This is the End.

((@radio lol same... and Dedecus I just got around to translating your signature. "There is no confidence in the force?" is that a star wars reference I'm not getting?))

Ashlee tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked up at Emmett, before hastily changing her mind and staring back at the ground. "Um, yeah... I can sleep wi—in your room. I-If that's okay with you, I mean," she added, still blushing but glad for the offer, so she didn't have to sleep alone. Especially after all that's happened, with the STW group, Ash would have nightmares. She always had ones about her family. "You get the bed, of course; if you have extra blankets I'll sleep on the floor. It's carpeting, right?" Ashlee gave a small smile before averting her eyes again, taking care not to mention his dress as he had.
((It's a different derivative of latin, google translate doesn't do the language proper justice...It means, "There is no courage without fear." More directly translated Illict = Not having any/Empty of ; Est = Is ; Haud = Fear/Paralysis/Unmoving ; Virtus = Courage/Strength/Power ; Fidens = Having of; To have something. The online translators do their best but nothing compares to looking at a languague :) So directly translated it can get confusing. You have to kinda tinker with it :P ))
Shelby smiled. ‘I can take care of myself,’ she bluffed.’ But..okay, you can stay.’ She said as though she was giving him permission. Honestly, she was thankfull he was going to stay. If he hadn’t said so himself she probably would have begged him…subtlely. She rubbed her hands nervously. ‘Okay,’ she sighed before sending him a mental message of where to go.
Tom took Winnie's hands before he started tearing up. "That is not why I took you here." He then looked deep in her eyes. "I took you here because this is the only place they are not watching." He then signed. He had promised he wouldn't tell Winnie, but that is why he took her here. "Rosa and the boss are your real parents. If you hate Rosa you hate you own mother." He then signed and waiting for her reaction.
Alteriel smiled at her resilience, "Alright then." He said and morphed himself again into Tom, "But we need to make a quick stop first." He said popping his last piece of Jolt into his mouth and taking her hand, "Are you ready to go?" He asked.
Alteriel and shelby disappeared in a puff of black smoke and appeared in front of what looked to be a small convenience store, "One second." He said panting lightly and chewing hard on his gum. He walked to the front desk through the front door and set his bad on the floor pulling out a small wad of money, "I need all of the Jolt you have." He said. The cashier stared at him for a moment then nodded and went into the back room. He came back with a grocery bag full of packs of chewing gum labeled "Jolt" and set them on the counter, "That'll be 53.43" He said. Alteriel handed him the wad and said, "Just keep whatever is left." And grabbed the bag. He didn't like to admit it but he was never very good at Math. He felt someone behind him. The familiar fog of paranoia came over him as he started to walk away. The man reached down for Alteriels bag seemingly to hand it to him but he did not see it that way. No. He will NOT have it. He thought and quickly smashed his knee into the man's face. The man started to fall back with a broken nose, "Don't you EVER touch my things!" He screamed and grabbed the back of the guy's head as he was falling backwards, "NO! NO! NO!" He yelled loudly repeatedly smashing the man's head into his right knee. The man fell backwards clearly hurt bad but Alteriel jumped on top of him knife at the ready, "Don't you EVER. Fucking do that again father or i will KILL YOU!" He screamed pressing the knife against the man's throat. He was having another flashback. He was so far buried in his own mind that he didn't even know what he was doing. The store manager picked up the phone and started dialing but Alteriel didn't even notice.
Winnie stumbled back, eyes widening in shock. ”No no no that can't be true. It's not true, just plase take me back to Emmett's.” she whimpered, slowly sinking to the ground on her knees. She always pictured her real parents nice and loving people, just never had the money to keep her. But they planned to come back for her, or so she envisioned. ”Take me back.” she whispered again, closing her eyes against the tears.
(Turning into other people he had met and using that persons powers)

Winnie hurried to Emmett, still crying. ”Oh my god i'm so sorry.” she gasped, hurrying to get some ice and press a ice bag into Emmett's hands, not meeting his eyes. ”Keep this on and the swelling should go down.” she whispered, before turning and sinking against the wall and hugging her knees to her chest.
((Yeah im gonna go ahead and not let that happen...If you wanted to strike him or throw him should have asked so...I'm good...))
((LOL, I know Dedecus. I'm waiting until I'm married and crap to have kids. Trust me, I'm all good. :) ))

((And I'm sorry LXsongbird! I was gone all day. Just got back and ate dinner at like 8:00. Sorry!))

((@Renne? What was the ice for? Emmett's OK... LoL))

Emmett smiled. "Actually, I can sleep on the floor. You can sleep on the bed. I sleep like a rock, so it's OK." He smiled, and winked at Ash. "Also, I need to go a shirt... and dry pants... actually I need pjs." He said, looking down at his bare chest. He chuckled, and looked back at Ash. And then, out of no where Winnie came rushing and through herself on Emmett. Why? He thought for a moment, but then remembered that Tom stole her. "Hey Winnie. How did your date go with Tom?" He teased, hugging back Winnie. She felt like a little sister. Or a close friend. She was adorable. He looked up at Ash, and smiled. "You girls can borrow some pjs from my mom too. Or you can sleep in your clothes. And maybe take a shower. Might be your last for a bit." He added, knowing they could be on the run for a bit.


Rosa slammed her fists on the desk. In front of her, were the many cameras that surveyed the area of Montana and a lot of other places. "What are we going to do?" She said, closing her eyes. And behind her, stood a round, short figure. "It's OK Rosa." Said the oh-so-familiar and nightmare giving voice of the boss. "I have an idea..." He chuckled, darkness of the room surrounding him.

Rosa smiled and looked up. "Just make sure not to hurt our daughter..." She giggled.
Winnie smiled softly at Emmett. ”I learned some....interesting news.” she said, then broke down crying again. This couldn't be real, but she didn.t know why Tom would lie. Oh god, what if they all hate her from it!? she thought with alarm, which made her cry harder. ”Rose.......bad man.....parents....”she sobbed, not able to get the words out.
(Ok I'm fine with that not happening ill just repost. But I'm to lazy to edit. @RadioActive I punched your char across the face. Lets just stay that I teleported to rosa.)

Tom couldn't read mind but he knew that she expected her parents to come back for her. "Rosa isn't that bad. It's the boss you have to worry about." He then touched her shoulder. "That is why they wanted you so much to join us, not for me but for them." He then squeezed her shoulder as they teleported right in front of Emmett and Ash. "Now I don't think we finished. He then ran the speed of sound around Emmett before appearing before him and punching him right across the face before disappearing.

(I gtg)
((lol radio that's ok, just wanted to make sure you didn't miss it what with the ooc and stuff c:))

Ash smiled and thanked Emmett for letting them borrow clothes... and his house... and his room. But she resolved to herself that when they got to his room she would insist on sleeping on the floor to not make it harder for him. When Tom punched Emmett on the face right before he disappeared, it came so quickly and as a shock that it was hard for Ashlee to discern what had happened until Tom was gone. "Oh my god Emmett, are you okay?!" She rushed to him and lightly touched his face carefully with her fingertips.
Shelby ran in and tried, hopelessly, to pull Alteriel of the Man. She realized how dangerous he could really be and wondered what kind of mess she had gotten herself into. It was then that the man picked up a Phone, it wouldn't take long before he'd press 911. She started to panic. No way she could possibly explain this. 'We have to go!' she yelled, eyeing Alteriel. Not even hesitating to use her powers to convince him this time.
Tom appeared in the camera room with rosa and he boss. He hoped and prayed they hadn't turned the camera showing his house on. He looked over to it and saw it was on. Oh god. He then looked down waiting to see. He hoped it wasn't that big of a deal. And he prayed that punching Emmett would make up for that.
Alteriel felt Shelby in his head. He knew that she was going to see some things that would crush the average person. Images of overdoses. People attempting to stab and rape each other. Death and torture over their next fix. He snapped out of his mind-coma as quickly as he could once he realized what was going on. He hoped he was fast enough to protect her, "What..." He asked before looking at his bloodied hands, "Oh god..." He said letting the man fall to the ground. He snatched the bag of gum and picked up his bag. He grabbed shelby's hand and then disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. It was a good thing he was still in Tom's figure otherwise he would be in deep. They appeared two houses down from the location Shelby gave him. He looked at her with shame in his eyes. Emotion even, the depth of his heart was shamed. It was not a face he wore often, "I am sorry..." He said and let her hand go, "I should go..." He panted out spitting out the last two pieces of gum he had in his mouth and turning back into himself. He took a few steps back hoping she would ask him to stay. He wouldn't be a burden though. He wouldn't allow himself to bring them both down. Better she hate me and be safe...Then love me and be in this much danger... He thought.
Tom opened his eyes and looked to where Decudes was. Seeing that he had turned back and was no longer him. Good, when he was done here they couldn't get away. He should have joined them when they had the chance. He looked over to Winnie was and his joy fell. He had caused this he had caused her sorrow. He then closed his eyes again deep in thought.
Shelby looked at him so angry, she couldn't hide her disgust, her dissapointment. 'I can't use this right now,' she said. 'I know you're hurt but..' She didn't finish her sentence. She looked at her house a few meters from where they were standing. 'You should probably stay here,' She didn't want her father and uncle to see him like this. this frightning. 'Don't draw attention to yourself,' she warned him before running towards the farm.


Shelby tried to open the door but it didn't budge. This was strange, the door was usually open, there was always someone at home. They couldn't be gone, the truck was still on the land. She took a false stone out of the wall to retrieve a spare key. However the key wasn't there. She stood still for a moment, just staring into the empty space. Panicky she ran to one of the windows to look inside.

There was no one to be seen. She couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong.

She ran back to alteriel. Out of breath and in total panick she faced him. 'I can't enter the spare key is gone.'
((So basically, Alteriel and Shelby are out of a date (or in other words, sending Shelby back home for a bit), getting beat up, and beating up man. AKA Alteriel's Dad? Sorry, just want to make sure...))

Emmett thought for a moment. "Wait. What?" He began, but then Tom appeared, punched Emmett and left. Emmett felt his jaw, seeing Ash's eyes go big. Emmett felt blood. But just a bit. "Eh, I'm OK. Starting to get used to Tom's 'mysterious' moments. I wonder what goes inside that boy's mind." He said, starring down at Winnie.

"OK Winnie, you're probably the only one Tom cares for. Tell us what happened on your speed date with him." He asked, and smirked. His eyes flickered to Ash, and he smiled.


Rosa felt Tom linger behind her. "Hello." She said, turning her gaze to him. "I see you've tried to betray us." She smiled, and looked at the boss, who nodded.

"We see most everything you do." The Boss chuckled.

Rosa nodded, and turned to Tom. "You've been a bad boy." She smiled, and then, it was all screams after that. Or in other words, she hurt Tom, the way she hurt Emmett. Through the mind. Mind Torture.

The Boss laughed, and watched at Rosa hurt and tortured Tom, without even touching him...

((I might be gone for like two days because I'm going camping. IDK, maybe just a couple of hours. I don't how long I will be gone. Just heads up.))

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