This is the End.

Emmett glared at him. "Are you having Mood Swings or something? Because I don't find this funny." And then he saw Tom hand him the gun, and leave. "I'm not going to kill myself. I can't, and I will not sink to your level." He spoke, knowing that Tom wasn't here, but he knew he would be watching. Emmett pulled the trigger, but aimed it at the ground. It made a hole. Emmett looked up at his sisters, and he didn't want to use the gun that killed his family. He threw it, and knelt down to his sisters. He closed their eyes, and moved their hair. Picking them up, and placed them in the car, grabbed Shelby, patched Alteriel up, hoping he was OK. He drove home, and was going to bury his sisters next to his parents. He didn't talk the whole drive, but his grip on the driving wheel was hard.

He parked the car, grabbed his sisters and a shove. He didn't care what anyone else did, he just wanted to be alone.
Tom then teleported right in front of Emmett. "You know that it is not impossible to kill you." He then spun around and slapped him. "Now.. Where were we." The evil in his eyes was gone. But he was still in business. "You know they can bring your family back." His smile then melted. "They could bring back anybody from the dead." He then smiled again. "You know Winnie betrayed you and joined us. Why should I be sad if my love is with me and I am on the road to getting my mom back." He then leaned in. "You know why I am working so hard for one person?" He then leaned back as his smile vanished. "I never had fun until my father was pout in prison. I got 1 week with my mom before she was murdered. I have never had as much fun as I did with her that week. You might have good memories of your family, but I have none. My life was never happy. And I will do anything to get it back."
'Emmet!' Shelby yelled. She looked at Alteriel if he was alright. (I suppose you're alright?)

She jumped out of the car and followed him into the house. She could slap him across the face. She had Tom under control and than he had to mess things up. He put them in danger, them and his sisters. She followed him into the garden. 'Oh sh#t not you again,' she hissed seeing Tom.
Turning around Tom smiled at Shelby. "I see our second guest has arrived." He then smiled. "I was just talking to Emmett about the pros of joining the STW group." He then smiled before pulling out a small dagger and tossing it in his hands. "You know that I couldn't even hold a gun before I joined the STW group. He then threw the knife into the nearest tree. "So Emmett what is your anwser?"

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Shelby shook her head. 'Don't do it, it's not worth it,' she told Emmet.

(How is STW planning to save the world actually?? haha I lost track)
(They are the ones trying to create the new order. And I have that question too. How do they plan on taking over the world.)

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((figure i'd drop this guy in real quick :P Lemme know if you dont want him in Radio))

A bolt of lightning came shooting down from the sky and up from the earth. A shockwave rung out over the Earth in the surrounding are like an EMP bomb going off. The sound was deafening and the light was blinding if only for a second. Everything seemed to slow down and you could see the particles of scattered electricity flying through the air. If they group looked through the electron field they would see someone walking towards them, a younger man no more than 17 years old was Walking through the field of electric discharge, "Don't join them." He said, "He is a liar, they are liars." He disappeared in a flash of white hot light and re-appeared next to Emmet, "No matter what power you may think they have, no power will bring your family back. He said looking into Emmet's eyes. The boy's eyes were white with flashes of yellow through them occasionally, "I don't know who you are." He said turning his attention back to Tom, "But they will not bring you happiness. They will not be able to bring your family back." He smirked and shook his head, "Open...your eyes." He said then touched Tom's forehead in the center. A small jolt of electricity went from his body into Tom's neurological system. He transferred his own memories into Tom's mind. His family had been similar, his father died and then there was a figure Do what i say...I will bring him back to you. The figure told him as it stepped from the shadows. Rosa was there, with her evil grin. The memory ended and the boy removed his finger from Tom's forehead, "Everything you cared about is dead, except for one and you have already caused her insurmountable pain. Do you truly think they can help you?" He shook his head, "Only you can help yourself." Then in a flash of light again he appeared before Alteriel and placed his hands on his back. He gave him a jolt to kickstart his system and get his legs moving again then looked to Shelby with his white flashing eyes, "He will be fine now..." One last time the flash of light came and blinded everyone. When the light was gone so too was the boy. The electrons still floated through the air as Alteriel awoke, " going on?" He breathed to Shelby looking up at her.

((@LXsongbird I figure Ash could pick up on the lightning and get to them or whatever too :D ))
(and confusion is back in black. Guys, Shelby's still in the Garden kay? xD cause she can't be in two places at the same time. or can she...muhahaha. :) No, she can't)
(Yeah I think we are all confused. I think we should just wait until radio comes on and clears it up for us.)
Winnie grinned at Rosa and the Boss. ”I need to say goodbye to the others first.” she said, grabbing a wrist watch thing and putting it on, before fixing e coordinates to mark Emmett's house, she smiled one last time at her perents, dropped her bag of stuff onto the floor, then slammed her hand down on the red button at the top of the watch. In a burst of light, she appeared at the front of Emmett's house, she had new clothes on and was cleaned up. She started walking around and came up to the garden.” Shelby!”
(Yep, Rosa and Boss made it lolz. Only you have to know the exact coordinates and sometimes you might land on a hippo farm at god knows where :P )
Shelby turned around upon hearing Winnie's voice. She ran up to her and hugged her. She really needed to see her after what had happened to her parents.
(That too xD )

Winnie hugged her back, surprised. So they haven't heard then. ”What's a matter?” she asked, worried. Something must have happened while she was gone.
'My father and uncle...they're death,' Shelby sighed. 'Killed,' she added silently. 'I was so close,' she released Winnie and overlooked her. 'I see you changed your clothes..' Shelby didn't know what she meant by saying that.

What she actually wondered was why Winnie seemed happy, completly different from before.
Winnie looked at her, shocked. ”I'm so sorry Shelby. Mother picked them out for me, like them?” she asked, smiling an giggling. She had never had so nice of ckothes, and it felt good to finally have them now. ”Where are the others?” she asked suddenly, looking around as if they'd suddenly pop up.
Shelby just frowned at her. Mother? 'emmet and tom are.... i dont know, fighting? ' she said. 'I dont know about the rest '

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