This is the End.

Shelby scowled at him. He was being such an idiot, she could commicate with him through her mind, she didn't need to whisper. She followed him anyway, not in for an argument. Then she heard Emmet yell for them. Alteriel led her to his car and she jumped in. She heard the gunshot first, only seconds later realizing Alteriel had been hit.

Using all her strenght she quickly pulled him in. 'Oh no..' she whimpered seeing the hole in his back. She took of her yellow hoodie , her favourite, and used to press it on the wound. That's what she had to do, right? She had seen it on TV. -Don't die, please don't,- she though to him.
Tom looked Rosa straight in the eye when she winked at him. He was then overcame with evil. Looking down at his watch he saw Shelby following Atheral (sorry I can't spell it right sorry...) in a forest. "I'll be quick." He then grabbed a 40 caliber before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.

Tom appeared in the forest near the two. He pulled out his gun and a bullet. He load his gun and aimed at Atheral's back. He pulled the tigger as the. Shot rang out. As the older man fell down and Shelby reacted Tom then caulked his gun. He then pulled out another bullet and loaded it. He walked out of the shadows and smiled. "Oh Shelby, Shelby, Shelby." He then pointed his gun right at her face, a smile on his face.

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She froze on the spot looking at the gun, than at Tom. She scowled at him. She knew that with her powers she could convince him to throw away the gun. But when she looked at him, she just knew he was responisble for the death of her father and uncle. 'You really want to kill us?' she asked him. 'Like you killed my familie and Emmet's...' 'I don't believe you're doing this for your mother, You're just a heartless person!' she yelled at him.
Hearing this Tom dropped his gun as the evil flowed away. He looked at the gun that was in his hand and looked back to Shelby. "What have I done." He then dropped to his knees. "I thought I was only doing it for my mother. I tried to get out. But I have lost control. Only they can provide the calories that I need. I would die. They have control over my body." He then looked at Shelby. "They are always watching," he whispered.

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Shelby hadn't expect that. She wanted to believe him, his tears seemed...real.

She looked at her hoodie that was now getting stained by Alteriel's blood. He needed help, or it will probably be the end of him. With tears now also coming from her eyes, she shook her head. 'What do you want?' I can't...forgive you.' She hopelessly looked at Emmet. 'We can't stay here.'
Tom whipped his tears away as he looked her in the eye. "You would be amazed of their powers." He then signed. "I would do anything for my mother. They do not need to threaten me. Do not take pity on me." He then closed his eyes. "What would you do for your uncle and your father?" He then grabbed her hand. "They can bring them back. I have seen them do it with my mother, but then they killed her again saying I had to hold up my end of the deal." He then grabbed her hand. "Join us and they will bring back you uncle and father." He then looked to Atheral. "Emmett will take care of him. He is rich after all. Not as rich as the STW group but he is rich." He then pulled out a coke and drank it. "So what is your awnser."

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How great would it be? Her uncle and father would be alive again and they'd all be happy.

She only had to do one thing...

She than reminded herself her father and uncle never would have wanted that. Never make a deal with the devil, her father always said. His dissapointment would be endlessly. 'I can't' she breathed with pain in her heart, knowing she was going to regret this.
Frowning Tom sighed. "Then I have to do something." He picked up his gun and pointed it at her head. "I am sorry, please forgive me," he said loading the gun. He caulked the gun and took a deep breathe. "I will do anything to live a happy life with my mother." He then pointed it back at her head his hand shaking.

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Shelby shook her head. 'No,' she knew it, it was all just a stupid trick and she almost fell for it. 'You aren't going to shoot me,' she demanded using her powers against him. 'You're going to unload the gun and then you'll throw it away.' she ordered him. She hoped Emmet wil step on it now, not sure how long she'd have control over Tom's mind.
Tom smiled when she said this. "You think those little tricks are going to..." He stopped mid sentence. Unloaded his gun and threw it away. "What are you doing," his brain screamed out. He then turned to her, before gaining control over his brain again. Not wanting to be messed with Tom went back to the training room and waited.

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((lol very nice, i am into this hardcore now xD ))

Alteriel groaned turning on to his side slightly to look up at Shelby, "Don't...worry about me..." He breathed forcing his eyes open. He tried to use his powers but he was just so weak...Weak! It screamed in his head over and over again his thoughts so powerful that Shelby would be able to pick them up without even being in his mind, Useless pathetic waste of life! What good are you if you can't even save ONE person. His father's voice echoed through his mind like a shockwave, "You have to...survive..." He said breathing again. His pain was too much. He could not even fell his legs, "You have strong..." He said and smiled a little, "It's not your fault." He said and the pain winced his smiled away, "He is confused...He doesn't even know why he is doing what he is doing." He said then coughed out some blood, "Don't blame him...for not knowing..." He said before breathing out deeply and closing his eyes.
Ashlee watched Emmett speed away to go find Alteriel and Shelby, and when she finally collected herself she walked over to the pool. But Winnie wasn't there anymore. Seeing this, Ash hurried inside and saw Winnie exit the house in new clothes, supposedly from Emmett's mom's closet. Wordlessly, Ash went to the same closet and dressed in shorts and a red shirt. She wanted to go back to see where Winnie went, but decided she might not want to know. Instead, Ash looked around until she found Emmett's room, and ended up sleeping on the floor next to his bed.
(haha hunnyhelp you scared me with the first two senteces. Dedecus, I think we all should or just tag eacother.. )

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Shelby looked down at Alteriel as he spoke to her. She found that they where in this position way too often.

She laid a hand on her forehead, getting a headache from his thoughts. It was hard, she could barely separate the thoughts from the words he spoke. His pained thoughts defiantly took the lead.

Her father had never spoken towards her like that. She couldn't believe any father would. No one deserved that. Alteriel, he seemed a different person now than from what she'd seen in the supermarket. Even than she'd sensed his mind. She didn't know how or why but their minds seemed definitely more connected then she'd felt with other people. He wanted her to forgive Tom? She could never do that, he’d killed her parents. - You don't even know how much you saved me today- she thought to him and meant it. Who knows what she would have done if he hadn't been there for her? – Hold on. Don’t fall asleep.-

(Erm...I think we should wait for RadioActive to return?? or not?)
(What made her think that Tom killed her family? Rosa is the one who does that stuff.)

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( Well, she just sees Tom the bad guy. with her it's either black or white. she thought that him showing up to kill her was just proof of him also killing her family and Emmet's parents. Srry I thought I had said that. )
Winnie looked Rosa in the eyes. ”I'll join you, but iI have my own mind and can think for myself. Also, iI want you and father to help train me in getting my powers better. I want to be able to control them...” she paused, and smiled at something. ”And others.” she giggled at her own joke. ”I will not be forced to do things, iI am not like Tom. I may be your daughter, but as far as i'm concerned, iI am nothing like you.” she went silent to let them think about that.
(Blood bending, she can control other people and make them do things, but when she does she feels their feelings towards her doing so, and she sometimes gets carried away when doing it.)

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