This is the End.

((hmmm... I can usually be online the most at around 11pm-2am pacific time)) 
((I can sometimes work around it though.))
(I am on day but school is coming so.) 
Tom looked up having drank some coke spewed all over the place. "I did too," he said putting his head back down. As his servant appeared next to him he grabbed a coke and drank it down. He then stood up regenerated. "Look, they said that they would bring my mother back," he then looked down. "Think about it. You could have even greater powers. You could join us." He then smiled unsure. "They could give you a good life, please. Join us," he then grabbed another coke. And walked away his soaking week cloths clinging to his skin.
((Bolded stuff is important. Thanks for the idea Radio xD ))

"No!" Ash almost screamed. "She won't join you. Never." What am I saying? First of all, I can't speak for everyone, especially not Winnie, given what she just said, and second of all, I don't even know what Tom and Rosa are doing!! She looked down at Emmett, and more anger bubbled up inside her as Winnie locked her eyes on Rosa, seeming to do something to her mind. Ashlee hoped it would work, but since she herself certainly couldn't control her powers yet, she was doubtful. Still, it seemed like Winnie was a very strong-minded person. Another wave of anger filled Ash when she remembered how eager they all had been to get "answers" from Rosa. This time she was sure she hadn't imagined the shift of the ground beneath her. But though the chandelier swayed a little, Ashlee didn't lose her footing, and the quake didn't seem to have any major effects on anyone else. It's not strong enough, and she told herself, and I'm glad it's not. Calm down, Ashlee, you can't control this power, but you can control your emotions. It's okay, no one's hurt, Emmett won't die, it's fine. But as that thought passed her mind, there was another swerve of the ground, this time much stronger. Ash clung to the ground and was thankful she was kneeling, or else the earthquake might have made her fall over. However, as soon as the shaking came, it left, as Ashlee forgot her anger to remember to hold on to the ground.

((a;slkdfjads;lkfj how do I use this power without getting god-moddy? x-x it is a cool power though c:))
Winnie stared at Tom, unsure, while releasing her hold on Rosa. She barely noticed the floor shaking beneath her feet. She looked back at Shelby, Ash, Emmett, and Alteriel. She took a slight step towards Tom, then looked at the others again, torn. ”I...I'm sorry.” she muttered, looking down. ”I can't join you Tom. They need me.” she looked up again, pleading with her eyes for him to understand. No matter what he did, I would still like him. He's my weakness, she thought. 
Winnie turned back to Rosa, taking control of her again. She felt her anger and power, all of her emotions again, and made her slowly sit down in the nearest chair. ”I don't think i like you anymore Rosa.” She said, anger and hate burning in her eyes. Maybe it would all end if i made her kill herself. It wouldn't matter, no one could stop me, she thought. She didn't realize how her power was taking control of her anger and thoughts.

(sorry for the double post, thought winnie should get back under control of Rosa lolz)
((Sorry guys, something big happened at home...let me see if i can mix things up a little > :) ))

Alterel closed his eyes when he saw what was happening, not so much out of fear, but out of thought. He conjured ideas, processed information. He heard Tom speak to him and then disappear. He grinned slightly thinking of the possibilities, thinking of the ways his abilities, his powers could be used to his advantage. There was so much he could accomplish, so much he could do now that he wasn't able to do before. He opened his eyes and saw the chaos around him. A sly smile came across his face and quietly, almost in an almost scary voice he said, "Alright." He turned to Rosa, "I'll help you." He said chuckling slightly. He looked at Winnie and imagined himself as her, every detail every movement she made and now, the way she had used her powers, "Good." He said smiling in Winnie's voice and in her form. He made his body move the way Winnie's had. He locked eyes on her form and began to speak to her in her mind Just go, you need to trust me. He said and forced her to back away using her own powers against her. He manipulated her body with his movements, he felt her anger and as hard as it was not to use her anger with her to kill Rosa he couldn't He felt so bad for not letting her have that satisfaction but he knew it would only lead to disaster. You need to leave. He said using his own control over his emotions to control hers. He forced her to start sprinting and slam into Ashlee to break her emotional concentration he hoped they would leave. He had to help these people. He felt like it was his job.

((If you guys want me to reverse this i know it's a little god-moddy but i kinda got an idea > :) But if you dont like it, then i'll take it away. ))
Seeing her refuse then step forward Tom turned his head. He then stepped out of the camera room. Altherel I see you have joined us," he the smiled, before frowning again appearing in frount of the real Winnie. "I understand." He then leaned forward, and grabbed her hand. "I wil not let them hurt you," he whispered before teleporting back with rosa and the now healed boss. He then smiled unsurly. "I be leave she asked you to leave," he said putting away his dought.
Ash's concentration broke as Winnie slammed into her. Ashlee looked around breathlessly for Alteriel. She saw two Winnies and didn't believe that Alteriel had betrayed them. When Winnie 2 looked hard at Winnie 1 Ash suspected they had a plan and hissed to Emmett, "Come on, we have to go now...!" She dragged him up and started running to the exit but Tom reappeared with a rejuvinated boss. "Umm... We have to improvise." She mumbled to herself.

((Gonna b gone for a few hours. U can bunny ash if u want))
Winnie looked between the copy of her, and Tom, before stepping back and into the shadows. She used the time to get ahold of herself, and control her anger and hatred. ”This isn't you, calm down.” she whispered to herself. Oh, but it is. You want to kill Rosa, then anyone else who defies you. You're invincible, unstoppable. Powerful. You cancontrol and do anything, a small voice in the back of her head whispered to her.
(I gtg go. I won't be on much tomorrow as my younger brother told me that I can not play for 4 hours. Anyway see you sometime.)
Emmett lay on the floor, and starred at the ceiling. He didn't blink and the pain slowly went away. "Ow." He said, and looked around. And then, he saw Alteriel leave him. He betrayed him. "I hate you..." He whispered, starring at Alteriel as he became Winnie. Emmett glanced over at Tom, and added, "I hate you too." He weakly said. He looked at Rosa. "And you." And then that was it. Emmett has no more energy, he was 'dead.' But then Ash lifted him up, struggling. "Thanks." He said, to one of the people he cared for. He stood up, clumsy. "I trusted you." He began, his eyes starring into the 'bad guys' souls. "I cared for you. I thought..." He began, but stopped. "I guess you'll just let the world end. Let it explode, taking everyone and everything with it. All your families will be gone. You betrayed them, you betrayed all of them. And us too." He said, gesturing to the good guys. "It's over." He said, and pointed a gun at Alteriel. "Let's get rid of you all." He said, hazy and dizzy. He struggled to stay up.

Rosa laughed, the laugh wincing everyone around her. "You thought wrong." She shrugged, and smiled. And then, Winnie used her power against her. Rosa moved, without meaning too. But then, she began to fight it. "You see, I'm stronger than all of you. Much stronger." She grinned, moving her body by her will. She began to laugh, her glasses slanted and her hair wild. And then she turned to Emmett, and smiled. "Oh, I don't think so." She said, and looked at Tom. "Finish him before he messes everything up." She said. This was the ultimate test, either follow your boss, or kill one of your friends. Rosa wondered if he was worthy or not.

((LOL, and @LXsongbird, your power's fine. All long as your not invincible and can kill everyone like that.))

((Thanks for you posts you guys! Love it!!!))
Ashlee watched Emmett struggle to stand as he held a gun up to Winnie/Alteriel. And Ash began to wonder if he actually had betrayed them. Terrified at Rosa's power, she backed away as Tom was told to kill Emmett. Without waiting for Tom's reaction to Rosa's command, Ashlee screamed, "NO!" A flash of lightening found the building and the chandelier shattered, leaving the room dark except for the rays of light filtering through the blinds on the windows. In the murky light Ash struggled to see her group, minus Tom and Alteriel. She found Emmett and, in a defeated voice, said, "Shouldn't we just leave? We have to figure things out, like... I don't know. But they have the upper hand today, we just got our powers and Tom..." She refused to say Alteriel's name, not wanting to believe that someone as clever as him could've fallen for Rosa's tricks.
- Shelby

Shelby had watched the whole thing quitly. She hadn't known what to do. Tom said Rosa promised him he would get his mother back. Did she have the power to maybe find her brother? She once promised she'd do anything to find him, but how far would she go? She sighed, reliefed when the lights went out. She shufffled towards Ashlee, mostly using her hearing to find her. - Don't be scared it's me- She thought to her before grabbing her arm. - Nod, if you can hear me- She thought unsure about the use of her powers. She hadn't thought anything out yet. But for now leaving seemed like a pretty good idea.

(Srry It was confusing cause I wasn't sure about seeing Tom as part of the team or not.)
As a hand grabbed her arm, Ashlee heard a voice in her head but wondered if it was just her imagination. But just in case it wasn't, Ash nodded her head. She didn't look for Shelby, though, so as to not bring any attention to herself. But that plan was thrown away as Ashlee whispered, "Where are we going?"
(i'm having a bit trouble with the time. I live in the Netherlands and in America it's atleast 5 hours earlier I'll be on tonight. But it's vacantion so there will be nights i'll be clubbing. I'll let you guys know though)
((Time to be a hero! > :D ))

Alteriel sighed his plan had clearly faltered and he was unable to maintain this rouse anymore. He couldn't let them die, and he certainly wasn't going to give up on them, not now. They may not have been through much, but watching Emmet's movements and his teams control they're rate of development was clearly beyond the supposed 'peak' that these psychotic fools had reached. He had hoped to be able to gather more information on them to help beat them but none of his real team were trained for this, none of them were ready to stand on their own, "I guess it is time..." He said with a sigh. He looked at Tom and grinned. He had watched his movements and began to form into him This is killing me. He said as his skin formed and his bone structure moved throughout his body, "Ach!" He said not able to hold back the pain of his transformation anymore. He knelt to one knee holding almost his whole body still while he became Tom. He stood back up and took in a deep gulp of air, "Well let's give it a try..." He said and thought of himself on the other side of the room. He was in Tom's form now, his eyes the only thing that did not shift. A big cloud of black smoke puffed out where he once was and he was instantly on the opposite side of Emmet. I know this may be risky, but i have no choice. He thought to himself, "Hold on to each other!" He said totally forgetting Andrew was even there. Everything moved so quickly after that, he disappeared in a big cloud of black smoke that enveloped the entire group. He forced his body to keep moving through the excruciating pain We gotta get there. He thought, the entire process took less than a second but to Alteriel it seemed like an eternity. They appeared in a place nobody but Alteriel knew. His home, his woodland cabin that was miles from civilization. The group was with him. He took a count as he fell to the ground and passed out cold with his hand in his right pocket in the form of a fist. After such exhaustion he could not hold Tom's form, heck he could barely hold his own. He was alive, but just barely.

She crawled over to Alteriel, groaning at a sharp pain in her left ankle. He didn’t look alright. She shook him a bit in the hope that would make him conscious. But it didn’t. Desperately she then took his head in her hands. It couldn’t be sure if she actually had to touch someone in order to sent them a mental message, but she had to try. – Wake up,- she thought to him. –Open your eyes.-
Winnie was looking around wildly, unsure of where she was. Then she saw Alteriel, but Shelby was already there. Winnie took a head count, and couldn't help feeling heart broken that Tom wasn't there. She sighed, tired and weak, and let herself collapse to her knees then on her side as she stared off at a tree in defeat.
Emmett was weak. He was no longer the charming, smart and confident leader he once was. He collapsed, breathing hard, and the gun fell from his hand once more. He swore under he breathe, and closed his eyes. He kept breathing. That's all he did. His heart rate was going super fast, and Emmett was surprised he didn't have an heart attack. But he was pretty sure he had a brain attack. Going through what Rosa did to him. It was horrible. Emmett would never be the same.

He moaned, staying still and never opening his eyes. He was confused. Had Alteriel betrayed them or not? And what about Rosa and Tom? Was this all a dream? No, a nightmare? Oh god, this was horrible. If God had a heart, he would have ended STW Group, maybe taking Tom down too. But no. Of course not. And this was Emmett's live now. And he would have to fight his way through it.

((Hm... @Jazzylegs, I would ask Hunnyhelp about reading Tom's mind. Maybe he had a secret that he doesn't want to reveal yet. Don't want to spoil anything yet. This is just getting exciting!))
Tom saw them disappear before his eyes. He then left rosa ad the boss and entered the camera room. He then checked each camera before finding the group at Aleriel's house. He then disappeared before looking at anything else. Appearing in front of the group he forgot to grab a weapon. So he went back and grabbed a sword. And a few cokes. Chugging on he then teleported back to Aleriel's house. Instead of doing that he appeared at his own house. Must be some sort of glitch. He looked at the ashes the house was in. "What had happened here. He then looked forward and saw his father. Quickly jumping behind a rock Tom shook with fear hoping his father didn't see him. He pulled out his sword, and muttered a prayer. "Please don't see my please don't see me." He did this all in vain. His father did see him. He walked forward going to beat him for running away. 
(Before anybody saws what my char is thinking ask me. There is a reason behind everything. Message me before you make my char evil without even asking me.)
((Okiee Dokiee! Where's everyone?))

Emmett finally opened his eyes. He was fine. He got up. Is this my power? Is it just now becoming good? Why didn't it stop Rosa from hurting me?! He thought and looked around. He saw Tom in the corner of his eyes. "Hey!" He yelled, and turned around. But there was just black smoke from where Tom stood. "Crap." He muttered, and turned to everyone else. "You guys OK?" He asked, and walked over to Ash. He did a quick head count and then saw that Alteriel was there. Fury built within him. "What is wrong with you?" He asked, his voice wasn't raised, but his eyes dug into Alteriel. "You.... betray us." He said, glaring. "Why?" He asked, wanting to beat the crap out of him.
- Shelby

She looked up at Emmet, still holding Alteriels head in her hands. 'He just saved us.' she snapped at him.

'Look at him he's exhausted, he put his life on the line for us.' She glared at Emmet with intense anger.'I think you're forgetting who's the real enemy here.'
Ashlee fell to the ground in exhaustion of trying to control her powers and the confusion if Alteriel's teleportation of them all. She realized that she was near a cabin and everyone else was seeming as confused. Before getting up, Ash opened her eyes and surveyed the situation. Emmett was yelling at Alteriel but was shut up by Shelby. So Ashlee sat up and realized she had a killer headache. And she was too hot. Is this normal? Ash thought. A side effect of this weather power? But it didn't seem to matter at the time so she just sat people watching.

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