This is the End.

Emmett nodded, and sank back too. It was quiet. First time in a bit. "Hey, um, I was wondering... is it okay that I killed your 'Mom?'" He sort of chuckled, but wasn't truly in the mood for laughing. Emmett laced his fingers together, and crossed his feet. He sighed, and continued. "Listen, I'm sorry. I was being stupid and let my emotions control me." He sighed. "I hate being awkward between you and me."
Winnie smiled softly. ”Yes it's okay, I probz would have killed the bish sooner or later anyways. And Emmett, it's fine. I forgive you, everyone's emotions have been high strung and taut lately. I don't blame you.” She said, looking him in the eye to make sure he knew she was telling the truth. ”And things are awkward only if you make them awkward.” She joked.
((Dude, I've heard the awkward thing so many times this week. It's following me!!!))

Emmett shrugged. "If you put it that way, I guess." He teased back, and chuckled. He looked at Tom, "Man, I think he's really passed out. Probably dreaming something weird." He gave a half smile.
Kay watched the two of them eyeing them carefully, "What happened to you guys anyway?" She asked looking at Emmett specifically.

Alteriel sat down in the middle of the cabin and sighed a little rubbing his temples, "Y'know one of these days Tom is going to kill himself." He said then looked over at him, "It's a good thing we all care about him." He said then laughed.
(Haha sorry! Lolz I just died laughing)

Winnie smoothed Tom's hair back and smiled down at him. ”Yeah, good thing.” She agreed with Alt, and left it to Emmett to describe what happened to Kay.
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(( XP ))

Emmett looked up to hear the new girl's voice, Kay. "Hm?" He turned to her. She was strong and independent, on of the first things he'd noticed about her. "Sure, I'll tell you. I also need some answers from you." He stood up, and stared down at her. "Come with me." He motioned to her. He looked at Alteriel and Winnie, "I'll be back. Little meeting with my new buddy here." He jerked his thumb at Kay. He turned around, and went into a room, and waited for Kay. He crossed his arms, and put his serious face on.
Tom wool up in a cough as he assessed his surroundings. "How many times have I almost died today?" He then laughed but that took to much energy so he stopped. He then spit out the gum to the side as he lost himself in Winnie's buetiful eyes. "I love you more than the whole world. He then felt the lost of energy as he knew he was going to pass out again. He then grabbed Winnie's shirt and looked into her eyes. "I won't ever die again." He then fell back as he went back into dreamland.

(That's why he is so paranoid because of his promise to Winnie to never almost die again.)

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Winnie smiled down at Tom as he passed out again. "Love you too. And you better keep your promise." she whispered into his ear, then leaned her head back on the couch and fell asleep herself 
(Sorry so short, trying to stay awake lolz. Been a long day.)
Alteriel yawned and streched leaning up against the wall. The chain of his kusari-gama rattled. It wasn't normal, but it was not uncomfortable either, "Man, dying really takes a lot out of a guy." He said with a laugh.

Kay nodded. She noticed that Emmett appeared to be collected but she looked past it. His eyes were read and he had bags under them. He was stressed out about something she felt kind of concerned for him. Then she remembered herself Why the hell should i care? She asked herself and followed Emmett, "Yeah, i'm sure you will." she said then stepped into the doorway. She closed the door behind her, "Alright then, you first. She said crossing her arms.
Emmett nodded, and he was stressed. Holy crap, he needed rest. But first, he needed to take care of a few things. He cleared his throat, trying to get his head together. "Okay, I've had a long day. Killed some people, kissed the wrong girl, and blah blah blah." Emmett kept his eyes closed saying this. He then opened this, staring at Kay. "But who the heck are you? I see you standing out in the woods, you come in and act all normal. But I know you're not. The marking on that bow," he gestured to the bow, "that's not a normal marking." He sighed. "All I want to know is that, who are you?"
Kay smiled a little, "Thats quite a question." She said and flicked her hair behind her head, "Well, my name is kayleigh. I come from a long line of geneticists and scientists. Recent...experiments." She spat out, "Have left me with unique...abilities." She said, "For instance." She took Emmett's hand and felt for his nerves. She then sent a wave of euphoric feelings through him by making his cells produce faster. He would feel better. His body wouldn't ache, his eyes would feel lighter, and he would have a slight...tingling sensation, "I can make your cells move faster, any of them." She said releasing his hand, "I'm not normal, i'm an experiment." She said turning around and folding her arms to try and hide her shame, "The mark on my bow is my Uncle's organization." She said, "I was raised around him and his idiots." She said then turned around to Emmett, "That's all i am going to tell you." She said guarding herself, "You should get some sleep." She said nodding at the bed, "I'll keep watch."
Emmett listened. "We're all not normal." He spoke, and sighed. He did feel better, a little alive actually, but the weight on his shoulders was still massive. He rubbed his eyes, and looked at Kayleigh when she said the last part. "You're going to watch us? As we sleep? What, so you can kill us in our sleep and steal our food and run? I don't think so." Emmett had gained a lot of knowledge since coming into the saving the world crap. He was older now, and more adult like. "Someone else can watch. Alteriel or Winnie. Tom in a bad condition, and so am I. You're not watching over us though. Not until you prove to me and everyone that you're not a spy or anything." Emmett sat down, and rubbed his neck. He sighed, and within seconds he was asleep.
Kay sighed and stood by the bed, "If i wanted you dead, i'd have killed you by now." She whispered as Emmett passed out. Alteriel walked into the room and sat in the corner, he didn't like this girl, but she seemed to have a thing for Emmett. Kay watched him sleep, his breathing was erratic, he was clearly conflicted. He wasn't bad to look at though...She shook her head and sat down with her back against the bed and nodded off.
Winnie shook herself awake as everyone started falling asleep. She sighed and forced herself to keep her eyes open, to watch them all and make sure nothing happened. She stood and gently lowered Tom's head on a pillow, then stepped outside quietly and stared at the stars. It was going to be a long night, she thought to herself as she settled down on the porch to keep watch.
Emmett slept that night heavily. The best sleep he's had in days. He was probably drooling too, but at this moment, Emmett didn't care. His mind relaxed for the first time in forever. Yes, he was still worried about some things, but not too much. That night Emmet had a dream. Not a nightmare. A dream. And in his dream, there was everyone. Tom, Alteriel, Winnie, Shelby, Ash, and their families. Everyone was laughing and smiling, talking and hugging each other. Emmett felt happy for the first time in a while. Everything was perfect. Rosa and her husband were gone, the clones were gone, everything bad was gone. Emmett felt a tear roll down his cheek. Not a sad one, but a joyful one. Emmett woke up at 2:00 am. He blinked, his eyes focusing to the dark. He rubbed sleep from his eyes, and sat up. He looked around, and hiss heart wasn't heavy with burden as much as before.
Alteriel walked out onto the porch with Winnie. It was still dark out but Alteriel didn't feel tired, he felt energetic, "Go get some sleep." He said with a smile and a nod, "I'll take watch for a while."
Tom had a great dream where he was with his mother again. They celebrated and Tom felt very happy. It then turned into a nightmare as he realized Winnie wasn't there. "Winnie, Winnie," he called and turned around to see his mother disappear. He then ran around as demons came to torment him. He then woke up screaming soon after Emmett woke up.
Emmett jumped. Tom. He was... screaming. The sound was strange because Emmett never heard Tom scream before. Emmett stood up quickly, and his head flicked around. He soon realized he was in a room, and Tom an everyone else was in the living room. He swung his door opened, his hair messy. "Tom! It's okay!" Emmett walked to him, and shook him a bit. "It's okay dude. It was a nightmare. Just a nightmare. No one's attacking, nothing happening. You were just dreaming." Emmett spoke, trying to calm Tom down a bit.
Tom was breathing heavily when Emmett got there. "They were all gone." He then held up his arm it was bleeding. If you looked at the mark you could see it was the same symbol on somebody's bow. He then looked to Emmett, and I

woke up with this." His face was still drained because he was still tired but he was too terrified to sleep.
Emmett starred at the mark. "Oh my god." He whispered. "You're... marked." He shook. He looked up. "Kay!" He yelled, demanding for her to come. "Kay!" He repeated. Emmett remembered that the mark was from Kay's dad's business.
Kay walked into the other room and yawned, "What, what?" She asked irritated.

Alteriel walked off of the porch when he heard Tom screaming. He walked into the front door and looked around, "What the hell is going on in here?" He asked looking around.
Emmett eyes flicked up. "It's Tom. He's been... marked I guess." He looked at Kay. "It's the same mark on your bow." He spoke without blinking. Emmett turned to Tom, an searched his eyes. "What happened in your dream?" He asked, quietly. He needed to know what was in Tom's dream. He needed to figure out how Tom was 'marked.' This didn't happen everyday. Emmett waited for an answer.
Kay stepped back a little. The marking only happened when they were harvesting, "This...isn't good..." She said looking around the room cautiously.
Winnie stepped inside, and looked around. "What? Marked?" she asked, catching bits and pieces. She then saw Tom, and rushed over to him. She took his arm and looked at the mark curiously. "Oh you poor babe, does it hurt?" she murmered in concern, and glared at Kay. "You!" she growled poking the girl in the chest so hard she stumbled backwards. "Explain."

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