This is the End.

Tom woke up from his dream and his eyes fluttered open. "Why do the poison arts always hit me?" He then vomited and fell unconous again. Before waking up and shacking his head. He got up and looked at Emmett. "Would you have a pair of clothes that fits me?" He then looked down to his beaten and scarred chest. He smiled weakly as he saw the shock everybody had carried. He stood the awkwardly.

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((lol s'ok))

Alteriel smiled and stood idly by emmett's side. He gave him a nod as he had in the past to let him know that he was still with him.
((Totally OK!))

Emmett wiped sweat from his brow. "Oh my god Tom!" He whispered. He was scared. Emmett knew he really wasn't a good leader, but adrenaline makes people do crazy things... Emmett snapped back to hear Tom ask him something. "Oh yeah. You can borrow some of mine. I think we may be around the same size." He shrugged. "Or my Dad's but they might be big." He added, and motioned Tom to his house. "Pick anything you like." He smiled. He turned to Alteriel. "Thanks dude." He chuckled. "I don't know what I would do without you guys." He shook his head. "We need to gear up and head. Quick. I got my dad's gun." He flashed the silver pistol. "And I all fueled up. Ready when you guys are." He nodded.
Alteriel nodded and wiped the sleep from his eyes, "I'm ready to go." He pulled his knife out of his boot and read the inscription out loud, "Illict est haud viruts Fidens. It means There is no courage without fear." He smiled then continued, "My brother told me that once. Because if you don't fear something, you can never have the courage to face it. We have to be strong and give each other courage. We can face them and we can win." He said then slipped the knife into his belt loop and began to mentally prepared himself for the fight.
((Wait he has another power? Or what....))

Emmett nodded, noticing he was rambling. He bit his lip, a nervous habit of his, and tried to calm. Like Alteriel was right about his quote. Emmett was afraid. He was nervous. Nervous to die, even though it was hard for him to, and nervous to loose someone else. He couldn't have that happen. He'd lost so many people... Emmett stayed strong, and remained semi-strong. He looked up, and saw the shadow...people again. Emmett was a bit taken back, and quickly regained himself. "Hm." He nodded. "We have friends." And then he heard their interpretation. He glanced at Tom, and then at the shadows. "Do you know anything about me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. ((You can make something up. Just nothing to big, like he loosing an eye or something. :P ))

(( @Jazzylegs , @Renee , you there?))
Winnie joined the group, realizing she had drifted off. ”What'd iI miss?” she asked breathlessly, a little nervous to beat Rosa and Boss.
Emmett turned his head to her. "Oh, um we're just getting ready. Get geared up. I got a gun, Alteriel's got his tools, and I'm not sure what Shelby and Tom have. Also get something to eat. Get all fueled up and all." He smiled at her.
Winnie nodded, and smiled back. Acouple minutes later she appeared again with a full stomach and her sword meaning business.
(Hey, guys this really sucks but I wont be able to roleplay anymore. At the moment I'm in serious trouble with my education. And for me that's a really high priority. I had a lot of fun during the roleplay but I have to leave :( sadly )
(Aaaw okay then, iI hope you get your grades and such up. Maybe you can come bac someday and rp with us for a shorttime.)
Tom walked inside and entered Emmett's room. He grabbed some clothes and put them all on, as he walked into the nearest bathroom. He fixed his hair as he looked at his reflection. He had changed so much, yesterday he was just a young boy. Now he was a changed person having seen and done things that made even his old life seem normal. He slowly walked downstairs as he grabbed a granola bar and ate it stepping outside with the group. "So what now?"
Emmett nodded. "Awesome." He smiled at her. She was adorable. But he knew she was Tom's , so he kept his distance. Seeing Tom with her, made Emmett feel alone. Alteriel had Shelby. Emmett... well he had no one. He frowned to himself, no longer looking at Winnie. He gulped, and gripped his Leland's pistol hard. He looked up, and saw his team. Well, half of it. Alteriel, always having his back. Winnie, always trying to figure things out and keeping the team together. Tom, sly and quick. The quick thinker. Shelby, the strong girl. Not a weakling, but far from that. Always ready and such. And then there was him. Emmett. A leader. Sort of. And also a coward at times. He bit his lip, wondering when Shelby and Tom would come back. He shook it off quickly, hoping no one noticed him thinking deeply, which he did a lot. "Okay. Let's hope we live." He chuckled a bit. "And say we don't, I just want you guys to know that..." He paused, choosing his words well. "...that, you guys are amazing. Probably more than me. And that, if I were to do this all my myself, I would have died long before. But you guys... you're all just there. Always helping each other and all." He looked at Winnie and Alteriel and Tom who just entered. in the eyes, and continued. "Thank you." He smiled at them.

((LoL, @Hunnyhelp , oh how funny that is. :P ))
Winnie smiled, and gave Emmett a small hug. ”Of course we wouldn't leave. Well, maybe occasionally for a short period of time...”she blushed, ”But we're all here for a reason, that's to kick the 'rents butt.”
Tom looked at Emmett. He was the leader. He knew the thoughts he was having. The same thoughts he had had when he became evil. Emmett was a trooper he had more taken away then all of us. I then came to a realization. They had all lost more than I had. I looked to everybody and then paused at Winnie. "Don't kill the boss. He is not evil as rosa, he deserves to live," he blurted out.

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Jazzylegs said:
(Hey, guys this really sucks but I wont be able to roleplay anymore. At the moment I'm in serious trouble with my education. And for me that's a really high priority. I had a lot of fun during the roleplay but I have to leave :( sadly )
((Ach Nein! Das is nicht gut! Ich Wolle hoffen Sie bald zu sehen!))
(Oh No! This is not good! Wool I hope to see you soon!

Better translation: Oh No! This is not good! Well I hope to see you soon!)
Winnie wrinkled her nose and leaned back on Tom(@Hunnyhelp ). ”He married her, isn't that sin enough.” she grumbled, crossing herarms and sighing, before turing to Emmett and Alteriel as if they'd fight what Tom said.(@RadioActive @Dedecus )
((You ever had a german class? Or did you just use google translate? Wolle is a derivative of Will which means Will. So the translation is : Ach, That is not good! I will hope to see you soon." I took German for four years xD Trust me on that. on a side note, gonna make Shelby Disappear :D ))

Alteriel smiled and put his hand on Emmets shoulder, "Look man, you've seen more horrors in a shorter amount of time than anyone i know and you have held strong through it." He said with a short smile, "We've all been through a lot, but before this all of us had been hurt before." He said taking his hand off of Emmett's shoulder and looking to Tom, Shelby, and Winnie. Then he looked back to Emmett and locked eyes with him to show his strength and Emmett's, "You had everything you ever wanted before this, you watched it crumble, you watched you life fall apart and die right in front of you yet you still fought on." He said not moving his eyes, "You fought through your pain and torment, fought through it all. Before all of this you couldn't even stare me in the eyes." He said again unmovingly, "Now look at you. You stare into my eyes with strength. You use your voice with authority like a true leader should. You do what you think is best regardless of what other's think because you believe in yourself, and you believe in us." He said, "You weren't made for this, but you made yourself for this. That is true strength." He said taking a step back, "I'm with you until the end." He said finishing and finally moving his eyes from Emmett's.
((¡Oh, no! Bien, vamos usted y yo espero que nos veamos una vez más, mi amigo! Translation: Oh No! Well, I'll miss you and hope to see you again my friend!))

Emmett smiled, and hugged Winnie tightly. "Thanks." He whispered, wrapping his arms around her small body. He sighed, and let go of her. He looked around and saw Shelby wasn't there. "Um... where's Shelby?" He asked, but then heard something that he never would think would come out of Tom's mouth. He looked at him, his eyes wide as if he just saw a ghost. "What?" He asked, clearing his voice. He heard Tom alright. But he just was... shocked.

((Gracias a todos ustedes para juegos de rol en esto! Es tan increíble.))

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