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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Long, long ago, God invited thirteen animals to a feast for the next day. The cat, the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the sheep, the dragon, the pig, the dog, the rooster, the snake, the monkey and the horse were all invited. The mischievous rat, who likes to play practical jokes, told his friend, the cat, that the banquet was the day after tomorrow.

The next day, on their way to the banquet, the rat rode on the back of the ox so he could jump off and be first to the banquet. The animals had a wonderful time, except for the cat. The foolish cat waited for the feast that would never come.

Because of this, the cat and the rat can never get along.


Now, in the twenty-first century, thirteen descendants, one of each zodiac animal, have the properties of their respective elder. Among other traits, whenone of these thirteen people is; hugged by someone of the opposite gender, is under a great deal of stress or unwell, they temporarily transform into their zodiac animal.

violet was sitting on her comfy couch that she had made from a package she bought this morning from the old furniture store in the town next to the deep forest she lived in.she lived about half way to the middle of the forest.no one came in this forest because they heard from a lucky traveler who had saw her cottage and went to see who lived there but got attacked by her snakes.they had made it to the town and told them to not go in there and if they did stay clear of the cottage in there because he thought a wich lived there.she was reading her book on her very comfy couch she let out a crazy laugh as she said the funny saying from her book that she was going to put on a tshirt one day.it said: That's why when major badasses greet each other in movies, they don't say anything, they just nod. The nod means, 'I' am a badass, and I recognize that you, too, are a badass,' but they don't say anything because they're Wolverine and Magneto and it would mess up their vibe to explain.” she looked at her clock and let out a sigh it was time to go shoping.violet got up and as she put the book mark in her book.then she grabbed her coat and ran out the door.
"Okay, so lets go over this again... your cousin has a buddy who knows Mr. Pine's ex-girlfriend who will hopefully be able to tell me where he moved to?"

"yep, in fact I could probably get her cell number for you if you want- I just need to look it up on my phone."

Mika leaned back on her chair and sighed, although not entirely from relief. Why didn't you tell me this earlier?! "Yes, that would be great!" she said. The spangly teen's face lit up with blue light as he tapped his fingers across the screen of his phone. By now her coffee had grown lukewarm but Mika was grateful nonetheless as she raised her mug to her lips and sipped the brown liquid.
Juliette was sleeping a box she haven't had any family she was all dirty and everything she was hiding form the hunter she was so scared of them' i'm cold' she sneezed she just was sleeping in the box as she yawned @Kittycat
(Yui i guess) Yui heard someone say i'm cold she went over to a box opened it and saw a little girl ~Hi~ Yui says to the little girl.
Juliette looked at the lady as she was scared" who are you" she say to the girl as she stood up from the box" i'm juliette i'm 4" she say as she smiled to her as she got scared
~I'm Yui a zodiac he tiger see she goes to her tiger form and goes back to human form you can ride me if you want and come home with if you want to have a nice hot meal~Yui says
Juliette smiled" sure i wanna go yui and nice hot meal yay" she say as she rode on her back
As Yui chaged back to tiger form for Jul to ride on her back she made sure no hunters were around when they got home Yui cooked up the meatballs and set them on the table she made a little Big plate of them and set those on he table aslo those were the extar
Juliette saw the food as she smiled" FOOD thank you for the food yui" she say as she ate the meatballs" as she was eating with her hands she didn't know how to use utintls yet" your zodiac is cool i dunno what mine is" she say to her" i no gained it yet" she say as she smiled eating
Juliette looked at her as she smiled" jul i like the nickname and sure i wanna meat them" she say to her as she laughed clapping her hands together
Kat,brooke come foods ready yui yells to them.

Kat heard the word food she came running down she saw the meatballs grabbed a plate and started eating just like a dog.

Brooke heard her name to she was sitting in the window looking outside and whenshe heard her name and food she came down and what kat did but not like dog.
Juliette looked at the other people as she smiled as she watch them eat as she didn't know it was rude to watch people eat as she just smiled eating
Juliette looked at them" juliette i'm 4 yui found me in my box" she say as she smiled" no family" she say to them
~Yui is a niace person she found me when i was little also she did the same with brooke over their she sits by Yui because she is like a mom to me and Brooke we own her one~ Kat says

true brooke says

~Yui blushes i found kat when i was 1 but got her to stay with me then i found brooke then you ~Meow~Chan~
Julieette was clapping as she smiled" i like new family like sissy's" she say as she smiled looking around the house" do you gots toys" she asked
It had been several months since Rylic had woken from the coma that Flame had put him in and he was needless to say furious that Enya had not only cheated on him but that Enya had been fine with Rylic nearly being killed. It had caused some strain within their relationship but they had dealt with it together. Rylic hadn't stopped hunting and collecting exotic animals but all the other zodiac animals appeared to have finally died which pleased Rylic greatly as he figured now he could get on with his life with his girlfriend and his children, including his step children Shale and Violet Zamora. Enya had become pregnant and now they had a beautiful daughter named Kendell Zamora who for some reason neither parent could fathom was human. Their only child who was fully human and didn't transform into a tiger like their other children.

Rylic was out at the park with Kendell while Enya was at home sleeping. In two years Enya had born exactly seven children, thanks to her feline fertility which made it easy for her to conceive and have so many children. There was also the fact that it appeared zodiac children matured faster than human children for some reason. This pregnancy with Kendell had lasted exactly eight months. Kendell had been born a month early but had been perfect and a healthy weight despite being born after eight months. Enya hadn't been able to move at all in her tigress form since due to the pregnancy so had spent months three to eight in her human form.

Serenity Zeklos lived with her mother, Amy Lee. Her father, Shadow Zeklos, rat zodiac and unvampire, had been killed on her fifth birthday. He had told his daughter what he was and that she was also a descent of the original rat. Her mother was very protective of Serenity, which her father had told her about. Some zodiac children were met with fiercely protective parents or parents who rejected them and abandoned them. She was in first grade in the local elementary school in town and hadn't met any other children to play, no human children and no zodiac children. Though Serenity was not sure if her mother would let her have friends over anyway. The girl was in the park right now, swinging on one of the swings, her Princess Elsa backpack on the ground at her feet as she swung back and forth. Serenity's blond hair blew in the wind behind her as she swang, her green eyes haunted for she had seen her father killed in front of her.

Basil Eclipse, dog zodiac and fifth grader, held his stuffed polar bear animal tightly in his arms as he walked through the mall with his parents, looking at all the Christmas decorations that were up. He was ten-years-old and his mother was a dog zodiac like him. He was probably one of the few zodiac children who had both parents and accepted by both his parents. His bright violet eyes were shining with excitement as he held his mom's hand, his father walking beside his mother. Although it was November, the town of Everstone, always became festive at this time of year.
Amelia let out a gust of wind with a sigh and pulled off her shoes then sat on her ped and drifted into the covers "Such a big day!" Amelia thought of all the racket that had consumed her day. Amelia drifted of to a sleep and woke about an hour later "Bleh" she sighed and stood walking away from her bed and sitting at her desk with glee. she looked out her window and saw birds singing a nice song it made her insides dance like crazy. okay she thought still more stuff to do Amelia then stood and left the oversized apartment.

Amelia had dropped the box at the post office and know what was left to do seemed simple Get the food and the decorations from Monties She read from the list "Alright" She said and walked down to the monties store. WHen Amelia left the Monties store she had eight bags full of the decorations and food. Amelia had not finished here. Although not on the list Amelia had been waiting to do this all day Decorate.

Amelia had put up the decorations and put out all the food now she was waiting, waiting for the guest that had been her friend. "Alright! we're ready!" Amleia exclaimed grinning. she walked arounjd the apartment making sure her expected guest would be happy with her birthday gift. On the bed of her quests room was a large box just waiting to be opened and screamed with glee at. know it was time for Amelia to relax in her bed and wait.

And hour had already passed and no one had shown up Amelia of course was still asleep waiting. Another two hours passed and nothing, the time was near 11:00pm and Amelia woke and worried what if i missed the door and they went out for longer, or what if they just don't show. Amelia worries were getting the best of her but she tried not to sweat it. Amelia took a chip and nibbled then a ring came from the door bell. She's here! YAY thought Amelia has she changed into her best dress as fast as she could then slipping on her high heels and running to the door.

So she looked like this-

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Kendell was with her daddy as she smiled to him" dada" she say as she smiled playing with her toys" can go ice cweam" she asked as she smiled she just woke up from her nap she still sleeps in a crib she wasn't ready to move to a bed just yet she just smiled they were at the park with her daddy" dada ice cweam' she asked
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