This is the End.

Ashlee sighed in relief when Alteriel offered to bury Emmett's parents. She walked to Shelby just as she got off the phone and said, "This place is depressing. I don't think it'll be that easy on Emmett staying here after Alteriel buries them. I know how it is, everything reminds you of them. So I was thinking we could go to my house, maybe." Ashlee paused, doubting that Alteriel had enough strength left to transport them somewhere else. "I think it's actually pretty close to here, maybe we could take a bus there. It's not that big, but I have a spare bedroom and a blow-up mattress."
Shelby nodded. 'Yes, It's probably for the best,' she mused. 'But are we putting to much attention on ourself by moving? Maybe we have to go somewhere that the STW doesn't know about.' she suggested. 'I'm not sure but they must have figured out where we're living by now.' While she said that her mind traveled back to her own home.

Maybe she would have to leave the group. She looked at Alteriel. She could try to convince him to bring her home, or at least close to home. 'It can't hurt to stay one night, right? We all can use some rest.'
Ashlee had completely forgot about the STW group and how Rosa had known so much about them without ever meeting them. "Oh yeah, you're right. I forgot, they know everything about us. Okay, yeah. I'm sure this house has a great security or alarm system anyway."
Shelby looked at Ashlee as she quicly changed her mind. 'Someone should talk to him,' she said looking at Emmet.

'Not me,' she added hasted. Shelby looked down at her cellphone. 'You think our friends and family are in danger too?' she asked Ashlee
Ash said, "Yeah, I'll talk to him," and was starting to walk over when Shelby asked if she thought their relatives were in danger too. "Well, we're all obviously in danger. And I live by myself so the worst they could do is destroy my house... and I think my fish are going to die anyway without me there to feed them." She laughed a little, avoiding the question of family.
Shelby nodded. 'Poor fish,' she laughed akwardly. That was it, she was definitely leaving. But she couldn't let the others know...
Ashlee gave a wan half-smile and said, "Hopefully we can all get through this... I bet Rosa's gonna be pissed that Tom didn't kill us. She'll probably send a whole army or something after us." On that happy note, Ash walked to Emmett and said again, "I'm so sorry... I kn—I know what it's like. But I'm not saying it's not hard to go through."
Emmett sniffed, and slammed his fist on the counter. He cursed under his breathe and thought of his sisters. They weren't here, and he had a feeling something went wrong. "They're gone." He whispered. "She took them. I know she did." He repeating. He turned to Ash, his eyes blood shot from all the sobbing he did. "Rosa took my sisters." He repeated once more. He closed his eyes, tired from the long day. "We should stay here for at least the night. Make plans in the morning." He stated. He grabbed a glass of water, choking it down because his mouth was dry. He was trying to be strong, trying to make it through. He didn't dare look at his parents. Instead, he hung his head, and placed his glass down on the counter. "I'm going to bed soon." He added, walking away. He turned his head to Ash, but didn't smile. "Thanks." He said, and began to walk across the kitchen into the living room, wanting to clear his head.
Winnie stayed on the sidelines, watching as Emmett stormed away. She sighed, brushed back her hair and walked away in the opposite direction. She finally found one of the guest bedrooms, or so she thought until she realized it was one of his sisters bedrooms. She was getting ready to leave, when a picture on the dressor caught her eye. She walked farther in, and picked it up to look at it. It showed Emmett and his two sisters sitting in a living rom all laughing as if someone told a joke. She sat on thebed, and stared at the picture wondering what it would be like to have family.
(( You are not alone. *Somberly lays hand on shoulder......bursts into laughter three seconds later*))
Alteriel sighed seeing the strain Emmet was under. His pain had to be unbearable. He never had anyone to truly love so he knew he could never understand the pain that Emmet was going through. He observed him as he walked, the way he talked. Alteriel knew he was close to breaking. But he also knew what would happen when he did. He crouched slightly to check his parent's pulse they were gone that was for sure...but a sickening thought crossed his mind. He wondered if Shelby's abilities could read their last thoughts. Maybe give them some idea or clue of what exactly happened. He couldn't ask her to do that...He breathed out heavily and lifted Emmet's mother first and moved her to the backyard. He re-entered the house to retrieve his father then picked him up as well and placed him next to Emmet's mother.

((hehe win.))

Winnie got up and slowly returned the picture before exiting the room and shutting the door, making sure to muffle the click. Then she went in search of the others.

Shelby went outside where Alteriel was taking care of Emmet's parents. 'Hey,' she said softly, considering how to bring up the quistion, If he said no she might have to force him. She considered it before, but if she wasn't able to do it she'd only look stupid. However she had been able to convince herself she wasn't feeling any pain before... 'Alteriel, do you think you can turn into Tom once again? and bring me home?' She asked him.
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(Something is wrong with my alarm system.)

Tom then smiled a idea crossing his mind. He then ran into the camera room and looked at all the ones at Emmett's house. He then looked to the owns at his house. He then shut them off. Once he saw Winnie he also shut off the the one showing her. He then locked the door and teleported to her. Appearing in front of her he held up his hand and then chucked a coke. "I know somewhere where you would be safe." He then looked to the side and at the camera to make sure lit was still deactivated. The only cameras at his house where burned down and there was no use to replace them. So nobody would bother to turn it back on. "I can take you there only if you allow me to." He then looked back at invisible camera. To see it was still off. "We don't have much time."
((WHY?! Why @Jazzylegs, don't leave us!!! Don't go to your home!!))

Emmett sighed, and climbed up the stairs. He was close to shutting down. He wondered if death was a good answer now. It would take away all the pain. All the betrayal. Everything. He walked upstairs, wanting to get his bathing suit so he could swim. And then after shut down for the rest of the night. He hung his head as he walked up slowly, pain in his heart each step he took. It felt like he'd been punched in the gut a thousand times. He got to the top of the stairs and looked up. And then, he was punched in the gut once more.

There, in the guest room, was his once friend. Now his enemy. There stood Tom, talking to Winnie. "You." He whispered, anger building up inside him. "You killed my parents." He growled, starring him down. He boiled inside, his hands turning into fists. "I'm going kill you for this." He barked, and stalked up to Tom.
Ashlee glanced out the window and saw that it was lightly misting outside. The skies were gray and watched Emmett stalk up the stairs and followed him at a distance. She heard Tom's voice and stayed out of sight as Emmett entered the room and threatened him. I think he just snapped... but did Tom really kill his parents? Would he do that, since he supposedly loves Winnie and Winnie's friends with Emmett?
(srry :( I thought It would make sense for her to go since she's really worried. I'd had her return shortly after anyway since the family had already left the place.)
Looking at Emmett his heart jumped. He looked back to the camera and saw it was turning back on. "Time to go," he said grabbing Winnie's hands. He then teleported right when the camera turned on. It was blocked out by smoke until it showed a mad Emmett holding his fists.

Tom appeared at the ash pile that used to be his house. He looked over and kicked his fathers head and body out of the way. He then looked at Winnie. "I know a place where you could hide." He then started walking into the forest next to the house.

(Here is a picture of his house just ignore the pants in the background)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.0ce06e3b4f48ba3f4728b526dc5ce09d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4812" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.0ce06e3b4f48ba3f4728b526dc5ce09d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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((Oh OK, fine! Just go! Get out of my sight! *cries* JK, it's all right. :P ))

Emmett felt tears running from his eyes as Tom disappeared. "Don't go! Fight me like a man!" He screamed at nothing, as if Tom could hear him. Emmett collapsed on the floor. On his hands and knees, and knelt his head to the floor, and cried quickly. "Coward." He managed to choke out. He repeated the one word, over and over.

Finally, he had the strength to physically get up, and walk down the stairs. He opened the front down, and saw the pool in the front of his house. He stood in front of the pool, starring down into the water. He took off his shirt, along with his sandals. He jumped into the pool, still wearing his shorts. 
((Hey Dedecus? What was that zombie rp you were talking about? I'd like to join! :P ))

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