This is the End.

Alteriel soul brightened as his spirit lightning grew to compare the shadows I knew you couldn't be all bad He replied I will finish your father here. he said get back into the fight. His last spiritual transmission as his bright green spirit lightning flung Tom back into his body and created a bright green electrical barrier over him so that his father would be forced to fight Alteriel. Within the spiritrealm their battle raged while in the mortal world the only flickering was that of the steel on steel. Tom's body was singed sealing the sword wound so that he would be stable enough. Along with Tom's soul Alteriel sent extra electrons back into his body to give him the ability to use his limbs again. He saw the darkness of Tom's father and feared for a moment I know you are strong. He spoke to the evil essence BUT WE ARE STRONGER! His soul screamed and erupted in a brilliant flash of colors green, blue, red, and finally violet. All of these shot into the essence of Tom's father's evil soul. You are banshied, to walk forever in the torment that you caused him. He said then shot more violet energy into it caging it within the mortal realm to serve eternity in excruciating pain. Alteriel's soul was tired, it was almost too much to bear. I don't know how much longer...i can hold out... 
((I like how this is going so far :D ))
Winnie cried out as Tom's clone punched her and she sailed across the room hitting the wall. She sat there stunned, which gave her clone and his time to surround her. Tom's clone used his shadows to hold her against the wall as he started hitting her. Her own clone watched, laughing . With each punch and slap, Winnie whimpered and cried out. I wasn't strong enough.....she thought as the clone released her and she slumped over, covered in cuts, bruises and blood. She whimpered, and watched silently as the clones laughed together. In that split second they looked away from her, she was up and shoving fear down her own clone's throat. Her clone fell writhing in agony to the floor, and she tackled tom's clone once more, hoping to be sucessful this time in keeping him down.
Alteriel's soul snapped back into his body after defeating tom's father. He saw his own clone progressing towards emmet He can handle him for the moment. He thought looking around the room dazed. He sat up on his butt and surveyed. Shelby's clone was gone but...where did it go? There wasn't even a body. then all of a sudden he saw Winnie battered and bruised flying tackle Tom's clone, "Holy shit!" He yelled standing up. This attracted the attention of Winnies clone who attempted to distract him with fear. He hit his knees grabbing his head Failure...loser...nothing...worthless...not strong enough... The words echoed in his mind, crippling him. then something else entered his mind, it sounded like Shelby but he wasn't sure if it was her, or her memory. You can do are strong, stronger than her or anyone else. He stood up fighting the fear remembering the words, "I am not afraid!" He yelled and blasted across the room in a brilliant flash of not green, but violet lightning. This is the same one as before. He thought as he traveled. In a split second he was behind Winnie's clone, "This is the end..." He said then slashed the clones throat, "For you."
((mwahaha I'm back from ze dead! And I come with Ash's new power! Yay x3 hope it's okay c:))

Ashlee watched in horror as her clone raced toward her and flung lightening her way. Ash ducked but the bolt singed the tips of her hair. Now would be the perfect time to get my new skill... Ash thought. Any minute now... Come on, self!! The fake Ashlee was racing towards the real Ash again. When the fake one reached her, Ash closed her eyes thought with all her might, OhgodohgodohgodstopstopstopstopSTOP! and as she touched the clone's hand, the clone froze. As did the lightening bolt she was shooting, in midair. Like, froze into ice. Ash tapped the bolt and it fell to the floor and shattered. Then she touched the side of the figure to see if the clone was still alive, and the ice-encased Ashlee's eyes shifted to the side. So the real Ashlee shot lightening through the ice and through clone's heart.
((Sweet you guys. Like the fighting. And cool power @LXsongbird . Keep it going for a bit... don't want to do this too quickly. :P ))

Emmett dropped to the floor, Tom's shadow releasing his grip from Emmett. He looked up, and saw his clone charge right at him. Emmett jumped up, spraying fire at him. But... the clone resisted it. "Oh yeah. Extreme Survival." He mumbled. He sighed, and looked around for resources. And then, wam! His clone hit him right in the chest. "Oof!" Emmett sighed, stumbling backward. He glared at the clone, and saw his features. He looked exactly look him, except his clone had a smile. A evil smile. His eyebrows where bigger, and he was much more muscle. Emmett was terrified of his clone. But he needed to fight, or he would be dead. Emmett took another hit, right in the face. He heard his neck pop, and knew that wasn't good. He turned his head to his clone, and gave him a round house kick to the side of his back. That jerked the clone back a bit, but just for a second. "Haha. You are nothing." It laughed evilly.

Emmett looked around, and saw the pool. He would die if I drown him. But I might die in the process too. He thought and then ran into his clone. "No I'm not." He growled back, punching the clone. I just need to get him over there. He thought, and elbowed the clone's rib cage. But the clone only threw him off. Emmett landed on the concrete, as the clone hovered over him. He looked over, and saw Tom dead. Winnie crying, Ash fighting. But he didn't see Alteriel. He looked around, but then he saw a flicker of fire. He looked at his clone and saw it was on fire.
=Shelby, what happened to you?= clone shelby said in her head. =you used to be such a b#tch in highschool but now...making friends with that geek Altheriel and that cry baby Winnie! Why? She isnt even pretty! Why are you nice tom him? What are you in love with him or something? Loser!'= Shelby crawled on the ground from pain, as it seemed her clone selftried to push her out of her own body. =You dont even now how to use your powers, else you could have stopped me!= she laughed. =ill show what more we can do...= she taunted. 'No,' shelby cried out loud, fearing more pain. 'Please, stop' Clone shelby searched off to Altheriels mind and searched for bad memories, sending those back to him.

@Renee @Dedacus

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Alteriel bolted over to Shelby and put his hand on Shelby's shoulder and sent waves of electric impulses to her mind, each carrying a message Your stronger than this, you can overcome, you are stronger through resisting. He smiled You are stronger than her, and way better looking. He sent his lightning through her body helping her mind by amplifying her nuero energy and seeing as her clone didn't have a mind, it should help only her.
Tom's soul came down, down, and down until it reunited with his body again. He looked up and evaluated the area. His clones was a problem, he had more training then the rest of the group so his valine would have to have even more, but Winnie seemed like she has it. He looked over to Emmett and saw he was in trouble. He then began to mix the shadows until he had a shadow bus. He then pointed towards Emmett's clone and set it forward. He smiled as the bus hit Emmett's clone. He then smiled to Emmett as he turned around and gathered his shadows trying to harm Tom without letting Winnie know.

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=Dont tell me, you believe him. Or are you that naive?= Clone shelby asked.Shelby suddenly felt more energized. She now felt the power to fight against her clone self. -Go, away! I'm stronger you're just a copy.- she thought, mentally pushing her away. Clone shelby let out a strangled moan. =you pathetic twat, you need someone else to fight me?= she said, but it was weak and fading with each word spoken. =This wont be the last time you heard of me= she yelled. But shelby felt the pain pressure leave her body. Out of breath she rolled onto her back and looked at Alteriel. As she breathed heavily she looked up at him, menaging a weak smile. 'Thank you,I needed that.' She than turned red. 'but I can't be better looking, she's my clone you know.' She pushed herself of the ground realizing the others still might be in danger.
Winnie kept hitting Tom's clone, each hit splitting her knuckles and bloodying them. When he stopped moving, she stopped. But his eyes snapped open and he grinned, teeth all bloody. ”Got ya! Let's dance babe!” he cried, pushing her off and grabbing her by the wrists. ”Coward move!” she yelled, trying to get free. He spun her around before letting go, and she flew into a shadow person he made. The shadow pushed her back to him and he grabbed her around the waist. ”Only cuz iI love you so much.” he replied, grabbing her by the hair and pushing her face first into the wall. She fell back, her face pounding with pain. She turned and whipped her elbow into his face, before sending him to the floor sending a dizzy feeling at him. She jumped on top and grabbed his throat, squeezing with everything she had.
Tom smiled when she overcame his clone and began strangling him. He smiled as he made a extension of his arm from the shadows and grabbed his clone away from Winnie. He then held him in the air as he smiled at Winnie. He then slammed his clone on the concrete making a dent. "No... Lets dance," he said continuing at bang him. He then banged him back and forth until he smashed every bone in the clones body. He then threw him against a tree sure he was dead. He then smiled to Winnie, having won.

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Winnie watched in shock, and when Tom smiled at her she tackled him with a hug. ”Don' you ever die on me again!” she yelled, crying. She held on to him tightly, and kissed him. But thn she saw her own clone get up from her crumpled heap on the floor. She smiled at Tom, before going to her clone and pushing her down with her foot. ”Stay down. I don't want to hurt you, but iI will if iI have to.” she said, glaringat her.
Tom was knocked back when she hugged him. "I won't because..." He then fell to the ground and smiled getting up. He smiled having pulled a joke. He then looked she was talking to her clone. "They are mindless as dirt, I saw them being made." He then walked over and kicked her clone in the head knocking her down. "You don't have to fake being on our side any more. Because I'm joining you. I don't care if I can't my mother back. All I need his you." He then hugged her before kicking backwards as her clone got up.
((Aw! Am I'm reading these while listening to 'The Ones that Got Away.' Typical. :P ))

Emmett glared at his clone. He hadn't heard it talk. It was sort of scary. "Hey. You know..." He began jumping to his feet. "I like the hair." He smiled, and swung a punch at his clone's head. He hit him hard in the temple, and saw his clone wince, but quickly recovered. It smiled evilly at him, and Emmett was scared. He looked over to Alteriel helping everyone. He's a leader. Emmett couldn't do this. He saw Tom and Winnie kiss, and remembered when he kissed Ash. He broke down that night. Emmett was... not a good person. He thought about this, and then fell to the ground. He was kicked in the gut, and he fell to the ground with the impact. He looked at to see his clone tower over him again. Emmett grabbed his feet, pulling them and making his clone fall to the ground. He sat on top of his clone and punched him again and again. But his clone threw him off. But Emmett quickly got to his feet. He ran to his clone, pushing him toward the water.

He grunted, having a bit of struggle when pushing him. And so, he made his hands really warm, and make his clone twitch a bit. And in the small second, he pushed him hard, sending him flying. He was close to the water. Emmett bit his lip and ran to him. He shoved him hard, and he fell in the pool. But, Emmett fell in with him. The clone and Emmett fought in the water, and Emmett was hurt bad. He only have mintues, maybe second to live. "Help!" He screamed through the water, as his clone punched his face.

Tom looked away and saw Emmett had fallen in the water. He smiled at Winnie before looking at Emmett as his shadows came and picked him up and in the air. They pulled him as high as possible. Once he had dried off, Tom set Emmett down and went back to kissing Winnie. Nothing could stop him this time.

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Emmett was plumped onto the ground, shivering. He tried to become warm, but it wasn't working. His power was... gone. Or he thought so. He lay there starring down at his clone who lay there limp, eyes wide open. Emmett gazed at his clone, forgetting about almost everything else. About Tom, Winnie, Rosa, 'Frank', clones, death, Ash, Alteriel, Shelby, his family, Ash. He sighed, and lay there limp, starring into the water....
Alteriel smiled at Shelby, "Maybe, but your better looking on the inside too." He said with a wink then looked around. Emmet was taken down, Tom helped him out of the water. He was glad he was able to help but then he saw the look on Emmet's face. He knew that look, he was too depressed. He jogged over to him and mid-jog he was frozen. Something held him by his very soul, "Oh no..." He said knowing the feeling. A bright green arch jumped out of his back paralyzing him. Then another into Tom, one into Winnie, another into Shelby then finally the last one into Ash. The last arc was massive and it inserted itself into Emmet's spine. No one could move, the only hope now was that Emmet somehow could overcome the clone's power. It approached Ash slowly, the same knife Alteriel carried out and placed it on her neck, all Alteriel could do is watch. The clone's lightning somehow was disabling his powers and slowly making them all more and more incompetent. The clone spoke, "You can't do anything now Emmet." It's voice harsh and evil, "You can't stop me. You couldn't even save your own family, how can you expect to save them?" It asked grinning evilly.

((Figure i'd give this battle to @RadioActive ))
Tom froze while in the middle of kissing Winnie. He moved his eyes and saw the rest of the group was trapped too. Tom tried to manipulate the shadows but he couldn't. Wait he remembered this Rosa talked about this. Where was Rosa anyway. He looked towards where she was, and she was sitting in a lawn chair eating popcorn. He would laugh but he couldn't move. He saw shadows moving and signed. He then saw his clone com into sight picking up each dead lone and putting them in the light. And guess wait?!?!? They were revived. They marched forward as Tom closed his eyes waiting for his death. It was very painful, he knew. He had done it before. He wait for a sword to be driven through him.

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Ashlee watched helplessly as the clone drew his knife and held it to her neck. She tried to move, to kick his knife away or dodge the slow attack, or to call for help, but her body wouldn't move. What is this?! she thought. Ash looked around and saw that everyone else was frozen helplessly as well. The blade pressed closer to her neck and a thin line of blood appeared.
(Go ahead and use you powers if you want, you can fight too.)

Winnie was panicking on the inside when she could no longer move. One moment she was in bliss, kissing the one she loved, the next she was frozen and all the clones cameback to life. She saw her own clone get up and grin at her, it's teeth bloddy from the fight. Clone pranced over and unsheathed Winnie's sword she got from Tom, pressing the blade lightly on her cheek. The sword arced high in the air, and the clone winked at Tom. Winnie clenched her eyes shut, waiting for the swords downstroke to end her.
Shelby cursed in her head as the clones stood up again, that's when she realized she could still think! Of course...She focused on Winnies clone,not really caring about tom. Than also focused on Ashlees's. She never thought she was able too control more than one mind, but now she did. She had improved without even practing! -stop,-she obeyed them. -don't hurt them...instead hurt yourself- she thought, only seconds later watching as they did what she told them to.

@LXsongbird @Renee
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((Yeah do whatever you please. But like if the plan is big. Then no. But if it's just like a little fight, it's totally OK.))

Emmett blinked, and felt a pain in his back. He tried to move his arm, to see if someone had stabbed him, but couldn't move. He blinked, being the only thing he could do. His back was turned to the team, so he couldn't see who was who and what was happening. He tried to move, and failed. He eased his breathing, and tried again. And he tried hard. And... he moved. He forces his body to move, throwing his hand up, and kicking his feet out. And he managed too. But it was also painful. He wasn't that strong. He hadn't practiced much. He crawled to his feet, trying not to scream. He stood up, and he wasn't graceful. He took a choppy step, analyzing everything. He saw two clones about to kill his team. And then he saw Shelby use her powers. He tries to smile, but was stuck with a half smile. He slowly made his way to the clones. He stood by the one who was by Ash. Then, it started to beat itself up. So was the other one. Emmett stood there, not knowing what to do.
Alteriel blinked and in a fraction of a second he was through his clone, "You won't have them." He said to his clone. The clone chuckled evilly and waited. Alteirel closed his eyes and pulled out his knife. He covered it in violet spirit lightning, "We may not be as strong...We may not be as tough...But we have something you will never have!" He said and zapped behind it embedding his knife into the top of his clones head. The shock from his maneuver off-set the clones mind. It confused it's body sending it into a flying rage. It launches itself through the air ripping Alteriel's knife through the back of it's head and leaps towards rosa and frank, "We have heart! We have passion! We have souls and feelings and these are things we will NEVER give up!" He screamed at the two anger flowing freely through him now, "We are stronger because we refuse corruption bcause we choose to stand and fight rather than give in! You will NEVER win because you will NEVER be able to take these things from us! Not even in death!" He screamed charging into Emmet's clone and pinning it to the ground. His powers fell into his body as he used his brute strength to pummel the clone over and over, "You are a fake! An impostor! you will never amount to what he is!" He screamed at the clone in a blind rage.

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