This is the End.

(( I adore all the ideas, kinda reminds me of the Hunger Games lolz. New recruits would be okay @RadioActive And ofcourse they'd get married @Hunnyhelp Also great idea on not training our own char @Dedecus . A heads up though Radio, next weekend iI won't be able to get on, it's my besties birthday and we're having a bonfire hangout all weekend. I dread my bday, iI never get to do anything cuz of the stupid snow -_- ))
(Okay I like the Idea, tottaly in for it) 
Shelby nodded at Tom. Imidiatly coming to action. -Okay, - she thought to the group. - We can communicate now, don't talk just think. Does anyone have any idea?-
Winnie narrowed her eyes and headed to Tom. She leaned against him, before looking at Shelby. -I say we find the fudgesticks and put a end to them. This needs to end, now.- she thought grinding her teeth.
Tom smiled. -You guys are clueless. Shelby can you get the picture of the map of the STW building out of my mind?- He then in real life walked up and sat on a comfortable lawn chair. He then went back to the mind conversation. -I should lead the attack, because I have toured the STW building and knowing its ins and outs.-

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Alteriel shook his head I disagree. He thought to the group I think that if we are going to do this at all we need to work together, not choose who is going to be the boss of who. He finished while guarding the rest of his mind. I think we should split into teams as well. Whoever would work together the best because if we go all in at once they'll be able to send everyone at us all at once. If we hit them from two or three different sides they'll have to split their forces. He finished his thought and knelt down on the ground breathing heavily. The rain water was actually stinging his skin a little and it was hard to notice but every time a drop hit his skin it turned into steam. This sucks He thought forgetting he was connected to the others.
((Cool ideas. I'll make the new rp. And should we let others join? Like others besides us? Or do you just want it to be the six of us, including me? But yeah, i'll make the other rp. Do it in a day or whatever. After we finish this...

And do whatever you want with your charries, make them homeless or famous or whatever. :D ))

Emmett sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair and starred at the ground. He looked around, as if to see a angle come down from heaven and tell them everything will be alright. But of course, it wasn't over. "Do you think we should go to the uh, STW Building?" He asked, not looking at anyone. He gulped, and took a step toward the direction. He felt as if he should go there. As if someone was calling his name....
((I CALL HOMELESS!!! xD i think it would be interesting to invite other people, possibly train an actually person or something i dunno.))

Alteriel nodded to Emmet, "We should go. We need to put an end to this." He said then put his hand on emmet's shoulder and leaned in, "You feeling alright?" He asked then pulled his head back as though nothing had happened.
Winnie sighed at the mind convo, and followed Tom before plopping herself on his lap. ”I agree with Alteriel, whatever we do we need to do it fast.” she said aloud. ”But iI hope you alk know, no matter what happens i'll stand with you. Whether we make it out alive or not.” she said meeting each persons eyes, especially Emmetts.(@RadioActive @Hunnyhelp @Dedecus @LXsongbird @Jazzylegs )
Tom patted Winnie, once hearing what she said he shook his head. -You are underestimating the power of the STW. We are not the only people with powers. Yeah we have the biggest ones but every single guard has a ability. If we don't attack together will will get obliterated. And I should lead because there is tons of bobby traps everywhere. I should lead because I know where they are.- He then signed as he got up and went into Emmett's house and grabbed a coke. He still had his gum, he just wanted a coke. He then sat down in a comfortable chair. -I say we get a good nights rest before attacking. I can teleport you in.-

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Alteriel sighed and shook his head Fine, you can be 'leader man' if you want to but if i disagree with your orders, i will not listen. He thought regardless of what the others thought Even if the guards have abilities i don't think ANY of them can run the speed of light, but i'll submit this time, we can do it your way. Don't expect me to be happy about it though. He finished twirling green lightning bolts between his fingers Trust me, it would take too much energy for you to teleport everyone, let me do it. He thought to the group his eyes flashing violet, green, red, orange, and yellow bolts of electricity. His downfall is not necessarily in calories and it isn't particularly life threatening, but it did exhaust him. The rain began to stop and Alteriel breathed his skin starting to cool down as he wiped the water away,
Tom sighed. -I'm not going to give orders when I say lead, I mean walking infrount of the rest the group. I don't give the commands. I just make sure you don't stand on any bobby traps.- His head almost blew off when Atheirel said he could teleport them. -No I will. The STW building is well light so my shadow powers are useless. Besides. It's originally my power. I should us sit.- Tom then patted Winnie again, deep in thought. -No matter what happens, I will not let any of you die. I will also make sure you won't die. I will teleport in front of you and take the death blow if I have to.-

(I like the idea of new people. I mean our chars of course, but with other people.)

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Alteriel shook his head We won't let it get that far. We will end it before they have the chance to kill any of us. Don't think like that. He thought to the group We will be fine. He finished nodding confidently. He looked over to Tom and handed him 3 more packs of gum giving him 8 now, "There." He said, "Make sure you chew some before we go, might want some new gum afterwards too. Just be careful, it can get addicting." He said out loud then thought I'm ready when you guys are.
((Sorry I was gone so long. Busy yesterday. :P But yeah, and make no more than one person. It's just easier that way. No 12,000 people. Just like a group. Like 12 people max. Or something. But yeah.))

Emmett raised an eyebrow, knowing there was some conversation going on through Alteriel's head. But he didn't really care. "OK, Tom, lead the way. But NO funny tricks. I'm not letting my guard down. And I never will." He said, remembering how Tom killed his only sisters. His family. He turned away, his eyes dark. "We should sleep a night. Get all rested. I'm tired." He said, turning back. "Just for the night. Morning we eat and head. We need all the energy we need. If Tom's right about the guards, then we need to be ready. Maybe train a bit more in the morning." He said firmly. He walked past everyone, and headed in. He was tired after today. He just want too sleep.
Alteriel nodded and followed in behind Emmet, "I'll be in the gym." He said, "I'll just sleep there, lots of cover." He said and walked toward the work-out area. Halfway away from Emmet he stopped, "I am here if you need me." He said then walked off.
Shelby looked at Tom. Was she the only one who couldn't just forgive him?

'I'll leave the connection open...just in case,' she said to the rest of the group. She turned and followed Emmet into the house. She was hungry, she hadn't eaten in days. So she walked to the kitchen to get something.
Tom stayed out and patted Winnie on the lap. "I won't let them hurt you. You know that right," Tom said to Winnie out loud. "It sure has been a day sure has been a day. He then leaned back and closed his eyes but still awake.

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Alteriel looked behind him hearing footsteps. His head snapped over his shoulder but it eased as he saw Shelby. He saw her walking towards the kitchen and then realized that he hadn't eaten in a while either. He was just used to the feeling. He was nervous around her for some reason but he walked to the kitchen just behind her anyway, "Hey." He said, "You alright?" He asked leaning on the counter beside her.
Shelby jumped up a bit. She hadn't expected him. 'Al...hey...yeah...alright,' she sighed with a weak smile. She moved a strand of hair behind her ear. 'Things are going fast now, huh?' she asked. She couldn't stand it, after the battle would be over everyone would leave and she'd be alone. What would she do? Get a normal live...A house, Job, kids and a husband...a labrador. She saw those things before this all happened. Before her uncle and father got killed. Shelby walked to the fridge and grabbed two soda's. 'You like me, don't you?' she asked him. ' I mean, after all this wi'll still be seeing each other...right?' she asked holding a coke infront of him. She was sure they would defeat Rosa and STW. Before they weren't a group. She still doesn't trust or like Tom but the others seem to do so. They were a team now.
Alteriel wasn't sure what to say, it caught him a little off guard, "Yeah, of course." He said without breaking a sweat. Honestly it was a little hard for him to comprehend, "You saw where i lived right?" He asked with a laugh. He knew he could be stand-offish and a bit of an ass sometimes. He wasn't so sure she wanted to be with him though, he wasn't sure she knew what she was asking for. He smiled a little, "You know i am bat shit crazy?" He asked with a laugh. It was the first joke he had made in years and it sounded more like a statement. Come on now, you're a recluse. Bringing her in? Something in his mind didn't like the idea, but his heart did. Then a though came to him. He forgot the Shelby had an open connection and proceeded with the thought You're just going to hurt her. You'll just leave her like you did your parents. You'll just put her in unnecessary danger. His eyes shifted a little as the thought proceeded. You'll leave her like you left your parents. I tried to help them...they didn't want my help... You could have done more! You should have tried harder! Alteriel shook his head trying to clear his thoughts.
Emmett nodded to Alteriel. He sighed, and headed upstairs. He slowly climbed the steps. Each step weighing he down more and more. His eyes were dark, as he climbed to the top. He looked forward, and remembered how he saw Tom and Winnie there. When Tom kidnapped Winnie. He closed his eyes, and turned to his parent's room. He looked around, and walked towards their closet. He touched their clothes, and a tear fell from his eyes. "Mom... Dad..." He whispered, and his hand dropped. "Please. Help me." He said now in a normal tone. "Please." He choked out. Closing his eyes, he drifted to their bed. He grabbed two pillows. One his Dad used, the other his Mother used. He headed out the room without of word.

He entered his Agnis' and Max's room. It was pink with some black, and toys were scattered. Their bed wasn't made either. He knelt down and picked up Agnis' Barbie doll. She was a complete blonde girly girl. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you." He choked, frowning. "I'm so sorry." He cried. His eyes blurry from tears. He turned to his Max's Barbie car. She was bit of a tom-boy, brunette with beautiful blue eyes. He loved that about her. "It's all my fault. If only...." He began, but stopped. "No." He whispered to himself. He stood up, eyes still full with tears. "I love you." He said to his sisters, as if they were there right now.He turned off the light, and closed the door behind him. He walked to his room. It was gray, with a army green and black. His favorite colors. He sat on the bed, and threw off his pillows. He replaced them with his parents. He looked straight at his wall, as he sat on his bed. "Why... why did I have to do this?" He questioned, and covered his face. He let everything out. He cried there, like a baby. But he needed too. He let everything out. All the sadness, and anger. Everything. He cried and cried, until he finally fell asleep, tired of crying.
(Hey guys my iPad is dieing and my charger broke so this is my last good bye. I will be on tomorrow. I will be able to play the computer tomorrow so... Sorry. It's 5 now.... Should I make my post?

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((Oh OK! Well you can if you want. But yeah, we will just be sleeping here. :P Nothing big will happen. Maybe one small thing... but whatever.))
((I'm really sorry and this rp was really fun but I cant keep up with it anymore T__T school started and my free time ended so I have to go MIA until next summer :'(... PS you can kill or bunny Ashlee or do whatever you want with her xD and thanks for... the awesome rp experience? I don;t know. Whatever. Yeah. Bye ><; ;) )

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