This is the End.

Alteriel grinned, "Who needs a gym?" He disappeared a light speed to the top of the tree Emmett and Tom were standing under. He then swiftly leaps from the branch he was on flying towards Tom in a leaping kick. Alteriel's face was split seconds from hitting Tom in the nose when suddenly he disappeared in a flash of green light and then reappeared behind Emmett kicking him with the force of the jump into Emmett's back. His foot landed and Alteriel landed on his back tranferring most of the impact energy into a backwards shoulder roll to stand up again, "Well then, didn't think that would work..." He said panting lightly.
Tom disappeared in a puff of smoke when Altheriel almost kicked him in the face. He then clenched his hands as shadows came up and grabbed him. He whacked him against a tree then then shadows let go of him letting him fall. Walked up to him Tom frowned. "Did I got to far?" He then prepared to be zapped by spirt lightning.

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Alteriel breathed out heavily when he hit the tree. His mind thought of his possible counter movements. His body was seconds from hitting then ground but it disappeared, again in green light. Alteriel reappeared miliseconds later behind Tom and thrust his hand forward as though he were punching him. His fist shot forth a blast of spirit lightning that hit tom center of the chest. Then Alteriel did a back-flip kicking one foot out launching spirit lightning off of it. The spirit lightning was meant as a sort up uppercut to the bottom of Tom's chin. Alteriel landed on the ground almost losing his balance. He knelt low with one foot out to the side to support the majority of his weight, "Haha, i've been hit harder by schoolgirls." He said grinning.
Tom smiled he his body stopped shaking from the shock. He then smiled as shadows elevated him into the air surrounding him. He then smiled. "I dought any schoolgirls have control over shadows." He then lifted his hands as Altheriel was lifted into the air and hit into tree after tree after tree, before whacking him onto the cement and then throwing him in the pool, getting him wet then picking him back up and slamming him into a tree, knocking it over. "Now what school did you come form," Tom said the shadows disappearing as he walked up to Altheriel.

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((THAT was a little DO realize that we are SILL HUMAN right? I'll roll with it though))

Alteriel coughed as his body smacked from side to side. He could feel the bones in his body breaking and it hurt like hell. He knew that at any point he could have stopped it. He could have just turned into lightning himself and ripped Tom's soul from his body, but Tom needed to learn control. The only way he could think to teach him, would be to show him what happens when he was out of control. He felt his back touch water after the beating and he started to pass out. He sank like a brick into the pool knowing he couldn't swim due to his injuries. It felt as though he was engulfed in flames. His skin burned and the only thing he could remember before losing consciousness was how bad his body hurt and how he hoped someone would be able to save him. His form sank into the bottom of the pool and ceased breathing as his eyes fluttered shut.
Tom looked closely and saw he had gone to far, before his skin turned white. He tried to reach in his pockets but he failed to. "I need.. Calories.," he said before passing out his skin whiting more and more other each second. Pain was all he could feel as his cells started dieing. His hair fell out as he finally fell unconous. Even still he felt pain. He need calories or his body would eat itself.

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(Lol. Now what do we do, wait for somebody to heal us? Wake up in a hospital?)

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Shelby made a clone ready to step in and stop the fight but she was already too late. Tom had passed out , not that she cared,and Alteriel....he was drowning! Damn Tom! Quicly she and Cloneby ran up to the swimmingpool. Shelby jumped in and swam to the bottom to pull him up. Thankfully, in the water he was as light as a feather. She just hoped he was alright, but knowing what she'd seen he probably wouldn't be. At the edge Cloneby was waiting to pull him out. "Wow, a little cardio won't hurt," she groaned. Shelby glared. "No one asked you anything," Shelby glared as they both got Alteriel out of the water. "Well, you did ask for my help, if I recall," Cloneby snapped as Shelby rolled Alteriel on his back.

"Well, I didn't know you'd be such a pain" Shelby muttered before leaning in to listen at his chest for a heartbeat.
Alteriel coughed out blood and water as his body started to come back together. His bones were rapidly being repaired by his spirit lightning. Apparently in the state he was in, his electrical impulses controlled in his mind for repairing cells and tissue were forced to exceed their normal values. His body rapidly began repairing the broken tissue as a last resort measure. Alteriel sat up slowly, "Holy shit..." He mumbled as his vision cleared and he looked at Shelby, "What happened?" He asked his voice slurred slightly.
(Nobody cares about old Tom. Just let him rot over there in the corner. No matter how important to the mission he is.)

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((Girls, girls, you're both pretty. :P Anyway, love the humor you guys have... it's hilarious to read. :D ))

Emmett fell to the ground as Alteriel kicked him with extreme force. Emmet got the wind knocked out of him, but quickly recovered. He stood up for a fight, but saw Tom and Alteriel were already started. And that beat the crap out of each other. Emmett rolled his eyes as they lay on the floor. He walked towards them, seeing Shelby saw this happen too. "You guys do know that we are practicing. You get beaten over at the STW Building, now here. Save your energy." He scolded them, rolling his eyes once more. He saw Shelby had Alteriel, loving him back to health or whatever couples did. Emmett walked over to Tom, and knelt by him. "Hey." He breathed, checking Tom out. "Well, you're beaten up pretty bad." He grunted, and looked at Tom. Tom's hair was blonde, with black in it from dirt and blood. And for a second, Emmett felt bad. He quickly turned away, and sighed. "Maybe if I could survive this, maybe I could transfer it to you..." He began, biting his lip. "Do you think it'll work?" He asked. "Or maybe I could use some of my heat to close some wounds. Or something." He rambled, not sure what to do.

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