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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Masaru hugged tightly, lifting him in his arms. "If they're's anything that you want from me, Squishy, i'll give it to you. Thank you." He kissed Dei's forehead.

Dei-Loki turned, hugging Masaru tightly in return as he'd sigh heavily. "You're welcome, Mister Grumpytails..." he'd softly speak before then looking over to his aunt. "If he ever hurts ya, I'm not looking the other way. Just as the rest of us will, I'll help in making his original view of hell look like a luxury compared to what he'll face."

Chloe sighed at this, though it had been mostly in relief. "I know... thank y'."
Dei-Loki turned, hugging Masaru tightly in return as he'd sigh heavily. "You're welcome, Mister Grumpytails..." he'd softly speak before then looking over to his aunt. "If he ever hurts ya, I'm not looking the other way. Just as the rest of us will, I'll help in making his original view of hell look like a luxury compared to what he'll face."

Chloe sighed at this, though it had been mostly in relief. "I know... thank y'."

"And i'll be right behind you. Now come on, let's go get the other plates to your other aunts that i have yet to meet before these steaks get coooooooold."
"And i'll be right behind you. Now come on, let's go get the other plates to your other aunts that i have yet to meet before these steaks get coooooooold."

Dei-Loki gave a nod to that, softly exhaling as he glanced about. "Alright. Now, should we find aunt Valerie or aunt Alison, next?"

Chloe blinked, managing a small smile. "I'm not sure where your aunt Valerie is, but I know I saw Alison somewhere near the lounge."

Malvo lifted a brow, having ruffled Dei-Loki's hair while listening before then moving in said direction. "To aunt Alison!"
Valerie would nod, smirking slightly. "If y' could believe it. Some say my brother settled down when he and the queen adopted the kids... but I'm fairly certain he at least taught the three a few things."



Lucifel listened intently, soon beaming with sadistic joy come the last option. "A frenzy!? Ooohhh, not only will that take out most of the family, but it would absolutely break the wolfish bastard, as well! Just the sight that would be lovely to see before we skin 'im!"

"So they're not his biological children?" 


"Oh it doesn't have to stop there, my friend! We could turn him on his own troops, and they would have to choose between self-preservation and their king. We could lock him in the Am Brodian Hahdrim Kren: the Mind Breaker Dungeon, where he can relive that moment over and over until he's nothing more than a rabid animal that ought to be put down!" Dar'vange was panting as if already at work at the machines, picking through the mad kings mind. 

"So they're not his biological children?" 


"Oh it doesn't have to stop there, my friend! We could turn him on his own troops, and they would have to choose between self-preservation and their king. We could lock him in the Am Brodian Hahdrim Kren: the Mind Breaker Dungeon, where he can relive that moment over and over until he's nothing more than a rabid animal that ought to be put down!" Dar'vange was panting as if already at work at the machines, picking through the mad kings mind. 


"Nope, not that I'm aware of, anyway. Not that blood ever truly mattered - we've thought of them as part of the family since they moved in, anyways. The three siblings are at least half related to one and other, but their youngest's - the twins  - are actually the youngest son and daughter of the God of Mischief; Loki."



Lucifel belted out a joyous laugh towards the idea, looking off into the distance. "Seems I've chosen a worthy ally, eh?"
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Dei-Loki gave a nod to that, softly exhaling as he glanced about. "Alright. Now, should we find aunt Valerie or aunt Alison, next?"

Chloe blinked, managing a small smile. "I'm not sure where your aunt Valerie is, but I know I saw Alison somewhere near the lounge."

Malvo lifted a brow, having ruffled Dei-Loki's hair while listening before then moving in said direction. "To aunt Alison!"

Masaru kept his hold on Dei, for some odd reason, it comforted him to move around like this. Especially if Dei's aunts hated him, he could throw Dei into their faces and run. He followed after Malvo, a little nervous, and a whooole lot of scare.
Reglius' eyebrows leaped upwards. "No kiddin'! I'd be beyond nervous if I ever had to discipline those kids!" 

Lucifel belted out a joyous laugh towards the idea, looking off into the distance. "Seems I've chosen a worthy ally, eh?"

Dar'vange laughed. "Well thank you. It's been too long since I've conversed with one of equal power. It's been too long since I've talked to anyone that wasn't one of my kind. I've been rather isolated in my tower. Where is the Blighter base anyway? Do you even have one?" 

Masaru kept his hold on Dei, for some odd reason, it comforted him to move around like this. Especially if Dei's aunts hated him, he could throw Dei into their faces and run. He followed after Malvo, a little nervous, and a whooole lot of scare.

Dei-Loki would softly rub Masaru's arm, able to sense the small bit of nervousness no matter how well it was hidden. And, turning his attention forward, he sighed. A soft whisper escaping him for Masaru and his ears only. "'s gonna be alright..."

Reglius' eyebrows leaped upwards. "No kiddin'! I'd be beyond nervous if I ever had to discipline those kids!" 

Dar'vange laughed. "Well thank you. It's been too long since I've conversed with one of equal power. It's been too long since I've talked to anyone that wasn't one of my kind. I've been rather isolated in my tower. Where is the Blighter base anyway? Do you even have one?" 


Valerie laughed from his reaction, watching him with a smile. "A lot of times they didn't get it too bad, despite how mischievous the two can be. Their cuteness when they were little got them out of a loooooootta trouble, believe it or not."



Lucifel would keep his grin, looking to Dar'vange yet again. "We do. It's quite a ways north, and it's... pretty deep underground." He shrugged. "Nothing compared to Shadowheim ((this world's hell)) or Helheim... But, it is warm. One of the things to expect, living near lava."
Dei-Loki would softly rub Masaru's arm, able to sense the small bit of nervousness no matter how well it was hidden. And, turning his attention forward, he sighed. A soft whisper escaping him for Masaru and his ears only. "'s gonna be alright..."

Masaru nodded, but still hung onto Dei. Yuki eyes widen as she spotted someone that look similar to Graham, Zuzu, and Chloe. "Is that her?" Yuki pointed. Alison was doing some yard work with the garden, not spotting the group.
Masaru nodded, but still hung onto Dei. Yuki eyes widen as she spotted someone that look similar to Graham, Zuzu, and Chloe. "Is that her?" Yuki pointed. Alison was doing some yard work with the garden, not spotting the group.

Dei-Loki and Malvo looked up following Yuki's question, their gazes traveling to Alison as they both would nod.

"Yep, that's her." Malvo grinned before quickly rushing over to her. "Aunt Alison!"
Reglius smiled and laughed to the memories of his family. "Oh I believe it! I think most families are the same." Reglius tilted his head. "So, why does the Trickster need a mortal babysitter? Did something happen?" 

Lucifel would keep his grin, looking to Dar'vange yet again. "We do. It's quite a ways north, and it's... pretty deep underground." He shrugged. "Nothing compared to Shadowheim ((this world's hell)) or Helheim... But, it is warm. One of the things to expect, living near lava."

Dar'vange nodded. "You know when I saw you and your crew I thought: underground, but I didn't want to assume. By the way, what's the difference between Shadowheim and Helheim? I know Shadowheim is Shadowheim, everyone knows Shadowheim, but what's Helheim and can I go there?" 

Dei-Loki and Malvo looked up following Yuki's question, their gazes traveling to Alison as they both would nod.

"Yep, that's her." Malvo grinned before quickly rushing over to her. "Aunt Alison!"

Alison looked up. "OH MY! YOU"VE GROWN UP SO MUCH! COME ER'!" Alison brought the twins into a nice, biiiiig bear hug, kissing both of their forehead's before whipping her dirty hands in her jeans. "And who are you two?" The twins introduced themselves. "You're his mate. And you're his sister?" Yuki and Masaru nodded. "I want to know a looooooooot of things! How did you two meet?" She looked to Dei.
Reglius smiled and laughed to the memories of his family. "Oh I believe it! I think most families are the same." Reglius tilted his head. "So, why does the Trickster need a mortal babysitter? Did something happen?" 

Dar'vange nodded. "You know when I saw you and your crew I thought: underground, but I didn't want to assume. By the way, what's the difference between Shadowheim and Helheim? I know Shadowheim is Shadowheim, everyone knows Shadowheim, but what's Helheim and can I go there?" 


"Unfortunately." She'd exhale, her smile having ran from her face. "From what I was filled in on a long time ago, they didn't even live with the Mischief god, but rather, they lived with their mother - as well as her family and her current husband at the time. Surely, you've heard of the Phantomfang family? Of the slaughter..." Valerie grimaced at the memory. Soon shaking her head. "She was a witch, their mother, in all sense of the term. Tortured Dei-Loki t' no end. That's what many people don't realise about his actions, when it came to his powers killing off almost every one of those bastards. Unfortunately, Loki couldn't get involved until the twins made it t' early toddler years, for reasons that I still can't understand. Anyway, he didn't want to keep the kids with him, as he felt it would only add to their stress and - seeing as he's had a long-standing sort of friendship with the Queen's side of the family, he'd brought the little ones here. Made King Adrian and Queen Zuzana quite happy, as you could imagine. Especially since they couldn't have any biological children of their own."



Lucifel snickered. "Ah, looking at a typical blighters face, I could see how obvious it could be... Helheim is the realm physically connecting us to the other nine realms, and it is ruled by Hela - one of the Mischief God's children. In a sense, it's a bit like Shadowheim. If you were to look off from the Shadow Father's home, you could actually see Helheim from there. Not too sure if you'll be welcome, though. Hela isn't too keen on visitors that aren't family. I sure learned that the hard way."

Alison looked up. "OH MY! YOU"VE GROWN UP SO MUCH! COME ER'!" Alison brought the twins into a nice, biiiiig bear hug, kissing both of their forehead's before whipping her dirty hands in her jeans. "And who are you two?" The twins introduced themselves. "You're his mate. And you're his sister?" Yuki and Masaru nodded. "I want to know a looooooooot of things! How did you two meet?" She looked to Dei.

Malvo and Dei-Loki gratefully returned the bear hug, smiles on their faces.

Dei-Loki blinked, keeping his smile from Alison's excitement. "We met a few years ago, actually. Malvo and I were exploring Midgard, and the two of us got separated. Come to find out, she ended up running into Masaru and everyone else in the town of Frayhaven. When they left, they ran into me and a few others on the road and we just, sort of... made a group. A while later, Masaru and I grew closer and boom, here we are, now." Dei-Loki's smile widened, lowering an ear at the memories as he'd glance to Masaru. "And now I couldn't be happier..."

(I think this is how it went. My brain is fried at the moment, so forgive me if some of it is wrong. ;-; XD )
[SIZE=inherit]Malvo and Dei-Loki gratefully returned the bear hug, smiles on their faces.[/SIZE]

Dei-Loki blinked, keeping his smile from Alison's excitement. "We met a few years ago, actually. Malvo and I were exploring Midgard, and the two of us got separated. Come to find out, she ended up running into Masaru and everyone else in the town of Frayhaven. When they left, they ran into me and a few others on the road and we just, sort of... made a group. A while later, Masaru and I grew closer and boom, here we are, now." Dei-Loki's smile widened, lowering an ear at the memories as he'd glance to Masaru. "And now I couldn't be happier..."

(I think this is how it went. My brain is fried at the moment, so forgive me if some of it is wrong. ;-; XD )

"Awwwww that's adorable." Masaru nodded before handing Alison a plate. "We thought to make you some food. You travel must've been rough and we wanted to feed the family." Alison took a bite of the potatoes and smiled. "Now that's my nephew's cooking that i miss the most."
"Awwwww that's adorable." Masaru nodded before handing Alison a plate. "We thought to make you some food. You travel must've been rough and we wanted to feed the family." Alison took a bite of the potatoes and smiled. "Now that's my nephew's cooking that i miss the most."

Dei-Loki watched as Masaru handed over the plate, looking to his aunt before smiling brightly once more from the comment. "Seeeee? Visit more often and ya may catch me here so ya won't miss it as much. Bring the others, too. I miss causing mischief with Loch." He snickered. And, instantly after, he lifted his brows. "Make sure t' give the steak a try, too. Masaru made it special fer you guys."
Dei-Loki watched as Masaru handed over the plate, looking to his aunt before smiling brightly once more from the comment. "Seeeee? Visit more often and ya may catch me here so ya won't miss it as much. Bring the others, too. I miss causing mischief with Loch." He snickered. And, instantly after, he lifted his brows. "Make sure t' give the steak a try, too. Masaru made it special fer you guys."

"Oh yes, because I want my baby boy to run more mischief with you." She sarcastically said before biting into Masaru's steak. "This is amazing as well. The seasoning is right and it's just the right texture. Are you a chef of some sort?" Masaru blushed, running his hand against the back of his neck as he shook his head. "I just had grown up with knowing how to cook." Alison smiled, "well, well done." Masaru nodded, saying thank you in return.
Unfortunately." She'd exhale, her smile having ran from her face. "From what I was filled in on a long time ago, they didn't even live with the Mischief god, but rather, they lived with their mother - as well as her family and her current husband at the time. Surely, you've heard of the Phantomfang family? Of the slaughter..." Valerie grimaced at the memory. Soon shaking her head. "She was a witch, their mother, in all sense of the term. Tortured Dei-Loki t' no end. That's what many people don't realise about his actions, when it came to his powers killing off almost every one of those bastards. Unfortunately, Loki couldn't get involved until the twins made it t' early toddler years, for reasons that I still can't understand. Anyway, he didn't want to keep the kids with him, as he felt it would only add to their stress and - seeing as he's had a long-standing sort of friendship with the Queen's side of the family, he'd brought the little ones here. Made King Adrian and Queen Zuzana quite happy, as you could imagine. Especially since they couldn't have any biological children of their own."



Lucifel snickered. "Ah, looking at a typical blighters face, I could see how obvious it could be... Helheim is the realm physically connecting us to the other nine realms, and it is ruled by Hela - one of the Mischief God's children. In a sense, it's a bit like Shadowheim. If you were to look off from the Shadow Father's home, you could actually see Helheim from there. Not too sure if you'll be welcome, though. Hela isn't too keen on visitors that aren't family. I sure learned that the hard way."

Reglius' face darkened. "When you hang with my people, it's hard not to hear gruesome stories from the old grizzled Warriors. Where I come from everyone was either there or knows someone who was. As for gods, who know what goes on in their minds. And powers! All the stories point at half gods having powers. Dei-Loki has power, as you mentioned, how about the other one?" 

Dar'vange nodded with understanding. "Ahh! Good to know! Besides! Who said I was gonna ask?" Dar'vange laughed, and his smile dropped and his gaze darkened. "Enough gossip. What's our next move?" 

"Oh yes, because I want my baby boy to run more mischief with you." She sarcastically said before biting into Masaru's steak. "This is amazing as well. The seasoning is right and it's just the right texture. Are you a chef of some sort?" Masaru blushed, running his hand against the back of his neck as he shook his head. "I just had grown up with knowing how to cook." Alison smiled, "well, well done." Masaru nodded, saying thank you in return.

"Heyyy... y' gotta admit, he and I still had fun." Dei-Loki laughed, listening to the two as he perked his ears.

Reglius' face darkened. "When you hang with my people, it's hard not to hear gruesome stories from the old grizzled Warriors. Where I come from everyone was either there or knows someone who was. As for gods, who know what goes on in their minds. And powers! All the stories point at half gods having powers. Dei-Loki has power, as you mentioned, how about the other one?" 

Dar'vange nodded with understanding. "Ahh! Good to know! Besides! Who said I was gonna ask?" Dar'vange laughed, and his smile dropped and his gaze darkened. "Enough gossip. What's our next move?" 


Valerie listened. "She does. A lot of  her power is the same, when compared to her brother, except hers is a tad bit more sinister, if you could imagine. Though, being a creature of nightmares gives you that by just the title alone, I suppose."



Lucifel chuckled in response before ceasing the action towards the more serious question. His eyes closing. "One thing is certain, I'd like to have them reach a certain state of comfort before we attack again. So, for now, we wait. Unless, of course, you have any other places you'd like to go after?"
Reglius chuckled. "If I had a title it would be: Reglius, Shadowwalker! When Engranussia needs a hero, the Shadowwalker will answer the call! Like Batman but with a sexier voice." He said, with the sexiest deep voice he could muster, then laughing. 

Dar'vange tilted his head in thought. "A false sense of security! Classic! I've nowhere special to go. You and yours are welcome in Am Brodia. We've got tournament fights to the death, shiny things from a thousand years ago, high tech armor from a bunch of dead cats, ancient magics, ancient fighting techniques. It's great!" 

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Reglius chuckled. "If I had a title it would be: Reglius, Shadowwalker! When Engranussia needs a hero, the Shadowwalker will answer the call! Like Batman but with a sexier voice." He said, with the sexiest deep voice he could muster, then laughing. 

Dar'vange tilted his head in thought. "A false sense of security! Classic! I've nowhere special to go. You and yours are welcome in Am Brodia. We've got tournament fights to the death, shiny things from a thousand years ago, high tech armor from a bunch of dead cats, ancient magics, ancient fighting techniques. It's great!" 


Valerie couldn't help but laugh along with him, shaking her head as she played along, making her best attempt to lower the pitch of her voice. "The hero that Engranussia deserves."

Lucifel cocked a brow, smirking a bit. "Sounds like an intriguing place. I'm down."

"Yeah, you two had fun. Myself and your mom were terrified. You burnt down half of the west wing in the palace."

Malvo held back a laugh, covering it with a cough as Dei-Loki smiled innocently.

"We made sure no one got hurt, though!"
Valerie couldn't help but laugh along with him, shaking her head as she played along, making her best attempt to lower the pitch of her voice. "The hero that Engranussia deserves."

Lucifel cocked a brow, smirking a bit. "Sounds like an intriguing place. I'm down."

Malvo held back a laugh, covering it with a cough as Dei-Loki smiled innocently.

"We made sure no one got hurt, though!"

Alison quirked her eyebrows in a you-know-what-you-did manner before looking to Masaru. "How do you handle him?" Masaru shrugs. "I try to one up him." He snickered and Alison rolled her eyes, trying to hold back a smile.
"With his sidekick: The Running Man! 'Holy dance moves Shadowwalker! The bad guys are getting away with the unnecessarily hot girl!' 'I'll save her life! And...her love life! Shadowwalker, away!' He fades into the shadows as The Running Man dances into the next room." Reglius was laughing too hard and had to lean on a tree to stop himself from collapsing. 

"Well I could teleport us there, or we could walk and see if anything cool happens on the way." 

Alison quirked her eyebrows in a you-know-what-you-did manner before looking to Masaru. "How do you handle him?" Masaru shrugs. "I try to one up him." He snickered and Alison rolled her eyes, trying to hold back a smile.

"Yep. Gods, you should see how mischief driven these two get!" Malvo grinned.

Dei-Loki squinted playfully, huffing as he'd smirk. "Don't act like you and Yuki didn't jump in a couple of times!"

"With his sidekick: The Running Man! 'Holy dance moves Shadowwalker! The bad guys are getting away with the unnecessarily hot girl!' 'I'll save her life! And...her love life! Shadowwalker, away!' He fades into the shadows as The Running Man dances into the next room." Reglius was laughing too hard and had to lean on a tree to stop himself from collapsing. 

"Well I could teleport us there, or we could walk and see if anything cool happens on the way." 


Valerie continued to laugh, a wide grin on her face as she, too, needed the support from another tree. Her eyes wincing shut while tears of joy pricked the corners.



"I'm good with whichever. Though, the idea of something interesting happening along the way has me leaning more towards the longer travel."
"Yep. Gods, you should see how mischief driven these two get!" Malvo grinned.

Dei-Loki squinted playfully, huffing as he'd smirk. "Don't act like you and Yuki didn't jump in a couple of times!"

"Only cause you pestered us!" Yuki pretended to be serious. "You two are the demons in the family." Masaru nodded.

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