This is the End.

((Yay! Your alive!! And yes. So after the clones and the blowing up of Emmett's house, Tom fixed his house. Then, Tom and Alteriel beat themselves up trying to practice their powers. Now they are sort of better and are practicing. Until Tom was hit in the neck with a dart, and everyone is freaking out. Emmett's trying to fix him and Alteirel is chasing the guy who shot the dart at him. Also he need to hurry this up so we can work on the restart. All we need to do is practice a bit, and then go fight. And also make sure Tom doesn't die.))
WiInnie held back a scream and knealed by Tom, not knowing what to do. Her hands fluttered around as if they had a mind of their own, wanting to help but not knowing how. She hurried over to Alteriel's bag, and ripped out the Antivenom before hurrying over to Emmett and Tom.
Emmett looked over. "What's that?" He took it and read it. "Oh." He blushed, feeling stupid. He injected it into Tom's neck, waiting to see what would happen. He bit his lip, and glanced at Shelby.
Tom groans signaling he was alive. He moved slowly and sat up. "What happened," he groaned. He then saw Winnie and Emmett looking at him. Why are hey looking at me.

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After scanning the room for more attackers she ran towards Tom, Emmet and Winnie. Shelby smiled as she saw Tom was still alive. - Alteriel, can you hear me?- she thought, curious if he'd caught the attacker. She looked at the dart that was with no poisened with some kind. "Work of the STW? why would they use these?" she asked the group.
Winnie smiled at Tom, relieved. "You were hit with a dartie thing." she said softly, staying by him in case he needed help up.(Sorry so short, working on it in class) 
(Won't be on this next couple days, but don't worry i"ll be back this time. I won't do anything stupid this weekend to get grounded. I swear, if i'm ever invited to a party again it will be too soon -_- )
((Oh OK, see yeah soon!!))

Emmett sighed in relief. "Good your alive... I guess." He stood up slowly. He held out a hand for Tom, to help me stand up. "I think we need to fight soon. If not, Rosa will be coming her. I guess she's eager to fight." He sighed, and turned his head to Shelby. She was concentrated, and hard. She must be talking to Alteriel... I wonder where he is... He thought to himself and bit his lip again. He glanced down at Winnie and gave her a half-heated grin. "Let's practice a bit. As soon as Alteriel get's back."
Alteriel communicated back to shelby Yeah... was his only reply. A few moments later he walked back to the room with the others carrying a body. He tossed the body onto the floor. It was a man wearing an STW uniform. He held a blow dart in one hand and had a horrified look on his face. If the team were to look closely they would see that the man's throat was slit wide open, "We can't wait any longer." Alteriel said with a dead look in his eyes. Regardless of all his training, this was the first time he had ever had to kill anyone. He cleaned the blood off of his knife and stuck it back in his boot then cleaned his hands of mostly on his pants. He walked over next to Shelby and picked up his backpack sticking the spare anti-venoms back into his pack, "Those were anti-coagulants, your body should sweat the poison out soon Tom." He said slinging it back over his shoulder. That was the hardest thing i've ever had to do. He communicated to Shelby I...tore his soul out but his body still fought me... He looked over to her We need to be careful, they're stronger than i thought.
Shelby face overclouded when Alteriel returned with the dead body. It was clear. He’d killed him.

She didn’t like it, seeing Alteriel this way, but it had to be done.

The men died in pain, she didn’t have to search for memories to know that. She stared at Alteriel waiting for a story. She didn’t even had to ask but received an answer, which seemed to come straight out of a Zombie movie. She hadn’t thought the shooter was an extraordinary person like themselves. She also couldn’t believe that the STW would hire them. Maybe these kind of people didn’t posses any powers but they sure as hell could put up a fight.

“Emmet,” She said, as shortly glancing at Tom. She knew it was unfair to hold any grudges but she couldn’t shake it off. ”What are we going to do? I think it’s safe to say STW won’t be waiting around,”
Tom kneeled down to the body. "This was the man that abducted me." He then got up. "If they are capable of almost killing me, think about what they can do to the citizens. We must attack now, we have no time to train." He then grabbed everybody. "Let's go."
Alteriel followed behind Tom swiftly and took Shelby's hand, it was hard to have emotions now, but he couldn't go back to how he was. We're going to be fine. He said with a smile and a wink. He tried to hide his pain to encourage her. It was hard, but it had to be done. We can do this. He then turned back and followed Tom while holding Shelby's hand.
Emmett towered over the body. His eyes sad. He sighed, and wiped sleep from his eyes. He was stress, and tired. He looked up, his eyes weary. "OK, look. We need to be prepared. Look up with guns and bombs and things like that. Tom and Alteriel, get loaded on gums and sodas. I don't need anyone passing out." He looked at Shelby. "You and I don't need as many calories, but we should still eat something." He smiled. "I need some water." He added. "Then, Tom's in charge of helping us sneak past. Then we fight." He paused, thinking about how this was it. "I'll kill Rosa." He finally said, and sighed. "If it's OK with Winnie." He added, knowing he would kill her mother. He thought about the boss. "Is Frank, the boss, evil? He talked to me before. He seems OK..." He thought for a moment. "..but maybe he's just fooling me." He sighed, and nodded. "OK, get ready. I getting my Dad's gun. Also getting water and some food." He gave everyone a half heated grin. "Let's do this." He fist pumped the air, and then walked past everyone, and opened the door. He ran up the stairs, and walked up some more stairs, to his parent's room.
Fey nodded. "Kill the bee with an itch." she all but growled. "She's not my mother. She got rid of me at birth. I hate her." She added, so the others didn't think her heartless. (Only on for little, I'm leaving in a few to go bowling. Staying at my Sis's.)
((OK, and have fun at bowling! :P ))

Emmett nodded. "Thanks." He grinned, just before leaving.

Now he was in his parent's room. The place where he'd cried so many times. He scratched his neck, and dragged himself to Leland's dresser. He knelt down and opened the bottom drawer. He moved some clothing and discovered a pistol. It's was Leland's favorite, and his lucky one. Emmett frowned looking at it. He grabbed it, and was shocked at how good it felt in his hand. This was the gun he would use to kill Rosa. If that didn't work, he would use the same hand to burn Rosa alive. Emmett looked at the bullets it had. Five. Just five bullets. Better make them count. Emmett stood up, and kicked the drawer closed. He walked towards the door, and closed it quietly. He didn't look back. He jogged down the stairs, and walked to his kitchen. Memories flooded him. His first time cooking. He cooking dinner all by himself. Him showing his sister how to make toast. He closed his eyes, choking back the tears. He opened the fridge, and grabbed a water. He gulped it down, realizing how dry his throat was. He saw something in the corner of his eyes then. Through the window. There was that women he saw before. He saw her again. He dropped his water like a rock. It spilled everywhere. He starred at the women, fear in his eyes. "W-who are you?" He choked out. His legs were trembling. The women just looked back at him, and then mouthed something. 'Save my baby.' Her lips said. Emmett gulped and turned around. He ran down the stairs into the gym. "The women was there! Oh my gosh, she was there!" He cried, fear in his eyes.
Tom looked at Emmett. He then walked into the house his nostrils flaring. It seemed like they would never attack the STW group. He then looked out the window as he didn't see anything, but somehow he was teleported to his old house. He saw a women. "Mom," he said the figure smiling reassuring. He approached as the beautiful face of his mothers turned into Rosa's he screamed as rosa marched forward and two men came out and grabbed him. He gave a look of horror as rosa pulled out a gun, the gun with the poison dart. He screamed as rosa pulled the trigger, and Tom was hit, by a arrow that contained the poison to kill a whale.

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((I'm not entirely sure how your expecting us to save you now...Tom'll be dead in two seconds and Alteriel wouldn't carry that much anti venom on him...))

Alteriel rushed over to Emmett's side, "What are you talking about Emmett?" He asked placing his hand on his shoulder, "What is going on, who is this woman he asked." He saw Tom walk by him seemingly uncaring. He glanced at him slightly then back to Emmett, "You need to breath," He said trying to calm him down a little bit, "We're all stressed out man, but we need to maintain focus, we need you strong Emmett." He said then glanced over at Shelby, "Do you think you can get in his head? Figure out what is going on?" He asked then turned back to Emmett who was clearly still distraught, "You're our leader Emmett, we need you strong, what is going on man?" He asked again before Emmett could answer. The concern showed through on Alteriel's face. He was hungry and hadn't realized it until Emmett mentioned it but first he had to figure out what was going on with Emmett.

((I'm intrigued to find out who this woman is, i could picture the scene your describing and it gives me chills, DAMN MYSTERIES!!! xD ))
(Anybody going to post. We aren't going to finish by Monday at this rate.)

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Winnie frowned and hurried to Emmett. "Are you okay? What happened?" she asked in a rush, no noticing Tom's leaving. They needed Emmett, they were lost without him.
Tom woke up in a bright room. He got out of a bed and saw that he was alone. He then looked around. I wish Shelby would have kept her thought via on. He then tried to teleport but something was blocking his powers. He then was hit by extreme pain. He couldn't take it. The light was burning him. He ran and tried to find a safe spot, his body now done with the poison dealing with yet another crisis no normal person would have to go through.

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((Yeah, made it. Here's the link: Also Hunnyhelp , that women wasn't Tom's mom. It was someone else. It was actually Gabriel's mother. My charrie for the new rp. So yeah.))

Emmett heard something, and ran back to where he stood before. He gazed down to see Tom, lying on the floor with a arrow shot to his side. "Oh gosh, not again." He mumbled, dropping to his knees. His hands were shaking, a lump was in his throat. And then he heard something that shocked him. Alteriel said... he said... he said that Emmett was a leader. "I-I a what?" He questioned. He blinked, and everything went into a slow motion. He glanced around to see Alteriel freaking out. He was yelling, and fear shone in his face. He looked at Shelby, who was confused and scared. Where was Winnie? He didn't know. He turned back to Tom, who lay pale on the ground. He bit his lip, and breathed in and out. And then something hit him. Not really, but in his mind. His eyes went wide and time began to go normally again, speeding back up to normal. Emmett placed his hands on Tom's side, and heated up his temperature. "We need to keep his heart pumping, heat will help. Alteriel, you have lighting. Shock his heart to keep it up to rate. Just like those doctor thingies they use when somone has a heart attack." He ordered. He grabbed Alteriel's back pack, and began searching it. He found some anti-venom, but it wasn't enough. Emmett jabbed it into Tom's side quickly, then raced to his house. He jumped through the door and ran to his kitchen. He searched through the cabinets, trying to find something. He saw a jar. They were pills. Red and green were their colors. The jar has a picture of venom it seemed on it. He ran outside, and threw it to Shelby. "Give this to Tom. Tell him it'll be OK through your mind. Keep him calm. Make sure he doesn't freak out." Emmett nodded to himself. OK Ok, what else? He asked himself. "Water." He whispered. He grabbed some water from Alteriel's bag, and grabbed som gum too. "OK, if Tom's immune system is OK, this shot and pills should help him out a bit." He bit his lip, not sure of what to do next. He looked around, hoping to see if no one was sneaking up on them. He shot fire this way and that, not hitting anyone, but sending a warning of 'Stay Away.'
Alteriel smiled glad Emmett had snapped back and taken control, "Alright everyone clear." he said rubbing his hands together like defibrillators, "I'm going to give him a short jolt." He said then ripped the middle of Tom's shirt open, "Clear!" He said then slammed his hands into Tom's pectoral muscles shooting a large voltage into Tom's heart, "I'm going to start CPR." He said then began doing chest compressions. With each compression he sent minor jolts into his body to steady his heart rate and force it to beat until it could beat on it's own, "No." "One." "touch him." He said breathing with each compression. If they touched him now they might get a jolt too.

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