This is the End.

Alteriel shook his head after Tom slapped him, "Think of me how you want but the way i see it, he is just a guilty as she is. He could have stopped all of this..." He said then turned to Emmett, Tom, and Winnie, "If he doesn't justify this, i will kill him." He said looking at them with conviction. They had all lost so much, the deserved retribution, "You will not stop me and even if you hold me back today, he won't live beyond tomorrow." He said then turned back to the boss, "What justification do you have?!" He screamed from across the room.
((Haha @Hunnyhelp , you wrote 'my Emmett' :P ))

Emmett blinked. Alteriel was freaking out. And Tom slapped him. Emmett sighed, wondering. He kept quiet, wanting to hear what The Boss said. He too wanted to know. He too, hated him. He wasn't sure he was to burn his head off like he did to Rosa, but he wanted to see him in pain. Emmett crossed his arms, waiting for The Boss to reply.

The Boss watched as the young man before him, yelled at him. The Boss knew he was going to hell, so why to tell these kids what they wanted to know. The Boss sighed, and closed his eyes. "I love her. Rosa. She's my forever." He paused wondering if he should just kill himself instead of tell them. But he kept going. "But she never loved me. Instead, she used me. She'd brainwashed me, and I made her believe I was. So I became her minion. I only did it for her. I didn't want to step out of line, because she knew the brainwashing didn't work, and she would torture me, but not kill me. She would kill me softly." He whispered the last part. "I'm not evil. I tried to help. I talked to Emmett. I gave him a warning. I couldn't do much. I'm sorry I cause you so much pain. I was just stuck." He sighed, ready for Alteriel to roll his eyes an lightning bolt his spirit out of his own body. "You can kill me... since ne reason of living to melted."

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Alteriel lowered his hands as the lightning dissipated. He knew his pain, he felt it himself when Shelby died. He felt love for the first time with her too, "Just go..." He said, 'Before you give me another reason to end your existence..." He said then turned and walked away. He was disappointed in himself, but he couldn't kill him, not for doing what he did out of love. He stopped when he reached the others and looked back over his shoulder, "Take your pain Frank, learn from it. Maybe one day you can use it to help someone else, then you will be forgiven." He said then turned forward ans walked past the others out the crumbling hole in the building. He took in a deep breath of air. He was so angry at himself for not killing him, for not just ending his existence. But he knew he would do the same things for Shelby if she had asked. He put his hands on his head and shook it. They'd all come so far....He heard sirens approaching in the distance and sat down on some rubble waiting on the others.

((It's because we are awesome))
For the first time in his life Tom didn't have the urge to rip Atheriel into little bitty pieces. He nodded at the boss. "If everybody else had their parents killed by rosa, who killed my mother. Was it my father or was it her." His eyes showed pleading, he just wanted peace. He wanted to know who destroyed his life, that would depend if he killed him.

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The Boss didn't look at Tom. "Well, Uh, it. It was uh... it was me." He choked out, waiting to be killed now by Tom. "I just... Rosa she-she made me. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He sighed, ready to have a few punches thrown at him. He could take away their powers, but he already sinned so much.

Emmett watched as Alteriel left, and he knew it was hard for him to. He left Tom, and heard him say 'Killed my...' and he smiled. Hmf. Looks like two face got something too. He chuckled, knowing he shouldn't be thinking that, but he wasn't in the mood to be dealing with it. He sighed, and walked to Alteriel. "Hey there dude. How's it going? Nice job back there." He put an arm on Alteriel's shoulder, letting the words he said hang in the air.
Alteriel looked behind him, "He doesn't deserve to live..." He said, "But he deserves a chance to redeem himself too. I would have done the same for Shelby and you'd have done it for Ashley too." He said his eyes shutting and listening, "The police will be here any minute, we need to get out of here. Soon."
Emmett nodded. "Yeah. I would..." The thought of Ash made his heart sink. He walked off, and hugged himself. It was getting close to mid-night. The temperature had dropped since they last were outfit. He heated himself up, his body becoming a bright orange. Stem was coming off his body. He moaned, satisfied of his gifts. And then, all of a sudden he was on a building. He glanced around. "Am I... in a dream?" He asked himself. He looked around, and then it was raining. He squinted, and saw a figure before him. He couldn't tell who it was because of the rain. "Hello?" He yelled. The figure was then in front of him. It was Rosa. She wrapped his fingers around his neck. "You will die." She whispered, and Emmett got chills. And then Rosa pushed him. Off the building. Emmett was falling, but he wasn't screaming. He was filled with fear. And then just when he was about to hit the ground, he woke up. He was in his spot, holding himself. He was still orange. He was still at the STW Building. Rosa was still dead. Emmett breathed hard, his eyes wide open. He gulped, and knew that Rosa was all dead. She was following him. In his head. She had his hook in him. Emmett shivered and turned to Alteriel. "Let's go home."

((This is how Emmett got his fear of heights... and Rosa can't leave his mind. She'll always have her hook in him.))
((thats epic, :o Got an idea for the future. Emmett will have been tortured by Rosa for like 30 years this is gonna be cool.))

Alteriel nodded, "I think we should part ways for a while." He said and stood up. He took a deep breath, "Give us some time to think and get better." He turned and looked behind him to face Emmett, "I am proud to call you a friend. I followed you into hell and we came out the other side better than we ever could have gone in." He said then put his hand on his shoulder, "I'm proud to call you my leader and my companion." He said, "Let's wait for Tom to get back, then we can go our separate ways." He said and released his shoulder with a nod, "I'm sure we will see each other soon enough." He said and smiled.
Emmett nodded, his body still steaming. He hoped Alteriel hadn't burned his hand while putting his hand on Emmett's shoulder. He nodded. He felt small compared to Alteriel. He was inches taller than him. Emmett looked up at him again, and nodded. "Yeah..." He bit his lip, which was raw from biting it so much. "You're like a big brother to me. I guess. Since I have none." He looked at the ground again, and sighed. "Thanks for everything. I do hope to see you again." He tried to chuckle. But in the back of his mind was Rosa repeating the same words she'd once said to him. You will die. It echoed in his mind.
Tom looked at the boss as his eyes water. "I will not kill you but I can not say the same for the law." He then joined the two others. "I think we should stay together for a while. We have no family or friends, I say we come together make a living and then split ways."

(Or we going to play it to the time in this is it or time skip and leave?)

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((Actually I think that's a cool idea. Role-play on this from time to time. :D ))

Emmett nodded. "That's a good idea. I don't think I can just... leave." He choked. He looked at Tom, as saw he was about to cry. "What hap-" He began but then stopped. He didn't feel like poking into someone else's business. It was his, and Emmett didn't need to be asking then. "What would we do though? Be room mates?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Alteriel shook his head he couldn't leave but it was hard to bear the memories, "My cabin is still standing, gonna need to build...rooms." He said then chuckled. The whole time he lived there he didn't have a room, "If you guys want to, that is." He said then looked at Emmett, "I'll always be here to look out for you." He said then looked at Tom, "Both of you." Then he laughed a little, "Gonna be strange...Getting a normal job, no one to fight, no one coming after you." He said. His whole life he had been in paranoia and expelled himself from society. It felt like a weight was lifted, "We'll do fine." He said nodding at them both.
Emmett nodded. He realized he was shivering. "Yeah. Do you guys want to hang in the woods?" He laughed, the first time in a long while. He to, felt relief. He sighed, and looked at the ground. "I'm tired. Hungry. And cold." He added. He looked at Tom, wondering what he was thinking. If the woods didn't work out, then Emmett could offer his house. He already had enough bedrooms, and everything they needed. But hey, being in a cabin in the woods would be pretty cool.
"I think we go with Atheriel's house. I mean I would love to live in Emmett's house but when taxes come around..." He signed as he thought about his home and then about his mom and then his dad.... He then looked back at Winnie. "Are you joining us." He then walked back and half pulled half lead Winnie to the edge. "I have already been to Atheriel's house so all I need is approval and then we go to our new life." He then smiled as the poilce drove up to the building and began climbing up the stairs.
Emmett nodded. "Yes, Winnie." He turned to her, and smiled. A warm smile he gave her. At that moment he realized she was beautiful. But was token. He bit his lip, and looked away. Oh god, he couldn't betray Tom. Not by falling in love. He wasn't. No he wasn't. He gulped, and looked at Alteriel. "I think I- I think...." He tried to speak, bu couldn't find his words. "I think I have... Winnie... Tom... oh god." He hung his head, confused. Not now. Not here. Cops were here. They needed to leave. He couldn't start this now. But he was all alone. Ash was gone. His family was. He needed someone in his life. But Winnie couldn't. She was with Tom.
Winnie looked between everyone. ”I don't mind where, it's up to you guys.” She said, hugging close to Tom. She looked at Emmett curiously when he started stuttering and vlushing red. He stared at her weirdly....she frowned. She looked closely, then realized he was giving her the same look she gave Tom not to long ago. She blushed, and looked down.
Alteriel grabbed Emmett's arm and looked back at Tom, "We'll meet you there, lets get out of here." He said, "Stay calm, deep breath." He said then transformed himself and Emmett into a bolt of spirit lightning. Emmett would get the same feeling others had had. His electrons and protons separating from his atoms his entire body changed and then thrown back together in a flash of light. He stood outside of the cabin and looked at Emmett, "Take a deep breath. Recover. Then tell me what is going on in your mind." He said sitting up against the side of the wall.
Winnie stared at where they disappeared, her feelings in a jumble. She would never leave Tom......but it still got her thinking. ”Let's hurry.” She whispered nervously. She took a quick glance around and could have swore she saw her mother waving goodbye at her on the edge of the rubble. She rubbed her eyes and blinked,but she was gone. Suddenly it seemed everything came down on her at once, and she sagged against Tom, struggling to keep her eyes open.
(Oh glob if Emmett doesn't fix this he is going to get shadow sword down his throat.)

Tom saw Emmett look at Winnie. With a look of love. He had seen Winnie look at him like that. Tom's emotions slipped as his face turned to rage. Is Atheriel wouldn't have teleported then Emmett would be lying on the ground dead. He then looked back to Winnie and hugged her. The door was then broken down as the cops rushed in. The boss was quickly throw against the wall. Tom then pulled Winnie with him and jumped off the side of the building as the cops screamed to stop . Halfway down Tom and Winnie disappear in a puff of smoke.

Tom and Winnie appeared in the ashes of his old house. During the faster than light travel Tom had tried to go to Atheriel's house but he was thrown off by high energy particles. So he changed his route to the nearest place he knew, his house. Once arrived he popped some gum in his mouth. He then turned to Winnie. "I think I forgot something here." It was a bluff but he didn't want to tell her the real reason. He walked over to his father's dead body. He couldn't believe so much had changed in one day. He then walked back to Winnie and grabbed her teleporting to any other place.

He ended up on a random country road. It would have been normal expect for the large ruins of a car. He walked to it and broke out in tears. He had had a whole life time of endurance waiting to be with his mother. And after it he was awarded one week with his mother before she died. The body was removed but the car was left there. He thought his life was going to get better but that was token away. He then found Winnie thought he was going to be ok. Now that was being taken away from him too. By Emmett. He was then filled with rage as he summoned shadows to pick up the car and throw it away. It hit another car as it's only passenger barely got away. He then screamed into the night as his rage depended.

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Winnie stayed back, Tom's rage scaring her. She watched the passenger hurry away, then turned back to Tom. ”Tom honey, we need to get back. It's going to be okay.” She said softly, making her way to him and wrapping her arms around him. She held him tight, trying not to cry as she saw him in such grief.

Winnie started to sing softly, a melody that had been imprinted in her mind her whole life. As she did so, she pulled away some of Tom's hurt, sadness, grief, and pain. She replaced them all with calm and happiness.

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