This is the End.

((Yeah...but that doesn't give you the right to destroy the whole scenario >.> You should find a way to integrate yourself without having to destroy what is going on >.>))
(Uhh do I have to act like a adult!?!?!?)

Tom was shoved into a burning room full of smoke right after Winnie. He quickly used whatever power he had left to bend the smoke into a dome. He then walked over to Emmett and slapped him. "That for getting me here." He then kicked him the the stomach. "That's for liking Winnie. Now tell me. Where is Atheriel and what do these people want?"
((Girls, girls.... no fighting.... please... aw I'm too tired for this.... :P ))

Emmett jumped when the door opened and two more figured entered. He stood up slowly, and then was slapped and kicked in the gut. Emmett stood there, getting used to the 'no pain.' But he frowned, and was hurt. "It's not my fault I fell in love with her." He growled. "You shouldn't have killed my family!" He yelled, and punched Tom in the jaw. He pulled back, breathing hard and trying to stop himself from punching the daylights out of Tom again. He didn't look at Tom. "I don't know. They knocked me out and I woke up here. I'm not the Wizard of Oz, I'm don't know anything." He back-talked, not in the mood to deal with Tom.
Vladimir was a short guy, some would even say dwarf sized, he stood a squat 5' off of the ground. He wore a dark red cloak which trailed behind him because of his size and he bore a scar across his left cheekbone. He walked to the door and the guards immediately stepped aside and opened the door. He reached out through the smoke and yanked his hand backwards, it was almost as though the very air of the room was ripped out, "So, this is the pish-posh group of idiots that fool was running around with." He said to no one in particular, "Pity he won't be running ever again." HE said and laughed stupidly at his own joke. His voice was high pitched and irritating. He looked at Emmett, "Emmett, Tom, Winnie." He said turning to each in succession, "You do realize that by being associated with a criminal of war, you too are guilty of his charges?" He asked with a smug look on his face.
Tom stood up as shadows went around to protect him. "Since when where you the authority figure unless you the STW group I'm keeping all my powers down from destroying you."

(Finish later)

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Vladimir glared at him, "You could not kill me if you tried boy." Then he looked at the group, "Alteriel betrayed the brotherhood, he released our knowledge to the public, he allowed us to be known." He said looking down as if hurt then quickly hiding it again in anger, "Our brothers in arms died because of his humanity." He raised his head, "I will release you now. His death signifies a passing." He examined the room. "Your lives, are meaningless. If you try to find us, you will die. If you try to expose us, you will die. If you even think about us, you. will. die." He said then raised his hand forward, "Now live your lives at peace." He closed his hands and suddenly the remaining group was transported back to the forest outside of Alteriel's cabin."

Alteriel clashed with his brother. He swung his fist and threw a lightning bolt underhanded at him. Damien caught it and threw it back at him, "Fight like i know you can!" He screamed. Alteriel smacked the reverse lightning bolt away and charged at his brother who threw him to the ground and placed his foot on his throat, "If you keep fighting like this, you will kill everyone you know!" He said. Alteriel smacked his foot away and kicked his legs out, "I'm not going to let them die!" He screamed then pinning his brother to the ground. Damien smiled, "That Is the conviction you need." He said then disappeared with Alteriel. They appeared as a flash of white that shone through the forest, "Use you conviction, give it to them and they will get their own weapon." Damien said. A kusari-gama appeared in Alteriel's hands, "Win this, for them." He said then embraced his brother and dissipated into white flakes that appeared to be snow. Alteriel hit the ground and passed out immediately with the kusari-gama laying next to him.
((imma just put the new girl here.))

Name: Kayleigh Lynn

Gender: female

Age: 16

History: Her parents left her with her uncle who took custody of her when they died in a mysterious accident. She was 14 years old when she went into his custody. From there he took her to a research development site. They were experimenting on ways to increase the human genome which is where she obtained her power. She was trained with her bow since she was 7 years old.

Personality: She is kind hearted and strong. She doesn't allow people to get close to her but when they show strength in return, she is much more likely to enjoy your company.

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/bow_and_arrow_by_maidenoverthestar-d4y08ln.jpg.75a92bf6e8679971b57618d7e7ec6ebd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8050" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/bow_and_arrow_by_maidenoverthestar-d4y08ln.jpg.75a92bf6e8679971b57618d7e7ec6ebd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Family: Uncle

Talents: She has the ability to affect things on a cellular level. If someone is dying, she could increase their whit blood cells to help them. She could also promote rapid estrogen growth and turn someone from male to femal and testosterone to go from female to male. She is able to escalate someone's body chemistry. In order to use this, she needs to have a link to someone(rope, chain, hand etc.)

Other: Her downfall is that when she promotes someone else's growth, it puts a slight drain on hers, not as much of an affect as she has on someone else, but it will affect her if she uses it too much.



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((Cool character! Accepted!))

Emmett was listening to a 'troll' with a squeaky voice one moment, and then was in a familiar cabin the next. He blinked, re-focusing himself. "That dude annoyed me." He spat out. He looked through the window, and remembered this was the place where he'd kissed Ash... and the only kiss they ever had. He sighed, and looked at Winnie. "Hey... can I talk to you?" He raised an eyebrow at her.
Alteriel laid face down in the mud passed out. Between bouts of consciousness he saw a girl. He saw her lift him onto her shoulder and start trekking through the mud. He passed out again. Woke to see his cabin then again, lost consciousness. Kayleigh carried the heavy fuck up to the door then dropped him on the doorstep. He hammered the door as the rain began to fall, "Hey! Anyone home, this guys is DYING out here!" She hollered. She was never one for pleasantries, they always seemed to get in the way.
Emmett spun as he heard a voice. He ran outside, and squinted through the darkness because it was 11:00pm. "Hello?!" He hollered, wondering if he was just being stupid and it was all a trap. He heard out his palm, and lite a fire in the center on his palm so he could see better. He looked around and saw two figured, one on the floor, the other yelling for help. Emmett ran and soon recognized one figure. "Alteriel?" He called.
Instead of coming to the cabin Tom teleported to the Aether. It was his first time here and he had no idea where he was he wonders the area as he finds a small village of shadows and walks towards it crossing a great distance of human imagination.
Kayleigh turned to face Emmett, "This guy was lying face down in a puddle of mud, you know him?"" He asked turning towards him her hair now wetted by rain, "I am kayleigh, who are you?" She asked studying his from. Young, strong and clearly had some genetic modification seeing as how his palm was on fire, "He is cold as ice, you should take him inside." She said before turning to walk away. If emmett were to look closely he would see that the marking on her bow was similar to the marking on the bows of the men who tried to kill them. 
((Dunno, haven't heard from her in a bit))
Emmett picked up Alteriel. His hands went warm, trying to keep Alteriel's temperature up. "Okay Okay big fella." He whispered. He looked over at Kayleigh and raised his eyebrow. "Nice bow. Where'd you get it from?" He grinned. "You can come join me in the cabin." He added, realzing it was chilly out and Kayleigh would probably die of the cold. He turned around, and carrying Alteriel sort of. He had Alteriel's arms around his neck, and Emmett arm around Alteriel's body. Alteriel's legs sagged, leaving tracks in the mud.
Kayleigh shifted uncomfortably when he asked about her bow, "That is my business." She said quietly, "You have no idea how creepy that sounded." She said grinning lightly, "Let me help you with him, he is a heavy fuck." She said and gripped alteriel's legs hoisting them so they wouldn't drag in the mud. They reached the inside and Kayleigh immediately identified the exits and the possible weapons, "This is your home?" She asked as they set Alteriel down by the fireplace. He shifted slightly as his mind wandered in his dream. If Emmett were to look closely he would now have the kusari gama on his hip

((This is a kusari-gama))
(So so so sorry! Stoppedgetting alerts!)

Winnie stayed in the back and just stayed quiet. When the girl appeared she sized her up, and figured she might actually like her. She felt wierd being the only girl in the group now. She watched everyone speak to eachother and just stayed in the corner of the cabin.
Emmett shrugged. "My bad." He teased. He was able to carry Alteriel better now that 'Kay' was helping. He grunted and he swung the door open and set Alteriel down. He noticed the weapon and bit his lip. what has alteriel gotten himself into? Emmett thought to himself. He looked up to Kay and nodded 'no.' "This is his." Hr guestered to Alteriel. He sighed, and looked at Winnie. He smiled at her, thinking she was most beautiful. He noticed Tom wasn't around to yell at Emmett. "Winnie? Can I speak with you?" He asked, biting his lip.

((It's ok @Renee , and Emmett won't fall in love with Kay right away.... he needs a push, if you know what I mean. XP))
Kay nodded and sat in a chair by the fire, "You don't have to worry about me for too long, i can be gone by morning." She said just noticing Winnie.
Emmett turned around to Kay and shrugged. He was about to say 'whatever' but then noticed the way the strange girl acted. How she just suddenly appeared in the woods, the strange mark on her bow.... she was special. And Emmett was about to surprise her. He looked at the fire, and held out his hand. He sucked in the fire, making the cabin dark. "I know what you are." He spoke, "you have powers like us. And I believe I know that mark on your bow. Are you running away from something... or someone?" He asked, wanting to know why the girl was asking so strange.
Winnie stepped up. ”You can stay as long as you want, if it's okay with Alt. And fine with me Emmett.” She said, smiling at Kay. Then she stepped into the other room, waiting for Emmett.
Kayleigh jumped up defensively, "You don't know anything about me!" She declared then took a deep breath and waved her hand in the direction winnie went saying, "Just go talk to your girlfriend! I don't need this!" She said and walked over to a corner to calm down.

Alteriel stirred when the light faded and rolled over in his sleep. His body was in pain still and the scars from the arrows would be permanent. In his sleep he stuck his thumb in his mouth and groaned lightly.
Tom appeared in the cabin having become king in the Aether and finally dying and living a long happy in the Aether when barely any time had passed in this world. He blinked as it took a second for his mind to adjust to Earth, but he got it just in time as Kay made the comment, "Just go talk to your girlfriend!!!" He then walked over to them, and balled up his fists. "She is mine girlfriend," he shouted before steaming off outside.
Emmett blinked. He turned away, to go talk to Winnie when he was stopped by Tom. He twirled around. "She doesn't know that Okay! She was just guessing! I just need to talk to Winnie without on my back." He turned around to walk to the room Winnie was in. He mumbled as he went. Rolling his eyes, he opened the door and walked in closing it. "Tom, you better not be pressing your face against the door." He said through the walls. He turned to Winnie, and sighed. "We need to talk."
Winnie nodded. ”We do need to talk.” She said softly on a sigh, and rubbed her temples. She sat down in an armchair and looked up at Emmett expectantly.
Emmett bit his lip. He felt drawn to Winnie. He was about to do something crazy, and he'd probably be slapped for it but he didn't care. Tom probably would never talk to him, but he didn't care. He wanted this... needed this. He walked to Winnie, his breathing slow. He held her chin, and looked her in the eyes for a moment. He then pressed his lips on hers. He'd kissed her softly. And he didn't stop. Her lips were soft, and made him want to kiss her more. His lips were now hard on hers. He was ready for the slap, but hoped that wouldn't happen.

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