This is the End.

Tom looked at Emmett. "I am with you too, I would give my life for you. You are our leader. I am with you till the end." He then looked around the group. If they succeeded in the mission, they would have to split up. It pained his heart for he had gotten to know these people more than anybody in his whole life. "We should only kill rosa. Everybody else, just injure. What makes them different from me, they made a bad dession. Now they are trapped. I am now sure about the boss. From the time I spent with rosa and him, he seemed not fully evil." He then sat back in a lawn chair. How did the boss become the boss? Why does rosa seem to be the boss and not the person who we all knew as the boss and nothing else? He leaned back as he tried to calm his mind.

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Emmett smiled at Tom. "Thanks." He than became serious. He considered what Tom was saying. There were so many odds. The boss could just be tricking us, or he could be good. Just be a slave of Rosa. Emmet bit his lip, trying to figure everything out. Rosa was defiantly evil, no doubt. But Emmett had never seen the boss do anything... evil. Not at all. He always just stood there, watching. Maybe he was manipulating them... or maybe he was just semi-evil. Emmett couldn't think, because so many things were flying in his head. "Okay. Okay. Leave the boss. Maybe we can get him to answer some questions." He thought hard, and felt his shoulders sagged. Him and everyone else there, was carrying the weight of the world on there shoulders. He gripped his gun and finally look up from his shoes. "Let's go." He announced. "Tom, take the lead."
((Throwing in a curve ball ;D))

Alteriel smiled at the gathering of the team then he heard something, something terrible. He heard Shelby's voice in his head and lost all logic They have me. He heard then spoke, "Oh no..." He said backing into a tree, "No no no no no no...." He said, "They have her..." He looked at the others wild-eyed as they stood watching. He had never lost control in front of them, he had always been stable, "WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE?!" He screamed angrily then his body began to glow. At first it was dim but it got brighter until he was so aglow with green light that even watching him would be hard. His body changed into a massive bolt of green lightning and it blasted off towards the STW building. He blasted a hole through every house in his way, nothing mattered anymore, he just wanted to save her. I won't lose you too. He though hoping it would reach her. His body moved at the speed of light and blasted into the side of the STW building it blew out the windows on the entire level and put a massive smoking hole in the side of the lowest floor. He turned into himself holding his knife but the lightning off of the knife made it grow twice it's normal size. He saw her on the back of a guard, "Shelby!" He screamed. There were five guards here but they wouldn't stop him. He thrust his hand forward and grabbed their souls, he held the essence of their lives in his hands and then crushed them. Their corpses fell tot he ground shriveled and dead as though they had had all of the blood sucked from their body. He then charged forward into the one holding Shelby and sliced him literally in half at the waist. Shelby fell from the torso and fell into his hands, her life was gone, "No..." He said quietly at first despertaly sending lightning out in all directions from his body but he could not find her, she was lost...He began to cry then he got angry, "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!" He screamed his shoulders heaving as he set her body down, "YOU'LL ALL DIE FOR THIS!" He screamed in a rage.
Before Emmett could say anything else, Alteriel howled. He yelled at them, loosing it. And then he was gone. No poof, just gone. Emmett took a second to analyze it all, and then looked at everyone else. "Let's go. Shelby needs us." He quickly said, and then blew fire from his hands. The fire pushed him off the ground, and he now soared through the sky. He pushed fire through his hands and feet now, giving him speed. He was like a shooting star, racing to the STW Building. There was no there place Shelby would be. Unless... no not there. Emmett now was there, as heard Alteriel cry and howl. He landed quickly, and raced to where Alteriel was... along with Shelby. But Shelby was not Shelby... no. She was... dead. Emmett covered his mouth to keep from screaming, and ran towards Alteriel. "Dude! Calm down. I know how you feel, don't loose it." He grabbed Alteriel, trying to calm him down.
Alteriel's shoulder quivered as his lightning blade diminished and regained the light around him pulsed with his emotions, "Why?! What right do they have?! What makes them say who can live and who can die?! What makes them think they can tear away EVERYTHING we care about?!" He screamed he was angry but he wasn't angry at Emmett. He tried to regain himself and the light around him diminished slightly, "If they can kill so can I." He said angrily, "They will all pay, even if that bastard isn't evil he stood there and watched her do this, never saying a word so he is just an advocate to the evil, they all deserve to be punished." He said through gritted teeth, "I shouldn't have flipped, but we're here now, let's end this." He said then taking his place at Emmett's side he whispered, "I am sorry..." Speaking to both Shelby and Emmett.
Tom grabbed everybody else and appeared next to Emmett and Atheriel. "Ok that plan is history. Let's just destroy everything we can, and remember please do not kill," he said looking at Atheriel. Shadow armour and a sword then appeared around him. then two sloppy shadow people appeared next to him no matter how slow they would be.
Emmett watched Alteriel crumble for a moment. But he had regained himself. The words he said... were the words he'd wanted to say for days. "It's Okay." He patted Alteriel on the back. "I understand." He choked out, flash backs of his future. His parents dead on the floor. His sisters shot, Ash's grave. And now this. Alteriel was having a hard time, and Emmett understood. "Okay. Okay. Let's do this." He shivered, wondering when Winnie would come. He nodded at Tom, agreeing with him. He blinked, and then took a step forward. "I know your here." He yelled, and then a figure came forward.

"Hmm.." Said a feminine voice called. Rosa. Emmett gritted his teeth. "You..." He whispered, and he was ready to fight. Rosa smiled at him, and waved. And then Emmett was hit in the back of the head. He fell to the ground, and saw a guard towering over him. "Good job Richard." Rosa clapped. The guard stepped on Emmett's chest, and crushed him underneath him. Emmett gasped for air, and found very little. He screamed "No!" and blasted the man with fire. Fire escaped Emmett's mouth as he screamed.
Alteriel thrust his hand forward at the guard and shot a green blast into his soul. He set anchor then whipped his hand over his head dragging the lightning and the guard with it. He released the anchor heaving the guard at Rosa, "Don't care if they're evil or not. Standing here abiding by evil..." He said angrily his eyes narrowing, "If you allow the evil to progress and do not stand against it, you may as well be evil yourself." He said looking at the body of the guard he heaved, "These men deserve to die. She speaks and they do her bidding, willingly." He said angrily, "I felt their souls, they are as black as night, they don't deserve mercy." He said bluntly.
Tom shook with rage he fired a wave of shadows that knocked Atheriel off his feet. "And you think you are pure. You must have no idea what mind control is." He then tackled Atheriel. "What place is yours to kill them, killing them makes you as weak as I thought before I came to your side." He then got up. And made shadow whips he put a gum in his mouth as he used the whips to hit the men but not kill them. He did this as his shadow people moved to do the same.
Alteriel stood up and shook his head, "If you think you are going to stop me, you are a bigger fool than i thought." He said, "I am not pure, but at least i don't murder innocent people. At least i KNOW what i am." He said glaring at him, "I'm not going to fight you Tom once this is over, you can do what you want, i saved your life once but don't expect it again." He brushed his pants off and picked up his knife. "You lost the people you hate, you killed someone you hated, you have someone you love and care about. I lost everything, at least you have something left." He said, "You can try to convince me that their controlled but i don't care what you have to say. I felt the evil in their soul." He said, "Now lets finish this with them and we don't ever have to see each other again." Then he turned back to Rosa, "You don't scare me, your idle threats, your killing of innocents, you will die today." He said light gathering around him blotting out the darkness."
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Tom watched as Atheriel acted like he could destroy darkness. No, no! He jumped up with renewed strength. He landed on Atheriel. "You think you are the light!?!?! My darknesses is purer than your strongest light!!! I may have something, but what did I have, I had more than you ever had. And I lost it, it is better to have nothing than to have something, you are lucky." Shadows then came and wrapped around him. "I don't want to fight you, but I don't want you to kill anymore like me." He then jumped off and not killed the people.
((...i have no idea what you just said xD ...what exactly did he do? By the way i don't care how dark a shadow is, if the light is bright enough it'll block don't try to come near him or your shadows are just going to be null...))
((You guys! No Shakespeare! I'm not good with this stuff! :P ))

Emmett saw Alteriel and Tom clash. He'd never seen both so angry. Well... Okay, maybe one other time but still. He turned his attention away from them, letting them get it out of their systems. He glared at Rosa. He was furious with her. She'd killed his parents. His mother. Oh gosh, she'd killed them. He cursed under his breathe, and heard Alteriel now yell at her. He screamed, and charged at her. He was so angry. He wanted to choke the pife out of her. He landed on her, and gripped her neck with his bare hands. He squeezed, and saw her eyes smiled at him. And then a horrible pain was in his head. Oh, how was that happening? It wasn't suppose too. Unless his powers... and then he'd realized there was someone behind him. There fingers pressed on his forehead and neck. There was blue light, and Emmett was woozy. The Boss, who's power was to take away others, was on him. Doing his job. Taking away his gifts. Emmett screamed, still gripping Rosa's neck, but becoming weaker. "Tom!" He gasped. "Alteriel!" He screamed louder, and tried to kick off the boss. "No!!"
(That's what happens when you leave us unsupervised.)

Tom turned around as Emmett called for him. A small spear appeared in his hand as he prepared to throw it, and was meet by a series of Thum, Thum Thum. Tom then fell over dart all over his body. Of course his body was so use to the stuff it was not fatal. Of course without outside help Tom was going to be on the floor for a long time.

In Tom's dream.

A virus was running, jumping between computer to computer destroying each one. Until it found a computer that it couldn't destroy. This computer was the one Tom had left in Emmett's house a few shadow people left to die by it. As the virus fought it learned more about it's creator. Once it learned all it could about Tom it then went back to hoping computers searching for Tom. Then he found him. Inside of the camera watching the fight the virus touched the glass of the camera. "Father," it muttered as he also saw a girl named Winnie. The virus quickly jumped though the real world in a bolt of lightning then ended up inside of Winnie, waiting to be born.

(See the virus was actually Sam, he was born when Tom created that small computer. Born from the spark in Tom's mind and the strength of the shadow people. )

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(( O.o I dig that artificial insemination you just performed @Hunnyhelp xD ))

Alteriel saw the boss touch Emmett and start to drain his power, he left everything alone letting Tom off the hook for now, "I don't think so you big dumb bastard!" He threw his fist forward sending a blast of Spirit Lightning through the boss' soul. His soul...It's too strong... He said trying to push the lightning in I got it! He thought then began building the lightning on the outside of the bosses soul inside of him into a ball. He then detonated the ball blasting the boss backwards and flickering all of the lights in the room causing a temporary electrical disturbance. forcing his hands to be removed and giving Emmett his powers back, "Kill her Emmett!" He yelled, "I'll keep him off of you!" He hollered. Then he disappeared behind the boss. He charged his feet with lightning and full body drop kicked the boss in the back knocking him onto his face and causing spiritual pain.
((Haha. Life's fair. :P ))

Emmett yelled, felling the boss be peeled away from his body. And he felt Alteriel 'shoot' him back his powers. He jolted, and gasped for air. His mind spinning he heard Alteriel's words. He saw Tom on the floor, dead maybe, but Emmett couldn't help him at the time. ((How many times has Tom passed out? LoL)) Emmett was breathing hard, sweating as he approached Rosa. "You do not belong in this world." He puffed. "Because there can only be so many super humans." He breathed, and ran towards her. He jumped in the air, and slammed his fist on her head. He heard her howl in pain, as she fell to the ground. He grabbed her neck, his hands becoming warmer and warmer. He was going to melt her head off. He bit his lip so hard, he drew blood. But he didn't care. His eyes turning red, and his mouth opening. He yelled fire at her, using every ounce of energy he had. And once he had no more, he stopped and fell back. He was breathing hard, taking a moment to rest. But he was up again, and something gruesome stood before him.

It was no longer human. It was like wax melted. Her eyes were falling out, her neck squished. He pushed her head, and it fell off. Landed with a squish. He gulped, and turned to Alteriel. He went to go help his friends.
((So is the boss evil orrr?))

Alteriel stood up and watched the scene. A satisfying smile crossed his face, it was gruesome but he knew that she had been the one who killed Shelby. He walked over and put his hand on his shoulder and nodded, "You did what you had to do." He said then he looked and saw Tom on the ground and rushed over kneeling next to him. He pulled his wrist up and checked his pulse, "He is still alive, but barely." He said then sent electrons through Tom's wrist to bolster his body's ability to build white blood cells. The newly formed cells would help him push back the poison. Then Alteriel did something he had wanted to do for a long time. He smacked Tom right across the top of the head, "Wake up!" He yelled, "You're not getting out of it THAT easily!" He said looking back to see the boss standing back up.
(How did Emmett get a fear of heights?)

Ton opened his eyes as Atheriel smacked him. "Ow," he said getting up. He the smiled at Atheriel. "Thanks," he said turning to Rosa. He then turned to all the people looking around. "You can go home," he said opening his hands, but this seemed to make them even more confused. Tom turned to the two, they were like brothers to him. "So are we going to kill the boss or...?"

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((Wait what? Emmett got a fear of heights? Were is that?))

(( @Dedecus , The Boss is like Rosa's minion. Sort of good. He's just kind of under her spell. He's in love with her, but isn't all that evil.))

Emmett nodded, and starred at the remains of Rosa. He shoot fire at her again, and walked away. He didn't say anything, for if he did, he would burst out crying. He knelt next to Alteriel, and saw him yell at him. Emmett bit his lip, and saw the boss. Emmett was confused by him. Wasn't sure who the crap he was. He saw Alteriel then go to him, and he knew he had him. Emmett turned to Tom, and saw he'd awoken. "Oh god dude. Don't do that." He sighed of relief. "We still need you." He chuckled and helped Tom up.
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((Holy freaking crap! I did not see that. Dude, I swear. I'll change it... oh and Emmett develops that later on. Soon, my friends... soon. :P ))
Alteriel walked hard as he approached the boss, "Just who the HELL do you think you are?!" He screamed at him, "Look at this! All of this evil that has been caused, all of these atrocities!" He said his fists shaking, "They say you should live, but all i want to see is your soul leaving your body!" He said furiously, "Even if you AREN'T bad, what excuse do you have for letting this go on?! What possible reason could you have for not stopping this." He turned and looked at Shelby's body, he recalled Ash's body too and he remembered burying Emmett's parents and watching Shelby's family die in an explosion. He look at him, his eyes full of conviction, "You could have saved them all..." His eyes flashed, "What do you have to say for youself?!" He screamed. He wanted to kill him, he wanted him to suffer like he and the rest of them had. He didn't deserve to live, but he would give him one chance to redeem himself.
Tom walked up and did what he always wanted to do. He slapped Atheriel right across the face. "Snap out of it!!!" He then backed up his Emmett and looked at the boss. "Awkward," he said under his breath a little bit to loud.

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