This is the End.

(Oh I guess you have to be on tabatalk for that to work ok ill get my post here soon brb)

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(Ok here it is

(Sorry guys I am sorry but I can't do the tags I'm on tabatalk and I don't know how to do it)

Tom walked over to Atheral and slapped him. "That's for Winnie." He then looked at him. "You might bear some of the same cars as me. You might have taken my abuse. But you never had the chance to love. You have as much of a soul as a rock. You are heartless. You see humans as faceless bodies. You have taken the same pyhiciscal abuse as me but you have never had someone you love die killed by another." He then teleported to Winnie. He took the watch on her hand and threw it to the ground smashing it (problem solved.) He then hugged her. "I know it hurts, it hurts."

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(Yeah but before that Tom teleported to her smashed her teleporting watch and hugged her before releasing her and teleporting away.)

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(Ok. But did you read Radios post saying that your watch is too god moddy.)

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(Oops just went back and found it. I'll make a post to fix it. Sorry @RadioActive !)

Winnie sighed at the empty garden, and went to walk inside to find her,but before she could her watch starting sparking and smoking. She smacked it, trying to fix it, then it went in flames. She ripped it off and stomped on it, putting it out. ”Stupid watch.” she muttered. She went up on the steps of the front dorrs and leaned against the house. She closed her eyes, planning to just rest but then she slowly fell asleep waiting for Shelby. 
((Lol anywho... >,...,>)

Alteriel shook his head when Tom teleported away He's right you know. A voice at the back of his mind People are tools to you. His head started spinning as he recapped the events. He ran into Emmet and analyzed him. How he could help, what problems he could cause. He saw Tom a useless but he never got a chance to know him so he tried to help him only to know what he could do. When he was helping Emmet by burying his parents all he could think about was using Shelby's power to his advantage. His mind wandered to Ash, she was strong but unable to hold her powers, he thought of Winnie and when he helped her at the hospital, the only reason he did that is so she could help him and the others later. Am i...a monster? He asked himself. Then he felt it. His soul was stirred, a flash of light the same man who had shown up when he was at the brink of death was now before him, in his mind.He looked the man over, You are me... He said and the man spoke his voice cracking like lightning No, i am part of you. The part you hid away, the part you sheltered from the pain, the part you refused to let be damaged, and now this part of you, will do the same. His mind shook light a bolt of lightning struck it. His head seized but he face remained still all of the memories all of the horror was now brought before his eyes. It was as though an avalanche of thoughts and emotions he had never felt washed over him. He started to cry, then laugh, then he felt warmth on his face, like a fire was inside of, not fire...a storm. A storm that was quelled and controlled by his spirit. He stopped breaking down and looked at his fingers. The flashed with lightning but not normal was green, "Soul lightning..." He whispered under his breath. He knew what it was called he knew what his capabilities were but then he realized the weakness. If water touches me...this power is going to be useless... He thought to himself, "Alright then." He said and turned to Emmet smiling for the very first time in front of the group and Emmet, "I'm ready when you are." He said cutting the smile short. He may have exposed his emotions, but that doesn't mean he wasn't still in control of them.

((Essentially the lightning guy was Alteriel's soul, he re-joined his body, revealed his emotions and his new power, Its called soul lightning, it essentially is lightning except on a more spiritual level, also making him more in tune with the after-life due to his near-death experience. Water will stunt the soul lightning leaving him with his original power which was mimic, just so everyone is clear :D ))
Winie frowned in her sleep, mumbling incoherent words. ”It isn't yoh...” a voice said in her head. In her dream she was in a field, a blank empty field all except for the waist high wheat grass she was standing in. She twirled around, running her hands through the grass, giggling. ”The power, you are not evil. It is not truly yours...” the voice said again. She stopped and froze, suddenly knowing. She didn't blood bend....she controlled their emotions! And she could change herself the way she saw fit. She could change her own features. She jumped out of her dream with a gasp, and looked around at Emmett's yard. It was real. She wasn't evil. 
Winnie stood, ready to confront Emmett and Alteriel when they arrived. Then it was time for Rosa and The Boss, then Om. She was ready, and she was much calmer now. She waited for the others to get there, right on the front steps.
((Who feels like everyone has an spirit dance with their soul's! LoL, and thanks @Renee, it means so much! And yes, shun the watch away and I forgive you!))

Emmett sighed, and drove to his house at top speed. Being there in just minutes, he saw Winnie. He quickly got out of the car, slamming the door. He mumbled something under his breathe and walked inside. He didn't want to see anymore people that have betrayed him. He looked inside his once lovely home, now a reminder of his long gone family. "Ash ( @LXsongbird )?" He called out, wanting the see the only person he truly cared for. "Ash you here?" He repeated, walking around.

Rosa looked over at Tom, to see he asked for a wish. "Hm. I suppose you're right." She said, and walked over. "But we need my husband for the taking of powers. You see, Frank can take away powers, and I can make them. Easy as that." She snapped, and called for her husband, who's name is Frank. "Frank honey? I need you here soon." She smoothly said, and smiled at Tom. "Are you ready for the end?" She smiled, evilly.
Looking at her he smiled also. "More than I could be." He looked at the boss painfully, as he came. "Can you take away my powers of running fast and jumping high? So Rosa can give me more?" He then stopped smiling, was this even possible?
((Also on tapatalk, will to tags when on computer ><; ;) )

Ash heard Emmett's voice and wearily followed the sound of it. "Yeah, I'm here," she replied, exhausted but glad he was back. "What happened? Did you find them?"
Winnie frowned and turned stomping back inside following Emmett. ”Are you serious? This is funny. You all stand around and do nothing about the people being killed. I only pretended to join Rosa and Boss so iI could destroy them when they least expected it. I figured i'd take things in my own hands, but now iI dont know anymore. The one time someone does something you all don't like, you turn on them. You forget the friendship. Only Shelby understood and trusted me.” she started out just talking and ended up yelling. She had tears running down her face. ”I can't help who are my parents! I can't help who iI loved! What if Ash were on the otherside? Would you suddenly hate her too? Would she hate you if you were? I just thought iI could do something, get them to trust me. And Tom.....” she looked away, sobbing. ”You are all mean people. All of you, and iI wish.....iI wish iI were home with parents that love me, and friends who trust me.” she sank to the ground, holding her head in her hands. If she had to do this by herself, so be it. 
@RadioActive @LXsongbird )
(I got tabatalk so you don't have to tag me. I can check without alerts.)

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Alteriel walked over and put his hand on Winnie's shoulder, "I think you misunderstood our anger." He said calmly, "We weren't mad at you for wanting love, or wanting perfect parent." He said then took a breath, "We weren't mad at you for wanting to be happy. We were mad at you because we knew you were bring someone that you didn't want to be." He said then smiled and lifted her to stand by her shoulders, "We were mad because you not only betrayed us, you betrayed yourself. By turning into something we knew you weren't." He smiled and hugged her gently then let her go, "We know you love your parents and Tom regardless of if they are evil of not, i think we all loved our parents..." He said admitting to his feelings, "And i know we all need someone to lean to. We just don't want you to lean on someone who has hurt you and we don't want you to be anything but who you are." He said then breathed a sigh, "I think you hurt yourself more than you hurt us. You did what you thought would be best and no one can be mad at you for that." He said and removed his hand from her shoulder nodding confidently and stepping back, "You aren't evil just because your parents are, and we know that. You aren't evil for who you love, we know that too. You want to do what is right by any means necessary, and THAT is commendable. He said finishing his pep talk to Winnie(( @Renee ))
(Lol we are all little friend no matter if the next talk we are trying to kill each other.)

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((Who said anything about being friends? LoL, jk. :P ))

Emmett glared at Winnie. "At least you have parents." He said, sourly. He didn't want to deal with Miss Feelings over here. He turned to Ash, sadness in his eyes. "Tom killed my sisters." He whispered, so only Ash could hear. He held her hand, and sourly said, "Let's go. I need to talk to you where their aren't..." He looked back, indicating to Winnie. And a little bit of Alteriel. Since when was he a peace maker? It seemed like he had no problems, and could fix everyone else's. Emmett didn't like it, some of the reason that Emmett was jealous. Jealous of his calmness, and having no problems at all. Emmett held Ash's hand carefully, hating what Winnie said about her. She doesn't understand.... none of them do.

Rosa nodded, and stepped back, letting her husband come into place.

Frank crackled his neck and knuckles. "I'm old." He huffed. He placed his fingers on Tom's back, between the shoulders. His fingers were hard and cold, and Frank pressed them in hard. "This may pinch." He whispered, and placed his other hand on Tom's head. The top of it. He breathed, calming his body down, and closing his eyes. And then his eyes flicked open, but there was something missing. Something wrong. Oh yes, Frank was just beginning. His eyes and mouth were wide open, and blue light flickered out of the opening. There was a high pitched noise, and Frank pressed his hands and fingers in more. Digging into Tom's skin. And then, he seemed to pull at Tom's soul. Taking something away. Then, it all stopped. Frank hands fell down, and his eyes and mouth were normal. He coughed, holding himself up. "You're done." He said, and stood up again. He turned to Rosa, and nodded. "Your turn sweetie." He smiled.

Rosa nodded, stepping forward. "You're lucky." She whispered to Tom, closing her eyes and placing her skinny fingers on his head. She sighed, and began doing her thing. And just like many times before, minutes passed, and Rosa opened her eyes and let her hands fall to the ground. She nodded, and walked away, standing next to her husband. "How do you feel?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

( @Renee, @LXsongbird, @Dedecus, ))

((@Hunnyhelp ? Any power you have in mind?))

The looks of Frank (boss):


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