This is the End.

((LoL, Alteriel is very... poetic. :P ))

Emmett began to move better, and saw Altiriel. It felt as if he hadn't seen him in years. He quickly turned to a clone, and punched it. "You little sucker." He muttered, throwing it to the floor. "You'll never kill us." He said, stomping on it's chest. He heard a crack, and knew he'd broken one of it's bones. ((GtG))
((hah, i integrate a small portion of my emotions into my writing. If i poured out everything it'd look like i smashed my face into the keyboard repeatedly xD ))
Tom saw Emmett moving and then tried it himself. He could do it. It wasn't sleek like he normally was but he could move. He ignored the pain as he hit his clone with a clod of shadow. He then picked up his dagger and began to walk. One step, two step, three step. It was like he was a machine that needed oil. Each step getting easier. Once to his clone he looked him in his eyes. "You may bear my scars, but you will never feel my pain." He then Brought his dagger down and just kept stabbing him. He kept on stabbing him no matter how much fell off his body or he bleed. He continued to stab him crying forgetting about everything else. "You will not kill me again," he muttered contiueing to stab.
Winnie felt nothing, so she slowly opened her eyes to see her clone was fighting something, sweat framing it's face. She decided to try and move, use the time to her advantage. She concentrated, and one of her feet shuffled forward. The more she tried, the easier it became to move and she was shuffling like a zombie towards her clone. She ripped the sword from it's hands, and stared it down. ”You have no right to use this sword...” she muttered, hitting it in the face with the hilt of it knocking the clone to the ground. She pushed her foot into it's throat, and rested the sword tip to it's chest, right above the heart. She paused, working up the courage to do the killing blow. With a yell, she threw all her weight down on the sword as it stabbed through the things feelingless heart, watching the life leave it's eyes. She released the sword with a sob, stumbling back. She had just taken a living thing's life, she thought as she stared at the blood on her hands in horror.
((We all have our quotes... Catch phrases. Words of wisdom. Whatever you may call them.))

Emmett calmed his breathe. He threw a painful punch at a clone. His arm cracked. He moved it too quickly. It was dislocated. His arm went in contact with the clone's face, but quickly dropped like a sack of potatoes. He starred at it, because it didn't hurt. He stood there like a statue, terrified of himself. Terrified of himself. He looked up, and slowly back away. "No..." He said, as if he just was in a bad dream. "No... this...this can't be real." He breathed, going crazy. His breathing took up speed, and his eyes flicked this and that way. "No, No, No." He repeated, scared and confused. He glared at Rosa, who just sat there. She grinned at him, and lifted a remote.

"Let's get a little more fun." She grinned, and pressed the button. And then, everything blew up. Emmett's building, the trees, the building around them. Everything went up in flames, and Emmett watched. He was dumbfounded. He blinked, and looked back at Rosa, except she wasn't there. And neither was the boss. He turned his head to everyone else, but he couldn't see them. Everything was a blur. Emmett screamed, and panicked. He ran around, trying to escape the smoke. He coughed, trying to breathe. His powers weren't working. He sank to the ground, becoming more and more lost in the smoke.
Alteriel covered his head from the smoke and debris, "God dammit!" He yelled and backed up a little. He saw Emmet but he looked scared and confused. Tom could get out on his own but..."Shelby!" He yelled quickly surveying the scene he saw her just as a pillar from the house was about to hit her. In a flash of green light he appeared next to her, "Deep breath!" He yelled then zapped away. He was used to the feeling by now but to Shelby it would feel as though every molecule in her body were separating, it wouldn't hurt but it would feel like she had no limbs or body, just her consciousness if only for a second. He zapped her to the street then noticed it starting to rain, "Oh no..." He said quickly jolting into the rubble once again He did the same for Emmet, then Ash. Then the rain came, he was useless...He only hoped that Tom could get himself and Winnie out of there before it was too late.
((Hmm.. you know what? I don't know... but it can be if you want it too! :P ))

((Also, if this rp keeps going and the story ends sometime. We could make a second one. Just a thought.))

Emmett was choking on moment, and the next he was coughing on the street. There on the street, there was less smoke. More air. He covered his mouth, and tried to breathe. His heart was pumping rapidly, and his body was full was adrenaline. He blinked, trying to focus his vision. His head turning this way and that, he wanted answers. "Ash?" He said, looking for her. He hoped she was OK. "Alteriel? Tom? Shelby? Winnie?" He called each of their names, hoping none of them had died. Well, he hoped for most of them...

His breathing slowed down a bit, and he stood up. He looked around, ready to see Rosa pop up and send another explosion.

Someone did pop up. But it wasn't Rosa. It was Frank. The Boss. He stood there, frozen. "Stay away." He called.

Emmett squinted his eyes. He began walking toward him. "Don't fall for the trap." Frank called again. Emmett blinked, and saw the boss disappeared. He turned around, and saw him there. By Alteriel. "Don't let him die." The boss called. Emmett blinked, and the boss was next to Winnie. "Tell her I love her." Emmett was about to something but the boss was gone again. He was next to Ash. "You need her." Frank was next to Tom. "He's important." He nodded. Emmett gulped. The boss was now next to Shelby. "Poor Shelby." He said, shaking his head. Emmett was frightened, and then the boss disappeared.
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Shelby heard Emmet call for her, she couldn't see him, the smoke was to thick. 'I'm alright!' she yelled. She was alright. Altheriel had saved her once again. She could have been pissed at the fact but she was thankfull cause she could move again. Her body felt tingly all over and her muscles where soar. Almost robotic she extended her arms and began to walk. She'd have to bump into someone sooner or later....

The more she walked the more the smoke began to clear. She could see Ashlee and Emmet and was glad they were both okay.

She walked up to them and hugged Emmet. It surprised her too but she was so happy he'd made it. She couldn't move but had witnessed everything. For a moment she though he would die, she thought they would all die. And she couldn't save everyone.

Realizing the hug may take to long to be friendly(escpecially considering they weren't friends at all)she pushed him of of her. She than gave Ashlee a short hug too.

@LXsongbird @RadioActive
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Tom saw the explosion and quickly smoked (Is that how I am supposed to say it?) to Winnie. He grabbed her and got her to the street. He then ran in and tried to manipulate the smoke. It moved a little. He then formed it to make a platform beneath his feet he made the smoke into the dome. He then smiled as he flew forward on his smoke. He screamed, "This is the most awesome shadow there is!!!!" He then flew forward and made a smoke sword. He flew down and cut Rosa across the face. He then flew to the STW building. I got to get some coke. If Emmett's house is gone there will be no way he can provide the needed calories. He broke in and grabbed as many cokes as possible before teleporting back to the street setting it down and going back, grabbing as much as possible then doing it again, until he ran out of cokes. He then teleported back to the street and sat down, drinking a few cokes in the process.
Winnie fell back as everything went up in smoke. She started coughing and feeling around, but all she felt and saw was smoke. Then Tom was there as he pulled her out, so she hurried to the figures until she was out of the mess and she got actual air. She fell to her knees, but no matter what she did it seemed she couldn't get enough air. Her eyes blurred as they teared up, and she looked around. ”Is everyone out?” she called, hoping to god the answer was yes.
((HOLY CRAP!!! If this one ends we should do one when they're older, like early 30s late twenties or something!))

Alteriel yelled for Winnie and the others trying to get them to come to him let the rain fall on him wondering if he could still use his innate abilities, "Hmmm...." He urged his muscles to move, commanded his bones to shift. Soon enough he realized that when his spirit lightning was down, he could still become someone else! He morphed himself back, painfully then watched Tom chocking down coke, "Tom." He said and waved him over, "Here." He held out his hand and within it was a pack of gum labeled 'jolt.' He opened his hand so Tom could take it, "It is caffeine gum. Calories out the wazoo, its how i kept my energy when i was...on my own." He said then smiled slightly.
(Radio I like that idea. I already have it in my head, the forces of evil have been destroyed. 20 years later a new set of hero's arise. Their job, defeat the forces of evil as, Tom, Winnie, Ash, Atheirel, Emmett, and Shelby teach them how to use their powers, but their time is limited because they will die.)
Tom looks at the gum and pulls it out of his hand. He chews one and his eyes light up. He holds his hands up as the smoke comes together and starts putting Emmett's house together in a furry. As soon as the smoke clears, Emmett's mansion had been rebuilt. Tom smiled as he took all the gum possible. "Thank you so much," he said chewing the entire pack. 
(I want to hurry up and defeat evil now. xD )
Alteriel laughed, "Be careful. you may have a heart attack, that stuff is dangerous in high doses." He said, "I'll keep a few packs on me, just in case but i have 5 spares and theres is thirty two pieces per pack, so you should be okay." He said handing Tom the 5 extra packs he had gotten from the store. Then he looked around gathering everyone close, "You guys alright?" He asked, "I think i speak for all of us, when i say that it's time to put a stop to this madness."
Tom shuck his head as he kept the gum in his mouth. "I say we talk about plans, with Shelby having a mind chat open so they can't listen in," Tom said spitting spit everywhere. He knew the ins and outs of the STW building, he would be the best one to lead the mission. He waited for Shelby to open a mind chat.

(What time of day is it?)
((Sorry about that Hunnyhelp. Read my post and I finished it. Shelby and Tom are added now! :P ))

((And sure, that's a cool idea! And new bad guys and blah blah. Also, should we let other people join when we make a new rp of this? Like would you guys be OK with it? And when do you guys want to end this? Like soon? After we defeat the war and crap?))

Emmett saw Shelby throw herself to him. She hugged him tightly, and Emmett froze. But then, he hugged her back. She reminded him of his sister, Agnis. The way she hugged him. Emmett closed his eyes, hugging her. And then she let go of him, and he did the same. He looked as she hugged Ash, and he smiled. He walked over, and kissed Ash's head. "Hey." He whispered, and saw Alteriel and Tom sharing food... or gum... whatever. Emmett raised an eyebrow. "So Tom, you evil still?" He questioned.
Tom smiled and looked to Winnie before spitting out his gum having deprived it of calories. He then looked back at Emmett. "Does slashing Rosa right across the face count?" He then opened his hands as a shadow sword came and formed in his hand. "With this." He then smiled as it went away.

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((I think it would be neat if in the new RP We all trained each other's character's, like, Alteriel would train someone else other than my character and what-not, just an idea :P I also think it'd be cool if we go to the STG building, end it by killing whoever needs killed and our characters think that the threat is over, but someone survives our attack and trains an army with 5 recruits, so we have to find 5 recruits and have them recruit followers and stuff, assassins creed brotherhood style. I could probably pump out a storyline for the new one if you guys wanted or we could let Radio do it again :P Doesn't matter to meee.))

Alteriel shook his head, "No, in fact it was never Tom's fault at all." He said then did his best to explain how the essence of tom's father had invaded his soul and corrupted him. It would be hard for the others to understand but he would do his best, "Well Tom's dad took over Tom and then I killed Tom so now tom is Tom again." He spewed before even thinking about what he was saying.
(I think Tom should be rich making billions with his shadows creating car. He would then live in a mansion married to Winnie. But I think it should be 29 years after and the group has separated. (Except Tom and Winnie.) But they find out the world is ending and team together, but they find out that they are going to die soon because of a after affect of using their powers. So they assemble a new team of superheroes to take their place. And I like your idea. I like we should not train our own chars.)

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((I mean after this they could be anything we want them to be so i don't mind, I don't like the idea of them dying particularly but they should at least losing their motivation to save the world or something like that...))

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