This is the End.

((IDK. I guess so. Maybe she on vacation and can't rp for a bit... but we need to get this going for the other one. But I feel bad if she will miss this. Here, let's try and keep going a bit.))

((I need people to reply! I was last to post....))
((Oh... well Emmett will slap him awake.))

Emmett bit his lip, seeing that Tom still hadn't awoken from his slumber. "You guys seriously need to take practice not so seriously." He sighed, and tapped Tom on the shoulders. "Hey, Tom, wake up." He called, hoping it would work. Emmett tapped his shoulders hard, and shook his head a bit. "Dude, the fights going to happen soon, we have no time to loose." He repeated, hoping Tom would wake up soon.
(You know he is dieing out of calories. Shove the gum in his mouth before his body eats itself.)

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((Oh whoops! Forgot that. :P I'm dumb.))

Emmett blinked, and thought of what to do. "Um..." He mumbled, and looked at Alteriel. He was bloody and had Shelby hovering over him. Emmett blinked, and then saw gum sticking out of his pocket. "Bingo." He said, and grabbed the gum. He ripped it out of it's package and opened Tom's mouth. "Don't choke." He whispered, and dropped it in Tom's mouth. He closed Tom's mouth, not sure if he should move his mouth a bit, so he could chew it and get a little of calories. He shook his mouth, feeling awkward. "OK, wake up Tom." He said, biting his lip.
Tom slowly chewed the gum as his hair turned back to it's normal color, and his skin turned back to his normal color. As he slowly got up he spit out the gum and pulled out another and started chewing. If you were to look at the gum you would see it had turned black, being sucked out of all its color. He then looked at Emmett. "That's why I wanted to train in a gym. Got one?" 
(I got to take a shower be back soon.) 
(Ok back feel free to post.)
((Sorry, gone for a second))

Emmett rolled his eyes. "How about a thank-you? I just saved your life. And yeah, I got a gym." He said, crossing his arms. "You guys still wan tot train?" He raised an eyebrow. He wondered how Alteriel was doing.
Tom smiled. "Thank you. Now where is the gym." He was then hit by a idea. "How easy do you think it is to build a expensive car with shadows?" He he smiled as he looked at Emmett waiting for instruction.
Emmett shrugged. "I don't know. Depends on your powers. I've built an engine a couple of times before." He smiled, and turned around. "Alteriel and Shelby, catch up when you need to. The gyms downstairs on the left. First doors, Two big ones." He looked over his shoulder, seeing if Tom was following. He walked to his doors, and opened them. "Coming?" He asked Tom. "We need to go downstairs. There's the gym and a couple of other cool things." He grinned.
Alteriel's fast healing was more or les a miracle. He didn't have the abilitie like Emmet did far as she knew. "Tom attacked you...don't you remember?" she worried about the los of memory. However bringing up the attack might not be such a good idea. The last thing they needed was another fight.

"It doesn't matter ...he's nuts," She said. "Can you remember anything that happened before?"

Cloneby stuck out her tongue. "Ugh...too sweet, can you put me back?"

Shelby nodded. "Sure, I suppose your work done," Cloneby slowly faded and dissapeared.
Tom smiled and followed Emmett. He kneeled down and looked Atheirel in the eyes. "Sorry. I went too far." He then got up and followed Emmett opening the doors to a huge area, with everything he needed. He teleported just about everywhere in the gym looking at the equipment. He then teleported infront of Emmett. "How did your family become so rich." He then realized that he might have hit a chord. "Hey I'm sorry about killing your sisters..."

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Emmett grabbed his neck. "My Father actually is kind of famous. He an actor. My mom's a CEO." He smiled for a bit, but it soon vanished. He was always left home to babysit his siblings. He never saw his parents throughout the day. Leland, his step-father, he liked bu never really got to know. He sighed, and turned away as Tom mentioned his sisters. "Yeah. I guess you were just s bit crazy then." He said, not keeping eye-contact. He pushed away from Tom, and headed downstairs, never looking back. Down here was his gym, an arcade, and a pretty nice hot tube-spa-bar thing.
Tom watched as Emmett walked away. He wanted to say, "Hey that was my father, not me." But he but his tongue. He then walked around and looked at the gym. The he thought to test his idea. He summoned two shadow people and made them lift a handful of heavy weights. They picked it up no problem. He then got them to pick up some scrap and assemble it into a small computer. They did exactly that. He walked over and pressed the on button as he computer turned on. He smiled as he made the shadow people go away. Instantly the computer shut down. The shadows must be connected to the computer. He touched the computer as it fell away.

(That's how his son got his ability. From the shadow people not his dad.)

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Tom watched as Emmett walked away. He wanted to say, "Hey that was my father, not me." But he but his tongue. He then walked around and looked at the gym. The he thought to test his idea. He summoned two shadow people and made them lift a handful of heavy weights. They picked it up no problem. He then got them to pick up some scrap and assemble it into a small computer. They did exactly that. He walked over and pressed the on button as he computer turned on. He smiled as he made the shadow people go away. Instantly the computer shut down. The shadows must be connected to the computer. He touched the computer as it fell away.

(That's how his son got his ability. From the shadow people not his dad.)

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Alteriel groaned, "You're just lucky i held back." He said with a chuckle when Tom apologized. He sat up and looked at Shelby, "It's alright, at least i didn't die." He laughed and breathed out heavily. His backpack was soaked but it has a waterproof lining on the inside between the fabric. He shrugged it off and took out a hand towel wiping the blood from his face and arms, "I don't think i could ever do that again." He said, "I think i fried half the cells in my body." He said shaking his head dizzily. He stood shakily and smiled, "I'll be alright, i just hope he doesn't exhaust himself like that again. Crazy or not, he is still a part of the team." He said then turned to Shelby you ready to head in?"
((Oh cool Hunny!))

Emmett opened to door, letting both himself and Tom inside. The gym was large. With a basketball hoop, and with a couple of work-out gear lying around, including weights. Emmett grabbed a basketball, glancing down at it. His eyes flickered up as he saw movement. He squinted, seeing Tom wasn't moving at all. And then he saw them. Shadows. But people. Shadow people. "You doing that Tom?" Emmett asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because that's pretty cool." He chuckled.
Shelby nodded. "yes, let's practice," she said standing up. She made her way into the gym where Emmet and Tom where already practicing.
Tom turned around and saw Emmett had been watching. "Yeah. When I tell them to do something, I don't need to guid them anymore." He then walked forward his shadow people walking by him. "These two are to guid me, and turn to pure shadows and wrap around me if there is too much light." Armor then appeared around him from shadows. "And you know what this is for," he said a shadow sword in his hand

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Alteirel walked in behind Shelby. He limped slightly but he was getting better, "Well that was interesting." He said pulling his knife from his boot.
Emmett nodded. "Hm." He turned around to see Shelby and Alteriel had arrived. "Hey you two." He smiled, and walked to Alteriel. "How's he doing Shelby?" He asked, wondering if Alteriel wasn't in the mood or state to talk. He looked pretty banged up. "Maybe I could try to help... maybe my heat will heal it..." He pressed, looking at Alteriel. "What do you think Tom?" He asked, not looking at him.
"I think that.." He then stopped mid sentence as his shadow people moved to protect him but it was already too late. He fell over as he shadow people slowly started to disappear. Clearly in the back of Tom's neck a poisoned dart in his neck. The shadow people disappeared as a person behind him holding a gun ran away, at the speed of sound.

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Alteriel saw the Tom stand paralyzed, he knew something was wrong, "Tom?" He asked then he saw it, a flash, a blur. He saw the dart and knew something was wrong. He dropped his backpack, "Antivenoms, front pocket" He said then blasted off at the speed of light after the individual. He was gaining quickly as light moved so astronomically faster than sound. His body was in the form of a green lightning bolt Your not getting away. He said he blasted through the back of the running individual crippling their soul and re-formed directly in front of him knife ready in case the individual would fight him, "Stop running." He said to the pained form.
Emmett turned around, as he saw Tom fall to the floor. "Oh!" He yelled, running to him. There was a dart sticking out of his neck, and Emmett quickly removed it. "Um, um, what do I do?!" He yelled, never taking a first aid class or whatever. He looked at the hole in Tom neck, and he placed his hand on it. "I hope this works." He whispered, and his hand became warm. He hoped he would stop the venom in it's tracks with heat, before it reached Tom's heart, and killed him. He bit his lip, and called for Shelby to come. "Alteriel?" He yelled, seeing only blurs and then they disappeared.
(OMG! I am so sorry guys, iI got in some trouble over the weekend and the rents took away my internet privelages for a week! iI am just now getting my tablet back! Ohhhh i've missed alot, care to catch me up?)

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