This is the End.

Emmett nodded. He slipped on some pants, since he wears just boxers for night wear. He slapped on a belt an socks. He shoved his feet in his shoes and slipped his shirt on. He nodded, and warmed his hands up with fire. He turned around to face Alteriel, and opened his mouth to speak. Fire flickered out and he spoke, "Round up everyone. I'm going to practice for a second." He said, and jumped outside. He breathed in, and slowly breathed out. He got into a position and punched fire out of his hand. "Ah!" He yelled for effect. He spun around, and kicked the air. He fought the air for a while, and eventually breathed fire. The sound of it was loud, cracking and a *swoosh* of the force he used. From his eyes, all he saw was shades of yellow, orange, and red coming from his mouth.
Tom pushed Winnie gently aside as he got up. He was then randomly teleported to somewhere in a forest. He looked forward as he saw a figure. On the ground. He walked closer and saw it was Ash. He ran up to her and felt her pulse. None. Ashlee was dead. He looked around and saw there was a bullet hole in her head. She did deserve to die. He balled up his fists as the shadows wrecked the forest. Falling over Tom was tired. He picked up Ash's body and teleported infrount of Emmett. "She was dead before I could do anything." He then put her body on the ground and stepped back. "I'm sorry." He pulled out a stick of Jolt and shoved it in his mouth. He then disappeared infront of Winnie. "Somebody killed Ash. We can't wait for tomorrow. We have to attack now." He then shoved another stick of gum in his mouth. He then spit them out. Filled with energy.

(Hey in the other RP I'm going to make my other char, Tom and Winnie's son. She could be the daughter, but I am going to be the son.)

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Being woken by a kiss on her head almost made her forget where she was, and why she was there. Shelby moved out of the bed and followed Alteriel outside. Her heart beat fast from excitement but also from fright. Rosa wasn’t just someone they could defeat. She was powerful, so was the boss. And Shelby now had new people to care for. This was something that had to be done, she knew that but she didn’t want to lose anyone. She watched Emmet do something amazing stunts and realized they could stand their ground. They were powerful too, hopefully powerful enough. ‘So, what’s the plan?’ she asked the group. 
Shelby walked to Ashlee’s body. She never really had the chance to get to know her better. But Emmet, he really cared for her. She kneeled down and laid a hand on Ashlee’s head and closed her eyes. She wondered…Shelby gasped, she just got shot…no she just witnessed what Ashlee had seen the last. But Ashlee hadn’t even seen her attacker.
((OK cool!))

Emmett stopped breathing fire once he saw Tom. "Hey?" He said, walking closer. He saw Ash in his arms. He heard Tom's words, and froze. "What?" He said, raising an eyebrow. But he knew what Tom said. His blood ran cold and his eyes were blank. Not someone else I love... He thought, and frowned. "Oh God." He said, and covered his face. "No..." He whispered. He looked up, tears in his eyes. "Let's fight." He muttered, and turned his head to Shelby. He tried to be strong, but he'd lost everything.

"We attack. Tom leads us and shows us what to do. We fight to the death." He said, and saw Shelby ignore him an stare at Ash's body. He frowned, and knelt by her. "She lived a good life." He said, and stood up. "I want to kill Rosa." He announced, because she killed his parents, and probably Ash. Tom killed his sisters, but he couldn't kill him. But he didn't forgive him either.
Alteriel went to wake up Shelby just to make sure she was up but he saw her leaving the room and smiled, "It's time to get down. We can do this." He said then grabbed her hand and walked outside. Just as they exited they saw Tom disappear for a moment. While Tom was destroying the forest in a fury Alteriel decided to attempt some maneuvers as well. He slammed his fist into the side of the tree charring it from the power of the lightning coming off of his fist. He tethered lightning to the Earth and drew a spirit, the spirit was green colored and had an ominous glow about it. It was humanoid but it had no features. It began mimicking Alteriel's movements. He disappeared in a brilliant flash of light and seemingly unmovingly charred the entire tree withing seconds. The speed and ability with which he threw his punches was uncatchable unless he was concentrated on. He stopped and breathed heavily smiling at his spirit figure then dismissed it. He noticed Tom's return then walked over beside Emmet as he stood over Ash's body and placed a hand on his shoulder. 
Alteriel nodded seeing the conviction in Emmett's eyes, "We're with you." He said.
(We are all posting at once. But I'm going to wait for Winnie to post. In the meantime I will be working on my char for this is it.)

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((OK cool. Sorry I was gone for a moment. :P ))

Emmett nodded, and looking at anyone. He only starred at Ash. He felt Alteriel hand on his shoulder, and was thankful he had someone he could 'lean on.' He stood there in silence, and finally picked Ash off of Tom. He held her gently in his arms, and starred at her beautiful face. He walked off for a moment, and stood by himself with her in his arms. "I'm sorry." He whispered, and kissed her dead face. He laid her in the grass, and grabbed the shovel that buried the rest of his family. He dug a hole big enough for Ash, pain in each dig. He let tears fall from his eyes and he placed Ash in. He kiss her face one last time, and buried her. "Rest in Peace, my love." He whispered, and turned away. He didn't look back, as he whipped his face and headed to the group. He looked up, his eyes red. "Let's go." He announced, and was ready for everyone to nod in agreement. "I'm done seeing dead people."
Tom looked up to the moon as the shadows crept forward and wrapped around him in a armor. He then opened his hand as a shadow sword came in his hand. He then reached out and touched all of the group. "I am ready when you are." He then put a gum in his mouth as he prepared to teleport.

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((Where is she?!!?))

Emmett nodded. "Cool." He said, seeing Tom shove a gum in his mouth. "Dude, how many calories do you need?" He asked. He, himself ate a lot, being a teenage boy and all, but he'd never had as much Cola's as Tom had. He must have needed like 3,000 a day or something. He seemed like he didn't know everyone that well, even thought he trusted most of them with his life. He felt like he should try and get to know them a bit.
(Ok I got to go take out the trash. After that I will try to find a picture of a 30ish year old Tom. How do you think about a change of hair?)

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((OK cool. And it doesn't matter much. I mean, do what you want! I'll do the same too... try an hunt for it...)) 
((LoL, I tried. Here's Dora though...

((Oh wait! Found some... IDK if they really look like Emmett but whatever!))

(Lol at the Dora but I think they look just like a 20 year older Emmett.)

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((Boo yeah! And sure. Just his hair was cut. :P But yeah. I went on pinterest and found a bunch. If you guys need any help, I could find one. :P ))
Alteriel looked around the group. They'd changed so much. This was going to be the hardest fight of their lives. He knew he was ready. He had the training, the skills to back it up. He was worried for the other's though, there just wasn't enough time, "Do you want to learn a thing or two before we rush head on against a trained army of superhumans?" He asked looking at them each in succession, "Our powers are great but what if they know how to cut them off? We need to rely on our own bodies as much as we are relying on our powers." He said then turned to Tom, "You've been there, where should we go in from?" He asked hoping he had paid attention while he was inside.
Tom looked up and smiled as the shadows blended around him. -the camera room. The only place that is not guarded, and the only place without cameras. He could shut them down from there-. "He attack from behind. I know a small doorway in the back of the building," he said out load to try to cover his tracks.

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Emmett sighed. "Maybe we can train a bit, take a step back..." He said, and listened to Tom. "OK, when we're ready, you're in charge Tom." He whispered, and glared at him. "You better not mess it up."
"Training would be nice." He then raised his hands as the shadows disappeared. "I will not mess this up. Gosh one guy makes one mistake and nobody trusts him again." He then smiled as a shadow sword appeared in his hand. Swigging it he cut some of a tree. He tried again, again, and again but he could not cut it. "Yah I think we need some practice." He then looked at Emmett. "Do you have a gym in your huge mansion?"

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