This is the End.

((Well darn. I'll just be here all by myself!! *pouts* And LXsongbird, my friends always say 'Swag' It's annoying! LoL)) 
((And say 'Hashtag' # infront of everything they say. EX: Hashtag# Tying shoes.))
(Hey,maybe it's an idea to Tag when you approach someone? So said person can read from that point? Like when Alteriel stopped Emmets car. Cause honestly that's where things started to go wrong- well, for me...- Anyway it would be great if you guys could do that with me anyways. I live in the Netherlands and beceause of vacantion i could stay up late but won't be able to do that Later. And I don't know about you guys but I'm not getting Alterts often, however it's fine when I get tagged.)
((Looks like i was late to the party >.> lol i am in the Eastern Time Zone. I live in Ohio, Marion to be exact :P So, who wants to come try to murder me??!!? BWAH!!!))

Alteriel smirked, "Thats what happens when you give everything you do your all." He looked around, "The hell happened here?" He asked then saw @Hunnyhelp Tom, "You are about as worthless as they come...You wait until no one is skulk around in the bushes thinking that you are king shit. You aren't strong, your scared. You aren't evil, you're confused. Learn what you want because the next time i face you, it will be you who ends up with the gunshot, not me." He finished turning to @RadioActive Emmet, "We should go, open conflict here will only make things worse." He said, "Besides, we all could use more training." He said before taking his eyes off of Tom. He reached into his pocket and popped another piece of gum into his mouth, "Just let me know when you'r ready to roll out Emmet." He said through his chewing gum.

((Lightning dude disappeared, he be back lata. good idea @Jazzylegs))
Winnie stepped from the shadows in front of Emmett and Alteriel. ”Hey boys.” she rang out, smiling and twirling her hair around a finger. She pulled out her own bubble gum(double bubble) and tossed it in her mouth. She chewed for a little, before blowing a bubble and popping it loudly.
Shelby turned, hastily. Had Ashlee seen Winnie? 'Uh..yes, we came back a little while ago.' she answered her.

'You...didn't notice anything? You're alright?' she asked.
((Well, @Dedecus, I've had an eye on your house for a while.... Jk. LoL))

Emmett (me) bit his lip. He nodded, coming to an agreement with Alteriel ( @Dedecus ). He saw the other guy disappear and shrugged his shoulders. He sighed, and cracked his knuckles. He heard a rustle, and stood up. ((Emmett's out of the car.)) He saw Winnie ( @Renee ), and he smiled for a moment. "Hey-" He began, but noticed something different about her. And then, he figured it out. Changing his attitude, he stood by his father's car again. "You come to flirt?" He questioned, noticing her twirling of hair. "Or did you come to talk about you're news." He grumbled, keeping no eye contact.
Winnie(me) turned to look at Tom(@Hunnyhelp ) ”I think Rosa might want youback.”She said grinning, before kissing him on the cheek. Then she turned to the others (@RadioActive @Dedecus ) ”There's been a change of sides, boys. I'm with my mom and dad now.” she said faking a smile, hating to have to tell them. She blew another bubble, before popping it nervously, waiting for their reactions.
Alteriel sighed and stepped off of the wall towards Winnie (( @Renee )), "Do whatever you want, bring whoever you want." He said before standing up tall, "I know who i am and what i stand for and if you are going to stand against us..." He said walking towards her slightly, "Then you are just another body, just another drone." He backed away a little, "Just another obstacle for us to trample over." He said leaning against the wall, "You can choose whatever side you want to. You can go be with the parents you so longed for and i couldn't care less. You know they aren't what you expected, and you know they aren't what you wanted. So go, be with your fake family but know that next time i see you, you'll be just another body, like him" He said motioning to Tom (( @Hunnyhelp )). He knew what he said would hurt her but he didn't care. He almost died and for what? For a worthless cause because Tom didn't know what he was doing and apparently Winnie is choosing to as well. "We need to get ready." He said turning to Emmet (( @RadioActive )), "I will teach you guys how to fight better if you want. I can teach you a lot of things..." He said his voice trailing off.
Winnie winced at Alteriels words(@Dedecus ) and looked away, tears filling her eyes. She actually thought they were her friends, but they toss her awaythe second things grew hot. ”I....I...need to....Home...” she stuttered, falling backwards with a stumble. She fixed her watch with blind eyes, and quickly pushed the button with blind eyes. She ended up in front of the abandoned store she lived in for so long.
((OK you guys, just a little warning. Please try not to make gadgets that are other people powers. It's just kind of god-modding. You know?))

Emmett crossed his arms, letting everything Alteriel ( @Dedecus ) said sink in. Letting his words stab Winnie ( @Renee ) until she had tears in her eyes. And Emmett even smirked at this. He watched Winnie's ( @Renee ) face go pale, knowing that what Alteriel ( @Dedecus ) was right. He un-folded his arms, and stuffed them in his pockets. After after Alteriel ( @Dedecus ) stopped talking, Emmett nodded in agreement. "Go." He growled, and watched at Winnie ( @Renee ) disappeared. He closed his eyes, and sighed, turning to Alteriel ( @Dedecus ). And he nodded, biting his lip. "Yeah, we need to gather everyone. And I want to try some things too. With my gift and all. See what I can survive." He smiled. "I think we all need to experiment with our gifts. See our potential in them." He paused thinking. "And we need to go back to my place, see if Ash ( @LXsongbird ) and Shelby ( @Jazzylegs ) are OK. And keep an look out for Tom ( @Hunnyhelp ), Winnie (@Renee ), Rosa, The Boss, and whoever else is on their team. They could of enlarged their group. Getting others to join. You know?" He stopped, letting Alteriel ( @Dedecus ) finally speak.
(Sorry guys I am sorry but I can't do the tags I'm on tabatalk and I don't know how to do it)

Tom walked over to Atheral and slapped him. "That's for Winnie." He then looked at him. "You might bear some of the same cars as me. You might have taken my abuse. But you never had the chance to love. You have as much of a soul as a rock. You are heartless. You see humans as faceless bodies. You have taken the same pyhiciscal abuse as me but you have never had someone you love die killed by another." He then teleported to Winnie. He took the watch on her hand and threw it to the ground smashing it (problem solved.) He then hugged her. "I know it hurts, it hurts."

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((Thanks. Sorry didn't read your post before. Never mind me then. But hey, do you guys want to change your powers. I might have maybe sort of given you guys crappy powers. You can have up to three. And are required to have at least ONE WEAKNESS. I'm sort of changing mine. I'm sorry!! I'll never sin again!!))

((In this post Emmett is just thinking of how much he hates Tom and the STW building.)

Emmett rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, well I've seen four people that I hold dearly to me, die from another." He grumbled. He hated Tom ( @Hunnyhelp ). He didn't care if he was beaten, or saw his father kill his mother right in front of his eyes. That was his deal. Not anyone else's. But Emmett's own family was Tom's deal too. He killed all of them. FOR NO FREAKING REASON. Emmett never touched Tom ( @Hunnyhelp ) in his life. Ever. And he'd never said anything mean to him. Ever. And now he was the only one left from his family. The only one. Suck. Thanks to mister, 'Can't deal with problems' here, Emmett's lost his whole family!!! Emmett clenched his jaw, and his hands turned into fists. He turned around, and hit his father's car, hard. His punch made a dent in the car. Emmett hit it again, making the dent deeper. "Why can't I just kill myself." He muttered, emotions in those words. Tears flowed from his face, hatred in each tear. Hatred for Tom ( @Hunnyhelp ), Winnie (@Renee ), Rosa, Tom (@Hunnyhelp ), The Boss, and Tom ( @Hunnyhelp ). Emmett's breathe was hard and fast. He looked up at Alteriel ( @Dedecus), and didn't have a happy face. "Let's kill Tom." He growled.

((Hey I'd like to change Emmett's powers too........ wait for it....

Fire!! Yes, he can control fire.


Extreme Survivor. Yeah, I'd like to keep that one. He only weakness is.... Love. Short circuits his powers. Dis-tracking him. So there you have it. He can survive through Water, having his second power and all.))
(Man he has a lot hate in that handbag. And could I upgrade Tom two other powers. Why do you need to run fast and jump high if you can teleport anywhere at will?)

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((I'm down with that. I shall also reveal my second two powers at a later date > :D But you know his first weakness being as it is everyone else's, i guess his other weakness should be something...abnormal? lol Anywho i'll inbox you his weakness so that you know, and also his other two powers.))
(Oh god I forgot Tom needs another coke)

Tom quickly pulled out a coke and drank it still holding on to Winnie.

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((Any of you guys know Karl Urban? Star Trek guy? LoL I was searching the web and found this. LoL. My mom has a major crush on this guy. :D Also the thing is from 'Tangled.' Sorry for the randomness. ))

((@Hunnyhelp And well you know. Stuff happens to you after your whole family is killed. And you can only have 3 powers! Not 5! Get rid of two man. And OK, bye!))

((And @Dedecus, OK cool. Just no god-modding.))

Emmett nodded back. "OK." He said sternly, and jumped into the car. He turned on the engine, and waited for Alteriel to get in. (@Dedecus ) ((LoL, same here.)) 
((GtG... be on later. Maybe))
((That was Fo sho, you want to kick the shit out of some goons so we can reveal our next two powers? O.o ))
(( xD ... and don't know the guy but recognized the quote :D ... I've thought about Ash's powers annnnnd... can't come up with anything. I'll stick with weather only for now, but I'll probably add something else later, if I can come up with something... and a weakness of course, too... ;P))

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