This is the End.

Ash glanced apologetically at Winnie and said, "I agree with Alteriel. But if you choose to leave to their side..." she paused. "Well, I just hope you don't. For all of our sakes. But it's your choice and I'm glad you came back," Ashlee finished, followed Emmett wherever he would lead. I hope I didn't just drive her away... I didn't want to sound mean, but I certainly don't want the STW group gaining an asset. Her troubled thoughts made Ash frown at the ground and the air grew colder. Was it because night was drawing near?
((What are you two talking about? @Dedecus and @Honeyhelp ?))

Emmett lead her outside, where the night was dark, and the moon was full and bright. He glanced at Ash. "I..." He began, trying to find words. He paused and bit his lip. "I'm sorry-" He began, and then, his leg was hot. He looked down, and saw he legs were on fire. "What the?!" He screamed trying to stop it. He hit it, but it only grew more. The fire traveled around his body, and within seconds, his body was swallowed Emmett. He didn't speak, because he was in shock. He couldn't feel the fire. He just stood there, bright orange in his eyes. And then, there was a jolt in his, as he fell to the floor. "Ow." He said, which was funny because he felt nothing. He watched as the ground around him went up in flames. Emmett thought he was dreaming. He blinked multiple times, and then, it happened. Everything disappeared. All the fire did, as if nothing happened. Emmett's clothes weren't burnt, and neither was the grass. Emmett stood up, and shrugged it off. He looked at Ash, raising an eyebrow. "Do you know what that was?" He asked, and felt warm again. But, he looked and there wasn't fire. He looked at his hand. And on his hand there was a flicker. On the tip of his finger. He crossed his eyes, confused. And then, as if a light-bulb light up inside his head, he understood. He'd just developed a power. Without that stupid Rosa. He smiled, and looked at Ash. "I think I can control fire..." He said, thinking about it.

Emmett's new power:

In the post above, tells on how Emmett received his power of fire. Now, this is what he can do. He can light himself on fire, lighting everything around him. He will light on fire when mad. But he has to be really mad. Like angry angry. You know?

He can create fire through his finger tips and his mouth. Breathing fire he can do. He can survive any amount of fire, now that it's a part of him, and that he has Extreme Surveyor too. Too much amounts of water will hurt him. Being one of few weaknesses. And his other one is for his Extreme Survivor. That one is if you made some bomb, and placed it in Emmett's body. His body will try to survive it, but will fail. So yeah, there you have it.
Ash nearly screamed when Emmett caught on fire, but she suppressed it when she noticed he wasn't getting hurt. Still, Ash backed away as the grass around him flamed. When the fire subsided, she was surprised to see that nothing was burnt. She knew he wasn't burned, but asked anyway, "A-are you hurt?" That's a cool power... I wonder if I'll get any new ones. "A new power... D'you think we'll all get new ones?" Ash wondered, more to herself than to Emmett.

Alteriel walked up behind them and put his hand up to the sky. A giant blot of bright green lightning shot from his palm and he approached them with a grin as the thunder clapped, "I don't know Ash, but i definitely did." He said with a huge grin. Lightning was always his favorite thing. When he had nothing to do, he would watch the storms and he would wish that he would be able to be like lightning. His childhood dreams were realized. The grin disappeared and in a flash of green light Alteriel appeared behind them, "It's called spirit lightning. The only downfall is..." He put his hand under the sink and the lightning appeared to fizzle out for a few seconds then he spoke again, "Water."
((lolwut there's a sink outside? xD ))

Ashlee finally smiled. "Hah. My lightening doesn't have a weakness. I don't think..." She pointed her hand upward and a bolt shot from the clouds down to her fingertip. "I mean, it coexists with rain, so, you know." Spirit lightening? Hrm. Meh, my lightening's special enough without being spiritual... but still, I wonder what that means. Is that why it's green? "So how'd you figure out you had a new power?"
Winnie watched them and grinned. She already sort of knew what her new powers were. ”Hey Alteriel..” she called, then suddenly made him feel very very happy. Like a kid on his birthday and just got a new bike. ”I can control emotion.” she told them, then made everyone feel realy happy. She smiled at them, then changed her blond hair to black like a shift in the breeze, and hergrey eyes to purple, the colors molding quickly in a flash. ”I don't think iI can physically alter myself, like shape and tallness though.” she noted, before turning back to normal.
Shelby streched out and rubbed her eyes. After they had gotten back shelby laid down on the couch. She hadnt planned on falling asleep but al the chaos had made her tired. She dreamt about Keith tonight, he was back, it seemd so real... She opened her eyes and stared at a familiair face...her own. She screamed, so did the other she and than she was gone. (Srry not much time to rp, Internet in a other country is expensive)

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((It's cool :P We will be here.))

Alteriel looked over at Winnie when she hollered to him. All of a sudden his chest started hurting, like he had the hiccups but it wasn't that. He started giggling like a school girl playing jump rope, "He he he he..." He quickly clapped his hand over his mouth and tried to suppress his emotion again. His eyes were narrow and his mind concentrated but it wasn't enough He burst out laughing uncontrollably then when Winnie's hold finally let up he glared at her, "Do NOT do that again." He said. He hated having his emotions jerked around, "Please." He added with a grimace doing his best not to act like an asshole.
Winnie winced and smiled. ”Sorry. Had to try it out.” she muttered, sucking some of his anger away. When she did, she somehow became more alert, like she just had a cup of coffee. She grinned, suddenly liking her new powers much better.
Alteriel zapped to the other side of the room, "Cut it out." He said, he already told her once, "I didn't have to test out my power on you." He said anger gathering again.
Winnie lookeddown, guilty. ”Sorry, pushing over the line. Shouldn't have done it, especiallywhen you already told me not toonce.” shesaid softly, picking at herthumb. 
grrrr my space bar hates me)
Alteriel calmed himself down, "It's alright." He said, "I know you didn't mean any harm by it." HE chuckled a little, "Trust me, you don't want to see whats in here." He said tapping his chest lightly.
Winnie looked up and glared at Alteriel. ”Don't you dare say that. You are not that bad, you're talking to the girl who dates an evil guy, and parents are crazy mad people taking over the world. Speaking of which, i'll need to head back soon so they don't get suspicious.” she sighed, wondering if she should call a taxi or what not.
((Ok. Cool. Hm, emotion powers. LoL. And @Hunnyhelp, maybe you can control shadows? Like the shadows can grab people, but people can't grab the shadows. OR, you could have the power of being real ugly so everyone will run away. Nawh, jk. But yeah, there's an idea.

@Jazzylegs, it's OK. We understand. Just can fun in a different country.

Sorry I couldn't rp yesterday. Out all day with friends.))

Emmett bit his lip, seeing Alteriel's power. He soon shrugged it off seeing Winnie come in. He felt angry again, but then was soon happy. "Hi Winnie!" He gushed, and quickly shut his mouth. But he was smiling. What the? He thought, and then it soon went away. He raised an eyebrow, agreeing with Alteriel's suggestion. "Yeah." He added, smoke coming out from his mouth. He turned to Ash, and said "Yeah I'm fine. Maybe you'll get a new power too." He smiled, hoping it wasn't Winnie tooling with his emotions.

@Dedecus , @LXsongbird , @Renee
Alteriel chuckled, "At least you didn't have to hate your parents your whole life." He shook his head, "You should control your emotions better before trying to control others." Then he walked over to Emmet, "Are you ready to start training?" He asked.
Winnie sighed, and watched them. Her whole life she felt like an outsider, the person on the sidelines. Now she felt like the same thing, even worse. She hugged herself and slowly turned to leave, close to crying. She needed someone to talk to. She just wanted to spill everything out and get rid of the hurt. She pulled out a track phone she picked up earlier, and tried to get signal. 
((@Dedecus @Hunnyhelp @RadioActive @Jazzylegs @LXsongbird ))
Emmett nodded, and looked up at Alteriel. "Thanks man."" He said, sighing. "We should hurry. Get good practice. I don't think we have much time until..." He said, not wanting to talk anymore. He thought about Rosa and the boss (Winnie's parents) and he bit his lip. He looked over Alteriel's shoulder, and saw Winnie. He sighed again, feeling sorry for her. But... she was bad. He didn't know actually. He was confused. He shook his head, and ran his fingers through his hair. "Crap." He said under his breathe.

He didn't want to invite Winnie to come over and hang with him and everyone, because she might be bad. But, he didn't want to throw her away, because he once remembered how happy she was. When she was a friend, not an enemy. He turned his head to Alteriel and nodded. "Let's do this." He said, fire coming from his mouth. He grinned, and took a step back. He needed to watch for water too, and like, bombs and crap. Things that were too strong for him.

((The end is coming....))

@Dedecus , @Renee , @LXsongbird , @Jazzylegs , @Hunnyhelp
Alteriel nodded, "You are going to need to utilize your heat and learn to endure pain." He said green lightning clicking on his fingertips. A bolt slowly exited and moved down to his boot. Using the magnetic field he pulled his knife up and held it in a forward grip, "Fight like you are going to die." He said raising the knife and slashing down at Emmets chest with lightning speed. He wasn't aiming to gut him but if he made even so much as a scratch it would be worth it.
Ashlee's eyes grew wide as Alteriel stabbed Emmett, but she told herself, over and over, that this was for training and it wouldn't hurt him because he's an extreme survivor. She backed a few steps away and turned to Winnie. "We should practice together, since I have weather-emotion-crap or whatever. You could practice controlling my emotions and I could see what weather corresponds to what emotion," Ash offered, then added, "If you want to, of course."
Winnie smiled, relieved and put the phone back in her pocket. Her parents probably wouldn't notice her gone if it were just a little bit longer. ”Sounds great.” she said, not even waiting. She sent waves and waves of happiness and joy, waiting to see the reaction.
(Sound great. Emmett. I just need a down side. Don't post Rosa giving Tom powers. I just want to appear.)

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