This is the End.

((LoL, thought I'd shake things up a bit... :P ))

Emmett nodded, and then was a spirit lighting. With Alteriel. He sighed, and covered his face with his hands. "I looked at Winnie... and something clicked. Oh god, I'm betraying Tom. I can't do this. I think I've fallen in love with her." He paused, and sighed. He lifted his hands from his face and starred at Alteriel. "I don't know what to do. For once, I am clueless." He bit his lip, and starred at his feet, ashamed.
((I like that idea :D ))

Alteriel put his hand on his shoulder and smiled, "There is nothing you can do. You either betray your honor or you betray your hear." He said and squeezed his shoulder, "Whatever you do, make sure it is the right decision." He said, "No matter what choice you make, i will always back you up." He said and released his shoulder, "You have to follow what you want to." He said leaning up against the wall, "I will always be here." He said with a smile. He reached down and pulled his knife out of his boot. He read the inscription again, "Illict Est Haud Virtus Fidens." He said and flipped the blade so that he was holding it, "Never forget that Emmett, there can be no courage, without fear. Because courage is facing your fears, and you cannot gather courage unless you are afraid first." He said then handed emmett the knife, "I want you to have this." He said, "It's time for me has come and gone." He smiled and held the hilt to Emmett.
Tom calmed down as he saw his mother before him. "When the time comes sing your death song but make others do it by your doing." She then faded away as Tom collapsed on his knees crying. He looked up once and saw a bear in the distance. He then went back to crying his heart out.

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Winnie kneeled beside Tom and rocked him back and forth in her arms, still singing. ”Hush, it's going to be okay.” She crooned like he was a child. She helped him stand when he calmed down, and smiled while looking him in his eyes. ”I love you Tom.”
Emmett raised an eyebrow. He wasn't quiet sure what Alteriel had said, because one, he was older and wiser than Emmett, and two, Emmett wasn't Shakespeare. Alteriel was, he guessed. He sighed, and thought. He then saw the knife. "Wow." He whispered. He took it, and starred at it. He wrapped his fist around it, and let his hand drop to his side. "So what? Tell Winnie I love her and then have Tom beat the crap out of me?" He asked, wondering what Alteriel really meant.
When Winnie saw Tom was still heartbroken, she stepped away a moment to pull out her phone. She found Emmett's number, and hoped he had his phone. She pressed call, praying he'd answer. Then she realized she got his number from Ashley, he wouldn't know the number calling. She hoped he'd answer anyways.
Emmett felt a vibration in his pocket. He glanced down, and starred at his pocket. He stuffed his hand in his pocket and retrieved his phone. Someone was calling him, but his collar I.D. said 'Unknown Caller.' He shrugged, an accepted the car. "Hello?" He choked out. He waited for someone to answer, but he would have never have guessed who was about to say 'hello' back. For a second, he thought it would be his mother. But he realized she was gone, and frowned at the thought.
Alteriel smiled, "Just do what you think would make you the happiest." He said with a smile, "If you hold your feelings in, they'll destroy you." He said then chuckled, "Don't worry, i'll keep Tom from killing you. If i recall you can survive almost anything right?" He said then thought for a moment, "I don't think you should go after her though. Tell her how you feel and let it end there, she is already in love." He said and smiled when he took the knife, "Take good care of it Emmett, if you lose it..." He narrowed his eyes, "I'll kill you." He said then chuckled lightening up, "Follow your heart, it will guide you. But keep yourself in check, don't take it too far."
Winnie sighed in relief. ”Hey Emmett, it's Winnie. You think you and Alt can come get Tom and I......he's uh.....not doing to well.” She asked, glancing back at Tom. She felt her own heart snap a little at how hurt he was. ”Please....” She whispered pathetically.
Alteriel heard her from the phone and looked at Emmett, "I'll get them." He said, "Think about what you want to do." He said then disappeared in a bolt of light. He appeared next to Winnie and Tom who was clearly hurt and sobbing. He walked over to Tom and put his hand on his shoulder, "You need to calm down." He said, "Now isn't the time for this. We've done the impossible, now it is time to celebrate." He said with a smile knelt down in front of him, "You will be fine, both of you." He said then waved Winnie over, "Let's go." He said. He placed one hand on Tom and one on Winnie and then formed them all into spirit lightning. He guarded his spirit as they traveled but he let their meld so that they could understand each other on a deeper level. They would know everything the other wanted to know, within reason. They would feel how each other felt, their atoms fusing. All of this happened within seconds and Alteriel separated them again when they reached their destination, "Now you will have a true understanding of each other." He said with a smile then walked back over to Emmett and nodded.
Emmett gulped as he heard Winnie's voice. He ended the call, and let his hand drop to his side. He dropped the phone, and it landed with a thump. He sighed, and closed his eyes, trying to clear his head. He heard Alteriel leave, and within seconds, come back with.... Winnie and... Tom. His heart stopped. He heard the dagger Alteriel gave to him in his right hand, and his other hand gone limp. He didn't dare turn around. He stood there, and hung his head. His mind was spinning. He kept quiet, waiting to be yelled and beaten up.
Winnie kneeled by Tom and didn't notice Emmett or even Alt. ”I love you Tom, have my whole life since I met you. You took care of me, protected me. Then when we met again we fell in love all over again. You're my soulmate, my forever. Nothing and no one can come between us Tom. No matter what happens, i'll be here for you. Right by your side, through thick and thin. Tom, I love you with all my heart, and without you i'd die.” She said, taking his hands and meeting his eyes. She smiled, wiping a stray tear away.
Emmett heard Winnie's words as she soothed Tom. Her words did something to him. They hurt him. Stabbed him in his heart where it hurts. His hands went into fists, his right one wrapped tightly on the knife Alteriel gave him. He was shaking, trying to keep from yelling. He breathed slowly and heavily. Stay calm, stay calm. Was was repeating in his head by his own voice. And then, there was a women's voice. 'You are weak.' Rosa spoke in his head. Emmett shivered.
Alteriel stood up from in front of Tom and walked over to Emmett, "Let's go for a walk." He said and started to walk with him to the woods, "I know its tough men, but you are stronger than your instincts. You are an honorable man, you stand for what is right." He said and stopped turning to face him, "Is this right to you?" He asked.
Emmett followed behind Alteriel, hanging his head. He sighed, once alone with him. "I've lost everything. Everything man." He paused, letting his words sink in. "I lost Ash. And Winnie... she may be the only on to fill my hollowness up. I- I just am confused." He bit his lip, and looking away from Alteriel. He stared into nothingness, and thought. "I'm alone. I need someone. I crave for someone else..." He let his shoulder drop, ashamed of what he was saying.
((If it's okay i am going to control a new conflict group and I'm going to make a female character if that is okay, give Emmett someone to concentrate on, if everyone is cool with that. :P ))

Alteriel smiled and put his hand on his shoulder, "Emmett...Your going to find someone else. There is someone for you, there is someone for everyone and Ash would want you to be happy, not sulking in pity." He took his hand off of his shoulder, "When one battle ends, another begins. Fighting and surviving is a way of life, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. Alteriel looked around in the woods with his periferals, he heard something scuffle. Then he recognized the sound of a bow-string, "Move!" He hollered and shoved Emmett to the side. An arrow narrowly missed Emmett's neck and embedded itself firmly in Alteriel's chest. The arrow had a marking on it that Alteriel recognized, "" He said and stumbled backwards hitting a tree and sinking down it.
((It's fine I guess. But you'll have another person on the 'new' rp. The sequel one.))

Emmett nodded, thinking it wasn't likely that he would find someone. He loved Winnie. Or was it just fake? Was he just desperate? Emmett opened his mouth to speak, but heard wind push past him. Alteriel screamed and Emmett saw there was a bow jammed into his chest. Alteriel stumbled backward and slumped against a tree. Emmett ignored Alteriel's warning and turned around. He held out his hands. "Who's there? Show yourself!" He demanded, and burned a bush. "And if you refuse, you burn." He muttered, his expression hard and strong. "Come out and face me like a man!" He screaming, angry for the guy who hurt his friend. ((Is the person who shot Alteriel the new girl? Because if so, Emmett has no idea its a girlie, he thinks its some punk guy.))
((Nah, she is going to retire lol and no, tis not the girl :P ))

Alteriel shook his head, "You can't...fight them..." He said whispering. Then as if from no where a hundred arrows rained from the treetops hammering down upon them. They sank into Alteriel and Emmett both, Emmett of course will live but Alteriel was doomed. His last breath was given to Emmett, "Run..." He said then men in black uniforms marched forward quickly advancing on Alteriel's cabin. They would be pouring in from all directions and hundreds if not thousands of them would be there. Each man held a bow with the insignia on it. It appeared to be a bull's skull.

Alteriel opened his eyes and looked around. He attempted to gasp but realized that he couldn't breath. He couldn't heel his heart either! He re-gained composure realizing that he was not dying though, at least from lack of air. A sudden flash of light forced his eyes closed and when he opened them he was staring at his brother, "Damien?" He asked questionably. His brother stood taller than he remembered and had wings? "What...happened?" He asked. You are dead. His brother responded, "No! I can't!" He said frantically, "They'll kill them all! I have to go back!" He said. Damien smacked him in the top of the head and spoke You aren't going anywhere until i teach you how to fight. Alteriel shook his head hoping they would live, "Teach me."
Emmett lowered his hands. And then he heard arrows dropping on him and Alteriel. He heard screamed, and covered his head. His skin became hard a stone, rejecting the arrows. The arrows stopped, and Alteriel was injected with multiple. "Crap." Emmett whispered, but fell to the ground. Someone knocked him out. His powers should have worked, but he hadn't practiced. He fell to the ground like a rock, and everything went black.

He woke up with a start. He was cold. And he was tied up. To a chair. Emmett looked around. He was in a room. It was tall, dark, wet, and cold. He must have either been in a dungeon, or a well. He couldn't tell if there was a roof or not because it was too high for Emmett to see. He breathed and lite up of fire. He broke the rope and the chair. He was free. But the problem was, getting out. He looked around and saw a steel door. He ran to it. It was locked. "Freak." Emmett whispered, and slammed his fist on the door. "Help!" He yelled, and tried to melt the door with his heat. The steel rejected it. Emmet sighed, and knelt down. His body turned orange again, trying to keep his heat temperature up.
A voice could be heard from beyond the door. There were two guards and Emmett would hear them talking, "Man i can't believe we finally killed that son of a bitch." One said shocked, "Yeah, Alteriel was a tough bastard, but no on can come back from twenty arrows, not even him." He said then smacked his fist on the door, "Can it! Someone will be in there to talk to you later!"
Emmett pressed his face to the steel door, getting goosebumps from the chill. He heard a strange person's voice that sent chills down his back. Alteriel. He was dead? Oh no. Because of Emmett his friend was dead. Emmett frowned, and then jumped. "Ah!" He screamed, cringing at the sound of the person's fist on the door. Emmett nodded, agreeing to be quiet. Someone was coming for him. Emmett gulped, and bit his lip, a nervous habit of his. He walked back and forth, deep in thought. And the more he thought, the angrier he got. He stood, and his hands went into fists. All of a sudden, he burst into flames. The room went of fire, but didn't melt. Emmett let go of all his angry, his mouth, eyes, and body bursting into flames. Everything around him blurred into red, orange, and yellow. Smoke made Emmett gag but he didn't care. And then the room went black, covered in smoke. The fire was gone, and Emmett was on the floor. He was breathing, surviving the smoke, but the taste of it in his mouth was horrible. He lay on the ground, blind from the smoke, and waited for his special visit.
Tom killed the two guards and used shadows to break down the iron door just when the room was engulfed in flames. He was pushed back as the room was filled with smoke. Smoke. He could control that. He raised his hands as the smoke went up so much the ceiling flew off. He then looked to Emmett, "I think it's time to go." He then grabbed Emmett as a puff of black smoke went out to join the giant funnel coming from the building.

Tom appeared next to Winnie inside a giant dome of shadows holding back volley after volley of arrows. "It's been two days. And the dome will only hold out will morning." He then punched Emmett in the face. "Now tell me what the hell you want with Winnie." His face showed so much rage, more than he has had all his life combined.

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