This is the End.

Alteriel woke up and sat up shaking his head. He examined the room and saw Tom. He began to stand wondering who brought him back to the cabin and what made him pass out. Then he noticed Kay. He saw the same marking that he grew to hate on that bow. He was so angry. She must've done it, and Tom must be working with them. He was secondary in his mind, "You son of a bitch!" He screamed and jumped at her from across the room.

Kay noticed Alteriel stand up and eyed him as he circled around her, "Hmmm..." She thought wondering about him. Then as if out of nowhere he leaped at her trying to tackle her. She quickly shifted to the side and used Alteriel's momentum to launch his head into the wall knocking him out cold again, "What in the hell is wrong with you people?!" She exclaimed looking at Tom.
Winnie was surprised, and all she could do was shove him away roughly and look away, covering her mouth. "Emmett!" she exclaimed, her cheeks reddening in her fury. "You don't go around kissing people!" she added, rubbing her mouth. Then she heard the commotion in the other room. "God, what are they doing, burning the cabin down?" she muttered, needing to get out of there before she punched him in the face. She hurried from the room, hoping no one woulf notice the flush on her cheeks or the way she kept touching her mouth in anger.
Emmett felt her push him away, and he'd accepted that. He was breathing hard, ashamed of his own actions. His lips were buzzing. He gulped, and looked at Winnie. He tried to speak, but he'd lost his voice. He was there, shocked and silent. He needed that though. He was alone, and needed someone. And Winnie was just the only one there a the time. He needed comfort. Someone there for him. He found his voice, "I - I'm-I'm sorry." He stuttered. He watched as she walked out, probably furious at him. He sighed, Nice one Emmett. Should have thought that one through better. He thought bitterly. He followed her, and saw how everyone was fighting. "What the?"
Winnie was already furious, and them fighting pushed her over the edge. She marched over to where Alt layed and dragged him back on the couch, then slapped him awake. "Alteriel! Knock your shi* off! You were shot, boohoo. There are more important things happening at this moment. And you, Kay, if you're going to be here I'd appreciate it if you'd not knock people out and start things. And Emmett, I'm sorry but I don't like you that way. I never will, you're just lonely cuz Ash is gone. And if you ever do what you did again i may just have to make it to where you can never make kids. And Tom! If you even touch Emmett you will recieve the silent treatment until you grow a beard!" she raged, then stomped into the nearest bedroom and slammed the door behind her.
Kay shrugged, "What a bitch." She said and looked down at Alteriel, "So, you are Alteriel..." She shook her head. He certaintly didn't look like much of a threat right now, "I'm just going to go over here for the night." She said and sat down in the corner of the room. She looked up at Emmett and turned her head lightly. He looked like she did, ashamed. She waved him over from across the room.

Alteriel rolled over and groaned, "Whatever, you die and lemme know how it feels." He said rubbing the top of his head. Obviously the rest of them already knew her. Maybe she was a defector? It didn't really matter. He looked at Tom, then Emmett, then Kay. Then he stood up slowly and nodded at Emmett, "We can talk in the morning." He said then walked over to Winnie's room and knocked, "I am coming in." He said more as a statement than a question. He saw her sitting on the bed with her head in her hands, "What is going on?" He asked sitting down next to her.
Winnie looked up, no longer angry just tired and sad. "Emmett kissed me. The worst part is, I let him at first. Then I freaked out on him, which makes me feel so mean. He's just been so sad ever since Ash left, and i know it's not his fualt. I have Tom though, I don't like him that way." she said, rubbing her temples. She then groaned as a thought popped into her head. "At least I didn't punch him like i so wanted to at the moment." she said softly.
Alteriel nodded letting her vent, "We are all under a lot of stress right now. We all lost...someone..." He said remembering Shelby, "Emmett is broken, he needs our support but he also needs to know where to draw the line. It is good that you showed him where the line lays." He said and put his strong hand on her shoulder, "We are all in pain." He said looking her in the eyes, "We will join together as a team and we will get past it." He said then smiled moving his hand, "Either that, or we'll all kill each other." He said with a shrug and a laugh.
Winnie laughed. "Not likely, we usually pull together." she said. She then smiled cheerfully at Alt. "thanks for letting me vent, I feel much better now and not like i want to punch slash muder someone." she giggled. she was glad things were slightly cleared up, she hated drama.
Alteriel smiled and nodded, "We'll pull through." He said and stood up. He stretched his arms out thoughts and memories of Shelby coming back, "You know, we are all each other have right now." He said looking down a little bit then smiling, "But at least we have each other." He said looking up and at Winnie, "You guys are the first family i ever had. I might look tough on the outside but on the inside, i'm a doughy mess of emotions." He said trying to think of what he was trying to say, "I guess what i mean is...thanks. You guys stuck by me even when i went bonkers. We don't just have a right to be happy with one another, we deserve one another." He said with a small smile to hide his sadness.
Winnie grinned. "We're a family now. And you guys stuck by me even when i was little miss shy girl, now i'm finally coming out of my shell. When you thank me, i should be thanking you." she said standing and giving Alt a hug. "Now, let's go make sure the others aren't at each other's throats, shall we?"
Tom screamed at Emmett and then summoned a burst of shadows as he made a hole in the wall. He then ran outside as he crushed trees and made holes in the ground. He took of in a burst of shadows as he continued to destroy the forest. He screamed into the night as his rage continued to fuel him. When he was some sorts of calm he stood there breathing heavily tons of forest debris around him. He screamed at Emmett again as his skin went pale and he passed out on the ground quickly running out of caleries.
Emmett didn't speak. He couldn't. Oh god his chest hurt. He bit his lip, and clasped on a chair. He heard Tom yelling at him in the background. He sighed, and closed his eyes, and hung his head. He drooped his hands over his head, and touched his hair. He pulled it, pain, he needed that right now. He needed to know if he was still alive. He sighed again, and groaned.

"I messed up. Oh god I screwed everything up. I'm a bad leader. Oh god, everything's torn down because of me." He rambled on. He hated himself for doing this. Arg! He did he have to do this. Alteriel was right. He was broken. Every bone in his body seemed to be broken. He needed air, space, and also someone there for him. I mean, he did have his friends, but none of them were as close to him as his siblings and Ashley. He looked at Tom, who eyes were full of anger. "I'm sorry, okay. But what if you were in my feet okay? What if you had no one! You have Winnie okay! I don't have anyone! I saw everyone I ever cared about die, and I saw Alteriel almost, okay! Have you? No, you killed your father. Okay! It's not my fault. I'm human, and I made mistakes! It's not my fault! I didn't ask for this damn crap! I'm in hell now and I don't need you screaming at me. I messed up, just leave me alone." He spat out.

Oh god he needed to do that so badly. He stormed out of the room, just before Tom passed out. He let him be, because frankly, to many people have been passed out and he needed space. His body became extremely warm, and he singed the grass as he walked. He wanted his old life back. He wanted his cute siblings back, Max and Agnis. He wanted Ashley, her sweet and kind face, her dark hair. Her green eyes. He wanted Leland back, his father. And he wanted his mother back most of all. He missed her like crazy.

He sighed, and began walking a bit. He reached a cliff, and sat down at the edge, gazing down. He thought for a moment, just a moment, he should fall off. He would survive it, but the thrill and the adrenaline. He covered his face with his hands, and quietly sobbed in the dark, his body light up.
(Okay guys end of the world in rl!!! So, ya'll gonna have to work with me, our internet is out and being wonkers. At this moment i'm at the library using their computer. They're open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays so until my internet starts working again that's the only time i'll be able to post. I'm so so sorry, but things are just very stressful right now!)
((Oh no! I is the end of the world! Ah! Well, no pressure, post when you can and I'll be crossing my fingers that your internet shall be working again! :P ))
(Sorry so short, so many notifs to reply to)

Winnie headed out of the room then noticed the tension. ”What happened now?” She asked, looking around in exasperation. She was tired of it all, all the fighting and the running. By this pace she'd get gray hairs at the age of twenty.
Emmett coughed. His eye bloodshot and his lower lip quivering. Why did Ash have to die? Why did his heart put Winnie in Ashley's place. It wasn't right. Winnie already loved Tom. Tom was sometimes a pain, but then again he was only human too. Emmett bit his lip, a nervous habit he'd always had. He felt like crap. His stomach hallow, his body tired, and his head spinning. He was stuck. Having the weight of the world always on his, his own personal things tugging at his head, and his losses always reminding him. He slowly stood up, and began walking back. He rubbed his neck, trying to relief stress. After a bit, he saw the cabin that belonged to Alteriel. A cabin in the woods. He sighed, seeing the trees he broke and some Tom broke. He entered the door, and saw Tom on the floor. "He passed out."
Winnie glanced down when Emmett stated that, and was beside Tom in an instant. ”Tom honey? Sweetie wake up!” She said softly, brushing back his hair and slightly shaking him. She looked back up at Emmett. ”What happened?” She asked, confused. Then she noticed his bloodshot eyes, his swollen lip. ”Oh god Emmett i'm sorry!” She exclaimed, tears filling her eyes. She wished there were someway she could help him, find him someone else to set his heart on.......she suddenly glanced over at Kay. 

Renee said:
Winnie glanced down when Emmett stated that, and was beside Tom in an instant. ”Tom honey? Sweetie wake up!” She said softly, brushing back his hair and slightly shaking him. She looked back up at Emmett. ”What happened?” She asked, confused. Then she noticed his bloodshot eyes, his swollen lip. ”Oh god Emmett i'm sorry!” She exclaimed, tears filling her eyes. She wished there were someway she could help him, find him someone else to set his heart on.......she suddenly glanced over at Kay.
(Had to xD )
((Why'd you do that?))

Emmett looked at the ground, feeling like a freaking baby. "It's Ok." He whispered, and looked at Winnie's blonde hair. He saw her glance at Kay, and knew what she was thinking. "Oh no." He shook his head. "I can't just fall in love for the third time." He closed his eyes. "I can't take it. Oh, I just can't take it." He said, wondering if he'd fallen in love with Kay, and then lost her, he was kill himself. Too many people he's lost already. He's seen death so many times, and even killed one. He shook his head again and again, "I can't okay? Not now. Probably not ever." He sighed, and held his head. "I just need sleep. I can't do this." Emmett was calm, not screaming, but tired and calm. He looked at Tom, and then at Winnie. He'd wished he could kiss her again, but knew he would never be able too. He knelt down by her and Tom. He looked at Tom, who probably would beat the crap out of Emmett when he woke up. Tom had passed out multiple times before, and Emmett knew what to do. "Go get a coke or a gum." He ordered Winnie. "He broke some trees and he probably is out of calories." ((LoL, I'm rhyming a lot)) "And I'll get some cold water."" He stood up, and got a cup full of cold water. He poured some on Tom's face and some on his clothes, trying to wake him up, and also cool him down.
Winnie left then came back with a couple cokes and a pack of high calorie gum. ”Here.” She muttered, feeling bad for thinking about pushing Kay on Emmett. 
(Ugh, so short X-X)
Emmett grabbed the coke and gum from Winnie. She was shaking, or at least he thought she was. He shoved a gum in Tom's mouth, moving his mouth so he could chew it. Emmett opened the coke, having it ready for Tom to gulp down when he woke up.
Winnie moved back so Emmett could work, and just watched. She was thankful for Emmett helping even though Tom went off on him so many times in the past and present. ”Emmett.....I really am sorry.” She whispered after some time, while rubbing her temples shakily.
Emmett stood still. She was sorry. Oh god, she forgave him! Thank goodness, Emmett felt horrible. But she had to understand he needed that. Emmett nodded, not sure how to reply. "It's my fault. I just... I just thought..." He stumbled over his words. "I thought we could..." He didn't have the guts to say it. Weak. He was too weak too. He couldn't, it would just make Winnie more guilty, and he didn't want that. Emmett looked at Winnie for the first time in a bit, and he looked into her eyes. His own eyes were brown, and he had thick eyelashes. Winnie's were soft, and meaningful.
Winnie bit her lip, and looked him back in the eyes. ”I have Tom. Maybe if he didn't happen, but we can't linger on the past. Only now and here. Here I'm taken, you had a chance along with everyone else. You chose someone else, I chose Tom. If I could go back, I would never change that. You're lonely and sad, so I forgive you. But it can't happen again, no matter how much we want it to.” She said, her voice determined and strong.
Emmett nodded. He knew that Winnie wouldn't go with him, even if Tom died. She didn't think of Emmett like that. Her voice said more than what her words did. Her voice was strict, and strong. She was never going to be with him. Emmett bit his lip, and looked away. "Okay, fine. I'm lonely and stupid. I get it." He said, a sharp pain in his voice. He felt like a loser, but he needed to deal with it. He sucked in the air, and looked at Tom. He could end him, right her, right now. End the boy's life who killed his family and hated Emmett himself. But Emmett wasn't evil, and he wouldn't sink down to that level. "Wake up Tom." He whispered, Before I loose my cool and kill you. He added in his head.
Winnie sighed and sank to her knees beside Tom. ”You're not stupid Emmett.” She muttered and leaned back against the couch. She pulled Tom's head into her lap and ran her fingers through his hair while staring off into space, thinking.

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