This is the End.

Shelby put her soda down. 'I'm sorry I left the connection open. I should have warned you.' she blushed. ' however you have to think about someone for them to receive the message.wich means you where thinking of me.' she blabbered even though what she saidvwas obvious. She wasnt used to comforting people.

Shelby quickly slapped a hand for her mouth. -I'm sorry, I'm not good in these things.I dont want you to do things you arent comfortable with.Do you...want to talk about it? Your parents.- she thought to him. 
(aw songbird sad to see you go :( goodluck with everything)
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(Oh no. I'm sorry songbird. It was nice getting to know you.)

(Can somebody make Reenee's username? With the user thing)
LXsongbird said:
((I'm really sorry and this rp was really fun but I cant keep up with it anymore T__T school started and my free time ended so I have to go MIA until next summer :'(... PS you can kill or bunny Ashlee or do whatever you want with her xD and thanks for... the awesome rp experience? I don;t know. Whatever. Yeah. Bye ><; ;) )
((Well it was good to have ya, you'll be missed :P ))

((@Renee only for you hunny ;P)) 
Alteriel smiled at her concern. No one had ever really asked him about his past before. Past He thought as the word went through his mind. He was so tired of living there. So tired of remembering everything all the time. So very tired, "No..." He said finally looking up to Shelby with a smile, "I don't really want to talk at all." He said still smiling then walked closer to her. He placed his hands over her and pressed his lips against hers. All he wanted to do, was show her that he cared. His past was just that, the past. This is now, this is where he needed to be. This is where i want to be. He thought to Shelby as he kissed her letting his emotions go Here, with you, right now. Everything else doesn't exist to me. He thought as his kissed her. He wasn't sure why but ever since he got with these people something drew him to Shelby. He couldn't keep his eyes off her, he couldn't go five minutes without looking to see where she was.
((Aw... I shall miss you @LXsongbird! See you in another life! :P ))

((@Renee , where art thou?))

((I shall be making the new role-play. It shall be called 'This is it." Instead of "This is the End."))

Emmett had short dream that night. He stood in front of a bridge. It was raining. Hard. His hair and clothes were dripping with rain. He squinted his eyes, trying to look forward. Because he saw a figure. A skinny figure. Tall, and lanky. Emmett couldn't tell who it was. He called out to it. The figure didn't reply. Instead, it cocked it's head. It was a man. Emmett could tell. Emmett called out to it again, walking closer. The figure moved its arm, like a zombie. With no grace. Emmett stopped, and he got goosebumps. He gulped, and took a step back. The figure was in front of him now. Right in Emmett's face. The man was... his father... 'Dad?' Emmett whispered to his father. His father, Leland, didn't seem well. His eyes dark, his skin pale, and he had blood on his hands. Leland whispered something to Emmett. His voice quiet and had fear in it. 'Stay away. You and your friends... are in...' Emmett didn't hear that last part. 'What?' He yelled, and his father was gone in a blink.

And then Emmett woke up. He was breathing hard, and blinking. It was dark out, and Emmett scanned the room. He looked around, his eyes still going in and out of focus. He saw his window, and blinked. There was someone out there. A women. Her hair was tangled and his skin dark. "Help my baby, Emmett." She cried. Emmett blinked, thinking he was hallucinating. The woman was gone. Emmett climbed out of bed, and ran downstairs. He grabbed some water, walking past everyone. He gulped it down, panicking. He ran outside, looking for the women. And she wasn't there. "Hello?" He cried.
Shelby confusingly looked up as Alteriel walked closer to her and…kissed her? It wasn’t just a kiss it was so much more. It was a message, a confession. Her breath stopped for a moment. Of all the guys she never expected herself to end up with Alteriel. But she was happy she did. He was nothing she expected to be, but perfect for her. She embraced him and listened to all the beautiful things he thought to her. These were words for her only. Not one guy she dated before had made her feel this way. That she was loved and important enough. -Thank you- Was all she could think. It couldn’t compare to all he’d said but she hoped the kiss she returned was enough to convince him of her feelings.
((What are you guy's weakness? I'm in the process of making the new rp and I want to add a little bit about you guys. Tell me stuff about you guys that you want added in. Also, I need your weakness!))
(okay thought about it. When shelbys clone is attacked she gets hurt too. However when the clone is killed it dissapears and returns to shelby.)
((OK cool. Thanks you guys. :P )) 
(( @Jazzylegs , did Shelby loose a family member? Sorry, I forgot. Got a lot on my plate with this and all... just need a re-freshener.)) 
((Also @Jazzylegs , what's her power and weakness? Her powers is like reading minds and all that right? Or did you change it?))
(yes she can read minds,control peoples minds and communicate. Also she can clone herself. But I explained that part just now.) 
(wel I suppose her clone will beceasier to attack making it possible to harm her through her clone. She cant use her mind abilities through metal.)
((Yeah, Alteriel is awesome and can't be killed.)) 
((HAHA Just kidding :P Rain hurts him and takes away his power, water to him is like kryptonite to superman. He has the ability to control souls through his Spirit Lightning but the souls will only remain bound for a short amount of time unless they are willing to stay. Like i said before he can transform into spirit lightning to travel but he also has the chance of running into other-worldly spirits when he does. So there is a 25% chance he runs into a demon or something crazy like that, using percentile dice lol. When his Spirit Lightning is gone his only defense is his mimic technique that he started with but it causes his body excruciating pain and the abilities he obtains from the other person's form are less effective and their weaknesses are more prominent. Like when he turned into Tom he couldn't teleport as far and it costed him wayyyy more calories.)) 
((I dunno about his future, i guess he and Shelby end up together and i think it'd be cool if they started a school or facility to help children that normal schools couldn't, like overly aggressive kids and depressed kids etc. stuff like that. Also up to @Jazzylegs ))

Alteriel kissed Shelby for a moment longer then pulled his lips from her with a smile. He had never really kissed anyone before so he was a little worried but in that moment it didn't matter to him. He smiled and looked deep into her eyes, "Thank you." He said knowing she knew what he meant. No one had ever accepted him for who he was before, but now he had that. He took her to another room and laid down for the night.

Alteriel woke up the next morning next to Shelby. He heard the sounds of footsteps and a door opening. He got up slowly so he didn't wake her. He had slept in his clothes from the other day so as he stood he swiftly pulled the knife from his boot. He knelt down and picked up his backpack quietly slipping it on. He crouched low and slunk((Yes, how the Grinch stole Christmas lol))to the door on the other side of the room. He and Shelby were in a room close to the hallway and just to the right of the room was the doorway outside. He held his knife up to his chest quickly when he saw a figure dash in front of the door. He pulled back a little to hide his face then peeked out around the corner. He saw Emmet outside standing there talking, it was still dark out so it must not have been too long. He slipped around the corner and flipped the knife over in his hand so the blade was facing up instead of down, "Emmet!" He hollered, "What are you doing out there?" He asked.
(aw I just realize that @Renee Winnie is kinda like Cinderella. Like she was poor and now she's getting married and rich T_T I know...I'm such a girllll)
(I know. I think we could stop quoting her. She either isn't online or is ignoring us.)

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((Hm.. IDK. But cool ideas you guys, have kids if you want too.))

((Also, here is the new rp! ))

Emmett turned around, fear in his eyes. "What?" He yelled, and walked to Alteriel. "I I saw someone. A women. She said something to me..." He said, seeing that he sounded crazy himself. He scratched his head. "We should hurry." He mumbled. "I think the final fight is starting soon.." He said, he jumping inside, grabbed a granola bar and headed to get dressed.

((Let's get this done so we this done and move to the next one. We can take maybe a couple of days to do this. No more than a week and a half.))
((I'm ready to get it done right meow xD ))

Alteriel watched emmet stress out then regain his composure, "I agree." He said, "It's time we ended this." He yanked a protein bar from the side pocket of his back pack then walked back to the room and woke Shelby up, "It's time to go." He said gently and kissed her forehead then walked back out to meet Emmet at the doorway, "Let's do this."

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