This is the End.

(I was asking if I could UPGRADE my powers. Why would you need to run the speed of sound and jump as high was a sky scraper if you could teleport anywhere at will? I was asking as if I could go to Rosa and she would get rid of running fast and jumping high and replace them as something else. I was also thinking you could run into some hippie and he give you the two new powers plus a weakness. And TOm already has his weakness calories. One of the reasons he is stuck with the STW group.)
(Hey, guys I’ve been thinking about the other two powers. But I think Shelby can already do a lot since she can read minds, communicate & control people. Anyway I wanted to stay close to mind related powers so I thought about telekinesis or Memory manipulation . You guys can decide on that one cause I don’t want to god-mod.

And for the 2nd one I thought Duplication (Limited by one) I really wanted to do this one, since I think she should have a more physical power also. Weakness coming soon. I need to go to my aunt) 
(wait, now I think about It. The duplication one is enough. Die Godmod, Die)
((Hm... no I guess that our God-Mod problem is over. @Honeyhelp, how could we be without you? Thank goodness for you! LoL, anyway yeah do whatever you want, Just please, PLEASE, NO FLIPPIN GOD-MODDING! It annoys me so much!))
((my power's not that god moddy... It's kind of hard to destroy or save the world with a lightening bolt or a nice storm..)) 
((also I think that though Tom's power is the most powerful one, it makes sense because he's one person fighting five others..))
((What if Winie can control their emotions as well as blood bend. Or better yet, iI wanna junk blood bend. Make me feel god moddy, controling other characters. Control emotions,and what if she can change her features? Like how she looks? And that would be all she would have. Not too god moddy, is it?))
(I'm not the best Decudes is. He has the combined power of everyone. Because he can turn into anybody and use their powers.)

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((I guess that's true but it seems like it takes him a lot of energy to do so... whatever, doesnt matter to me :D ))
((Lol when you have to limit yourself to what other people have, it kinda sucks. Plus i added an unnecessary pain factor to the whole equation. If ya thought about my comments and the things i have been doing when i use your powers ya might understand that coke isn't the best way to get calories ;) , also, if yer gonna bitch about the RP or the person who made it, ya don't have to be here. It's @RadioActive 's game, were just playing to have fun. If ya don't like it, make one ya do like. thats kinda the point of the site. Don't rag on someone else's stuff dude, thats just...idiotic.))
((Why you guys soo serious? And if you guys don't like your powers. CHANGE THEM. I gave you the opportunity to change them. Take advantage of it and do it. Dur.))
RadioActive said:
((Why you guys soo serious? And if you guys don't like your powers. CHANGE THEM. I gave you the opportunity to change them. Take advantage of it and do it. Dur.))
((Sorry, didn't mean to get so hostile :P I just hate judgmental douches))
((It's fine. Just letting everyone know. So, when we RP? LoL, we chatty. :D But yeah, change your powers if you don't them, and @Dedecus , you are totally fine. All of you guys are. But yeah, change powers if you want.))
(hey, guys. I'm going to spain so my rping will be less. I'll try to stay in touch though )

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((OK! Hey you guys, my cat's really greasy in the back of his head. Maybe he got in some vegetable oil... IDK)) 
((Or baby oil. It's smells weird..))
((lol xDD I'm ready when you guys are.. just waiting around Emmett's house. Btw, WHAT HAPPENED to rpn?? x__x got even more confusing to navigate.... though it'll probably save time in the end... o-o))
Boys, boys, you're both pretty. Butyeah, like iI said iI switched 'em. Control others emotions, and change her features.)
((Hey guys, calm de down. It's OK. Just put your 'words' behind you... and let's get this started. I made this for rping, so let's rp! All in say 'I'!))

((Anyway, I'm going to start. And OK @Renee ! Good job! Am I pretty?))

((Also heads up! The world will start SOON! I got it all figured out. :D Any questions, call 1-800- @RadioActive ))

Emmett got in the car, he needed to head back. He stuck in the keys, and turned on the car, hearing the engine roar. He looked up, his face stern and closed. He was done with all this crap. But, he needed to do it. Raising an eyebrow, Emmett opened his mouth. "You coming?" He asked Alteriel ( @Dedecus ). He sighed, and looked down, waiting for him. He stared at the steering wheel, thinking about what just happened in like one day.

He met five people. He met Rosa, thinking she was nice... sort of weird though. And then Tom ( @Hunnyhelp )passed out. They all were in the hospital, and Tom ( @Hunnyhelp ) escaped. The found Rosa, and went back to only find that Tom ( @Hunnyhelp )had betrayed them. By going with Rosa. Turns out Rosa was evil, and she had a husband who was the boss of the STW Building. He fought and was hurt. He also got powers. All of them did. He was tortured by just being starred at. He poofed to Alteriel ( @Dedecus )'s house. There, he kissed Ash ( @LXsongbird ). He loved her.

And Tom ( @Hunnyhelp ) came back, and Emmett hated him. The group poofed home, and Emmett found his sister's gone, and his parents dead. And then everything went way more down hill. Alteriel ( @Dedecus ) and Shelby ( @Jazzylegs ) went off, only to be beaten up and to beat up. And Tom ( @Hunnyhelp ) kidnapped Winnie ( @Renee ) and told her that her parent's were Rosa and the boss.

Emmett went off to find the other's and found Tom ( @Hunnyhelp ) about to kill himself. And then Tom ( @Hunnyhelp ) killed his sisters. Emmett screamed, and Alteriel ( @Dedecus ) was shot. And then there was a lightning guy, and everything happened so quickly. Winnie ( @Renee ) betrayed them, and went away, by being yelled at by everyone who was there. And here he was, with Alteirel ( @Dedecus ) and Shelby ( @Jazzylegs) and he wanted to go to his home, swim, scream and cry, and hold Ash ( @LXsongbird ) tightly in his arms.

Emmett bit his lip, realizing how tired he was. "Let's go you guys." He muttered with moving a muscle, still staring at the steering wheel. He felt like crying, but he held back the tears, fighting through it. He needed to be strong. He needed to do this to save the world. He needed to be a hero, just like everyone else. Alteriel ( @Dedecus ), Shelby ( @Jazzylegs ), Ash ( @LXsongbird ) and himself. Tom ( @Hunnyhelp ), Winnie ( @Renee ), Rosa, and the boss would just be a bump in the road, along with whatever they had in store for the team. Oh gosh. How much longer can I last? Emmett wondered.

((Emmett got in the car, and asked Alteriel and Shelby if they were coming. And while he was waiting for their answer, he thought about how he'd been through so much in the past few days, and thought of how he could be stronger and junk like that.))
(I! And yes you are Radio xD )

Winnie sat in her room, cuddled in the sleeping bag and holding a picture of her on Tom's back, both laughing and smiling. She remembered that, the day before she left. One of the adults at the Orphanage snapped it and had it printed for her. Then she was fone. But she had too, one more day at that hellhole and she wouldn't have lasted, Tom or no Tom. She sighed, and fiddled with her watch feeling better. She slipped the picture in pocket, before poofing back to Emmett's. She found herself inthe garden. ”Shelby!?” she called.
Tom patted Winnie's head. What have I done. The last week replayed in his mind. His mother had finally won the court battle and had custody over him, only to have her murdered a week later by his father. He had then run away and the real party started.

He got a phone call saying that he was suppose to meet at the capital. As he came he bumped into a member of the group he never saw again. "I wonder what happened to her," his brain asked getting off topic. Then he had found the group. He went inside the building and passed out amazed about how much Rosa new about him. He then ran out of the hospital, having discovered his new powers. He then ran into some scientist which tapered him and took him to the secret lair where he was trained, all in one day. He then was told that Rosa and the boss were evil, but they would bring back his mother if he joined them. He then watched as Rosa went out and granted everybody their powers, the coming out and getting his new upgrade. He then stopped. "I need another upgrade. Why do I need super speed and the ability to jump high if I can teleport anywhere at will." He then smiled at Winnie. "I'll be right back." He then teleported infront of Rosa.

"I need some new powers." He then walked over to her. "Why do I need to have super speed and the ability to jump high if I can teleport anywhere at will." He then smiled. "Can you take away my ability to run fast and jump high and replace it with something better?"

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