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Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

Daughter of Hades

Senior Member
i used to play with my friends every day. Going out into the woods with them and hanging around,pretending to be animals. There were these certain animals we loved. Mine being a wolf. We drifted apart in middle school. But one day,on a field trip to the museum. Our lives changed forever.
I sat up in bed. Staring out at the sun,rising over the line of trees a few few yards away from my moms house. I yawned and got dressed,heading outside for the bus stop. It would be just my luck to run into my "friends" here. It was always akward when that happened.
Caroline looks around, hugging her arms to her body, the chill in the air unsettling. Her curly red hair spring from out of her beanie as she watched her breath float out in front of her. Her boots are half covered in melting snow.
I saw Caroline walk up to the bus stop. I stood still,avoiding eye contact. I threw on my SnapBack hat with the wolf on it and stamped my foot in desperate attempt to warm myself up. Jeez. How long does it take for a stinking bus to get here? I blew warm breath into my palms,staring off into the distance.
"Lizadira! You have until the count of 1 to get your lazy petuch out of that melon monster and into some pants, or I'll throw you outside clothing or not!" A shrill screech seethed through the house. Jumping from her bed in awaiting flare cut pants and an over-sized faded black sweater, down the stairs grabbing a thermos filled with coffee, and slipping on her worn combat boots over her mismatched fuzzy socks before bounding down the street to the stop breath puffing behind her like a train.
Caroline stared tensely forward, feeling the presence of someone who used to be her friend. No sign of the school bus, hopefully Lizadira would get here before the bus did. Nothing like a super cold day in the month of May. Sometimes she wondered if she could just sit in her treehouse, high above the world, and read all day.
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"Must-" Huff. "Get-" Huff. "To-" Huff. "Bus!" She cried, as the bus passed her heading to the stop that was still a good hundred or so meters away. Girl going possibly 3mph weighed down by a messenger bag, vs. a big yellow bus, moving an incredible 30mph. Frick.
Jacob grabbed his bag from the closet and headed out the door. He walks to school, mostly because he couldn't stand the embarrassment from being on the bus with the other boys he knows. Plus, walking is shorter when you know all the short cuts. He is at school before the bus arrives, and he sits on the bench outside as he always does. Life is repetitive in Jacob's eyes. Everything is repetitive except for his friends.
Caroline smirked, watching Skiz run like she had never run before. She couldn't help but let out a quiet giggle as the bus screeched to a stop in front of her and Marie.

If she was more talkative, she might have had the guts to ask the bus driver to wait a few seconds for the chick running top speed. Caroline sat in her normal seat, A12, and waited hopefully for Skiz.
I got on the bus,popping bubble gum in my mouth as loudly as possible. I took a seat a few rows back from the front and leaned my head on the window,waiting for other kids to file on. I jammed my earbuds in and blasted the loudest rap music possible.

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"Chi! You traitor!" She hacked as she slipped on a patch of ice, falling on her ass she groaned as the bus' lights turned from flashing to red as it pulled away from the curb. "I'll get you for this!" She seethed, as the bus driver who could care less putted onward leaving the girl shaking her fist just out of reach of the plume of smoke rising from the tail of the bus.

Standing she sighed, rubbing her sore spot with care as she turned back towards her house, "The Jeep it is." She groaned.
Kassadin had been waiting for the bus for about fifteen minutes, either the bus is late or Kassadin is too early. He had earphones in his ears listening to calm classical musical, his glasses hanging on the bottom front of his shirt's collar. Wearing beige pants and a dark turquoise shirt, he looks with surprise to finally see that the bus has arrived. Standing by the stop sign, he waited for the bus to completely stop. The door opens and he steps into the bus looking at the seats, sitting in the frontrow is a pain in the ass he thought. So he went back and sat beside a girl who had her music high enough that he couldnt actually hear his own. He looks at her with his charming hazel eyes, " Hello Iam Kassadin, and you must be?"

Da charming look:
I look at the guy sitting next to him,my striking green eyes making instant eye contact. "Hey. I'm Marie" I extend my hand for him to shake. It was obvious he has come from a wealthy family. His fancy clothes,he just gave off that kind of vibe. Sexy,or whatever you'd call it.
Caroline laughed at her friend, feeling guilty yet completely amused. She turned forward and sat properly in her seat, watching the back of Marie's head, watching the kids throw paper and pencils, watching out the window at the drifting snow. She sighed and shuffled through her bag for her book.

The bus came to an abrupt halt on the wet road and she watched another person, looking cold and strangely happy, clamber onto the bus. He sat next to Marie, and she rolled her eyes and went to her book.
He stretched out his hand to shake her hand, " it is a pleasure to meet you marie... I love you eyes by the way!" he smiled as his teeth shone under the half risen sun. Their hands still shaking, it felt hard to leave her incredibly soft and feminine palm. Leaving her hand he quickly looks at his handwatch to get out of the awkward situation.

My character is such a showoff and a flirtatious bastard xD
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Jacob gets bored quickly. The buses seem to be even slower today. So he stretches out a little and climbs the school wall. It's nearly routine for him now. His friends can never be early because they usually always ride the bus. That leaves him alone for ten minutes. He reaches the roof and sits on the edge, looking over the front of the school. Where is everyone?
I found myself staring at the Kassadin. An owl I thought. If not that then maybe a bison. Sorry. I have this weird habit of trying to figure out new people's spirit animals. I bit my lip,did I know this guy? Was he one of my childhood friends? If so how has we not made out yet? I took another swing at small talk. "You from around here?" I asked,wrapping my earbuds around my two fingers and shoving them into my pocket.
He realizes Marie's attraction towards him, stroking his slightly grown beard he says:" I wasnt born here, but i was here since i was two years old. So technically yes iam from around here!" Kassadin had remember that keeping earphones in his ears is very impolite, immediately he removes them and places them in his leather satchel.
A small amount of color came across the bridge of my nose and a small area on my cheeks. I was never akward around boys,guess this one was different. "Lived here my whole life. " I said,smiling at him vibrantly. "
Muttering insanity under her breath as she stalked to her beautiful Jeep Wrangler Two door, Hard top, black paint with snow tires, the list of love goes on. Excluding her one fault. MPG. Sighing she tossed her bag into the seat next to her pulling herself into the cold leather seats before starting the purring beast. Pulling out, her scowl was filled with such annoyance it seemed to have the power of melting the ice. "Frickin bus. Frickin friends. Freakin gas."
" You look like a very nice young lady, how about we could.. Uhh.. Have dinner at my place. Dont worry no shenanigans, just dinner." Kassadin said followed by a little giggle. trying to changing the subject " the sun is bright today isnt it? It should keep us warm for the rest of the day."
Carr sighs heavily and looks out the frosty window of the bus, wishing school wasn't 3 minutes away. She imagined herself running alongside the bus, jumping over driveways, jumping over ditches, running next to the hulking yellow beast.
I nodded. Smiling at him. My first date! And with this guy! Suddenly,the voice in the very back of my head spoke up. Over the years my mom always told me it was my spirit animal,Lucifer a white wolf guiding me. I got her voice every now and then in my head. When I was a kid,it was always nice,never serious. Always telling me encouraging things. But now,as I was getting older,Lucifer got more intense. You won't make it to dinner tonight. None of your friends will. Your powers are at full peak,all of yours. Beware! I shook. "Shut up!" I shouted out loud. I blushed as several kids on the bus turned to look at me and my sudden outburst.
Kassadin looked surprised:" Well.. A simple no would have been appropriate!" he crossed his eyebrows , not yet standing but looking for another seat to look for feeling uncomfortable around her. "Rejection doesnt feel good you know."
Where are the buses and why are they taking so long? Jacob thinks as he walks around the roof. He's been up here too many times to count. Where the fuck are his friends?

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