This is the End.

((why do i always get back just as he leaves lol arghhh))

Alteriel, resilient as always, knelt to one knee and held his hands out, "If this goes bad...I will kill you." He said looking her in the eyes from one knee with intent to fulfill his promise if necessary.
(@all. Hey, I'm going clubbing tonigt so I won't be on. You have my permission to bunny if needed. as long as it's in caracter and stuff. Bye)
((Sorry, and I am here. I can stay for a couple of hours, so yeah. And @Hunnyhelp, hang in there. Rosa just gots to give powers, and then all will happen!))

Rosa raised an eyebrow at Alteriel, and asked if he was ready or not. "Well? What's it gonna be?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips. 
((Hello? How come whenever I get on, no one else is?! Curse the heavens!!))
((Here again, if anyone else is...))

Rosa nodded, placed her hands on Alteriel's curly, thick, brown hair. She sighed, and closed her eyes.

And just like Winnie, a few minutes of silence past and Rosa lifted her hands. "Hm. Interesting." She said, not as nervous as she was with Winnie. She cleared her throat, and smiled at Alteriel.

"I think you'll like your gift." She began. "You are a 'Identity Thief.' And a Idenity Thief is basically when you are able to change into anyone. Real or not. Imagination or reality. For instance, you may change into a fictional character, say 'Santa Claus.' Or you can change into someone from the real world. Say, me. You understand?" She paused, but wasn't finished. "And when you do, you get the person's talents. But, you also get their flaws. And the only way others can know it's you, is that when you do change, your eye color stays the same."

She stopped, finished. And then she turned to the rest of the team. "Who's next?" She asked, smiling.
Ashlee changed her mind about going last, since Alteriel's power didn't seem too bad and she lost her fright of getting a scary power. "I'll go! I mean, u-unless anyone else wants to..." She looked around at the group, hoping that no one else did. Ash now was curious as to what her power would be.
Rosa nodded to her, and walked towards Ash. She repeated the same thing, with the placing on of hands, closing eyes and waiting a few minutes. There was an awkward silence, especially for Emmett. He was tense, and he would be angry if Rosa gave Ash some Demon powers.

Rosa flicked open her eyes, and looked down at Ash. "Lovely." She smiled. "You have the power of 'Emotional Weather.' Emotional Weather is when you are able to control the weather, but with you emotions. For example, if you were angry, there would be a lightning storm, or an earthquake. But, you'll never know what's happening for each emotion. And the more emotion you have, the worst or better the weather. For instance, it you were happy, there would be sunshine, but if you had much happiness, there would be sunshine and maybe it would be like that all day. Or something like that." Rosa smiled, and now was moving on. "Next please?" She asked, but then quickly turned to Ash. "Be careful with your emotions though." She added, telling Ash to be cautious.
Ashlee smiled and then thought, I wonder if it's sunny outside right now... She went over to Emmett and said, "That's so cool! Can't really fight with it though. And everyone knows what my emotions are, and I have to control them. Well, it's not that bad of a downside. You should volunteer, I wanna know what yours are!" Ash sighed in her mind, thinking, I'm terrible at controlling my emotions, especially around Emmett. No, shut up! The more you think like that, the worse you'll be at controlling them. I wonder what the weather would be like if I have a more complex emotion, like jealousy or something...
((I'll do Emmett's power now, and hopefully be able to do Shelby's and Andrew's someday!))

((Her what? Here, you can if you want too.. cause I have no idea what your talking about))

Emmett smiled, and held her hand for a moment. "Yeah, it's really cool." He grinned, and asked her to wish him luck. He turned to Rosa, raising his other hand slowly.

"I'll go." He said, and stepped forward. He sat down, knowing that Rosa would be to short to reach his head. So, he sat, and let Rosa place her gentle hands on Emmett's head, knowing her eyes were closed. And Emmett closed his eyes too. And then, weird thinks began to happen. Light's flashed within his head. Bright blinding colors. And then, flashbacks of Emmett's past, somethings he's never told anyone. He winced, but calmed himself. And then, pictures of him with his team.... but in the future or something. He saw a flash of Tom, grinning. Tom's back? Emmett thought, surprised he could even think.

And then, all at once, everything went away. Emmett eyes opened, without Emmett wanting them too. He was tired. Drained. Holly cow he was breathless. Emmett was breathing hard, and looked up at Rosa. "Well?" Was all he managed to say.

Rosa jut starred at him for a moment. And then, after what seemed years, she spoke. "You have the gift of an 'Extreme Survivor.' An Extreme Survivor is when you adapt to many things. An example would be, what if someone was drowning you? Most people would die. But, you would develop gills to breathe. But once out of the water, those gills would disappear, making you look human. The only way you would die, is if someone made some bomb or something, that for too strong for you to handle." She stopped, and Emmett knew she was done talking. "OK." He said, and got up, walking to Ash.

And behind him, he heard Rosa say, 'Next?' Emmett felt a chill go down his spine.

(She said she won't be on and we could bunny her cariter but know that I think about it it is stupid. She should be there when her cariter gets her talent.)
Ash's spine tingled as Emmett held her hand, but she still managed to stammer out a "good luck" as he walked toward Rosa. She saw him breathe heavily and noticed he looked a little exhausted. When Ashlee heard his power, she felt glad she didn't have that power, but instantly felt guilty for having thought that. As Emmett came back, Ash tried to come up with something to say. She couldn't. In the end she just looked at him with worried eyes and bit her lip. She knew anything she said to try to lighten the mood might make it worse.

((Ok so we should save her for last then?))
- Shelby

Shelby rose her hand. 'Yes, me, my turn' She said skipping to Rosa, quit nervous. If only her gift wouldn't be the lamest of all, she'd be fine.

(srry won't be on for long..)
((Andrew's last, he needs to get online...))

((@Jazzylegs, it's OK, as long as we get the powers giving done with, it'll be good. We need Nero to come on...))

Rosa turned her head to Shelby, and walked to her. "OK, ready?" She asked, but didn't let Shelby answer. She placed her hands on Shelby's red hair, and closed her eyes slowly. She breathed slowly and let the silence settle in. And again, for the fourth time, minutes passed, and Rosa eventually lifted her hands. She looked down at Shelby, and nodded. "Well, it suits you. I guess." She took in a quick breathe, and then began to explain Shelby's power. "You power is, quiet a handful on mind games. For instance, you are able to read weak minds, able to communicate through thoughts, sending thoughts to whoever you wanted, and also controlling the mind. Convincing people to do what you want. Those or the pros. The cons are well, you can mess with ones head, driving them crazy eventually. And reading ones mind may not be good. People need privacy. So don't be nosy." She giggled, and nodded to Shelby. "So there you have it." She said, and then looked up at Andrew.

"Looks like your last." She said, starring at him, her eyes digging into him.

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