any of you could afford my calorie intake." He then pulled out a coke and drank it. Turning to Winnie he signed again. "You know me as Tom, but you also know me by my other name, Vic." He then kissed her, not caring.
Winnie's eyes went wide in shock, before she slowly kissed back. Millions of thoughts ran through her head, most were how? others were WTF?! When the kiss was over she pulled back. ”How...?” was all she got out, starting to cry. This was impossible. This can't be true.
Looking down he was extremely ashamed that he didn't tell her sooner. "I have ran away from home before." He then grabbed her hand. "I changed my name so my father would never find me. I ran to a orphanage it would be the last place he would look." He then looked away. "But when you left he did. I.." He then started crying. "Then he killed my mother." He then dropped his sword. "And on that sword is his blood." He then looked up and disappeared leaving the last part of his father behind.
Winnie stared at her now empty hands in shock. She fel to her knees, scooping up the sword from the ground an holding it to herself. She slowly looked up at Emmett before standing and wiping off her tears. She smiled at Emmett for a moment. ”I'd love to learn how to swim.” she whispered before turning and sitting down on thee floor.
Ash was relieved with the option of going to Emmett's house, remembering what Rosa had said about him being a rich kid. He must have a big house. He confirmed this fact and Ashlee smiled to herself when he said he had a swimming pool. She loved swimming. As he offered to teach Winnie how to swim, she almost felt jealous but the feeling evaporated into kind pity when Tom kissed her and said he couldn't join them.
Emmett glared at Tom. And then he left. Just like that. Had he not cared for the team? He wasn't sure. He turned to Winnie, feeling sorry for her. "You do know you've falling in love with a bad boy." He joked, hoping to get her hopes up. He turned to Ash, and held her hand. "It'll be OK." He whispered, turning his attention to her. "Now let's go there." He said, and turned to Alteriel. "I live in Chinook Montana. It's a small town, but it's good. We can go a rest there for a couple of days. Get plans and get geared up. And Tom will be doing the same with the STW group." He paused, as if thinking. "And then... we fight." He said, thinking they would be on TV or something. They'd be famous if they won. Wow. He cleared his throat, ready for Alteriel to turn into Tom, and poof them to his house.

((Is Dedecus on?))
((K so not sure if Tom is there or not, gonna do my best to dash around it. >.>))

Alteriel chuckled slightly at Tom's story. He knew the emotion he felt and he understood the frustration and sadness. But in the same turn he had not been weak enough to go bad. He stood up straight and looked at Emmet, "Don't say a word." He said as he turned his body into Shelby's form. His voice changed as he spoke which was an odd mixture to be sure, "I will know where you want to go." He said delving slightly into Emmet's mind to get the location of his home, "Alrighty then." He said as he then turned into Tom and popped another piece of gum into his mouth I am running low... he thought to himself, "Everybody hold on." He said and put his hand on Emmets shoulder and the other around Shelby's waist. He blinked and opened his eyes. The black smoke around the group cleared and there they stood in front of Emmet's home. 
((Just in time! :D By the way if you guys need to use my guy to use his abilites you may :) ))
((He's gone xD ))

As Alteriel turned into Tom, Ashlee remembered the feeling of transporting the first time and she grabbed Emmett's arm with both hands, closing her eyes. The swirly, headachy feeling came and went quickly, and peering out of the cloud of smoke, Ash ((haha smoke ash.... lame pun x3)) stared at Emmett's mansion-like dwelling. "Holy crap... Wait, but aren't your parents home? You said you were going to college, so...?"
Winnie stood and looked at Emmett'$ house. ”My god, are you some King or something.” she exclaimed, her eyes nearly bugging out of her skull at the huge thing. Then she looked down at herself, feeling out of place at all this grand things. Her dress was torn, bloody and she didn't even know who's blood, and it was dirty and wet. She tightened her grip on the sword handle, slowly looking up. ”Do you think.....” she started out to Emmett but stopped. He wouldn't have girls clothes at the house.
Ash noticed Winnie looking down at her clothes and she noticed her own as well. Addressing Emmett, she asked, "Yeah... Do you have a sister or something 'cause it'd be nice for us to be able to change clothes. Oh wait, I have a change of clothes." Ash awkwardly noticed she was still latched on to Emmett's arm. "Oh, I forgot... I don't have a swimsuit. Never thought we would need one to save the world..."
((OK cool! Thanks!))

Emmett grinned. He better not turn into Ash. I don't want to kiss him. Ew. He shivered at the thought. He closed his eyes, joining hands with Ash and Alteriel, and then within a moment, he opened his eyes. They stood in front of Emmet's house. He grinned. "Home." He whispered, and walked to the door. He sighed, remember much of his past just by looking at the door. He opened them, knowing they were never locked. He peered in. He saw the first room. He saw the one of many living rooms. He knew every place in this house. The one of two kitchens, the the first Dining Room, the Bedrooms, and the Library. And there was so much more, but too much to list. There were pools, and arcade, and bathrooms. He grinned and stepped in. "You guys are fine. And I'll explain to my parents. And we have plenty of swimsuits." He said, answering all their questions.

((LOL, like the house?))
Alteriel breathed out heavily and took in a huge gulp of air. It wasn't so bad the second time. He thought to himself as he morphed back into himself. He smiled and clenched his fist. His capabilites could be used for so much more...No. He told himself. I will not become him. An overwhelming feeling of sadness came over him again. His mouth twitched slightly as more memories cam back to him. His left eye winced slightly where the scar he bore sat. His mind shifted. He could almost smell the smoke. He shook his head clear of the memories, "I'm stronger than that..." He spoke as lightly as he could under his breath. I have to be. He thought to himself yet again. He heard them talking and he snapped his mind back into reality, "I have a few spare sets of clothes." He said, "I should be okay." He refused to become a burden, to anyone. His eyes looked forward as he walked into the massive doorway, "Do you have a place for me to work out?" He asked wanting to make sure that his skills stayed as sharp as his abilities.
Winnie sighed and sucked up her feeling of stupidness. ”If you have jeans and a tshirt or something Emmett, that would be awesome. All iI have is my dress.” she said her voice emotionless, bracing herself for the pity.
Emmett nodded at Alteriel. "Why of course we do have a work-out room. How do you think I became so strong." He teased, and smiled at Winnie. "Why yes we do. My Mother is very little, around your height. She has plenty of clothes." He ushered. "Just go up the stairs and the first room to the left is her closet. Pick anything you like." He said, and turned to everyone else. "Help yourself." He said, realizing it was getting late. "You may pick out your rooms, but there would have to be two to each room." He added, and looked around.

"Mother?" He called, wondering where they were. "Leland?" He called his father's name. He walked into the kitchen, searching. And then, he screamed. "Ah!!" He yelled, tears pouring from his eyes. "NO!" He yelled, and fell to his knees.

Down on the floor, lay his mother and Leland, dead. Their eyes starring into nothing. He cried, holding his mother's hand. "No.." He whispered, sniffing and sobbing. "Where are Agnis and Max?" He asked, as if his parents would answer back. "Please let them be alive." He whispered.
Ashlee's eyes grew wide in wonder as Emmett opened the door. The rooms she could see we're predominantly white, with gold and silver highlights, lamps and such. Ash particularly liked the library, and looked at it in longing, but decided not to sit down in the chairs, because she felt sure her muddy camo leggings wouldn't be good for the upholstery. She glanced down and realized her shirt was soaking from the rain in the forest and remembered Emmett in the same forest. Just then, she heard him scream and ran to the kitchen herself. "Oh my god..." Ash whispered, remembering how she felt when her parents had died. Agnis and Max? Siblings? "I-I heard some footsteps upstairs. I'm sure they're fine," Ash lied, staying by the doorway. "I'm so sorry. My parents were killed, too. But I guess Rosa already said that."
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Emmett sniffed. "Hey Alteriel!" He cried, calling from behind his shoulder. "I need you. It's my... parents!" He said, between sobbs. He turned to his parents lying on the floor. There was no scraps on them. Nothing at all. "Rosa..." He whispered under his breathe. He cursed under his breathe. "I'm going to kill her." He said, and waiting for Alteriel to come and help carry and bury them. "They're dead." He said, repeating it over and over again. "THERE DEAD!" He cried, crying all over again. "WHY ME!?" He screamed to the heavens.
Winnie was already heading to his mother's room. She slowly opened the closet, and smiled at all the dresses and skirts. In the very back she found a pretty simple white skirt, and a shirt with a blue butterfly on it. She quickly changed into them, before adding a belt and attaching the sword to it after cleaning off the blood on the sword. Then she heard Emmett's cries, and hurried downstairs to find him by the bodies of what appeared were his parents. ”Oh god...” she gasped.
((Me too, bye people c:))

Ashlee felt tears spring to her eyes and left the room, looking for Alteriel. When she found him, she directed him into the kitchen and sat down on what was probably the only non upholstered hair in the house, a stool by the fireplace.
Alteriel nodded to Emmet when he mentioned the work-out area and closed his eyes to think as Emmet walked away. All of a sudden he heard Emmet hit the floor with his knees. His eyes shot open immediately thinking he had been attacked. He rushed into the kitchen to find Emmet over his parent's bodies sobbing uncontrollably, "Emmet!" He exclaimed and rushed over to him. He didn't ask if he wanted help, he knew he needed it. Alteriel stopped in front of him and yanked him off of the floor by his arm and hugging him, "You'll be alright man." He said, "We will get them for this." He said and released him from his grasp, "Go on and help them." He said stepping back into his usual standing, "You do not have to bury them. I will." He said maintaining his stern face. They will pay for this. He thought to himself. For all of this.
Tom appeared in front of Risa as she just got back from killing Emmett's parents. He hung his head down. "I could not do it. They stopped me." He then looked up. "I have failed." He then grabbed another coke and started to drink it. He then threw out a few that he had drank. There was none left. He then grabbed another coke from a servant and began to drink it.
(wow, I missed a lot...LOL Alteriel knows Shelby's power better than herself. )

Shelby had entered the kitchen, watching the scene in front of her. Emmet's parents, they were death. of course she felt sorry but the only thing she could think of was her own family. So she called home. 'Hello?' was heard on the other side, it was her uncle steward and he seemed alright. She heard him repeat himself and quicly hang up, hoping STW wasn't able to trace their cellphones. Her father and uncle where fine, but for how long? She had to do something. 
(btw what happened to Nero?)

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