This is the End.

(Ok its fine.)

Tom fell to the floor pain erupting everywhere. It felt like he was drowning in lava. Like a sword was pricing his body. It was too much. Just pain so much pain he tried to teleport. Actually he teleported everywhere he knew. His burned down house, in Emmett's pool, Shelby's house, and finally back to the STW building. Then pain wouldn't stop no matter where he went. When he got to the STW building he reached out a pressed a red button. He then went back to pain. He felt like he was going to die. He thought his last act was pressing that button.


When Tom pressed that button a section of the roof of the STW building. Out came out a missile. It flew to its target. It's target Shelby's house. Once there it came down and every thing that was in or near the house was destroyed. The nearby houses ripped apart. All that was left was a few bodies that was already dead. You could bearly recognize them, but if you knew them you would know who they were. They were the dead bodies of Shelby's family.

Rosa laughed, seeming like a crazy women. But then, Tom pushed the button. The button that was saved for later. The button that was suppose to kill Shelby while she was IN the house. "No!!" Rosa screamed, and starred Tom down more, rushing pain at him. And this went of for a bit, but it had to stop sometime. The Boss placed his hand on Rosa. "No more." He mumbled, and Rosa calmed down. She stopped and walked away. Leaving The Boss and Tom alone.

The Boss knelt down, and starred at Tom. "Listen, if you don't stop this," He began, talking about all Tom's messing up, "I will stop this for you." He threatened. "You have no idea what I can do." And with that said, he got up, and walked away.
Ashlee gave a halfhearted smile back at Emmett and realized how exhausted she was, even though she hasn't used nearly as much power as Alteriel... "Wait, where's Alteriel? And Shelby? Did something happen to them? Are we safe here?" Ash's nervousness got the better of her and she looked around. "Where are they?"
Shelby screamed. The pressure of the missles had caused both her and Alteriel to collapse onto the ground. She didn’t have time to question what had happened, or why it had. She started running towards what was left of her still burning house. ‘No,no,no,no,’ she cried as she neared, making out what seemed to be two bodies. Her stomach twisted, her knees could barely hold her but she kept walking. She needed to know if it were true, even though it was very clear.
((LOL Alteriel had a creepy flashback lol so he went apeshit on a random guy who tried to hand him his backpack :P ))

Alteriel nodded to her when she got back to him. They were only a few houses down then he saw the missile just before it hit. He knew how to land without injury but he was pretty sure Shelby didn't. He lept behind her in a split second and shielded her body with his If i die i am going to be pissed... He thought to himself wait...EMMET! He thought just in time. He quickly changed his form, well most of it. His entire upper body was now emmet but the bottom half was still his when the missile hit. His body turned hard as adamatium, well most of it. He took the hit and was launched backwards about 120 feet. His ankle snapped under the weight and pressure, "OH FUCK!" He screamed. He looked around and saw Shelby sprinting to her house, "At least she is okay." He said. Then he saw what she was running for...the bodies. He quickly finished changing into emmet then stood up and sprinted after her, "Shelby wait!" He screamed as he pushed through the brush and fire. His skin became like a liquid and any fire that touched him was extinguished Wish i was this cool((dun dun tch!))... He said. He reached Shelby just as she got to the bodies. He quickly grabbed her arm and spun her around to face his chest. As he did this he transformed back into himself, "It's going to be alright..." He whispered through her sobs, "We will fix this, i promise." He said holding her close. His head started to hurt, he wasn't used to feeling at all much less this much.
Winnie got it together before looking up.”You all are going to hate me. Rosa and the Boss are my parents.” she said softly, before turning and running out the door. She ended up by the pool, with her feet hanging into it. She was at the 6ft end, staring at the water. She always pictured her parents coming to get her than them doing normal family things like camping and having dinner parties and such. They were going to teach her how to swim, she thought numbly.
'Why? why did they do this?' she cried. her shoulder shook and she couldn't breathe properly. She had just lost everything she cared for.
((Oh. LoL. I'm dumb. :P Thanks for telling me!))

Emmett looked around and bit his lip. "I don't know." He said. He looked around like crazy. "Maybe they spoofed away to go on a date like Winnie and Tom did?" He teased, trying to calm Ash down. "I bet they're OK.... maybe we can call them. Wait, Ash do you know they number?" He asked, and then turned to Winnie. He heard what she said, and saw her run to the pool.

"It's not your fault." He mumbled, struck dumb-founded. He blinked, processing everything going on.

((Haha, I all pumped up because my lil bro is listening to action music. :P ))

Emmett wasn't sure what to do. Either go calm down Ash, and look for Alteriel and Shelby, who may be somewhere far away. Maybe in danger... OR go talk to Winnie before she drowns herself.

Think Think. Was all Emmett was thinking off. He turned to Ash. "It's going to be OK. Go calm down Winnie. Tell her it's not her fault for having evil parents. I'll go look for Alteriel an Shelby. I can fight off anyone if their in danger. I'm an extreme survivor. I can do anything." He nodded, and ran outside. He grabbed his Dad's car, knowing they weren't in the house. He turned on the car, and drove into the night. "Alteriel and Shelby, I'm going to kill you guys for running off." He said under his breathe, rolling his eyes. He needed to find them, and fast.

((LoL, everything's important except for my comment there.))
Alteriel held her, "I know...i know..." He spoke as lightly as he could. He wasn't sure how to comfort a person in mourning because he had only mourned once for his brother. The only thing that pushed him after that was survival and revenge, "We will get them back for this." He assured her, "They don't have to die..." He said, "They have to be put through worse pain than we feel right now.' He said rubbing her back lightly, "We can do this. Together." He said arms still around her, "But we have to move. People are gathering and soon the police and fire will be here." He said thinking about transporting again No...I won't become someone else. My abilities will be more than enough to get us back... He thought to himself. 
((LOL nice, yeah i was zombieing and i am kinda pumped too lol))
Winnie hugged herself and leaned foward a little. Maybe she could just teach herself to swim....just jump in and paddle. Yeah, that could work. She leaned forward and with a great splash fell in. She quickly sank a ways, and everything went quiet and peaceful. She kicked her legs and moved her arms like in movies and found herself....going no where. She kicked harder, more desperate, and finally broke the surface gasping for air.
Shelby looked up at Alteriel. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay here...and cry. But Alteriel was right, they had to keep moving. It will only be a matter of time the chaos would atract people. She nodded at him and hoped he had a plan. She didn't feel capable of anything right now.
Winnie dragged herself out of the pool, and headed back to the house. She quickly changed into jeans and a white sweater, and her belt with the sword attached to it. She grabbed her bag, and headed back out. She walked away from the house until her feet ached, and she was out in the middle of nowere. ”Tom!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
Tom dragged himself to the nearest chair before slowly getting up. He slowly walked over to the two red buttons one down the other up. He looked hard. "Oh no," he said. He had pressed the one that sent a missile to Shelby's house. He thought he had pressed the one that released the drug into his system to kill him. That's why she was so mad. Quickly setting down in the chair he spun around and looked at all the cameras. "Sense when did they have that wall expanded." He walked inside and his jaw dropped. They had cameras viewing every single place on the planet. He quickly walked out and back to the camera room. He pressed the button that closed the door and the keypad appeared back. He had always wondered what was behind that door. He then looked to the cameras showing where everybody was. When he saw Winnie he heard her scream out his name. He quickly grabbed a few cokes and teleported to her. Appearing behind her he touched her shoulder. "What's wrong," he said quietly.

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Winnie whirled around, and threw her arms around Tom. ”Take me to Rosa and the Boss.” she demanded quietly. burying her face in his chest. She would try to end this, once and for all.
"I don't know where they are but I will try." He then hugged her as he teleported into the training room. He then released her and looked up. "Rosa. Your daughter has come." He then leaned in and whispered to her. "Never mind what I said. The boss is nice. Rosa, now you have to look out for." He then hugged her again. "Did you come to join us," he whispered.

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Alteriel nodded and grabbed her hand, "This way." He said remembering the path to Emmet's. He ducked into the bushes beside the house they were standing by and crouched almost to his knees to keep them hidden, "Be very quiet." He whispered with almost no voice at all in his speech, "Try to control where your voice is coming from, look at me but don't speak to me." He whispered his voice now coming from the bushes behind them, "It's called ventriloquism." The bush said again, "Watch my feet, mimic me as best as you can." He said taking a gentle step with his heel instead of the top of his foot so his prints barely showed up and when they did they didn't look like normal tracks, "Just do your best." He whispered again as they reached the edge of the bushes. Behind the houses was a tree line into the woods he grew up in, "We need to get there quickly and quietly." He said pulling his knife from his boot and setting the tip of the blade into the dirt to check the compass, "Northeast..." He whispered pointing the knife to the edge of the woods, "There." He pointed, "There are no wires, no cameras and best of all the trees will cover us from above. No satellite, plane or chopper could possibly know where they were so if the STW sent agents, they would be going in blind, "Just do your best to keep up, if you start to fall behind, just say my name." He said and released her hand. He stood slightly but he was still low to the ground. He started off in a crouching sprint doing his best and not leaving but a small amount of tracks. 
[media][/media] looks like that xD
Winnie smiled weakly at Tom, feeling bad for tricking him. ”Yeah.” she said with fake happiness in her voice, before turning to Rosa. ”Hello...mother.” she said softly, barely containing the hatred in her voice. Her hand made it's way to the sword at her side without meaning to.
(Never underestimate the STW group. They have cameras where no human has been before. They are so small you can't see them and they need no wires the entire world is covered by there wi fi network.)

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(I was talking to Altheriel.)

Tom looked to her as she reached for her sword. He backed away. If she messes up I'm going to let her see what she has caused. He then picked up another sword. He wasn't going to hurt her but still he wanted it.


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Winnie released her grip on the sword, before smiling and hugging Rosa. ”I'm glad you came back.” she whispered, giggling happily.
((And this is exactly? Look i don't mind the whole possible surveillance thing but it seems to me that your trying too hard to do too much and i'm definitely not cool with that...))
((Hm? Don't like the camera idea? What about it!?!? Nawh, Jk. Idk, it's fun. :P I feel evil. Being Rosa and the boos and all. I'm a bad guy.))

Rosa turned around, wearing a white lab coat. "Hello Darling." She smiled, walking closer to her. "Your Father and I have been working on somethings." She winked at Tom. She turned to her daughter. "Have you come to join me?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.

Emmett drove quickly searching everywhere. "Alteriel? Shelby?" He yelled from the windows. He didn't care if someone starred at him. The world would end soon, and they wouldn't care about what Emmett did a couple of hours... or days ago he did. "Where are they?" He asked himself.
((lol i wouldn't mind it so much if it weren't so improbable. I thought this was set in current times which is why i was confused lol, i don't like being watched >.>))

Alteriel heard Emmet screaming from his car window, "Idiot..." He said as he reached the woods. He took Shelby's hand whistled loudly to get Emmet to slow down. He opened the back door and let Shelby get in first then ran around to the other door to get in himself. He felt it then, and heard it. A gunshot, clear as day as soon as he opened the door, "Fuck..." He said and fell into the car face-first passing out quickly a clear hole in the center of his back.

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