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Fandom The World of Pokemon


Ice Queen
(If you guys want a specific region please tell me I just like Hoenn) In the world of pokemon all is well in the Hoenn region. Or as well as it can be. Team Aqua and Team Magma aren't as big as they used to but they are still there, trying to recruit new members for their dwindling teams. You can either join or don't If you don't, they will make you feel the consequences.
It wasn't uncommon for pokemon to be flying in and out of the city, so when people heard the noise of wings flapping they paid no mind. The Swellow landed gracefully even with the the 5'4 person on it's back. Said person got off her Swellow. "Thank you." She smiled at it and patted it's head. "swel-swellow." It leaned into her hand. She pulled out a pokeball form her waist belt and returned the Swellow. "Come on out Arcanine." She pulled another ball out. The arcanine came up to her and rubbed against her. "I know. Swellow just can't carry both of us." Finally she took in her surroundings. She had landed on the beach and to her right she could see the lighthouse. "Finally in Slatepoint City. The boss said to look for recruits here." The Arcanine howled at this and then followed its owner into the actually city.
Lyle had arrived in Lilycove City a few days ago, but was on a mission to get to Littleroot Town. Luckily he went south around Mt. Pyre thanks to Dragonair and was almost to Mauville City. Once there he would take on the gym to loosen up from not battling for so long. He was at the last water way before the east entrance of Mauville. He took Dragonair's pokeball off his belt and released her, "alright Dragonair please surf me over one last small body of water."

"Nair! Dragonair!" She responded and started glowing blue and hovered over the water. Lyle jumped on and they started to go over the small water way. I wonder what pokemon the professor will give me when I finally get to Littleroot. It better be worth it since I'm leaving my sixth spot open for it.
When the boated docked at port Andrew was filled with joy. He wouldn't show it but he was happy that he arrived. His Umbreon was already out and about trailing right behind him as he left the docked boat. He was made his way around the city, stopping at the city's markets. He was looking for a meal for his team, more importantly Torterra who ate like a train burning up coals. He found a reasonable price for some food for his team. He then made his way to the light house admiring the beauty of it as he whistle. "Looks nice" He said to his shiny. The Pokemon gave the boy a nod in return.
Mora was one among many souls to have departed from the Sinnoh region to get to Hoenn, and only recently had she done so. Taking in the surroundings of Slateport City, Winton breathed a sigh of relief that she hadn't ran into anyone after the egg...

'Let's hope my good luck stays good...'

Roaming about Slateport, she found herself at the markets. Mora decides it best to get something to eat and to stock up on food, considering she was running low on food and water.
Dante was living in the lighthouse of Slatepoint City. He was running from the cops because he never legally had a place to stay so he hid a lot. He had all of his Pokemon out. Dante was petting his Heliolisk to calm him down. Heliolisk would always get scared when they were running from the cops. Dante wanted to go check and see if they were safe and to make sure no one was around. He checked down the stairs and saw a cop and he turned around and slamme the door shut and he said to his Pokemon, "This'll just be quick okay?" He returned all of them and let Ho-oh come out of its pokeball. Dante waited for the cops to get trough the door while putting in earplugs. When they did Ho-oh screeched so loudly that Dante had to use his hood for earplugs with the earplugs in. Ho-oh's feathers gave off an incredibly radiant light that could've blinded someone if they looked t it for too long. The cops panicked and fled the scene while covering their ears. Dante started to laugh and just hoped that no one heard the screech. He stayed where he was and let out all of his Pokemon even Magnezone and Ho-oh. He started to stretch and laid down on his back while Blaziken and Grenjnja were sparring and Heliolisk laid down next to Dante while Ho-oh stayed watch over all of them. Magnezone was just watching Blaziken and Greninja spar and making sure there were no illegal hits. His Pokemon got along very well with him and each other. He was a happy guy.
Lyle was now lost in excited thought of the new member and didn't even notice they had made it to the other side quite some time ago. Dragonair jerked her body a little bit and that snapped Lyle out of his trance. "Sorry there Dragonair. Thank you and return." In one swift move he had gotten onto the shore and returned Dragonair. No more wasting time. Let's at least get to Mauville.

He walked only a few feet when a trainer called to him. The trainer ran up from Lyle's right shouting, "hey I saw your Pokemon. Let's battle!!" He sent out his one Beautifly and readied himself.

Lyle sighed and released Vivillon who instinctively knew what move to use. Vivillon's wings shone silver and she flapped them to unleash Hurricane. The Beautifly was sent hurtling into the air and landed onto the ground knocked out. Without saying a word Lyle returned Vivillon and kept walking towards Mauville. Hm it's too bad so many trainers have only a few Pokemon. And they are always so weak....
Just as Mora had finished getting all her supplies, she, among countless others, witnessed a peculiar sight: the lighthouse shone in a rainbow of colours and an unidentifiable screech came from within. Numerous police officers were headed towards the place though many more were running out, stumbling and looking as though they were dazed or shocked. Mora, herself, took great interest in the cause of the sound because it seemed all too...unique. Or at least she'd never heard anything like it. It was majestic with a touch of wildness in it... It sounded....

It sounded legendary...

Curiosity piqued, she approached the lighthouse. 'Could it be?' she thought to herself as she made her way there. 'Could it have been a...? No... Yet, it sounded and looked so....surreal. Zoroark can pull off something similar but...not that...'

She found herself at the base of the lighthouse relatively quickly. Police attempted to restrain her and stop her from going in though that was simply due to their own freight. One look at Mora's face told them she knew what she was doing... Though, in all technicality, she didn't have a clue of what to expect. Upon entering the bottom floor of the lighthouse, she stared up the spiral staircase and called: "Hello? Is anybody there?"
Dante stopped messing around with his pokemon. When he heard a voice, he returned all of his pokemon except for Ho-oh again. He looked down the stairs, more police officers? Hadn't they learned their lesson not to mess with a legendary pokemon, especially Ho-oh. Dante replied with, "Go away, leave me be. I just want to stay here. I'll cause no trouble, I swear!" He poked his head through the doors and saw someone down the stairs. Hmmm?
"Trouble? Wait, what?" Mora was slightly confused by now, though it didn't take her long at all to piece together enough of what was going on. Instinctively, she let out her Zoroark, which let out a low growl. "Are you like a criminal or something?" She inquired as she and her Zoroark slowly made their way up the stairs. "Because for someone on the run you got yourself into a pretty tight corner...." The statement was less suggestive than one would think, and seemed to imply that she, herself, might be under similar circumstances and was...critiquing him in some way.
Amelia heard the piercing screech before seeing the bright light coming from the lighthouse. Wat was that? Arcanine looked up at her and to the lighthouse and then back, as if asking permission to go. Amelia watched as cops swarmed the place. "I don't know if it would be a good idea boy." She patted his head. Looking up at the lighthouse again she recalled that there was a team magma member that possessed a legendary. She smirked. Her boss would love to find out where he has been. Amelia remembered Maxie mentioning a man who refused to give up the legendary. "You know what Arcanine? Let's go." Amelia took her time wakling there as to avoid suspicion. She stopped and watched as the police attempt to restrain a girl and fail. "I'm sorry Arcanine but you might need to go back inside the pokeball. It looks like they are trying not to let anyone through. I will need to fly to the top." Arcanine whimpered as she pulled out his pokeball once again and returned him.

"I need your help Swellow." She tossed the pokeball in the air. "Swellow!" The Swellow called out and stretched her wings. She was still tired from the previous trip but always wanted to help her owner. Said owner crawled onto swellows back and they took of into the air. It didn't take long to reach the top but before landing they circled the lighthouse.
Dante yelled back to the girl, "Noooo. I'm not a criminal or something. I just need a place to stay!" He rolled his eyes and then saw a shadow going towards the sky. He went over to the window and looked at the swellow circling above. He said to Ho-oh, "We might need to use some force in a bit ok bud?" He pet Ho-oh and he cooed quietly. Dante wasn't burned by him because Ho-oh accepted Dante.
"But, that doesn't really explain all these police officers...."

Mora wasn't the smartest person in the world. She knew that. Perhaps it was brain damage from certain past instances? She didn't truly know herself, and honestly didn't really care. She was intelligent enough, in her eyes. She might not be as perceptive as some most of the time, but under certain conditions that could change.

Regardless, she slowly continued up the stairs quietly, taking the lead rather than letting her Zoroark go first. She knew she could use its ability to her advantage if the time came, whether that was through talking or fighting. Seeing a mirror copy of someone's own pokemon turns out to be a greater shock to most than one would expect, as she had learnt first hand many times over.

She reached the final set of steps before the top of the lighthouse, making sure to make her presence well aware to the supposed criminal atop this tower of light. "All right! I'm coming up!" She called. "I present no harm though you might be in for a bit of a shock..."

And with that, she began to ascend the final steps to the top of the lighthouse...
Dante opened the doors and closed his eyes before he could see anything. Ho-oh flashes his bright rainbow colored lights once more hopefully blinding the person. Dante ran behind Ho-oh and took out his pokeball for Golurk and summoned him. Golurk came out with his fists in fighting position. Dante sat down and said, "Come on up then."
Lyle finally made it to Mauville and headed straight for the Gym. He went through the doors and headed right for Wattson. The trainers tried to challenge him to battles, but he sent out Steelix and glared at them. They all backed off and let Lyle get to Wattson. He finally locked eyes with the gym leader, "my good sir I challenge you to a high level gym battle. Please send out your six strongest Pokemon of the regulated league rules." As he said this he returned Steelix and sent out Vivillon who flew out to the center of the battlefield.

Watson looked at the young man and laughed, "my my what a spirited young boy you are!! Very well, prepare to feel the full power of electric types!!!" He sent out an Electross who floated to the center of the battlefield. The lights turned off and then spotlights shone on the battlefield. TRAINER DATA: LYLE KARTER OF TWINLEAF TOWN CHALLENGING WATTSON OF MAUVILLE. BATTLE START!!

Lyle smiled, "Vivillon quiver dance!!" Vivillon performed an odd dance and started to glow a yellowish green. Wattson had Electross use discharge and it shot electricity out from it's body. Vivillon took the hit, but otherwise seemed fine. Now it was Lyle's turn to do some damage.

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