This is the End.

((Well then, that was awkward. I wasn't getting any notifications lol sorry guys)) 
Alteriel turned to her questioningly, "You sure this is what you want?" He asked. He didn't think she fully understood what she was asking of him. He knew that the calorie intake wouldn't be that great of an issue thanks to his Jolt. But at the same time he needed her. Imagine that... He thought to himself coming to the realization that she had been the only one who helped him. The only one who even tried to wake up after he sacrificed so much to help all of them, "I will take you. If you want." He said, "But you're more than welcome to stay." He added with a slight smile.
((Cause I'm bored...)) 
((OK, Emmett's swimming, trying to clear his head. Emmett could get out if you want. It could make it easier.))
((Sounds like a plan OR You could drop into mah zombie RP and we could go there and you could make a character later, hell i dunno lol))
((Sweet! And wait, you're a Dad? And aww, a baby! LoL))

Emmett swam around for a bit, admiring the time he had by himself. He got up, lifting himself out of the pool. He grabbed a towel that sat of a chair. Drying his hair and head, he grabbed his shirt, and went inside. He was better. Or at least a little bit.
Ash saw Emmett come inside from swimming and was all too aware that he was shirtless. ((I'm guessing he's not the type to swim with a swimshirt.... xD )) She blushed and looked down. "S-so, we're staying here for the night, right?" What?! I already know we are; what am I saying? Say something smart for once!! "Do we just choose our own rooms, or what? I mean, I don't really care what room I get. It doesn't matter to me. Whatever's better... How many rooms do you have? I mean, how many bedrooms? In your house? Here?" Brilliant...
(I wonder where Reenee is. I'm here, but I'm snagging off a shops wifi. So I won't be here long. (School shopping.))
Shelby nodded. He had agreed, really easily. 'Yes, i'm sure. I don't want the others to know though, You can tell them I'm gone after I'm, well....gone.' 
(Renee ?? she's prob not getting alerts)
((Exactly Jazzy stupid thingee mabob! sorryyyyyyy!)

Winnie watched after Tom then hurriedly followed him. ”I was safe with Emmett and the rest. Er...mostly. Tom, I love you, but i think you should know where I stand. I hate Rosa, and the others need my help. I can't just go to a safe house and leave them.” she whispered, grabbing his shoulder so he'd still. She pulled him to face her, before kissing him lightly on the lips, and taking his face in her hands. ”I think you should take me back to Emmett's Tom.” she whispered softly, before hugging him and laying her head against his chest.
Alteriel sighed, "Okay." He said reluctantly not wanting to see her go, "But i am staying with you." He said almost demanding it. He thought he was asking in his own way but he was unsure how she was going to take it. He had already buried Emmet's parents for him so most of the hard work had been finished, "I'm not going to let you stay on your own. It's too dangerous." He said, "That is my only condition." He added with a smile.
((Aw wow. That's amazing. I'm too young to have kids. I'm in the early teens. But I admire that. :P More power to you.))

((How could you Winnie!? Why!!!))

Emmett looked up to see Ash. He saw her blush, and grinned. "Sorry about my dressing." His smiled, while drying his face. "And I have 3 guest bedrooms. Well, 6 in all, for three of them belong to my family. It has personal things in them, so I can sleep in my room, and then I guess Winnie and Shelby can sleep in the same room. Alteriel can sleep in another and... you can sleep in... my room with me?" He suggested. "Or with his 'girl friends." He added, feeling awkward that he offered her to be in the same room as he. But of course, he would be on the floor and she would be on the bed. "I don't know, you guys can sleep anywhere you want. Just not in my parent's room or my sister's room. So we have 4 rooms left." He said, shrugging.

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