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Fantasy The zodiac signs

Long ago zodiacs roam the earth, but a powerful wizard sealed them away inside of necklaces/ring/bracelets. No one knew where they had gone but groups of people set out to find the missing zodiacs, the pieces of jewelry which one laid in the dirt. Were found by 12 older adults, they felt like they were drawn to the power coming off of it. They were the protectors of the signs, each of them met up an helped each other defend the signs, they were best friends that felt like family. But now the world is changing, more evil is leaking through the balance. And the next generation is just about to get the stones. Aries, gets the first stone, followed by Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Each person, gets theirs at a different time, but on the same day. You feel the power, drawing you to it. And you find it, you confront your parents and they tell you everything and give you the stone. Each guardian of the stone, does not know each other (Maybe some know each other). But they soon will...

As the last person receives there stone, all 12 start to glow. One by one the kids are transported to an abandoned cabin. There is a round table with your signs. And with that you are in your seat...
Betweengoodandevil said:
Do you guys want to start now or wait??
I think we are good. We just gotta tag the others so we can tell them that it's going to start.
(I am going to start))

Ash groaned, turning off her alarm. She pulls herself up, "ready for the first day of school?" She asks herself, her feet touch the cool floor making her shiver. Ash goes over to the window sliding it open she looks up at the now rising sun, the ground glistened a silver white. Ash takes a deep breath and gets ready for school...
Jenny was already up, pouring milk in her cere- Just kidding. Who really has the time to eat breakfast in the morning? In reality, Jenny was was finishing up a report that was due today, that she had feel asleep doing. She had woken up exactly around 5:00 a.m, in terror to see that she had fallen asleep. Her mother walked by her desk, but paused to see her unfinished homework. Jenny paled knowing she in for a harsh lecture.
Noël woke up early, as it was dawn when she looked out the window. Today was the first day of school, so she didn't want to be late. Besides, looking at the sun rise was rather neat. She proceeded to shower and clothe herself. Despite it being the first day, she wore rather casual clothes, sweater and all. Noël always wore som kind of sweater. She had a thing for wooly clothing. The little girl then prepared her school equipment in silence, as her parents were still sleeping. Both of them liked to sleep in. After Noël had eaten breakfast and brushed her teeth, she was ready to leave. She stepped out the door and breathed in the fresh air.
Mariah turned over and bed and glanced at her clock. She'd been waiting for the alarm to go off for over half an hour now, but so far nothing. Until, of course, the moment she did. She jumped out of bed, slamming her hand on the off button and headed over to her bag, making sure she had everything ready. She was terrified, of course, which was why she wasn't still sleeping. A new school, a new town, her siblings made it seem so easy. She could already hear them running through the house. She'd managed to ignore them and her scolding mother for long enough already, but now the alarm had gone off and the damage was done.

"Three....two...one..." She mumbled under her breath, just as she reached one the door was thrown open.

Her younger brother stood in the doorway, barely tall enough to reach the handle, but still able to open the door with the help of his twin sister. She barely had enough time to make the run to the school by the time she'd helped get them ready for preschool. Of course, she would be late on her first day....
Parrish sighed, continuing to scratch geometry notes into his paper, he had already been at school for about two hours at that point, time zone differences and all. His brows furrowed as his mind drifted from the notes and onto the loud, rhythmic ticking of the analog clock...'annoying' he thought. Parrish couldn't focus on anything at that point, his thoughts muddled together as he raised his hand to go to the bathroom. Successful, he stood up and trudged out of the classroom door, hiking his hood up against the rain England was infamous for. In all honesty he didn't even want to be in class, not like he needed to be anyway, he understood the concept to a point and just needed a bit of fresh air to clear his head.
Yu walked joyously into the night. The sun had just gone down, while in another part of the world it was rising. He loved the nighttime because he was free to do as he pleased. Yu liked the daytime too... just not the being confined to a classroom most of the day without much moving. Some the regular night dwelling people who knew Yu, called out greetings. Of course, none of the night dwelling people Yu knew were the shady types. Added to the fact that the town is relatively small and everyone knows each other and you get a pretty close-knit community. It was the kind of town thats too big for to be called a town, but just small enough that you couldn't call it a city either.
Jean-Luc was outside already enjoying the fresh air near the pond in the local park. He laid down on the soft green grass and looked up at the delicate blue sky. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, waiting for the time to hurry up so he could head to school. The wind blew above his gently as it pushed his bangs out of this face. "Ahh......" He smiled as he opened his eyes slowly. He sat up and looked down at his watch as his eyes opened widely. "Oh shoot! If I don't leave now I might be late!" He fumbled to get up and grabbed his bag that was near a tree and ran to school as fast as possible.
The door to a classroom burst open as a girl walked into the classroom at a quick pace. A few heads turned towards her in confusion while she gave a short nod of greeting. Blanche let out a small sigh of relief as she collapsed into her seat, ready to take out her physics textbook. Her mind was still rather distracted though by what had occurred earlier in the morning. When she had been passing by her mother's study, there was an odd feeling that kept bothering her to open the door. If it hadn't been her mother coming upstairs again to ask about the morning chores, she would have perhaps barged right into the study. Perhaps I'm just tired, the girl thought to herself, as it wasn't unusual that she had sleeping problems.
Yu followed a forgotten hiking trail to his 'secret place'. It was an old tree house and stray cats, dogs and other animals sometime popped in every now and then. The roof had partially rotted away, so one could look at the night sky whilst inside. Yu recalled the days events as he pet the newest stray to take residence at the tree house. It was an owl who lived higher in the tree, but hangs out in the tree house at night.

Yu remembered training with his fathers polearm weapon. Training or anything that let him move around was Yu's favorite things. His mother had once again stopped him from entering his fathers safe. Yu didn't know why, but anytime he got near the safe he was drawn to it.
As Noël was walking towards the bus stop, she suddenly noticed something shiny on the ground. The little girl squatted and picked the thing up. It was some sort of light blue gemstone. It was pretty, so Noël decided to keep it. ´She knew that she should give this stone to some lost and found, however, she felt inexplicably drawn and even attached to the jewel.

When Noël arrived to class, she decided to sit on the front, as usual. Since she was so short, sitting in the back would always result in her not being able to see anything. The little girl took forth her her school supplies and waited for class to begin.
Parrish slowly made his way across campus, raindrops delicately landing on his head as a large gust of wind suddenly picked up and tore his scarf away from his neck. The dull red cloth tossed and fluttered in the wind before landing just out of reach in a tree branch. Parrish glared up in annoyance, he wasn't going to leave it up there, that was his mom's.

He walked over and placed his hands on either side of the tree's trunk, he planted his left foot firmly against the bark and hoisted himself up, he reaches for the scarf that continued to billow in the wind. His arm strained, 'just...a little-' he moved his other foot to be placed against the bark and instantly felt a painful jolt travel up his leg and rack his body. The pain was enough to make him let go and fall into a decently sized puddle, effectively soaking his cloths. Parrish seethed at his ankle, it was nothing but an inconvenience to him. While he sat, staring up at his scarf he noticed something, caught on the same branch, a small, blue-green stone, it had a semi triangular shape except for a sudden, pointed curve. An odd pang resonated within him and made him want the stone with a strange urgency.
Mariah was a military brat, so moving around was a part of her families life. Because her new school was on base, she got along with many of the kids there, though she didn't talk much. She stuck with another girl who's family had just moved there. Up until a week ago, she had been in Germany. Now, she was back in the U.S. She and the other girl didn't talk to each other about much, because they were both shy, but Mariah was fine with that. It meant she could focus on a new sketch throughout the day.

After school had ended, she decided to take a walk. It was a beautiful, sunny day so she had her hat pulled over her head, and wore long sleeves.

This base was larger than the last one, though as normal, all the houses looked the same. She passed soldiers jogging through the trail and decided to follow it to see where it would lead. She felt pulled to follow it more than decided, but she didn't think too much about that. After only walking for half an hour, she noticed something shining in the grass at the side of the trail. She took a closer look at it before carefully picking it up.
(That would be great. I'm just not sure what else that's interesting to post)


((Al damage done to any of his forms, reflects onto his human form))

The Saber Tooth Tiger dashed between the trees, his long canines grazing the tall grass. His large form bolted to the cabin, coming to a sudden stop. He shifted back, wiping the sweat off his forehead. Blood stained his mouth down to his chest. He swung the door open, being greeted with other teens.

((@Betweengoodandevil @Shiro kurogane @Quark @Kitkat0814 @Napsterbox I think your characters are in here))

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